God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1527 Don't touch her (three more)

Everything was as Mu Feng said before. The members of the Blood Soul Cult had been dormant before, and it was only now that they started such a high-profile attack. It was clear that they came prepared.

And their strength is even stronger than Mu Qinglan imagined before!

The Shui family was wiped out overnight...

Among the top ten aristocratic families, even the strongest Yun Clan would not be able to do it!

Even the big clans of Shenmotian may need some effort.

It can be seen from this that the combat power shown by the Blood Soul Cult before is actually just the tip of the iceberg!

"Is this matter investigated by the Luo clan?"

Mu Linghan asked suddenly.

Huo Zunting nodded: "You also know that before the rapid decline of the Shui family, they embraced the thighs of the Luo family. They usually have close contacts. Because of this, the Luo family was the first to find out that something happened to the Shui family."

"It seems that they are quite leisurely." Mu Linghan smiled inexplicably.

"You don't know, the current situation of the Luo people is also a bit chaotic." Huo Zunting snorted, "Guess, who is in power now for the Luo people?"

Mu Qinglan's heart moved, and then she heard Huo Zunting say:

"Luo Xiyan!"

"She is terrible now, she has basically made Luo Qingheng empty. The entire Luo clan is now only obeying her, she is very powerful!"

Mu Qinglan was not surprised by this.

When Luo Xiyan first became a goddess of the Luo tribe, she actually already had this thought.

Later, when she went to the Chong family to negotiate with the two of them for Mu Zhongtian, it became even more obvious.

It's just that Luo Qingheng seems to trust her too much, and when she realizes this, it's actually too late.

Obviously, during this period of time, Luo Xiyan was not idle.

"How is her current strength?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Huo Zunting said: "It's strange to say that her talent is good. I remember rumors that it seems to be a ninth-grade Tianmai, right? Logically speaking, her cultivation speed is already very fast. But in fact, in the past half a year, she The speed of the breakthrough is still far beyond everyone's expectations. Now, I heard that she has become the early stage of the Holy Master."

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly.

She was on Shenmeng Cliff, and relying on various forces, she managed to break through to the Holy Master one after another with difficulty.

And Luo Xiyan broke through to this level in such a short period of time... It's really weird.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong with Luo Xiyan.

"Luo Qingheng's level of strength was originally stronger than hers, so no matter what, she shouldn't be able to hold her back. However, I don't know what's going on with Luo Xiyan, but her fighting strength can match Luo Qingheng's. !

Some time ago, she formally asked Luo Qingheng to step aside, but Luo Qingheng didn't agree, so the two had a fight. In the end, Luo Xiyan narrowly won! In addition, the rest of the Luo clan all supported her overwhelmingly, and everything became logical. "

Huo Zunting narrowed his eyes and tapped his chin.

"I don't know how she did it..."

It has to be said that Luo Xiyan still has some tricks.

When Mu Qinglan went to Shenmotian, the situation of the Luo people was already very bad.

Because of the battle with the Evil Monarch's Mansion, they lost a lot of their main combat power, and it can be said that their vitality was seriously injured.

Mu Qinglan thought it would take a long time for them to recover, but Luo Xiyan took advantage of this opportunity to take Luo Qingheng's place in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's mind!

Could it be... what does Luo Xiyan have to do with the Blood Soul Cult?

Luo nationality, Luoshan.

On the top of the mountain, the Luo Temple stood quietly, and the surroundings were heavily guarded.

A figure of Pingting walked slowly.

The gorgeous and delicate dress slid gently over the black jade floor, and the bright and moving steps swayed gently with the light steps.

Seeing the person coming, the guards immediately saluted respectfully:

"I have seen the goddess!"

The person who came was Luo Xiyan, the Goddess of the Luo Tribe and the actual power holder of the Luo Tribe.

She looked ahead, raised her chin slightly, and walked towards Luo Temple step by step with a sense of dignity and arrogance between her brows and eyes.

Before arriving at Luo Temple, she flicked her wrist lightly, and a divine seal flew out and landed on the barrier outside.

Then, the enchantment opened.

She walked in, and her figure quickly disappeared into Luo Temple.

It wasn't until the sound of closing the door came that the guards breathed a sigh of relief, and kept the attitude of paying respects and waited for a full quarter of an hour before standing up again.

When they turned around, several guards looked at each other, and they all saw the puzzlement in each other's eyes.

Why is it that during this period of time, the frequency of goddesses coming to Luo Temple is getting higher and higher?

In the past, the Luo Temple was only opened when there were family tests or other important events happened.

But since the previous battle with the Evil Lord's Mansion, the vitality of the Luo people was seriously injured, and the goddess was also seriously injured, she has come here more and more often.

It wasn't too obvious at first, about once every two weeks.

