God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1537 Tian Jue (1 more)

Mu Qinglan's breath was surging, which cannot be mistaken!

Undoubtedly, he is a real Holy Lord powerhouse!

Lord Wang Yan's opening made the elders behind him also bewildered.



Mu Qinglan moved freely in the sea of ​​stars, and landed lightly in front of Lord Wang Yan and the others.

She blinked:


Lord Wang Yan opened his mouth in shock, it was rare for him to lose his composure.

It's not that he doesn't know much, but... when she parted with Mu Qinglan last time, she had just broken through to the lord, how come she became the lord when they met again?

How long has it been?

"You, you...how did you break through?"

Lord Wang Yan couldn't help but looked Mu Qinglan up and down.

Although he is very happy to see that his apprentice is doing well, but...he has to make some mental preparations!

"This is your second master?"

Within the sea of ​​qi, the voice of God Lord Nine Thunders suddenly came.

He muttered to himself:

"It's not very strong... It looks very unintimidating..."

Mu Qinglan sighed inwardly.

Who can keep up with the God Lord?

Even Yuan Ruili and the others dare not say "no" in front of the Supreme God, let alone Lord Wang Yan?

Besides, what does it mean to be unintimidated...

Didn't you see that the eyeballs of those elders in the back were almost popping out?

In contrast, Lord Wang Yan's reaction was quite normal.

"The talent is pretty good, but it's a pity...it seems to be delayed in the middle..."

Mu Qinglan was surprised when she heard this.

"You can see that?"

Venerable Wang Yan was murdered by others back then, and was trapped in that hall for more than four hundred years. If he hadn't been rescued by the star array, he might not be able to wake up now.

And because of this, during that long period of time, he was still unable to cultivate, and naturally he was unable to break through, wasting the best time.

Lord Nine Thunder God chuckled.

"Even your Yuanmai old man can see clearly, can't you see this little thing?"

Hearing that Lord Nine Thunders started boasting again, Mu Qinglan reminded thoughtfully:

"Master, he is the second master, and you are the third master."

Lord Nine Thunder God's laughter stopped abruptly, and finally let out a heavy snort.

This girl did it on purpose!

"Wait, your main star..."

Lord Wang Yan looked at Mu Qinglan up and down, and made another surprising discovery.

"Are you the Master of the Star Formation now?"

Because of the shock, Lord Wang Yan's voice became much higher.

Everyone behind him was stunned.

Master Star Array?

Isn't that... the same level as the current Lord Wang Yan?

How did she cultivate!

Mu Qinglan didn't intend to talk about it for a long time, but simply said:

"It was a coincidence, there were noble people to help, and luck was better, so I made a breakthrough."

If it wasn't for Dean Xiling, she would never be able to get to where she is today.

Lord Wang Yan nodded subconsciously, but the turmoil in his heart still failed to calm down.

Mu Qinglan changed the subject and asked:

"How is Tonglinghai recently? Nothing happened, right?"

Mentioning this, Lord Wang Yan regained consciousness instantly.

Listening to this, does she already know what happened on the summit of the gods?

"Have you heard all about it?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"That's why I came here quickly."


Lord Wang Yan frowned.

"How could you come here alone? If something really happened here, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to come!?"

It's too disrespectful to take your own life seriously!

If Mu Qinglan was involved, he really didn't know how to regret it!

Mu Qinglan immediately begged for mercy:

"Master, you have misunderstood. I am not here alone."

As he said that, a figure in white also quickly appeared in the sea of ​​stars!

Lord Wang Yan was not surprised when he saw the person coming:

"Yun Yi came with you?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

When she was in the Chong family, she felt that something was wrong, and she was really worried, so she just came here.

It would have taken several days, but she thought of Xinghai, and since her strength had improved a lot, she decided to give it a try.

The two Xinghai are exactly the same, and they are connected to each other, so she arrived here very quickly.

Fortunately, everything is fine here.

Yun Yi and Lord Wang Yan greeted each other.

Lord Wang Yan immediately noticed that Yun Yi's aura was stronger than Mu Qinglan's!

This has obviously reached the level of the Holy Master peak!

His eyelids twitched violently.

I thought that Mu Qinglan's breakthrough to the Holy Master was already shocking enough, but I didn't expect... the more terrifying thing is yet to come!

How does this embarrass other people?

I don't know how many cultivators have worked hard for a lifetime, and they are not as fast as these two people in a short period of time!

From this point of view alone, the two are somewhat similar...

As for the elders behind, they were completely numb and thought about it instead.

——Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi are not normal people at all, maybe they will directly break through to the God Lord one day, it's better for them to stay calm.

"It seems that your trip went well."

Lord Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

When Mu Qinglan was about to go to Shenmotian, he was quite worried, but now seeing her not only standing in front of her properly, but also her strength has been greatly improved, he is really happy.

He didn't know that Yun Yi also came back from Shenmotian with Mu Qinglan, and he didn't pay too much attention to the news from the Yun clan during this time, so Yun Yi only followed Mu Qinglan after Mu Qinglan came back. she came.

Mu Qinglan didn't explain too much.

She quickly brought the topic to Tongling Sea.

Although everyone tried to cover it up, Mu Qinglan could still feel the cold and calm atmosphere.

Everyone seems to be worried about something.

