God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1531 Successive breakthroughs (one more)

Only after the cultivator becomes a primordial person can he form a primordial pill in Qihai.

Therefore, Yuan Dan can be regarded as a sign that a person has officially embarked on the road of cultivation.

Because the Yuanmai in Yunxi's body had been broken before, she couldn't practice normally at all, and naturally there was no Yuandan in the sea of ​​Qi.

Although she usually learns some formulas along with her, it is actually impossible to apply them at all.

But now, Mu Qinglan has just completely cleaned up the evil spirit in her body, and she actually formed Yuan Dan directly?

There seems to be extremely strong power in her sea of ​​​​qi!

This force seemed to have been sealed in her sea of ​​energy before, and it was hidden so deeply that even Mu Qinglan hadn't noticed it before.

At this time, the sudden explosion, pouring into Yunxi's Yuanmai, actually made her break through and become Yuanzhe in an instant!

Mu Qinglan was about to investigate carefully, but found that although the power burst out suddenly, it was very gentle.

After waiting for a while, Mu Qinglan realized that this power didn't seem to have any effect on Yunxi's body, so she gradually felt relieved.

Afraid of any repercussions, Mu Qinglan quickly withdrew her energy, and then looked at Yun Yi suspiciously.

"What's wrong with her?"

Yun Yi frowned slightly, put her fingers on Yun Xi's wrist, and quickly understood what was going on in her body at this moment.

Yun Yi withdrew his hand and shook his head.

"I didn't know that this power was sealed in her body. But... this seal seems to be left by her parents."

Mu Qinglan asked:

"In other words, this power is their—"

"This power does not belong to them." Yun Yi knew what Mu Qinglan wanted to ask, and immediately denied it.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

In other words, this seal was left by Yun Xiao and his wife back then, but the power inside it...is someone else's?

But seeing Yun Yi like this, he obviously didn't know about it.

"I think that power doesn't seem to be harmful... Although Xi'er's breakthrough speed is very fast, it seems that her body has not been affected in any way—"

While Mu Qinglan was talking, she suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation in Yunxi's body!

It was Yunxi who broke through the middle stage of Yuan Zhe!

Mu Qinglan was shocked.

After only saying a few words, he broke through again! ?

Yun Yi narrowed his eyes, but didn't move.

Mu Qinglan suddenly had a premonition:

"Xi'er...seems like she will continue to break through..."

Not long after the words fell, Yunxi's vitality surged all over his body, and he broke through the peak of the primordial being again!

Not to mention that Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi, who are now the Holy Masters, don't care about this small level of primordial beings at all. Even very ordinary practitioners don't actually care about the peak of primordial beings.

This level is really too low.

But now the situation is different.

Because the speed of Yunxi's breakthrough is really too fast!

Even for Mu Qinglan, it took a long time from the beginning of cultivation, to the condensing of the Yuan Dan, and then to breaking through the peak of Yuan Zhe.

Seeing Yunxi like this really made people tremble a little.

Mu Qinglan's heart hung up, as if it was tightly grasped by something.

The two fell into silence together.

Yunxi hadn't opened his eyes yet, but the aura around him became stronger and stronger.

Not long after, she directly broke through the Elementary Realm!

A quarter of an hour later, she broke through the Chuyuan Realm.

Half an hour later, she broke through the Yutian Realm.

After another two hours, she had already entered the Soul Realm!

Mu Qinglan was shocked from the beginning, but gradually became numb.

The power contained in Yunxi's body is really too strong, and it cannot be easier to break through this level.

But the most valuable thing is that such a quick breakthrough did not cause Yunxi any discomfort.

Because in the process of breaking through, her physical body is also undergoing great changes, becoming stronger with the improvement of her own realm.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Mu Qinglan to believe that someone would have gone from an ordinary person to a cultivator in just a few hours, and climbed all the way to the Soul Realm!


It doesn't stop there.

Yunxi's realm is still rising!

After a while, Yunxi finally opened his eyes!

At this time, her complexion had returned to normal, and a pair of black grape-like eyes shone with a smart light.

She turned her head to look at Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi, then threw off the quilt and rushed over.

"Brother! Sister-in-law!"

She hugged Mu Qinglan tightly and said:

"Sister-in-law! Xi'er really hurt just now! But Xi'er held back!"

Mu Qinglan's heart softened, and she stroked her hair:

"Xie'er is the best!"

Yunxi raised her head, looked at her, and asked curiously and expectantly:

"Then, can Xi'er really do what sister-in-law said in the future, and can do whatever she wants!?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, both happy and distressed.


She nodded seriously.

With her affirmation, Yunxi put his heart back into his stomach, hugged her again, rubbed her arms fiercely, and said aggrievedly:

"Sister-in-law, you don't know, I miss you during this time!"

