God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1552 Missing (a more)

The man in black opened his eyes and smiled inexplicably.

"What do you think?"

He knew that he had fallen into this situation, and there would be no good end, so he simply broke the pot and threw it.

If he could provoke them and kill himself, it would be a relief.

Lord Wang Yan gasped.

If what the black-robed man said was true... wouldn't that mean that the entire summit of the gods was now hanging by a thread?

Although it sounds too sensational, but the Shui family and Tianyan Mountain were wiped out overnight, and they buried these disasters under the Tongling Sea Mountain for thousands of years... This matter may not be impossible.

Mu Qinglan glanced at Yun Yi.

He should also be worried about the Yun family...

However, at this moment, the black-robed man was at the end of his rope, so what he said might not be taken seriously.

The top priority is to thoroughly investigate.

"Qinglan, what are you going to do with him?"

Lord Wang Yan asked.

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment.

"Keep his life first. As for the others... then slowly figure out a way."

It is now basically certain that the power of the black-robed man has indeed eroded the vitality of many people in Tonglinghai.

So I can't move him yet.

Venerable Wang Yan gritted his teeth, his anger hard to calm down.

"But... can he be allowed to continue living so arrogantly?"

As long as he thinks that so many people in the clan have died under the hands of these people, he can't wait to cut them into pieces!

Mu Qinglan patted Lord Wang Yan's arm in relief:

"Master, don't worry, we will eventually pay back the debts they owed."

"Then now—are you going to suppress him under Tongling Mountain again?" Venerable Wang Yan asked with a complicated expression.

The Tongling Hall had been destroyed, and although Xinghai had been rebuilt, he couldn't help but feel sick at the thought of putting this thing under the mountain again.

Mu Qinglan shook her head:

"Leaving him here is a disaster after all. So, if you don't mind, master, I actually want to take him away. However, in this case, I have to take him away together with the Divine Spirit Orb and the entire Xinghai.

Lord Wang Yan fell into deep thought, and after a moment, finally nodded.

"You suppressed this person, it's up to you to decide how to deal with him!"

Mu Qinglan asked:

"Could it be... Master is not reluctant?"

Lord Wang Yan smiled wryly.

"This sea of ​​stars was left by our ancestors back then. It would be a lie to say that we have no nostalgia at all. But now I know that this sea of ​​stars, together with the destroyed Tongling Hall, were actually left behind by our ancestors to suppress this thing. Now that He has already come out, and it is indeed not good to suppress and seal him back. It is more appropriate to leave it to you."

On the one hand, Mu Qinglan personally suppressed it, and on the other hand, it is obvious that Mu Qinglan also knows the forces behind it.

It is really appropriate that this matter should be handed over to Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan nodded:

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely not let you down."

After speaking, she looked at the man in black.

For some reason, the black-robed man suddenly felt uneasy.

He thought that Mu Qinglan was going to suppress him again at the foot of Tongling Mountain, but he didn't expect that she would actually take him away!

Who knows what she's going to do!

If he stayed here, he would still have a slight hope of escaping the counterattack, but if he was trapped by Mu Qinglan...

Before he could think too much, Mu Qinglan raised his hand.

The spirit pearl flickered lightly.

The sea of ​​stars above the mountain also surged!

Afterwards, countless stars flew towards the Divine Spirit Orb!

Like a gust of wind sweeping past, blowing everything away!

The sea of ​​stars gradually dissipated, and all the star arrays gathered around the Divine Spirit Orb!

In the end, the Divine Spirit Orb seemed to be covered with a layer of incomparably bright silver light.

And the man in black robe was also quickly swallowed into the Divine Spirit Orb!

He wanted to resist, but there were too many restraints on his body, so he couldn't move at all, so he obediently entered into the Divine Spirit Orb.

From the outside, one can vaguely see a black mist swimming and colliding wildly in it.

Mu Qinglan took the Divine Bead in his hand, and then put it away.

She had a faint premonition in her heart—maybe, the battle between her and the Blood Soul Cult was coming soon!


Evil Monarch Mansion.

In the room, Yuan Yixuan and Mu Feng sat facing each other, with a game of chess between them.

The black and white two sons have been fighting to the most intense time, entangled with each other, the situation is tragic.

