God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1519 Deception (a more)

Youjue's expression changed!

Does Xueyou really know his situation?

But he had never fought Xueyou in close combat before, how would he know?

Or... just tricking him?

You Jue quickly swept over Xue You's face, trying to see something.

But Xueyou's expression was unpredictable, with a smile in the corner of her eyes, making it elusive.

Youjue still feels guilty.

And Gao Rong, who was lying on the ground, was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out when he heard these words.

She managed to hide it just now!

What Xueyou said was so certain, did she really guess it?

She wanted to speak, but her qi and blood surged, and a thick bloody breath welled up in her throat, which made her cough and vomit blood again.

It seems that she is really in a mess, and she is very different from the noble and gentle princess of the Nether Palace before.

"Secret? What secret?"

You Yue asked doubtfully.

He watched Jueer grow up, so what secrets could he not know?

Xueyou's eyes revealed a sarcasm.

"For so many years, you probably haven't even checked his Yuanmai?"

After the words fell, You Jue froze all over! A trace of fear flashed in his eyes!

He really does! ?

how could he-

Gao Rong was also in a hurry now, with blood still choking in her throat, she managed to open her mouth reluctantly.

"Mansion, Mansion Master...don't believe—"


Before she could finish speaking, the fire whip in Xueyou's hand fell down hard again!

This time, it hit Gao Rong directly in the face!

This time, Gao Rong's mouth was smashed cleanly!

Her originally pretty face was half destroyed in an instant!

A shocking scar lay across it! Cut off her face directly! Terrible!

Gao Rong fell back hard, but at this moment, she couldn't care less about the pain in her body.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand, wanting to touch her face.


She wanted to scream, but she was unable to speak, and could only spit out vague sobs.

her face!

Her face is ruined!

For Gao Rong, this was actually one of the most painful things.

If she didn't have this gentle and innocent face, she wouldn't be where she is today. She usually loves her to the extreme, but now that she was destroyed by Xueyou's whip, how can she not make her heart ache?

Gao Rong twitched on the ground, as if he wanted to cry, but also seemed to want to scream, the whimpering sound from his throat made people tremble.

She quickly looked at You Yue, tears kept falling in her eyes, as if she was eager for You Yue to help.

But when You Yue saw her ruined face, he frowned, and a deep disgust welled up in his eyes.

He already hated Gao Rong to the utmost, but seeing her face now, he had no pity at all.

Seeing his reaction, Gao Rong paused, feeling hopeless.

Tears fell down her face, and soon flowed over the wound, causing bursts of stinging pain.

All kinds of pain almost made her collapse, and also made her feel deep resentment in her heart!

After all, she is the princess of the Nether Palace!

You Yue usually looks like a dog, but in fact he is extremely selfish, he only thinks about himself!

At this time, he could even abandon her so easily!

Xueyou glanced at her and said lightly:

"Your face is nothing but ordinary, even if it is ruined, it's nothing. You are so sad and resentful... don't you want to see if your face has the qualifications?"

These words made Gao Rong feel deeply resentful again.

She stared at Xueyou with a vicious look, and with her rotten and blood-stained face, she really looked like a ghost.

But how could Xueyou be afraid?

He didn't know how many lives and deaths he had experienced, so how could he take Gao Rong's gesture seriously?

On the contrary, he felt very relieved in his heart.

Could it be that their mother and son have to bear all the hardships?

After so many years, it's time for Gao Rong and the others to make life worse!

"But it seems that you have recovered a lot. I believe that after the second round, you will not die so easily."

As Xueyou said, she raised her hand again.

A cloud of ghostly fire appeared in his palm!

Gao Rong immediately realized what he was going to do, and suddenly opened her eyes wide, full of panic and fear!



He's crazy!

Did this person really come from hell? ?

Before she could escape, the Netherfire in Xueyou's hand turned into several throwing knives again!

Then, Qi Qi fell! Cut from Gao Rong's body!

chi chi!

Flesh splattered.

Gao Rong didn't even have the strength to scream this time, only her body was twitching unconsciously, and she looked almost like a living dead.

Everyone was silent.

Originally, I thought that Xueyou was too aggressive, but after thinking about what he said just now, I felt emotional.

In this kind of situation, whoever encounters it will probably bear a grudge for the rest of their lives.

This kind of debt must be paid in blood.

As for Gao Rong and the others, they deserved what they deserved.

Xueyou glanced at Youjue with an idle expression, raised her eyebrows and asked:

"Why, seeing your mother suffering just now, aren't you still full of anger and want to come out and fight me desperately? Why didn't you say a word at this moment?"

