God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1540 Fighting (one more)

The few people kneeling on the ground trembled when they heard the words.

"Sect... the suzerain atones for sins! This subordinate has searched the entire Black Demon Sect several times, but, but..."

"But I still haven't found it. Is there anyone else related to that bone flute?"

Di Qianjue looked at these people condescendingly, slowly wiped off the remaining red flower juice on his hand, and asked in a leisurely manner.

The elders could not help but panic even more when they heard the killing intent.

"Yes... yes... Sovereign, you listen to my explanation—uh!"

The elder who was kneeling at the front didn't finish his sentence when he suddenly let out a rapid and brief scream.

His eyes widened, and at some point on his neck, a red petal appeared.

Viscous scarlet blood, gradually oozing out.

He was panting violently, and there was a "wheezing and wheezing" sound in his trachea, which sounded suffocating.


As soon as he fell down, he fell to the ground, his body twitched for a moment, and he was completely silent after a while.

The few people in the back didn't even dare to breathe, they all held their breath and their faces turned pale.

Ever since the incident with the bone flute happened last time, Di Qianjue began to thoroughly investigate the Black Demon Sect.

But always get nothing.

He was a little patient at first, but gradually became impatient as time went on.

He divided the elders into several teams and took turns to report the situation every seven days.

But where are the clues so easy to find?

Di Qianjue has an unpredictable personality and is extremely bloodthirsty.

In just a few months, he had already killed many members of the Black Demon Sect.

This caused the entire Black Demon Sect to panic and fear every day.

Today, as expected, another one was killed.

"Continue to check."

During the extremely tormented waiting, the few people finally heard Di Qianjue's words, and as if they had been pardoned, they immediately responded respectfully and quickly retreated.

Until they stepped out of the gate, they still did not dare to relax, and left quickly with one heart hanging.

Inside the main hall, Di Qianjue turned around and looked at the flower wall behind him, a red light flashed in his eyes quickly.

He closed his eyes, and the fundus returned to normal.

But the feeling of anxiety and boredom in my heart has not dissipated.


Hong Yao walked in from outside the hall, and saw Di Qianjue standing there, motionless.

Her heart trembled, and she yelled softly.

Di Qianjue walked to the imperial concubine's couch, lay down on it, and rubbed his temples with his hands.

"Is there something wrong?"

Hong Yao was worried, stepped forward and asked cautiously:

"Sovereign, you... have returned to the Demon Palace?"

Di Qian never spoke.

Hongyao Liu frowned slightly.

Ever since the Black Demon Sect had the bone flute incident last time, Di Qianjue ordered a thorough investigation.

At the same time, his own physical condition also became a little bad.

In the middle, he took the time to go back to the Demon Palace for a while before recovering a little.

But during this time, the frequency of his return gradually increased.

The Demon Palace is his place, so there is nothing to worry about.

Moreover, only after going back can some of his physical conditions be alleviated.

But... looking at it now, something seems wrong with him.

Hong Yao could feel that Di Qianjue's strength was rising rapidly during this period of time.

Although the speed of his cultivation and breakthrough is already very fast, since what happened last time, he is obviously more concerned about this.

In addition, when he took over the Black Demon Sect, his strength had never surpassed the Holy Master, which had almost never happened in the previous Black Demon Sect.

The situation was chaotic, so he was naturally impatient.

It was also because of this situation that he returned to the Demon Palace many times.

His state has improved rapidly, but Hong Yao is more worried about the impact on his body at the same time.

"Sovereign...Your body is the most important thing..."

Hong Yao was worried, but she didn't dare to persuade Di Qian face to face, so that Di Qian would never go again.

She also knew that her words had no effect on Di Qianjue, and even if he was a little careless, Di Qianjue would directly kill her, so she could only speak so tactfully.

"It's okay, you go down."

Di Qianjue opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as the red medicine suffocated, I felt chills all over.

She lowered her head, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Sovereign, there is one thing that you may not know yet."

Di Qianjue narrowed his eyes.

"Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi seem to have appeared."

Di Qianjue didn't speak, but the atmosphere in the hall suddenly condensed.

"Besides, there seem to be a few more people who came back with them, but their identities have not been identified yet. I only know...they are all extremely strong."

