He is fast, Mu Qinglan is faster!

Finally, before he blew himself up, he completely controlled it!

The spirit bead was suspended in the air, and when it was slowly spinning, a silver light poured down, completely covering the man in black.

On the entire half-mountain, the stars are shining brightly, countless forces are intertwined with each other, forming a huge cage, suppress it!

After he was suppressed, those people at the bottom of the mountain all collapsed as if they had suffered a huge blow!

bang bang bang!

With the sound of explosions, those people gradually turned into black mist, quickly dissipated, and re-burrowed into the ground.

"Don't let them escape!"

Someone exclaimed.

Elder Wang Yi waved his hand.

"Don't pay attention to these. Since those above have been suppressed, then...these are nothing to be afraid of. The injured go back to recuperate, and the rest...just clean up these."

Sensing the movements on Tongling Mountain, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't feel relieved.

Because the entire Tongling Sea still suffered heavy losses.

Although the incident lasted for a short time, there were not a few people who died for it.

He didn't need to look at them one by one, but he also knew what was going on in Tongling Sea at this time.

The thick bloody smell almost soared to the sky, making it difficult for people to even breathe.

Blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was in a mess.

How can he really let go of his heart?

But fortunately, this catastrophe has finally become more serious without development.

Following Elder Wang Yi's order, everyone began to deal with the situation individually.

From time to time, he would raise his head and look at Tongling Mountain with admiration and awe.

This time Tonglinghai was able to escape, thanks to Mu Qinglan and the others...

Otherwise, I'm afraid today will be the day of Tonglinghai's destruction!

Everyone was curious, but the sea of ​​stars in the middle of the mountain blocked their eyes.

However, although they couldn't see anything, everything that happened today has been deeply engraved in their minds.

The Tongling Hall completely collapsed and became a ruin.

On the top of the mountain, there was a mess.

Mu Qinglan finally breathed a sigh of relief, put the sea of ​​stars around her back into the Yuan Lantern, and put it away.

Then, she walked towards the man in black robe.

The flowing light pouring down from the spirit bead has formed a cage, trapping it firmly inside.

If he wanted to escape, he couldn't escape, and if he wanted to blew himself up, he had already missed his chance.

The Divine Orb, together with the entire Xinghai, has completely suppressed him.

Now, there is no way to survive and no way to die.

Mu Qinglan walked over and looked him up and down.

Because of the black hood covering her, she hadn't been able to see the other person's face clearly before.

However, she wasn't interested in that either.

What she wanted to know was something else.

She said straight to the point:

"You are a member of the Blood Soul Cult."

This is not a question, but a statement of affirmation.

The man in black obviously didn't intend to conceal his identity, he tried to struggle for a while, and realized that he couldn't get out, so he stopped moving.

"You already know, why ask more?"

Although he had tried his best to conceal it, trying to make his tone sound calm, the ending trembled slightly, with obvious anger and fear.

Of course, Mu Qinglan didn't feel that the other party was afraid of her.

He was planning to blow himself up just now, obviously he was already ready to die.

The one who is afraid... is obviously the so-called "leader" behind him.

If he failed to complete the "task" of destroying Tonglinghai, his end should be very miserable.

Mu Qinglan continued:

"It must have been thousands of years since you were trapped at the foot of Tongling Mountain, right? It's really hard for you to endure like this."

The man in black sneered:

"What you should know, don't you know everything? You can kill or cut whatever you want! If you want my life now, I would like to thank you!"

Mu Qinglan also smiled, folded her arms and said:

"Where is there such a good thing in this world, you can live if you want, and you can die if you want... I still remember clearly what you said just now."

The man in black sneered:

"so what?"

"You said that the lives of everyone in Tonglinghai are closely related to you, how could I really dare to kill you?" Mu Qinglan said lightly.

There was a trace of regret in the heart of the black-robed man.

With Mu Qinglan's appearance like this, it was clear that he was going to fight him to the end.

However, the news of his failure will definitely spread back quickly.

When the leader heard about this, he didn't know what to do!

Even if he is trapped here, he has no doubt that the leader has thousands of methods that can make his life worse than death!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tremble all over, and a deep fear welled up in his heart.

Being suppressed at the foot of Tongling Mountain for a thousand years, he didn't feel anything at all, he just had to wait anyway.

However, when he thought about facing the leader...he would rather never have happened!

But what he said just now made Mu Qinglan and the others vigilant!

"Qinglan! We must investigate! We must investigate this matter clearly!"

Venerable Wang Yan gritted his teeth, and walked quickly to Mu Qinglan's side, staring at the man in black.

Under Tongling Mountain, there is such a huge disaster buried!

If it hadn't been revealed today, they wouldn't have known that there was such a danger around them!

Seeing Lord Wang Yan trembling with anger, Mu Qinglan nodded and said in relief:

"Master, don't worry, this matter will definitely be investigated. Moreover, since they ran out today, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As long as they are strictly tortured, I am not afraid that he will not explain clearly."

Lord Wang Yan looked at Mu Qinglan with complicated eyes:

"You...you know their identities?"

He heard clearly the phrase "Blood Soul Cult" that Mu Qinglan asked just now.

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

Lord Wang Yan paused.

Mu Qinglan tentatively asked:

"Master, back then... the person who secretly assassinated you and trapped you in the hall should also be theirs?"

Lord Wang Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Although people are different, this breath is all too familiar.

Even if he died, he would never make a mistake!

