God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1545: The Secret Under the Mountain (Part 1)

Seeing this situation, Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and asked tentatively:

"you are…"

"I am Wang Zhilin."

said the man.


Although Mu Qinglan is not from the Tonglinghai tribe, he also knows that the ancestor of Tonglinghai is God Lord Wang Zhilin!

The real Lord Wang Zhilin has long since fallen, and what is left now should be only a remnant breath.

The two translucent figures standing in front of Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi are obviously the two forces that fought in Tianjue before!

"I didn't expect to be able to restrain him in the end... It's really troublesome to involve you."

Wang Zhilin said apologetically.

Hearing this tone, it was clear that he was no stranger to Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi.

"You... know us?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Wang Zhilin smiled.

"You and I definitely know each other, as for him... just met."

Mu Qinglan was a little embarrassed for a while.

From this point of view, he knew about her taking Xinghai away and so on.

"Senior, forgive me, this junior didn't mean to offend—"

"No problem."

Wang Zhilin shook his head with kind eyes.

"This is the hidden danger I left behind when I was practicing. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Tianjue would have been unable to restrain it and harmed the entire Tongling Sea."

"let me go!"

The mirror man roared and struggled frantically, and he was completely different from the calm look just now.

When Wang Zhilin came out, his emotions seemed to become extraordinarily intense.

Mu Qinglan looked at the two of them.

They clearly have the same appearance, but the feeling they give people is completely different, and they will definitely not remind people that they are actually the same person.

Wang Zhilin didn't seem to care about the hysterical shouts of the mirror man.

He looked at Mu Qinglan and said:

"You are from the Yuan clan."

The aura of her primordial meridians couldn't be more clear.

Mu Qinglan shook her head.

"Senior, I have nothing to do with the Yuan Clan now."

Wang Zhilin was a little surprised.

He stayed in Tianjue before, and he knew exactly how talented Mu Qinglan was.

She has the blood power of the Yuan Clan in her body, so she is undoubtedly a descendant of the Yuan Clan.

Judging from some things about Mu Qinglan before, he can probably guess Mu Qinglan's life experience.

However, even so, the people of the Yuan clan, after realizing Mu Qinglan's talent, should be tempted and willing to compromise.

But since she said that...it must be because she doesn't want to have anything to do with the Yuan Clan.

Although she looked calm, but between her eyebrows and eyes, when she mentioned the Yuan family, she was extremely cold.

Wang Zhilin guessed something in his heart, and smiled apologetically:

"Sorry, I didn't know about this before..."

"Don't dare. This is a trivial matter, and it's not worth the trouble of my predecessors."

Wang Zhilin sighed in his heart.

How many people in the world dare to say that it is a trivial matter related to the Yuan clan?

But Mu Qinglan's expression was relaxed, obviously he really didn't take this to heart.

He simply didn't mention it any more.

"Before you were very curious, why did the sea of ​​stars around the Tongling Hall treat you so kindly after you came?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

This is indeed a question she hasn't figured out until now.

Wang Zhilin smiled and said:

"It's actually very simple, it's because of your physique."

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes slightly in surprise.

"Actually, when I was constructing this Star Sea, to a certain extent, I imitated the Star Sea within the Yuan Clan Yuan Lantern."

With one hand behind his back, Wang Zhilin narrowed his eyes slightly, as if lost in memory.

"Back then, I was proud and arrogant, and my heart was all about cultivation. Fortunately, my talent was good, and the road to cultivation went very smoothly, and I even broke through all the way until I reached the peak of the Holy Master. At that time, I was very proud. But at the same time, It also fills me with pride."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

Anyone with such a talent would have to be somewhat proud.

"At that time, I thought breaking through to the God Lord was nothing more than a trivial matter for me. But after trying three times, they all failed. I was extremely frustrated and gloomy."

Wang Zhilin frowned, as if recalling that painful memory at that time, with a dignified and helpless expression.

"I'm a person who can't bear failure. I failed three times in a row, which dealt a great blow to me. Because of this, my heart gradually grew hostile. That's him—"

As Wang Zhilin said, he raised his finger and pointed to the mirror man in front of him.

"Don't point your finger at me! You are not qualified!"

The man in the mirror seemed to have received some stimulus suddenly, and shouted fiercely again.

Yun Yi glanced at him coldly, and with a thought, several silver threads flew out from the lines of the cage, piercing his body directly!

He couldn't speak, so he whimpered intermittently, his facial features were completely distorted, and he seemed to be completely insane.

He stared at Wang Zhilin with deep resentment in his blood-colored eyes.

Wang Zhilin sighed lightly.

"Actually, I am him, and he is me. We are one person. However, under the circumstances at that time, I knew very well that if I couldn't get rid of this hostility, I would never be able to break through the God Lord. So, later I tried a way , cut it off, and locked it in Tianjue."

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly.

In this way, the cause and effect can be explained clearly.

