God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1530: Yuan Pill (third shift)

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The gate of Shenyue Palace is still closed, and Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi have never come out since they entered before.

Elder Yunlin would personally come to check on it every day. Although he was a little anxious, he also knew that at times like this, he couldn't go in and disturb him.

And the fact that they haven't come out for such a long time shows that Yunxi's physical condition may be improving.

After realizing that there was something wrong with the Luo people, Elder Yunlin specifically told Elder Yunji to pay more attention to the Luo people, but after that, there was no similar situation in the Luo people.

Everything seemed to gradually return to calm.

However, everyone in it can feel the increasingly tense atmosphere.

If the matter of the Shui family's extermination cannot be found out for a day, the other families at the top of the gods will not be able to relax for a day.

Each family has sent people, almost as a joint effort, but still nothing.

They all knew that this matter was very likely to be related to the Blood Heaven Cauldron, but they seemed to have entered a dead end after that, and they couldn't continue the investigation no matter what.

Although helpless, none of them dared to give up.

Who knows what else will happen to the people behind it?

If they don't grasp the situation as soon as possible, the next one may be the turn of other families.

Shenyue Temple side hall.

In the whole room, there was silence, only Yunxi's faint cry of pain could be heard.

She was still lying on the bed, her eyes were tightly closed, her brows were furrowed, and she seemed to be in some pain.

Mu Qinglan held one of her hands, and his face was a little dignified at this time.

She has repaired half of the Yuanmai in Yunxi's body.

Most importantly, she is trying to repair the Yuanmai around her heart at this time.

This position is second only to Qihai, and Yunxi is not a real cultivator, and his physical body is still very fragile. When Mu Qinglan planned to do something here, he was naturally extremely careful.

Therefore, it takes more effort and thought.

Calculating the time, about ten days should have passed.

And during this period of time, Yunxi never woke up from the beginning to the end.

She seemed to have fallen into a long nightmare, unable to wake up for a long time.

In fact, the situation in her body was indeed very bad, and she could only stay in this coma.

Only occasionally, when the two forces in her body were fighting, would she struggle with pain.

But because she didn't have much strength, she basically couldn't move, so she could only groan in pain.

Mu Qinglan is also very distressed, but it is inevitable to completely solve the problems in Yunxi's body.

At this moment, she was rather fortunate that Yunxi had been in a coma during this process.

If you are awake, these painful feelings will become clearer.

It can be said that there are almost all primordial veins around the heart, only a little less than around the sea of ​​qi.

So after Mu Qinglan's Yuanli arrived, she dispersed it into several channels, each of which entered from those Yuanmai.

At the same time, in this position, an evil spirit that cannot be ignored has been ambushed early!

It seemed that he knew that Mu Qinglan would be careful in this position, and this evil spirit was obviously much more arrogant than before, rushing back and forth without any scruples.

Mu Qinglan didn't dare to fight head-on for the time being.

If one is not careful, Yunxi may be injured.

She could only control her Yuan force to approach little by little, sealing those Yuan veins.

Yun Yi saw that Mu Qinglan's forehead was quickly covered with fine beads of sweat, and his heart hung there.

Although he was here, he couldn't know the situation of Mu Qinglan and Yunxi, but he could get a rough idea.

——Now, it should be a more important node.

For half a month, Mu Qinglan barely closed his eyes, day and night, he was helping Yunxi eliminate the strange power in his body.

And he has been standing by the side all the time, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

No matter who happened to these two people, he would not be willing to see them.

He looked at Mu Qinglan for a while, then his eyes fell on Yunxi's face again.

The black and green aura on her little face before seemed to have faded a lot.

Although his face was still pale, his cheeks were slightly more rosy, obviously much better than before.

At the same time, a question kept lingering in his mind.

——How did Xi'er's body become like this?

Now it is basically certain that this is definitely related to the man in the black mist, or in other words, related to his power.

But why did they attack Xi'er?

Back then Xi'er was just a baby, how could she be targeted?

He never believed that it was unintentional.

It's a pity that his parents never told him about this matter, and now he can't find anyone to ask again.

Everything can only be checked carefully after Xi'er's body recovers completely.

For a whole day and night, Mu Qinglan kept the same posture, motionless.

It wasn't until the morning of the third day, when the sun shone in, that she finally cleared away all the evil spirits in the Yuan veins around Yunxi's heart!

