God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1541 Mirror Man (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan felt as if she was falling.

It was dark all around, nothing could be touched, nothing could be seen.

She took the sea gold sand vine back, and the red golden light in the palm of her hand suddenly lit up, illuminating her whole body.

However, it was only three feet away.

Farther away, there is still a thick, indelible darkness.

Mu Qinglan frowned.

Sky Jue shattered, Tongling Palace collapsed, what exactly is this place?

Just when she was wondering, a bright light suddenly came from below her.

Mu Qinglan looked down, her gaze fixed.

A huge mirror is floating below him!

And that brilliant and bright light emanated from the circle around the mirror.

Looking down from above, it's like...

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, she felt that the mirror looked somewhat similar to Tian Jue.

It's just because the edge light is too bright, so it can't be seen clearly for the time being.

With a thought in her mind, her body moved downward.

At this time, she realized that she seemed to have stopped falling from the moment she appeared in the mirror just now, and her body was under her control again.

She tried to move again, but she found that she flew down another distance.

But when she wanted to go up, she couldn't.

Mu Qinglan stayed in place for a while, then made up his mind and flew towards the huge mirror below.

After about a quarter of an hour, she finally stopped on the mirror.

The feet landed on the ground and stepped on the mirror, and there seemed to be a hint of coolness, which spread rapidly along the feet.

Mu Qinglan looked down, and could see her own reflection on the smooth mirror.

When she was about to look away, she suddenly fixed her gaze.

Because when she saw the center of her eyebrows, a divine seal suddenly appeared!

The bright jade-colored divine seal gradually emerged.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

She clearly didn't use the power of the divine master in the Yuanmai, and she didn't even use the Yuanli. Why did the divine seal suddenly move?

Then, she saw herself in the reflection again, and blinked her eyes.

Mu Qinglan's heart shuddered!

This is not a reflection!

She tapped her toes and backed away quickly!

At the same time, just hearing a "click", the entire mirror surface suddenly shattered from the middle!

It was as if an invisible knife suddenly cut off the huge mirror!

The cross-cut position in the middle is smooth and flat, and the mirror divided into two halves suddenly scattered towards the two sides!

And the "reflection" on the mirror before suddenly turned over and emerged from the middle position! Standing on the opposite mirror of Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on the person opposite, and his muscles tensed up.

This person is exactly the same as her in terms of appearance and figure, as well as the energy and aura circulating in his body!

Moreover, this is clearly a real person!

"I finally waited until today..."

"Mu Qinglan" on the opposite side suddenly spoke, and the voice was exactly the same as hers.

Seeing such a person who is exactly like himself appear, no one will be in a good mood.

Mu Qinglan looked him up and down.

Even she had to admit that this person was too similar to her.

If someone saw this scene at this time, they might not be able to distinguish them for a while.

The most important thing is that the divine seal between her brows... the aura is exactly the same as Mu Qinglan's!

This was what puzzled her the most.

——If someone faked it, what happened to the same divine seal breath? If this is a phantom...it would be too real.


A cold light flashed in Mu Qinglan's hand, and Qing Yuanzhan held it in his palm.

However, almost at the same time, "Mu Qinglan" on the opposite side also moved at the same time! Qingyuan Zhan also appeared in his hand at the same time!

An all-too-familiar biting cold air erupted from the opponent's Qing Yuan Zhan!

Mu Qinglan's expression froze!

This person is definitely not someone else's fake!

Because in this world, there is absolutely no one who can pretend to be in such a situation!

That is an illusion!

She quickly looked around, but saw that it was still dark.

These two separated semi-circular mirrors became the respective boundaries of the two of them! Opposed to each other!

At this moment, the person opposite was the first to act!

"Qing Yuan Slash!"

With a flash of blue and black sword light, her figure had already arrived in front of Mu Qinglan!

On top of Qingyuan Zhan, it seemed that he was carrying a mighty force, crushing towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan was all too familiar with such a scene.

However, she never thought that there would be a day when she would be attacked by Qing Yuan Zhan!

Holding the saber in both hands, she continuously poured Yuanli into Qingyuan Zhan, and swung the saber at the same time!


