God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1528: Yunxi (1 more)

Luo Xiyan stood quietly in the hall for a long time, and finally turned around when she felt the power in her body return to calm.

Her complexion became a little dark in an instant, and her eyelids drooped slightly, as if there was a flash of red light, which was extremely weird.

Mu Qinglan...

She just mentioned this name, and your lord's attitude is so firm...

During this period of time, she has been speeding up the pace of her cultivation, on the one hand, in order to quickly improve her strength, and on the other hand, she also wants to please this lord more.

Who would have thought that he would refuse her just like that without waiting for her to tell the reason and request.

There seemed to be a ball of fire rising continuously in Luo Xiyan's chest, almost rushing out!

Why on earth did Mu Qinglan make this adult so afraid?

The "above" he said, could it be the one he was talking about?

But how could Mu Qinglan have anything to do with these things? What did that guy like about Mu Qinglan?

Many thoughts flashed through Luo Xiyan's mind, and when she walked to the door of the main hall step by step, her expression had returned to normal.

Then, she took a deep breath.

During this period of time, she has been busy recovering her body and controlling the Luo clan, but she hasn't paid much attention to Mu Qinglan's news.

Come to think of it, I should send someone to check it out.

Luo Xiyan was determined, raised her hand and opened the door, and walked out.

The door closed slowly behind her, and everything was hidden in the darkness again.

Mu Qinglan didn't stay in Xiejun's mansion for too long.

Originally, she was worried about Yunxi and Chong Shuangshuang's health, but now that she knew that the Shui family had been wiped out, she was even more sure that the Blood Soul Sect had already started to attack in all aspects, with an arrogant attitude and cruel methods.

Therefore, after discussing with everyone, she planned to immediately follow Yun Yi to the Yun clan.

At the same time, she also sent a message to Chong's family, asking about Chong Shuangshuang's situation.

If Chong Shuangshuang can still persist in her body, let them help to send Chong Shuangshuang to the Yun Clan. If not, she will deal with the Yun Clan's affairs as soon as possible and go to the Chong family.

Originally, Mu Qinglan was worried that it would be inappropriate for her to leave like this not long after the family was reunited.

However, this proposal got my mother's understanding, and she also specifically explained that she must try her best to cure Yunxi.

Seeing the puzzled look on Mu Qinglan's face, Yuan Yixuan looked at Yun Yi, and said with a faint smile:

"Do you still remember that I told you before that your father and I met once?"

Yun Yi nodded, then hesitantly said:

"It's just... I haven't heard of this matter."

"It's normal that you don't know, after all, it's been too long."

Yuan Yixuan smiled and explained:

"Do the math, it was almost twenty years ago."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

At this time... Isn't it the time when father and mother are fighting against the Yuan clan and fleeing?

"At that time, my marriage with Brother Feng was blocked. I just broke up with the Yuan Clan and returned to Yuantian Continent from Shenmotian. But because both of us were injured at that time, when we were in the space passage, we met some people. Trouble, in the end, I didn’t go back smoothly, but went to a very strange place.”

Mu Feng's expression suddenly moved slightly, and he looked at Yuan Yixuan inquiringly, and said:

"you are right--"

Yuan Yixuan nodded with a smile.

"Just now I forgot to mention that Yun Yi's father is Yun Xiao."

Mu Feng was startled and opened his eyes slightly.

This is something he never thought of anyway.

He only thought that his daughter would belong to someone else, and he didn't think much about Yun Yi's identity at all.

Besides, with so many people in the Yun family, how could he think that Yun Yi was Yun Xiao's son back then?

"I see!"

Mu Feng was stunned.

No wonder he also looked at this Yun Yi with a little familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

Xuan'er praised him so much after meeting him, and it seems that there is also part of the reason for this.

Yuan Yixuan sighed softly:

"At that time, the two of us were in an accident. Fortunately, Yun Xiao and his wife were rescued, so we escaped by chance. It's just that after that, we never saw each other again. We went to look for them later, but we didn't know that the two of them had left. So This kindness has never been repaid."

The only thing they knew was that Yun Xiao was a member of the Yun Clan, the top of the gods, but they didn't know his status, let alone what happened when they returned to the Yuan Clan.

On the way back, she already knew that both Yun Xiao and Yun Xiao had passed away, so she didn't mention it much.

It's just that, after all, it's better to let them know.

Speaking of it, the two families are quite destined.

Mu Qinglan responded one by one, and then she and Yun Yi left Xiejun's mansion and went to the Yun clan.

The strength of the two has now surpassed the Holy Lord, and both of them have the power of the Holy Lord hidden in their bodies, so the speed is naturally much stronger than before.

After arriving at the Yun Clan, Elder Yunlin obviously had already received the news, and led his people to wait at the entrance.

However, when they saw the two of Yun Yi, everyone was still taken aback.

How long has it been since then, why have the Young Master and Miss Mu improved so much?

"Young master, Miss Mu."

Fortunately, they have all seen the amazing performances of these two people before, so although they were surprised at this time, they quickly accepted it.

After the group greeted respectfully, Yun Yi asked:

"How is Xi'er doing recently?"

Elder Yunlin showed a sad face.

"Miss Xi'er's situation...is not very good."

Yun Yi frowned slightly.

When he left, he specifically told him to take good care of Yunxi, but Elder Yunlin said it was obviously really bad.

Mu Qinglan didn't talk nonsense, and said:

"Is she still in Shenyue Palace?"

Elder Yunlin nodded.

"We have barely maintained the star array you left behind. However, the power in the star array seems to be exhausted soon."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

In fact, after doing the math, after such a long time, it should be almost the same.