But in the last month, it happened almost every seven or eight days.

The entire Luo clan was very curious about this, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

Even these guards exchanged glances at most.

As for the discussion... Isn't it impatient?

Several people quickly put away their thoughts, withdrew their attention, and continued to guard the Luo Temple.

At this moment, Luo Xiyan was standing in the center of the Luo Temple, raising her head slightly and looking forward.

It was a painting left by Luoshen back then, and the flames burning below had faded and dimmed at some point.

In the middle, there was a spot of bright red, as if accidentally stained with blood.

The arrogance on Luo Xiyan's face gradually dissipated at this moment, replaced by a look of respect.

"Meet the adults."

She bowed her knees and saluted with the utmost humility.

In the hall, there was no one else except her.

This seems to be said to Luoshen, but it is not the case.

After all, among the Luo tribe, no one has ever called the ancestor of Luoshen "Master".

Gradually, the color of the bloodstain in the middle of the screen gradually deepened, quickly turning into black and red!

Then, the bloodstain suddenly moved! It turned into a blood-colored mist, forming a translucent human figure in the air!

It was a man in a black cloak, his face was invisible, and he couldn't even see his figure.

There was a gloomy and cold breath all over his body.

"Are you here again?"

The phantom suddenly spoke, with a rough and hoarse voice.

"It seems that you have absorbed the power from last time..."

Luo Xiyan still lowered her head, becoming more respectful and careful:

"Thanks to my lord, Xi Yan was able to break through so quickly."


The phantom laughed lowly.

"It's also because you are smart... Besides, you are a ninth-grade Tianmai, so it is only natural that you are progressing so fast."

As he said that, the phantom moved and suddenly came forward.

He raised his sleeve to reveal a hand.

It was a hand with blue veins clearly visible, almost out of shape, and pale blood.

At first glance, it looks like a skeleton covered in blood.

It was just pinching Luo Xiyan's chin and rubbing it lightly.

It is clearly a phantom, but when touched, there is still a subtle feeling.

Luo Xiyan raised her eyes obediently.

In an instant, endless blood gushed out of her beautiful eyes!

That crazy color instantly covered her eyes!

She said:

"If there is no lord, Xiyan's determination will be dead at this time. Therefore, in Xiyan's heart, she is extremely grateful to the lord. She is willing to serve the lord for the rest of her life."

The phantom did not speak, but slowly lowered its hand.

Then, he raised a finger and lightly slid across Luo Xiyan's neck.

The sharp stabbing pain came instantly!

Blood gushed out of Luo Xiyan's neck immediately!

But before the blood stained her clothes, it had already flowed down the finger and quickly flowed onto the phantom!

The blood flowed downstream and was soon hidden in the black robe.

Luo Xiyan trembled, but her expression remained unchanged.

She is like a quiet deer, standing here, raising her head slightly, sending her own blood.

In it, there is the power of her integration during this period of time.

This has happened many times, so she has experience, and everything has been perfectly responsive.

After an unknown amount of time, the man finally stopped.

He gently wiped the wound on Luo Xiyan's neck with his hand, and the scar disappeared quickly.

No one could see that there was an opening here just now.

At this time, most of the blood in Luo Xiyan's eyes had faded.

The phantom raised his hand, seemed to add a finger, and said lightly:

"The taste is a bit bland..."

Luo Xiyan knelt down apologetically, and said:

"Forgive me, my lord. There are not many people in the clan who can catch your eyes. This is the best you can choose now. If your lord is really dissatisfied, Xiyan will go out—"

"Okay. It's not necessary for the time being. The ones at the Shui family can still last for a while."

Fortunately, he didn't get angry, Luo Xiyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She bit her lip and said:

"Actually... if the Mu Qinglan brothers and sisters hadn't brought people to strangle our Luo clan back then, we wouldn't have ended up like this, and our lord would have been wronged."

"Who are you talking about?" the phantom suddenly asked.

Luo Xiyan was overjoyed in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, she just said:

"My lord, that person's name is Mu Qinglan. It's her, who repeatedly spoiled my good deeds—"

"You want me to help you deal with her?"

The phantom interrupted Luo Xiyan's words and asked.

Luo Xiyan couldn't hear his calm down, and felt uneasy for a moment.

"Xiyan didn't mean that..."

The phantom suddenly laughed.

"You'd better not think about her, otherwise, even I can't keep you."

Luo Xiyan's heart sank!

"grown ups!"


He raised his finger and shook it slightly.

"That's right, what the higher-ups want, you can move it casually? I advise you to get rid of this idea as soon as possible, otherwise... your end will be a hundred times more miserable than those of the Shui family."

After finishing speaking, the phantom suddenly dissipated and turned into a bloodstain on the screen again.

Inside the hall, there was once again a dead silence.

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