The last time my sister-in-law left, she said she would be back soon, but she waited day after day, but still couldn't wait for her.

Later, her physical condition deteriorated again, and she was in a coma for longer and longer every day.

Vaguely, I only remember that my brother was by my side.

But unexpectedly, when she woke up again, her sister-in-law came back!

Yunxi is very smart, and has already guessed that Mu Qinglan saved her life this time, and from her words, it seems that her problems have been completely solved.

How could she be unhappy, how could she not be excited?

Holding her sister-in-law in her arms at this time, she was beyond happy!

"Sister-in-law, can I go out as soon as I want?"

Yun Xi hugged Mu Qinglan tightly, and couldn't help asking again.

Mu Qinglan's eyes rolled.

"Well... I want to ask your brother."


Young Master Yun's expression when he was ignored by his sister is really wonderful...

Yun Xi didn't notice anything at all, and immediately raised her face, turned her head to look at Yun Yi, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Brother, brother, can you?"

Ever since she could remember, she has been staying in the Yun Clan and never went out.

Although the territory of the Yun Clan is very large, after a long time, they will always get bored.

Especially children, who are full of curiosity about the outside world, trapping her in this way, she is naturally longing to go out.

In the past, she knew that she was not in good health. If she went out and ran around, it would cause trouble for everyone.

So she has always been obedient, and to the greatest extent she just sneaked to Shenyue Hall by herself.

But now, my sister-in-law said that she can do whatever she wants, wouldn't that be great! ?

Yun Yi looked at Yun Xi, deep in his eyes, there was surging pity.

He nodded slightly:

"As long as it's safe, of course."


Yun Xi suddenly screamed in surprise, and flew into Yun Yi's arms:

"My brother is so kind! As good as my sister-in-law!"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

How do you hear this...something is wrong...

Mu Qinglan suddenly gave a strange "Huh", and asked in surprise:

"Xi'er, have you... broken through the Void Realm?"

Yun Xi turned her head in surprise, her face was still blank.

"Really? Xi'er didn't pay attention!"

Mu Qinglan suddenly understood what kind of mood those people who were watching around when she broke through before wanted to vomit blood.

After recovering Yuanmai, she and Yun Yi's talents were almost indistinguishable.

Even in the Heaven of Gods and Demons, they can be considered as rare existences.

Mu Qinglan never thought that such a day would happen to her.

Yun Xi withdrew from Yun Yi's arms, then jumped off the ground, looked around at herself, and murmured in a low voice:

"I don't know...but it seems to be stronger than before!"

As she spoke, she clenched her small fist curiously and waved forward.


A silver fist shadow flew out in an instant, and hit the barrier that Yun Yi had set up before, making a muffled sound.

The power of the Void Realm naturally couldn't leave any traces on Yun Yi's barrier.

But it is indeed a void realm without a doubt!

Mu Qinglan shook her head with a smile, and glanced at Yun Yi.

"I don't think Xi'er may surpass you in the future."

Young Master Yun curled his lips very calmly.

He was already deeply relieved that Yunxi's body could return to normal.

Now that she is able to cultivate, and she has made such a breakthrough so quickly, he has nothing but joy in his heart.

"It's all because of you."

Yun Yi's voice was soft but serious.

Mu Qinglan's heartstrings suddenly seemed to be gently plucked by something.

There are only six simple words in Yun Yi's words, but they carry too much emotion.

Thanks, rejoice, joy, pride...

Also, love.

That's enough.

Mu Qinglan blinked:

"Since I'm Xi'er's sister-in-law, these are naturally what I should do."

It would be great to be able to help their brothers and sisters.

Yunxi didn't pay attention to the conversation between the two.

After trying to hit the first punch, she immediately fell in love with this feeling!

Feeling full of energy, and seeming to have nothing to worry about - it's great!

She looked at her fist, and couldn't help but waved another wave of Yuanli.

The silver Yuanli draws a bright arc in the air, which is very moving.

Yunxi stretched out his other hand, and carefully walked through that ray of energy.

She collected a part of Yuanli, hit it towards the barrier, and reabsorbed the rest into her body, enjoying herself very much.

The entire room was filled with Yunxi's joyous laughter.

In this way, after another period of time, Yunxi's realm finally broke through the lord!

Fortunately, after reaching the early stage of the lordship, her aura gradually stabilized, and there was no upward trend.

So, she finally stopped at the realm of the early lord.

And she is only eleven years old now.

Even Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi couldn't match this record.

Mu Qinglan looked at it, and the previous doubts reappeared in his heart.

——Where did this power in Yunxi come from?

But back then, why did Yun Xiao seal this power?

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