Lord Wang Yan and the others obviously knew about the fact that the Shui family and Tianyan Mountain were wiped out overnight. Presumably, they were so worried because they thought that the other party's next target might be themselves.

"You came just in time. We were discussing this matter just now. Everyone put forward several suggestions, but... none of them seemed very suitable."

Mu Qinglan is the only apprentice of Lord Wang Yan. Although Mu Qinglan does not have the blood of the Tonglinghai clan, Lord Wang Yan has already regarded her as the closest and most trusted person, so he told Mu Qinglan all about these things. Nothing to hide.

After Mu Qinglan finished listening, she looked back at Xinghai.

"Master, Xinghai's defensive power seems to be unable to completely hinder the opponent..."

"We all know, but there is really no other way now."

Lord Wang Yan shook his head and sighed.

"Today's Tongling Sea is really in decline."

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips.

Even she had to admit this.

Originally, Tonglinghai hadn't produced any astonishing geniuses in recent years, and the strength of the elders was mostly stagnant. As a result, the power of Tonglinghai as a whole was much weaker than that of other aristocratic families.

Coupled with the previous disputes between the two factions in the clan, beheading resolved many people.

Although Tongling Sea has been cleaned up, there is no doubt that it has also weakened the combat effectiveness of Tongling Sea.

This kind of situation, not to mention one or two years, may not slow down in ten or eight years.

Mu Qinglan understood this very well.

That's why she was so worried.

"Honor Wang Yan, the person who sealed you...do you still remember?"

Yun Yi who was on the side suddenly spoke.

Everyone was a little surprised.

——Lord Wang Yan was imprisoned in a certain place for four or five hundred years. Many people knew about it, but very few people mentioned it in person.

It seems that Yun Yi is too straightforward...

Lord Wang Yan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care.

He was able to come out at the beginning because of the help of Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi.

The two of them saw him break the seal from the bronze statue with their own eyes, so he naturally didn't care about Yun Yi's question.


Lord Wang Yan's voice was much lower.

The occurrence of this incident directly changed his life.

Even though nearly five hundred years have passed, he still remembers everything at that time clearly.

"But, what are you asking this for?"

Lord Wang Yan asked.

Yun Yi looked blank, and continued to ask:

"It's been so long, have you never thought of revenge?"

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Almost everyone held their breath—this question... seems to be more straightforward than before!

Everyone was curious about these questions, but no one dared to ask him face to face like this!

But Yun Yi dared.

Lord Wang Yan put one hand behind his back, clenched into a fist.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said word by word:


How could he not think of revenge after suffering so much and suffering so much?


He gave a wry smile.

"But, it's not that easy."

If he could do it, he would have done it long ago, why wait until today?

It's a pity that he can't do it, so he can only suffer from waiting day by day.

Mu Qinglan glanced at Yun Yi from the corner of her eye, why did he suddenly ask this?

Although Lord Wang Yan has almost never said this directly, Mu Qinglan can basically guess that his enemy is also a god, demon and heavenly man.

Could it be...

A light suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's heart.

Could it be that Yun Yi was guessing... that it was also the Blood Soul Cult who attacked Lord Wang Yan?

Just when Mu Qinglan was about to continue asking, a strong fluctuation suddenly came from the Tongling Hall!

Everyone was shocked.

Elder Wang Yi's expression changed suddenly: "This movement..."

"This is Tianjue moving!"

Lord Wang Yan immediately realized that something was wrong, and exclaimed, he was about to rush towards the Tongling Hall!

Mu Qinglan suddenly pulled him back.

"Master, just wait!"

Lord Wang Yan looked back at Mu Qinglan in surprise, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Mu Qinglan met the suspicious eyes of Lord Wang Yan and other elders, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.

This day Jue... really will cause trouble for her!

The previous time, in order to calm down the two forces inside, she spent a lot of painstaking effort and effort.

I didn't expect it to move again!

"Master, let me go." Mu Qinglan said.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were even more strange.

Lord Wang Yan suddenly remembered something, nodded with a certain look on his face.

"be careful."

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly, exchanged a glance with Yun Yi, and then walked towards the Tongling Hall.

"Patriarch, how could you let her go alone? The fluctuations in the Tongling Sea seem to be very dangerous—" Elder Wang Huan said with some concern.

Lord Wang Yan looked ahead and said:

"Did you all forget that she was the one who repaired Tianjue?"

Recommend Juanjuanlei "National Goddess: Husband is a Demon"

Buddha is indifferent and calm vs. cold and arrogant evildoer, loyal dog in the later stage

Jiang Zihua was accidentally seduced by a big monster while embarking on the journey of subjugating demons. From then on, she had another goal in her life, to attack him!

After everyone knows, no one is optimistic.

"Zihua, it's not good who you like, why do you like Yao, or that cold and unreasonable evildoer, interracial love will not have good results, you should give up quickly."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you give up or not, Zihua can't catch up."

"That too."


Jiang Zihua smiled and said nothing.

Until one day, they suspected that they had gone to the wrong set!

That cold and unkind evildoer haunted Jiang Zihua every step of the way.

"Shi Yuan, don't you get tired of hugging me every day?"

Shi Yuan didn't speak, besides wanting to hug her, he also wanted to kiss her, thinking...


Can't think about it anymore.

"Shi Yuan, why is your nose bleeding?"

Everyone: Goddess, please accept our knees.

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