God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1538 Broken (second more)

It seems that Mu Qinglan had a special relationship with Tonglinghai from the very beginning.

Not to mention the coincidence of helping Lord Wang Yan break the bronze statue, just those things that happened later, whether it was the summoning of the Nine Tribulations in Xiafeng Bay, or the unusual intimacy of the Xinghai around the Tongling Hall, or the later events. The two unbalanced forces in Tianjue rebalanced...

No matter which one it is, it is incredible enough to pick it up casually.

But until now, she didn't know what this meant.

Under the gaze of everyone, Mu Qinglan stepped into the Tongling Hall.

When she entered with both feet, the bronze and gilt gate of the Tongling Hall suddenly closed automatically with a "bang"!

The people who were at ease just now, now their hearts were raised again, and they all looked at Lord Wang Yan worriedly.

"The Patriarch—"

Lord Wang Yan's expression was slightly condensed, his old eyes were fixed on the closed door, and then he shook his head.


He only said this one word, and stopped talking.

The elders knew that his mind was settled, and it was useless to say anything at this time, so they all fell silent.

Yun Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, then looked up at the top of Tongling Hall.

The door was closed tightly, even blocking that wave of fluctuations.

But at the top of the Tongling Hall, there was a flash of light just now, which suddenly flashed.

With his hands behind his back, he held his breath and concentrated on his face, which was as cold as ice and snow.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Mu Qinglan looked back and frowned slightly.

——She obviously didn't do anything, why did the door close suddenly?

hum! At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came from her ear!

Mu Qinglan turned her head and looked directly in front of the Tongling Hall.

A clear and translucent pearl is hanging in the air!

Inside, there is a very obvious hollow.

It was Tianjue!

At this moment, in the middlemost position, two forces are confronting each other!

One is silvery white, as dazzling and bright as the power of a star.

One is red, dull as blood clots.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

——Back then when Tianjue had problems, it was because of the bloody evil spirit inside that suddenly erupted, almost occupying the entire Tianjue.

At that time, Mu Qinglan still relied on Qinglin's strength to finally solve it.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Tianjue made another movement.

The shocking fluctuations are constantly spreading from Jue Tian!

Mu Qinglan stared at it seriously for a while.

At this time, the two forces are frantically entangled with each other, and neither can completely suppress the other, which can be regarded as evenly matched.

It is also because of this that the fluctuating power is extraordinarily strong.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

The two forces check and balance each other. It stands to reason that they should be very stable. How could this situation suddenly appear?

At this time, Mu Qinglan also suddenly felt that there was something about to move in the mustard ring.

With a thought in her mind, the Yuan Lantern she got from Yuan Liluo before suddenly appeared in front of her!

After the Ten Thousand Gods Festival was over, Mu Qinglan had already returned the Yuan Lantern to her mother, so at this time, she only had this Yuan Lantern on her body.

The red lantern swayed slightly, and a long shadow was drawn on the ground by Tianjue's light.

Then, Tian Jue suddenly came towards Yuan Deng!

This scene is very familiar.

Mu Qinglan remembered that it was the same as the previous time.

Where she transferred the yuan lantern, Tian Jue followed.

But... At that time, she also used herself to verify in the end - Tianjue chose her between Yuandeng and her!

At that time, Mu Qinglan thought it was very strange, but later she didn't have time to think about it, and there were many things, so she gradually forgot about it.

Until now, that scene reappeared in her mind.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan suddenly took a step aside.

Tian Jue, who was about to fly to Yuan Deng, suddenly changed direction and followed Mu Qinglan!

Sure enough.

Mu Qinglan raised his hand, took the Yuan Lantern in his hand, and looked at it carefully, feeling really puzzled.

At the beginning, she suspected that Tian Jue's reaction to Yuan Deng was so strong, maybe it had some connection with Yuan Clan.

But she thought and thought about the situation at the Pantheon of Gods last time, but she didn't notice anything unusual.

The Yuan clan is the top existence among the many clans in Shenmotian. It sounds like time is noble, but it sounds arrogant.

According to Yuan Ruili's always superior appearance, how could the Yuan clan have any connection with Tongling Sea, the top of the gods?

Mu Qinglan raised his hand and held the Yuan Lantern in his hand.

Tian Jue turned around lightly, and surrounded Mu Qinglan's body.

Last time, Qinglin said that the two forces in Tianjue were left by the ancestors of Tonglinghai back then...


Mu Qinglan was wondering, when suddenly he heard a small sound.

She suddenly opened her eyes wide - a small crack suddenly appeared on Tianjue!

The sound just now was exactly the sound of Tian Jue shattering!


This is too sudden! ?

Mu Qinglan was dumbfounded.