You Jue originally wanted to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, so that You Yue wouldn't really want to check his Yuanmai, but Xue You didn't forget about it at all, and even asked this question on purpose at this time.

You Yue also looked over, with a hint of suspicion.

Obviously he also sensed that something was wrong.

Youjue's heart trembled, and he subconsciously shook his head:

"No...no...I didn't..."

When he saw Xueyou's ironic smile, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have slipped his tongue!

He immediately closed his mouth, but there was still no time?

Xueyou raised her hand, as if watching a good show, she said:

"Master Youfu, your own son, I'd better invite you to see it yourself. Maybe there will be surprises."

You Yue saw that You Jue's expression was not right just now, but when Xue You casually asked a question, his reaction was even more abnormal.

The uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

As the young master of the Nether Mansion, his mother is well-loved, and he is very talented. You Jue has always been very confident and calm since he was a child.

At least You Yue had never seen him so flustered.

He was certain in his heart, and finally gritted his teeth and walked over.

Youjue immediately said:

"Father! Don't come here!"

Realizing that his tone was too intense, You Jue hurriedly made amends.

"This, don't get me wrong! I just don't want you to fall into his tricks! He is here this time for revenge, so don't believe his words!"

You Yue gradually frowned.

He looks so guilty...

Xueyou came here this time, indeed, she came here for revenge.

The half-dead Gao Rong on the ground can already explain everything.

Everyone understood that Xue You must have been waiting for this moment after holding back for so long.

But because of this, Xue You's words are more credible.

——Xue You just asked him to check You Jue's Yuanmai, why is You Jue so flustered?

Even if Xueyou wanted to do something wrong, as a divine master, wouldn't he be able to see it?

Thinking of this, You Yue continued to walk forward.

"Jue'er, don't worry, just take a look as a father, so that you can be innocent."

Otherwise, it would be bad to hide it in front of so many people.

Youjue screamed:


You Yue has already arrived in front of him.

At this time, You Jue was already trapped by Xue You's Nether Fire Prison, unable to break free.

Standing nearby, You Yue could clearly feel the powerful coercion above the Nether Fire.


Xueyou's talent and strength are indeed stronger than he imagined before.

If there were no accidents back then, there should be an extra outstanding character in the Nether Palace today, right?

Thinking of this, You Yue sighed softly in his heart, somewhat regretful.

But he didn't hesitate for too long, he just paused and wanted to grab You Jue's wrist.

This ghost fire cage is indeed very powerful, but after all, You Yue is a divine master, so it is very easy to break through it and get in.

"No, no... no! Father! You can't listen to him! I'm your son, aren't I!?"

By this time, You Jue was already dizzy from nervousness, and directly yelled this sentence.

You Yue was taken aback for a moment, and then a sour feeling arose in his heart.

I'm afraid that all the people present thought the same way, right?

No one will think that Xue You is his blood.

They are now complete opposites.

But it was indeed his child!

When he was just born, he was very happy and excited, holding him in his arms.

After all, it was his first time as a father, and all his feelings were novel.


He really didn't mean to.

But no matter what, to this day, facing Xue You's cold and sarcastic face, which is quite similar to Shen Ning, he can't say anything to justify it.

Thinking of this, You Yue's mood became even worse, and he glanced at You Jue impatiently.

"Don't let me hear this kind of words again! Also, if you continue to be like your mother..."

He didn't say the rest, but Youjue already understood.

His lips trembled, but he still didn't dare to say anything more.

You Yue grabbed You Jue's wrist!

Afterwards, he split a strand of Yuan Force and entered the Youjue Yuan Meridian!

You Jue's body trembled slightly.

At this point, everything is irreversible...

At this moment, he glanced at Gao Rong from the corner of his eye.

Gao Rong lay down on the ground, almost motionless, but still gestured towards You Jue slowly and with difficulty.

Youjue was shocked, and then closed his eyes.

If, really, there is no other way...

This scene happened to be seen by Mu Qinglan.

She couldn't help frowning slightly.

What did Gao Rong's last gesture mean?

Do they have any cards?

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little uneasy.

She glanced around calmly, then mobilized the energy in her body vigilantly, planning to strike at any time.

Gao Rong and the others have been surrounded heavily, and it stands to reason that they cannot escape...

At this time, You Yue finally noticed something strange in You Jue's body!

——The power in Youjue's body is incomparably diverse!

Those powers are like a hodgepodge gathered from all directions, surging and flowing in the secluded Yuanmai!

And his Yuanmai is no different from that of ordinary cultivators!

It's not the Tianpin Yuanmai measured before!

He suddenly raised his head and looked at You Jue in shock.


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