God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1518 Secret (3rd watch)

Gao Rong's wound began to gush out streams of black blood at a speed visible to the naked eye!

That is, the toxins in her body have been discharged!

The black blood coagulated quickly, and Gao Rong's wound gradually began to scab over!

Gao Rong felt that the flow of energy in her body suddenly slowed down a lot, and a cool feeling quickly spread throughout her body.

But in her heart, not only did she not feel any peace of mind, but a deep sense of fear surged up instead!

She looked up at Xueyou, and saw him condescendingly pouring down the antidote expressionlessly!

Like a demon walking out of hell!

——He did it on purpose!

He first tortured her severely, let her experience the pain, and then sprinkled the antidote to restore her body.

There is no doubt that he will continue the torture just now!

He did this not to save her, but to prevent her from dying so quickly, torturing her over and over again!

He wanted her to go through this terrible pain several times!

All the onlookers have actually seen this.

Looking at Xueyou's eyes again, there was a bit of awe.

This kind of psychological means... is really scary!

Such people, either don't offend them in the first place, or get rid of them as soon as possible! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!

While sprinkling the antidote, Xueyou said:

"Do you think that what you did back then was flawless? Indeed, before and after the accident with my mother, you have been in the Netherworld. Many people can prove it for you. However, you have neglected one thing—please Those people are too confident, thinking that they will definitely kill my mother, and they also believe that I am young and do not understand anything, so they unintentionally revealed the person who ordered them."

He stopped and put away the things in his hands, and a cloud of ghost fire gathered in his palms again.

"Gao Long, it seems to be your cousin?"

Gao Rong's heart trembled violently!

No wonder!

It's no wonder that after Xueyou came, she directly believed that the events of that year had something to do with her!

Even lay such a poisonous hand on her!

It turns out that he really knew it a long time ago!

Xueyou's words also attracted Youyue's attention.

He suddenly realized something, and immediately looked at Gao Rong, and sure enough, he saw a flash of panic in Gao Rong's eyes!

Was it really her doing it secretly? !

Youyue was stunned for a moment, and Kagura kicked him directly!

You Yue didn't have time to stop him, his chest was hit hard, and the breath in his body surged!

He staggered back a few steps and managed to stand still.

"At that time, those people said that as long as we killed our mother and son, they could get a generous reward from Gao Long, enough for them to live and sleep for the rest of their lives... Do you think there are people after Gao Long?"

Xueyou asked with a sneer.

You Yue was suddenly taken aback!

Not long after Shen Ning's mother and son had an accident, he seemed to have heard Gao Rong mention that she had a cousin who died...

At that time, he thought she was very sad, and comforted her for a long time.

However, it wasn't until today that he understood why that cousin died sooner or later, but died not long after that!

This is clearly Gao Rong's murder!

It turns out that what happened back then was planned by her alone! And so meticulous!

On the surface, she was persuading him to treat Shen Ning's mother and son better, but inside and outside the words, she was always worried that Shen Ning would go back and sue, which gradually made You Yue feel a murderous intent towards Shen Ning.

And she was worried that You Yue would not be cruel, so she sent someone in advance to take the opportunity to do it!

And You Yue himself was also in a state of entanglement, after seeing the situation, he did not make a move after all, allowing the mother and son to die tragically.

I see!

Yugoshi no longer had the mind to fight Kagura anymore.

Countless pictures flashed in his mind! It almost broke his head for a while!

He supported his head, only to feel his temples throbbing.

It turned out that he had misjudged her all these years!

He prided himself on being noble and holding great power, but he was still played and applauded by a mere Gao Rong!

This time at the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting, he found that Gao Rong had done many things behind his back.

He planned to wait until he went back to investigate thoroughly.

But now, there is no need to check.

Gao Rong was able to do that kind of thing back then, and for so many years... I don't know what he did!

His eyes went black for a while, and it seemed like a flame was about to burst out of his chest!

He stared at Gao Rong, and said sharply:

"What he said is true!?"

In fact, although it was a question, he already believed it eighty-nine percent in his heart.

He didn't care about many small things back then.