The two forces were fighting inextricably, why did Tian Jue suddenly shatter?

The appearance of this crack quickly caused the entire Tianjue to shatter!

When did several cracks appear on Tianjue, entrenched on it like spider webs!

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, and immediately took a step back, and at the same time, he swung his Yuanli to form an enchantment around Tianjue!


Tianjue exploded suddenly!

With this loud noise, two forces suddenly exploded from it!

The huge Tongling Hall immediately shook violently!

"How is this going!?"

Lord Wang Yan and others who were waiting outside the Tongling Hall suddenly noticed the terrifying movement coming from the Tongling Hall, and their faces changed!

"The Tongling Palace is shaking!" Elder Wang Yi asked in shock, "What was that noise just now?!"

Why does it sound like the sound of something breaking suddenly?


At this moment, an elder next to him suddenly trembled and spit out a mouthful of blood!

The others immediately looked back!

Just now it was clear that no one did anything...

"Wang Lian, what's wrong with you?"

Elder Wang Huan immediately asked.

Elder Wang Lian shook his head and said palely:

"I... I don't know... It's just that I suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the Yuanmai just now..."


Before he could finish his sentence, another elder next to him cried out in pain, kneeling on the ground while clutching his heart.

From the looks of it, it seemed that something had happened.

"I, my Yuanmai...also..."

He uttered a word with difficulty, his eyes filled with panic.

Just half a sentence, everyone already understood what he meant.

Lord Wang Yan frowned tightly:

"You stay here for now, I'll go in first!"

As he said that, he was about to break into the Tongling Hall.

"The Patriarch—"

Elder Wang Yi sensed the danger, and wanted to dissuade him, but he didn't have time.

They were already very close to the gate of the Tongling Hall, and Lord Wang Yan was very anxious at this moment, and his movements were extremely fast.

A majestic force of origin immediately overwhelmed the gate!


There was a loud bang from above the gate, but it remained motionless!

The power of Lord Wang Yan can't break it at all!

His heart sank!

Mu Qinglan is still inside!

"I come."

Just when Lord Wang Yan was extremely anxious, Yun Yi's cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lord Wang Yan turned his head immediately, and seeing Yun Yi still calm, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Yun Yi, girl Qinglan is still inside!"

The shaking of Tongling Hall became even bigger!

Everyone watched in horror.

However, even Lord Wang Yan couldn't open the door, let alone them?

At this moment, all hopes are placed on Yun Yi!

Yun Yi gently closed his eyes, hiding the deepness in his eyes.

And in his body, a wave is rapidly condensing!

Then, a flash of light flashed in his palm, it was the fate plate!

With a thought in his mind, a black crack in space instantly tore open in front of him!

Then, he took a step forward, and his figure disappeared quickly!

Everything happened in an instant, and when everyone realized what had happened, they all froze in place.

Just now...how did Yun Yi suddenly disappear?

Has he entered the Tongling Palace? ?

Venerable Wang Yan knew that there was a connection between the two, so he felt relieved.

After all, Yun Yi is now at the peak of the Holy Lord, and his strength is higher than others, and even faintly stronger.

If he goes, maybe he can help Qinglan...

However, before he could let go of his heart completely, another elder behind him shook his chest, his face turned red quickly, and he spit out blood!

Venerable Wang Yan looked back and saw the three elders with weak breaths, a terrible conjecture suddenly appeared in his mind——

Could it be... this situation will continue?

One and two are like this, so... Will there be more?

Even... it will affect other people in Tongling Sea! ?

"Wang Yi, go down immediately and see if there are any similar incidents? If so, immediately gather everyone in the clan! And bring them to the Tongling Hall!"

Although the situation in Tongling Hall is a little bit wrong at this time, at least many elders are still here, and the strongest figures in Tongling Sea are gathered here. If something really happens, they can take action to protect it...


Elder Wang Yi also realized the danger of the matter, responded, turned around and was about to go down the mountain.

But just as he took a step, he suddenly encountered a huge obstacle—the sea of ​​stars fluctuated violently, forming a huge and solid barrier!

It is difficult for the people above to go down, but it is even more difficult for the people below to come up!

"Patriarch! This—"

Being blocked by Xinghai, Elder Wang Yi was also in a hurry, and quickly asked Lord Wang Yan for help.

Venerable Wang Yan felt a "thump" in his heart.

In the current situation, I am afraid that the people in Tonglinghai below... are more ominous than good!

This sea of ​​stars seems a little weird, as if it is controlled by some force!

But this Xinghai is not with Mu Qinglan...

Before he could figure it out, Lord Wang Yan suddenly noticed a flash of red light in the distance! ,

He froze for a moment, staring at it almost subconsciously!

That red...it looks like the color of blood!

Could it be—

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