God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1546 Wait More (Part 2)

Seeing that black mist, Mu Qinglan's pupils instantly shrank!

Now she is very familiar with this scene!

Originally, she had been worried that the people of the Blood Soul Sect would attack Tongling Hai, but she never expected that they would infiltrate in early!

The hostility restrained in Tian Jue... is actually inextricably linked to the Blood Soul Cult!

Mu Qinglan watched helplessly as the huge mirror dimmed. The originally bright mirror seemed to be covered with a layer of black veil, giving off a gloomy look.

Mu Qinglan looked down, and found that the mirror could no longer reflect the appearance of people.

A cold air rose from the bottom of my heart and spread quickly.

Just as she was about to move, Yun Yi's figure flashed and returned to her side.


A sharp black arrow suddenly flew out of the darkness and stabbed straight at Mu Qinglan's heart!

Yun Yi's brows were cold, and he waved his sleeves lightly, and there was a silver barrier covering the two of them!

The smile on Wang Zhilin's face also completely disappeared, and his brows were tightly frowned.

"It's been a new year, and I still don't die..."

This shows that under the Tongling Hall, something is indeed being suppressed!

Wang Zhilin suddenly looked at Mu Qinglan and said solemnly:

"Qinglan, I know that you are not from the Tongling Sea Clan. I'm really sorry for bringing you into this. But until now, I have no other choice..."

Mu Qinglan immediately said:

"Senior, you are polite. Lord Wang Yan is my master and treats me like a daughter. Now that Tongling Sea is in trouble, I should do it. If there is anything I can do to help, just tell me."

Wang Zhilin looked solemn and said:

"Actually, this is the disaster I left behind in the past, and I should deal with it. I left this residual aura back then, just to wait for this day. However, after this time, Tian Jue will definitely shatter and die completely from then on. And the sea of ​​stars around Tongling Hall will definitely be greatly affected by then... I hope you can help guard the sea of ​​stars and protect Tongling sea!"

Mu Qinglan had already vaguely guessed something in his heart, but when he heard this, he was still a little surprised.

She came to guard the sea of ​​stars around the Tongling Hall?

How to do this?

"Although you don't have your own Yuan Lantern now, the previous Yuan Lantern, if you can use it properly, can also play a very good role. You are now the master of the Star Formation, and you know the Star Formation like the back of your hand. It is not difficult to guard."

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

Wang Zhilin thought it was because she was worried, and asked worriedly:

"I know it's hard to ask you to help like this, but—"

"Senior, you have misunderstood. It's not that this junior is unwilling to help, but... after all, this junior is not from Tongling Sea. If this junior guards Xinghai... it seems somewhat inappropriate..."

In the past, she didn't know the function of Xinghai, but now she is clear about it. If she suppresses Xinghai herself, she will definitely control the entire Tongling Hall.

But in her body, there is no blood of the Tonglinghai clan...

Tongling Hall is the most important holy place for the people of Tonglinghai.

It fell into her hands like this, no matter how you think about it, it's a bit inappropriate.

She is still an outsider after all.

Wang Zhilin stared at Mu Qinglan closely:

"I just ask you, can you help?"

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded:


A look of relief appeared in Wang Zhilin's eyes, and then he closed his eyes, and his figure became unreal!

After a while, he transformed into a silver light again, and quickly got under the mirror!

The originally dark mirror surface suddenly reappeared with a gleam of light.

The two semicircular mirrors suddenly converge towards the middle!


With a soft sound, the mirror returned to its original appearance!

However, it is still divided into two areas, one bright and one dark!

Looking down, the two of Mu Qinglan seemed to be stepping on a Yin-Yang diagram.

Yun Yi suddenly took Mu Qinglan's hand.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and glanced at him, but saw that his face was cold and dark.


Yun Yi's thin lips parted slightly, and he spit out two words.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

Yun Yi is saying that the things suppressed below are dangerous! ?

But she has not yet clearly felt what it is.

Mu Qinglan asked in a low voice:

"What did you notice?"

Yun Yi's reaction like this is really rare.

Just when Yun Yi was about to say something, the mirror under their feet suddenly shattered!

Mu Qinglan only felt empty under her feet, and the surrounding space collapsed rapidly!

Yun Yi took her into his arms!

Mu Qinglan bumped into his chest, and the tip of her nose hurt.

But the next moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the silver barrier around the two of them, which also shattered in an instant!


In an instant, countless stars twinkled and streamed brightly!

At the same time, the thick and cold aura continued to spread!

——The whole space is shattered!

Just as this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, she suddenly saw Yun Yi's eyebrows, and the divine seal flashed!

In an instant, there seemed to be an incomparably bright silver light flashing across his eyes!

She was startled - Yun Yi only made such a movement when she used her strongest strength!

But his body...

He has not yet broken through to the God Lord, and the problem of the bloodline on his heart is still unresolved.

Such a sudden mobilization of power, I'm afraid it will cause the red line to riot again!

Mu Qinglan hugged his thin waist with one hand, and pressed his heart with the other.

"Yun Yi! You can't—"

Before he could say a word of obstruction, Yun Yi suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Soft, cool and fragrant.

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment.

This is not the first time to kiss, it's just... she didn't expect that Yun Yi would do this suddenly under such circumstances.

For a while, it was directly covered.

Yun Yi bit her lips, and blurted out two syllables.


Mu Qinglan woke up in an instant, but for some reason, when he opened his mouth like this, there was a slight friction, which made her face feel a little hot again.

The hot air between the lips and teeth seemed to penetrate somewhere in the bottom of my heart, causing Mu Qinglan's body to tremble slightly.

The two were already very close to each other. Although her movement was subtle, Yun Yi still felt it clearly.

His arms tightened, as if he wanted to crush Mu Qinglan and melt into his own flesh and blood.

"Don't move."

His voice was slightly hoarse, with a clear warning.

Mu Qinglan opened her bright eyes and looked up at him.

Yun Yi's eyes were dark, like a bottomless sea, with dark tides surging.

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly started beating fast, and his whole body felt a little hot.

Yun Yi sucked her lips, brushed with the tip of his tongue, and then asked in a low voice:

"Why don't we wait here?"

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