But now that I think about it, everything is tricky!

For so many years, how did he dote on such a poisonous woman?

Mu Qinglan looked at You Yue, and uttered two words coldly:


To be able to spoil a concubine and kill a wife is enough of a no-brainer, but after all these years, he still hasn't realized that he misjudged the wrong person and held Gao Rong's mother and son in the palm of his hand.

Mu Qinglan originally thought that You Yue made up his mind to do what happened at that time, but he didn't expect that he was also kept in the dark.

Look at his shocked face, he clearly killed his wife and children out of nowhere!

That's really stupid.

It is really rare that Netherworld Palace has not been defeated by him so far.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan suddenly laughed and said:

"Master Youfu, why are you angry? You were blind and fell in love with such a woman. Under the circumstances back then, she was able to kill your wife and children. Could it be that there was no connivance and help from you?" ? You two are clearly the same breed, so stop acting in vain. You are not tired, we are tired."

You Yue's face turned red and white at the irony of these words.

He moved his lips, but found that he couldn't refute at all.

Anyway, this has happened.

Moreover, it was also true that he would not be saved back then.

Even, he is considered an accomplice.

He was angry because he found out that he had been deceived by Gao Rong.

Being squeezed by Mu Qinglan, You Yue took a deep breath to suppress his emotions.

Afterwards, he looked at Xueyou with a complicated expression.

This appearance is indeed very similar to Shen Ning.

And... this talent is indeed outstanding.

After being away for so many years, his own cultivation and breaking through to the peak of the Holy Master is a proof of his potential.

After doing the math, his aptitude is even higher than that of You Jue.

Thinking of this, You Yue couldn't help feeling regretful.

If the child had stayed in the Netherworld back then, maybe his achievements would have been even higher than now!

Now, they not only lost a genius, but also attracted a group of hostile people!

Mu Qinglan was obviously on Xueyou's side.

Offending a Xueyou means that they have become enemies with the entire Piao Miao Shenzong!

Of course Mu Qinglan was nothing to be afraid of before, but now——

I'm afraid that all the major sects in Shenmotian want to hug their thighs immediately and have some relationship with Piaomiao Shenzong, right?

But their Netherworld is impossible.

Thinking of this, You Yue became more and more irritable.

This time, the Pantheon of the Gods is really terrible!

After thinking for a while, he finally spoke again and said:

"You... Xueyou, I know that we were the ones who failed you mother and son back then. It is impossible for you to forgive me now. Why don't we each take a step back. Gao Rong will leave it to you and let you deal with it. However, other people in the Nether Palace , just let it go and don't pursue it any more, how about it?"

Xueyou looked up at him.

"You think too much. The purpose of my coming here is not the Netherworld, but Gao Rong, Youjue, and you. After the debt is paid, I will naturally stop. However, it is up to me to decide." , not you."

You Yue suddenly became embarrassed.

What Xueyou said really didn't save him any face!

To deal with Xueyou, he himself has no problem, Gao Rong...even if he dies, he deserves what he deserves!

The only thing he was worried about was Yujue.

Youjue's realm is no better than Xueyou's, and he was injured before, and he recovered with difficulty.

According to Xue You's hatred for them, I'm afraid You Jue won't be able to make it through!

In the end, he loved Youjue in his heart.

If You Jue dies, what will happen to the Nether Palace in the future?

Thinking of this, he took a step forward and said in a deep voice:

"Other conditions, I can agree to you. But there is only one: let Jueer go! He didn't know anything about what happened back then, and it had nothing to do with him."

Xueyou looked at him for a while, then suddenly said:

"I think you love Youjue so much, probably because his talent is outstanding, and you've cultivated him for so long and put in countless efforts, so you feel reluctant to part with him, right?"

You Yue felt a "thump" in his heart.

In fact, what Xueyou said was not wrong.

But he couldn't admit that in public.

"Jeer is the one I watched growing up——"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Xueyou interrupted him.

Xueyou smiled and said:

"You have watched him grow up. After all these years, haven't you discovered that there is a great secret hidden in his body?"

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