The two knives collided fiercely, and the sharp objects collided, immediately splashing sparks!

Mu Qinglan's wrist sank!

In order to test, she only used seven percent of her strength, but she didn't expect the other party to use all of her strength!

Mu Qinglan could clearly feel that the opponent's strength was exactly the same as her own!

If it were her, it would be the same strength if she exerted all her strength!

Mu Qinglan was secretly startled—even if it was an illusion, it was too real!

She immediately increased her strength to 100%, then suddenly bent her arms and leaned back!

The slender waist is almost parallel to the mirror surface!

The sharp breath flashed past her body, and narrowly brushed the tip of her nose!

Mu Qinglan rolled on the ground, dodging the blow, and then her whole body flew out like an arrow off the string!

At the same time, Qing Yuan Zhan swung out again!

As soon as she thought about it, she planned to use Qianye Honglian's lake water directly!

However, within the sea of ​​qi, there was no response.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback, before she had time to think about it, she sent out the knife!

However, the opponent's movements were also extremely fast, Qingyuan Zhan flew over the opponent's shoulder! Then it was picked out!


An ear-piercing sound came, and two Qingyuan chops slashed fiercely!

Because of the strong force of the impact, both of them backed away, and then each landed on the mirror!

Mu Qinglan took three steps before stopping, and the other party did the same.

But at this moment, Mu Qinglan didn't have time to think about it.

She tried to sense the lake within the Sea of ​​Qi, but there was no movement!

Even the God Lord Nine Thunders did not make any sound.

"Master? Master!?"

Mu Qinglan shouted several times in her heart, but no one responded.

Her heart gradually sank.

It is absolutely impossible for God Lord Nine Thunders not to respond to her for no reason. In such a situation... there must be something abnormal!

It's not like she hasn't entered the illusion before, but this has never happened before.

Not only did a person exactly like her appear, even the Nine Thunder God Lord in the sea of ​​Qi could no longer feel it!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and glanced at the other party.

The other party is almost another her, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, almost identical.

Even Shenyin, Qingyuan Zhan, etc. are all the same.

It's like she's fighting herself.

However, if a person's opponent is himself, then what should he do to win?

The two of them went through a few simple tricks just now, and Mu Qinglan was able to confirm that the other party even thought almost the same as hers during the battle.

How to make a move, how to exert force, how to receive a move, how to dodge...

Mu Qinglan knew everything she had done and what she was about to do.

In the same way, that man obviously did the same to her.

This makes the situation even more troublesome.

Mu Qinglan suddenly thought of something, and called Zhuzhu.

Still no response.

"There are only you and me here, and no one else can reach it."

The person opposite seemed to see through Mu Qinglan's mind and said.

"Whether it's a contract beast or something else, it doesn't exist here. If you want to find a helper, then I advise you to die as soon as possible."

Mu Qinglan was about to say something when she suddenly stared.

Because she finally knew how the other party was different from her!

——The depths of the opponent's eyes were actually pitch black! Like a black hole, it seems to swallow everything without seeing any light.

This is very different from Mu Qinglan's starry eyes.

For a moment, Mu Qinglan almost suspected that this person didn't have any soul at all.

Mu Qinglan's voice was cold:

"who are you!?"

The other party laughed.

The arc of the corner of the mouth was even exactly the same as that of Mu Qinglan.

Looking at it like this, Mu Qinglan still had the illusion of looking in a mirror.

But she knew it wasn't.

"I, it's you."

She said with a smile.

"But, it's not entirely you. I just want to tell you that after seventy-nine days, there can only be one Mu Qinglan in this world. And that person... must be me!"

Mu Qinglan gripped Qingyuan Zhan tightly.

"You think it's beautiful."

"Of course."

Listening to Mu Qinglan's words, she didn't seem to care at all, and said:

"I said, I am you. You will, I will. I know everything you think. You should be very clear about this. This mirror can reflect everything about you. Not only It's your strength, along with all your subconscious thoughts, that will be exposed."

A light suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's mind!

"You are the hostility of the ancestors of Tonglinghai in Tianjue!"

The woman opposite smiled.

"No. I am your hostility. You can also call me—the mirror man."


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