"Later, I went to the Heaven of Gods and Demons. By chance, I finally broke through the God Lord. After that, I met the head of the Yuan Clan at that time. I fought with him for three days, but I was finally defeated. However, from him, But I have learned a lot. Among them, the most important thing is this sea of ​​stars."

I see.

She didn't feel it at first, but after seeing Yuan Xingze and the others use the Yuan Lantern, and seeing the sea of ​​stars falling around the Yuan Lantern, she felt that it was somewhat similar to the sea of ​​stars around Tongling Hall.

After much deliberation, Mu Qinglan never thought that this was actually "stealed" secretly because Wang Zhilin had fought against the head of the Yuan clan before.

"The Xinghai is attached to the Yuan Lantern, which can enhance the combat power and buffer the opponent's attack. It is very delicate. But I am not a member of the Yuan Clan, so I don't have a Yuan Lantern. It is not easy to build such a Xinghai. For this reason , I spent a lot of effort back and forth."

Mu Qinglan suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Senior, it shouldn't be easy for you to build this sea of ​​stars, right?"

Wang Zhilin nodded, smiled lightly and said:

"It seems that you have seen it. In fact, the sea of ​​stars around the Tongling Hall was completely constructed after my death. Because there was no Yuan Lantern, I built the Tongling Hall and put Tianjue in it. With it as the center, it was finally built.”

Therefore, the Tongling Hall is located on the top of this mountain, surrounded by the sea of ​​stars.

"It was only later that the aura I left behind gradually became weaker, while he gradually became stronger...then he lost his balance and almost caused chaos in Tongling Sea."

Wang Zhilin shook his head and sighed.

"Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Mu Qinglan's heart moved:

"Senior, in this way... you controlled Tian Jue back then?"

Wang Zhilin laughed, but did not deny it.

Mu Qinglan thought to himself, it really is so!

At that time, she felt strange, Tianjue was the treasure of Tongling Sea, how could she leave with Xinghai?

If it hadn't been for something wrong with Tonglinghai's Yuanmai test later, she would not have known that she had caused trouble unintentionally.

Looking at it now, it was actually arranged by Wang Zhilin early on.

She thought for a moment:

"Are you... for Yuan Deng?"

Wang Zhilin was noncommittal.

"Yes, and no. To be precise, I want to use your Yuan Lantern to consolidate the power of this star sea, but...unexpectedly, the Yuan Lantern in your body is not yours."

That was Yuan Liluo's Yuan Lantern.

Yuan Li fell to his death, and although the Yuan Lantern still had some utility, the early loss of Xinghai also greatly reduced its value.

Wang Zhilin didn't expect that Mu Qinglan was clearly of the blood of the Yuan clan, but he didn't have a Yuan lantern.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly.

From Wang Zhilin's words, it can be heard that the relationship between Yuandeng and Xinghai is very close.

What's more, he didn't hide it, he came for her yuan lantern.

He also mentioned his physique just now...

Could it be that he was sure that her Yuan Lantern would be different?

Otherwise, he really didn't need to be so troublesome.


"Senior, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. This junior has nothing to do with the Yuan Clan, so there is no Yuan Lantern in his body."

Mu Qinglan said frankly.

"I know."

There was a bit of regret in Wang Zhilin's eyes.

"This is your choice, and others naturally have no right to interfere. But...it's a pity."


What's the pity?

She doesn't have the slightest interest in the Yuan Clan, so what if she has a Yuan Lantern?

Seemingly seeing what Mu Qinglan was thinking, Wang Zhilin sighed:

"To be honest, my remaining aura can't last long. However, once I die completely, he will definitely lose control. At that time, it will bring you a lot of trouble. And Tongling Sea..."

He frowned, and seemed to be very worried.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

For some reason, she felt that Wang Zhilin seemed to be very wary of the man in the mirror...

It seems that once it is released, something terrible will happen.

She suddenly thought of what Fulingtai had said back then.

At that time, it said that Tianjue was placed in the Tongling Hall to guard something.

But Wang Zhilin didn't mention this.

Mu Qinglan paused, and asked hesitantly:

"Senior. This junior has something that I would like to take the liberty to ask."

Wang Zhilin nodded:

"You just say it. I must know everything."

Mu Qinglan said word by word:

"I don't know... What's the secret under this Tongling Palace?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Qinglan saw Wang Zhilin's expression change!

And the mirror man suddenly struggled crazily again!

However, this time, he was laughing wildly.

"Hahaha! Wang Zhilin! Do you think it's for their sake that you don't say it? Now that they know about it, there's no need to keep hiding it! You were the one who deserved to die back then, but now, let the two of them be buried with you." yes!"

After the mirror man finished speaking, his body suddenly exploded!

A black mist quickly drilled towards the middle of the mirror!

The huge mirror quickly became dark!

Drowsy, I will continue to update in the afternoon, and there will be three more updates today, but I am not sure how long it will take to finish writing.

Everyone, let’s watch it later, it can be finished before 8 o’clock.

In addition, it is almost over, and finally I will send out monthly ticket red envelopes to everyone.

One monthly pass can now be changed into two, and you can get two small red envelopes.

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