"It's just that I didn't know they were the so-called Blood Soul Cult." Lord Wang Yan said, looking around with a dignified expression, and sighed, "I didn't expect that they were hiding under Tongling Mountain... for so long! "

Mu Qinglan sighed inwardly.

In fact, not only Lord Wang Yan, I am afraid that the previous patriarchs of Tonglinghai have not known about this for thousands of years.

"Master, you should have seen it just now, the sky is broken. In fact, I saw the Lord Wang Zhilin in the Tongling Hall before."

Lord Wang Yan was startled suddenly:


Mu Qinglan nodded:

"That's actually just a breath left by the senior, which is specially used to counter the hostility he generated when he was practicing. At the same time, it is also used to suppress these things below."

Mu Qinglan briefly explained the matter.

Venerable Wang Yan was in a very complicated mood when he heard it, and in the end he only sighed.

"I see…"

This evil fate was actually forged thousands of years ago.

"So, after Tian Jue was shattered, you used this divine orb to re-use it as a formation eye to suppress it?"

After Mu Qinglan made it clear, Lord Wang Yan quickly connected these things.

As a Star Array Master, he could easily guess Mu Qinglan's purpose for doing this.

"I remember that this Divine Spirit Orb was given to you by Ling Han when you were young..."

Venerable Wang Yan shook his head, feeling a little pity.

"This thing means a lot to you, now—"

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Now I can help everyone, I have made the best use of everything. If my brother knows, he will be gratified."

Seeing the smile on Mu Qinglan's face, Lord Wang Yan couldn't help but feel his eyes warm up.

Just think about how important this thing is to Mu Qinglan.

But she still made a choice without hesitation.

"Tonglinghai, this time is really thanks to you..."

Lord Wang Yan took a step back suddenly, clasped his fists in his hands, and bowed solemnly to the three of them.

Mu Qinglan immediately stepped forward and supported him.

"Master, my disciples dare not accept such a big gift from you. Besides, you are my master, as a disciple, you should do these things."

Along the way, Venerable Lord Wang Yan has helped her a lot, and even the entire Tongling Sea became her backer when she was alone and helpless.

Doing this now is really nothing in her heart.

There seemed to be something surging in Wang Yan's chest, but he couldn't say a word, he just patted Mu Qinglan's arm.

If Tonglinghai was wiped out today, he would have no face to face his ancestors...

"Master, let's find out his problem first."

Mu Qinglan changed the topic.

Lord Wang Yan immediately said:

"Yes, yes! You should check this first!"

Although he didn't go down the mountain, he could see the distance of Tongling Sea from the top of the mountain.

Therefore, he also saw clearly the purgatory-like scene just now.

He didn't dare to think about how many people died in Tonglinghai in such a short period of time!

In short, we must let the other party pay in blood!

Mu Qinglan said in relief:

"Master, don't worry. It's not time to kill him yet. It won't be too late to talk about it after I ask clearly."

Lord Wang Yan thought of the words of the black-robed man and the elders who had fallen one after another, and felt a chill in his heart, and nodded with difficulty.

Mu Qinglan actually wanted to ask a lot of questions in his mind.

"You should have been suppressed here by Senior Wang Zhilin back then, did you do it on purpose?"

The man in black scoffed coldly.

"It's been such a long time, who remembers?"

Mu Qinglan's eyes turned cold.

"The origin veins of the Hai people in Tongling were eroded. You did it, right? When did it start?"

Asked about this, Lord Wang Yan immediately tensed up, staring at him with fixed eyes!

But the man in black robe didn't care, and even started to provoke.

"Why don't you guess it? Anyway... you just need to know that it will happen earlier than you expected!"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows:

"That is to say, if you kill you now, many clansmen in Tongling Sea will also be implicated?"

Only then did the man in black realize that Mu Qinglan had played a trick, and immediately closed his mouth.

He said that before just to threaten Mu Qinglan.

But now, he knows that this is a big trouble for him.

Because Mu Qinglan will definitely feel jealous because of this, so he chooses to keep his life.

But now that he is suppressed, he can't do anything at all, and it's even more dangerous to be alive.

The leader's side... is not so easy to deal with!

Seeing his reaction, Mu Qinglan's heart was already a bit relieved.

Her mood gradually became heavy.

Even if what the man in black said was exaggerated, part of it should be true.

His life or death does not matter, but the key point is, what should the Tongling Hai people involved do?

Their origin veins were eroded, which should be somewhat similar to the situation of Yun Xi and Chong Shuangshuang.

But even if she can help, how can she help so many people?

In other words, now she couldn't even kill him, but had to keep him alive.

This is much more difficult than killing him.

"Shui Family and Tianyan Mountain were wiped out, and you did it too?"

The man in black was silent.

"The Blood Heaven Cauldron, which caused a commotion on the summit of the gods thousands of years ago...is also inseparable from you?"

The man in black closed his eyes, as if he was letting himself be slaughtered.

But Mu Qinglan was probably sure in her heart.

Even this person appeared together when the Blood Heaven Cauldron was causing trouble thousands of years ago.

Later, the Blood Heaven Cauldron seemed to be cleaned up, but it was not.

The members of the Blood Soul Sect have already secretly lurked in the major families!

The Shui Family and Tianyan Mountain should have been quickly killed because of this.

The inside should be combined with the outside, directly beheaded, there is no way out.

Yun Yi suddenly said coldly:

"The ten great families of the House of the Gods all have people from you?"

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