Di Qianjue has been going back and forth between the Demon Palace and the Black Demon Mountain for the past few days, so he doesn't know about these things.

He was about to get up, but suddenly felt a constriction in his heart!

"Understood. You go down first."

Hearing Di Qianjue's cold voice, Hong Yao was a little surprised.

Hearing the names of Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi, the suzerain should have some reactions, why are they so indifferent?

But she still responded obediently:


After finishing speaking, she took a few steps back, and just turned around, she still hesitated.

"Please suzerain, please take care of yourself."

After speaking, he left completely.

After she walked out, Di Qianjue finally raised his eyes, his eyes were already scarlet!

He glanced at the door.


The door of the main hall is completely closed!

At the same time, he has set up an enchantment in the entire hall!

After making sure that no one outside would notice anything strange, he took a sudden breath.

He grabbed the handrail next to him, trying to stand up, but just as he moved, his body trembled, and he fell down again, kneeling on the ground.

If someone came in at this time and saw this scene, they would definitely turn pale with shock.

As the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect, Di Qianjue has been decisive and ruthless all the way. He has always been the only one who tortured others. Has anyone seen him like this?

The energy in Di Qianjue's body seemed to be out of control, rushing frantically between his limbs and bones, his whole body seemed to explode!

He grabbed the armrest, the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, his whole face was extremely pale, except for his eyes, which were scarlet red.

He panted violently, almost crushing the armrest!

A deep voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

"Why, you still refuse?"

The voice was icy cold, like a poisonous tongue crawling through a person's heart, it was frightening!

Di Qianjue tried his best to raise his eyes, and saw a black crack in space suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall.

A black mist spread out from it.

The black mist surged, and it seemed that screams and cries could be heard intertwined in a vague way.

Di Qianjue leaned on the couch behind him, with his back firmly pressed against the back, staring at the cloud of black mist.

After a while, he suddenly laughed, and his blood-colored lips curled up slightly.

"You...you really linger..."

This is not the first time black mist has appeared.

When he noticed the abnormality in his body just now, he realized that the other party was coming again.

"My suzerain said long ago that I am not interested in what you said, but you come here again and again... Do you not understand human speech?"

The person in the black mist didn't get angry when he heard the words, but laughed instead.

"Do you think that if you go back to the Demon Palace a few more times, you can immediately substitute your strength and compete with me?"

Di Qianjue sneered.

"I know that you are powerful. If you want to kill me right now, I have no way to fight back. But... you won't, and you don't dare, do you?"

The man in the black mist fell silent.

After a while, he said meaningfully:

"You are indeed very smart... I will not kill you. In the whole continent, you are the only one who suits me best. How could I kill you?"

It was also because of this that he was extremely lenient towards Di Qianjue.

Talking to him like this, someone else would have died thousands of times!

Di Qianjue's face gradually turned cold.

He could guess the meaning of the other party, but it was also the case, which made him feel even more disgusted.

"Mu Qinglan...do you know her?"

The other party spoke suddenly.

Di Qianjue squinted his eyes, the scarlet color in his eyes was like a sea of ​​blood surging, and his knuckles were blue and white.

"If you agree to cooperate with me, I guarantee that she will be yours in the future, how about it?"

The black mist surged, and a deep voice reached Di Qianjue's ears.

Di Qian never spoke.

"You may not know that she is already a powerful Holy Lord. And...she has an ancient divine tome in her body, and it is only a matter of time before she advances to the Divine Lord. Once that time comes, you will definitely not be her opponent... You better think about it."

Di Qian was not surprised that the other party knew this.

After a while, he suddenly sneered and said:

"Are you afraid of the ancient gods?"

Otherwise, why should you be so afraid of Mu Qinglan?

"Heh... Once she breaks through to the God Lord, the God Lord in the world, no one can compete with her. Do you want to see that scene?"

Di Qianjue closed his eyes and let the power in his body surge wildly, almost tearing apart his internal organs.

"How she is has nothing to do with me."

In the hall, there was silence.

For a moment, the man in the black mist said lightly:

"You like her, but you dare not compete with Yun Yi."

Di Qianjue suddenly opened his eyes!

My aunt ran for a day in the rain yesterday.

I have to go out during the day today, I really can't bear it.

One chapter will be updated first, and the remaining two chapters will be updated around ten o'clock in the evening.

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