At this point, she was finally able to catch her breath.

But Mu Qinglan didn't dare to relax.

Because Qihai will be a bigger challenge.

It was because she was worried about destroying Yunxi's sea of ​​Qi before that she didn't take strong measures to keep that ball in her body.

Mu Qinglan spent another few days to clean up the evil spirit hidden in other places around Yunxi.

In the end, there was only Qihai left!

Mu Qinglan injected Yuanli, and first completely blocked Yunxi's sea of ​​energy.

Although she hasn't done it completely yet, she can already clearly feel that the evil spirits hidden in the sea of ​​qi are just about to move.

Once she tried to attack by force, the other party would definitely resist fiercely immediately, causing a lot of trouble.

So she was also sweating in her heart.

She paused temporarily, intending to let go of Yunxi's hand, take a rest first, and adjust her state to the best.

But as soon as he made a move, he was suddenly pulled back by Yun Xi.

Mu Qinglan looked in surprise, Yunxi didn't open her eyes, but was holding her hand vigorously, as if she was afraid that she would leave.

His brows were furrowed, his eyelashes were trembling, and it was obvious that he was afraid.

Mu Qinglan guessed that her consciousness should have recovered a bit, but she couldn't really open her eyes yet, so she held her hand in relief and said softly:

"Xi'er, don't worry, your brother and I are here."

Sure enough, Yun Xi's strength was a little weaker, and her expression relaxed a lot.

Mu Qinglan patted her hand lightly.

"It's okay, you can get up soon. Wait a little longer, okay?"

Yunxi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and there were traces of tears, her body moved slightly, as if she wanted to come towards Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan covered her with a quilt.

"Xie'er, good boy, just wait a little longer, huh?"

Yunxi didn't move anymore, but her small face was facing Mu Qinglan's direction, her face was pale, and the tip of her nose was reddish, making her look pitiful and distressed.

Mu Qinglan persuaded her for a while before Yunxi completely calmed down.

At this time, her condition had recovered a lot, and she began to plan to do it.

"Yunxi, it may be a little uncomfortable later, but as long as you endure it, you can practice like everyone else in the future. You can go wherever you want and do whatever you want, huh?"

Yunxi didn't speak, but Mu Qinglan knew she had heard it.

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes and held her breath.

Afterwards, controlling the last majestic origin force, it gushed out from the ancient divine tome!

The edge of the black Yuanli faintly shone with golden light! So it poured into Yunxi's body!

All the broken Yuanmai in her body have been repaired by Mu Qinglan, and after being tempered by Yuanli before, the Yuanmai are also very tough.

At this time, the strength of this elemental force is completely tolerable.

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, that wave of Yuan force quickly spread out and entered into each Yuan meridian!

Yunxi's Yuanmai was filled with this Yuanli, and also shone with a faint light.

Afterwards, all of these forces reached beyond the sea of ​​air!

Mu Qinglan had already locked her sea of ​​qi, and the whole outside was enveloped by black energy.

Mu Qinglan controlled the faint golden energy that poured in later, and covered that layer of enchantment.

Streams of power began to seep into it!

chi chi!

The moment the Yuan Force entered, the evil spirit inside started to fight back frantically!

All of a sudden, piercing voices kept coming!

The strong collision made Yunxi's entire sea of ​​energy start to shake!

But this situation didn't last long, because the golden light gradually dispersed, directly suppressing the violent aura inside!

In this way, Mu Qinglan finally felt at ease, and began to pour more energy into Yunxi's sea of ​​energy, and burn it all.

In this way, it lasted for another five days.

When the one-month period expired, Mu Qinglan finally completely wiped out the last trace of evil spirit in Yunxi's body!

Mu Qinglan felt relieved, finally opened her eyes, and let out a long sigh of relief!

it is finally over!

Moreover, Yunxi cooperated very well during this process, from the beginning to the end, he never uttered another cry of pain!

Mu Qinglan turned her head, and Yun Yi had already walked beside her.

She smiled with relief.

However, just when she was about to speak, a burst of turbulent power suddenly burst out in Yunxi's sea of ​​energy!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and immediately checked, only to find that the Yuanmai in Yunxi's body suddenly shone brightly!

At the same time, a silver ball quickly formed within her sea of ​​air!

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes wide in shock.

"Yuan, Yuan Dan?!"

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