That's why she came to the cloud family in such a hurry.

Once Yunxi's situation gets out of control, the development will be very scary.

This point has already been reflected in Chong Shuangshuang.

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi looked at each other.

"Then let's go now."

Yun Yi nodded, and then took Mu Qinglan to Shenyue Hall.

After arriving, Mu Qinglan found that the guards of Shenyue Temple seemed to be stricter than before.

It doesn't look like there are many people on the surface, but there is a lot of hidden atmosphere in the dark.

Thinking about it, Yun Yi has always been very worried about Yun Xi's situation.

Mu Qinglan soon arrived at the side hall.

Standing at the door, she could already feel a familiar aura.

That was the star array she left behind at that time.

It's just that at this time, as Elder Yunlin said, the power of the star array seems to be almost unsustainable.

I don't know Yunxi's situation, what's going on now...

Mu Qinglan gently pushed the door open.

With a "squeak", the door opened.

When Mu Qinglan entered it, he immediately saw the two elders standing in the room.

These two are also star array masters, and they are obviously maintaining the operation of the star array.

Seeing that it was Mu Qinglan who came, the two elders froze for a moment, and then showed joy.

"Miss Mu, you are finally here!"

The two lowered their voices, as if they were afraid of disturbing someone.

Mu Qinglan glanced inside, and Yunxi was behind the screen, seemingly sleeping.

At this time, Yun Yi also walked in.

The two elders saluted Yun Yi again, also cautiously, not daring to make any loud noises.

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly:

"You two, leave it to me here."

With her words, the two elders were obviously relieved.

If Mu Qinglan doesn't come back, they really don't know what to do.

The star array she left behind is somewhat complicated. Among the Yun clan, almost all the star array masters Yun Yi trusts have fully comprehended the star array, taking turns to maintain the operation of the star array, so as to keep Yunxi.

At the beginning, the effect was very obvious.

But as time went by, the effect of this star array began to gradually weaken.

Up to now, it is even basically useless, and this star formation is also showing a tendency to collapse.

They didn't know how much effort they spent to maintain it until today.

Yunxi's life had been hanging in the air, so they were naturally also nervous.

Now that Mu Qinglan appeared, they were naturally overjoyed, and they could finally let go of their hearts temporarily.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Mu Qinglan smiled helplessly.

They didn't know that when she built the star array, she integrated her own energy into it.

What is useful is actually the black energy in her body, not the star array.

After all, this star array is just an auxiliary function.

Day by day, as Yunxi absorbed her energy, the effect naturally gradually disappeared.

When the energy inside is completely dissipated, there is no need for this star array to exist.

Just relying on them here to maintain the operation of the star array, of course, doesn't make much sense.

They looked at Yun Yi again, and finally left after getting permission.

When going out, Mu Qinglan even heard them let out a long sigh of relief.

She sighed in her heart.

During this time, it was obvious that Yun Yi had put a lot of pressure on them.

However, Yun Xi is his most beloved sister, and the only relative in the world who is related to him by blood. It is normal for him to be so nervous and worried.

Mu Qinglan closed the door, then walked behind the screen.

It was only when she was in front of the bed that she saw Yun Xi's appearance clearly.

Even though he had already prepared himself, Mu Qinglan still had a sudden "thump" in his heart, and his whole heart throbbed.

At this moment, Yunxi was lying under the blanket, only showing a small face.

There was no blood on her face, even her lips seemed to be icy pale, her slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

As if in a dream, I still can't feel at ease.

It is even possible that he is suffering from terrible torture day and night.

Yun Yi stood behind Mu Qinglan, staring at Yunxi with deep eyes, and quietly clenched the hand in his sleeve.

When he left last time, Yunxi was not like this.

But now that he hasn't seen her for a while, she has become like this, so why doesn't he feel distressed?

Mu Qinglan noticed something, turned to look at him, and saw that his face was cold, and his whole body seemed to tense up.

Yun Yi has always been calm and noble, and rarely has such a reaction.

Mu Qinglan felt distressed, held his hand, and said softly:

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. I promise."

Yun Yi closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"I'll help you protect the law and don't let anyone come and disturb you."

Mu Qinglan said:

"Because Xi'er has had this condition since she was a child, it will take about a month to completely cure it. I just hope that there will be no accidents on Shuangshuang's side during this month."

She paused, then shook her head again:

"Actually, Shuangshuang's situation is not optimistic. It is very likely that she will not be able to come here. It is better to deal with Xi'er's situation as soon as possible, and then I will go to Chong's house. One month should be enough time."

Yun Yi wanted to say that this was too hard, but seeing the firm look in Mu Qinglan's eyes, he swallowed back the words in his mouth, only hugged her in his arms, and kissed her forehead lightly.

"I always."

Mu Qinglan hugged his thin waist, rubbed her cheek against his chest, and then took a step back.

"I'm going to start."

Yun Yi nodded, stepped back to the gate, waved his palm lightly, and a silver energy flew out instantly, forming a huge barrier that enveloped the entire room!

Mu Qinglan looked at Yunxi.

If you look closely, you can actually see that the center of her brows has turned slightly black.

Mu Qinglan carefully took out Yunxi's hand, and injected a burst of energy into her body.

Afterwards, a wave of sinister energy suddenly surged towards Mu Qinglan's Yuanli!

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

Has the evil spirit in Yunxi's body actually increased to such an extent! ?

This has only just begun to test, but it has already caused the attack of evil spirits!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were slightly cold, and he controlled his own energy, stabbing towards the evil spirit!

If you want to make a fuss, don't even check to see if you have that ability!

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