Yuan Yixuan held the white piece in his hand and looked at the chessboard, but he didn't land this piece for a long time.

Mu Feng looked at her for a while, and finally sighed softly.

"Xuan'er, your heart is not here."

When Yuan Yixuan heard the words, his eyebrows twitched, and he raised his eyes to meet him.

The two husband and wife have experienced life and death together for several years, and they know each other best.

She was not surprised that Mu Feng would see her thoughts.

Yuan Yixuan simply put the chess piece back, and Liu Mei frowned slightly.

"Brother Feng, you know what I'm worried about."

Mu Feng let out a "huh".

"It's dangerous for Qing'er to go, but you should know better than me how strong she is now, so you don't need to worry too much. Besides, there is no Yun Yi."

Yuan Yixuan shook his head:

"You didn't value him so much before, why do you value him so much now?"

Mu Feng laughed.

"He took my daughter away. I can't accept it for a while. After all... we may not have been together with Qing'er and the others for many years. However, his strength is beyond doubt."

Otherwise, he would not trust Qing'er to him.

Yuan Yixuan pondered for a moment, with hesitation on his face, and then he couldn't help but say:

"Brother Feng, you clearly know that what I'm thinking about is not just this matter."

Mu Feng paused.

"Brother Feng, are you still going to tell me something?" Yuan Yixuan couldn't help but clenched his hands, and his heart hung up, "When those people took you away, I didn't I don't know the reason. And because I was trapped in the Yuan Clan in the next few years, I don't know what the situation is on your side. But... I am not ignorant."

She paused, her voice much softer:

"Besides, Qinglan also told me something about the previous things. Although she said it lightly, but...Brother Feng, I am not simply ignorant."

"Of course I know. You are always smart, you must have already guessed something."

After a while, Mu Feng sighed softly.

"It's just that I haven't told you all this time, not because of other reasons, but... I'm not very sure myself."

Yuan Yixuan looked slightly condensed, and asked:

"Then... that is to say, those people took you away because of your blood problem?"

Hearing this, Mu Feng subconsciously frowned and looked around.

After confirming that several barriers had already been set up around and no one else would hear it, he looked at Yuan Yixuan again and nodded slowly.

He frowned tightly, his eyes darkened slightly, as if he had fallen into memories.

"...At that time in the setting sun, we were ambushed and fell into a deadly situation. You had no choice but to expose your Yuanmai. But before we turned defeat into victory, that group of people appeared...The people who were taken away at that time were actually not I'm the only one with a few confidantes. So I didn't think too much about it, I just thought that someone in the capital was secretly killing us. But..."

But soon, he realized something was wrong.

Because the strength of that group of people is really too strong!

Mu Feng is not an uninformed person. In fact, after meeting Yuan Yixuan, the two paid a very heavy price for being together.

There were many times in the middle, and they almost died.

They even went to Shenmotian at the beginning, confronted Yuan Ruili head-on, and then escaped with difficulty.

He knows how strong the person who stands at the pinnacle of the mainland is.

Therefore, as soon as those people make a move, he knows that they are definitely not characters that can appear in the small Shengyuan Empire.

It was also at that time that he knew that his life was in danger!

"Later, people from the Yuan clan also tracked you down and took you away. We separated and never saw each other again. I thought that I would never be able to meet you again in this life. Especially... being imprisoned After that place, I even gave up thinking about it.”

Even though he has come out now, even though it has been a long time, when Mu Feng thinks about it, his heart still trembles slightly.

It was a place more terrifying than hell, and it was an inescapable nightmare!

Yuan Yixuan held his hand in distress.

Mu Feng shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"I was there for a long time, and I kept seeing people being arrested, and then they all experienced the same punishment. So, I thought I was just one of the most ordinary people. But I forgot, if it was really like me I wondered, why did they travel thousands of miles to bring me there? After a while, I was detained in solitary confinement. At that time, I gradually understood everything. "

Yuan Yixuan carefully opened his sleeves, and a scar was clearly visible.

With just one glance, one can imagine what kind of hardships Mu Feng had endured back then.

Her heart also twitched violently, and her eyes were red.

"Why on earth do they want your blood? And Qing'er..."

She looked at Mu Feng, full of doubts.

"Besides, they seem to treat Qing'er more..."

Mu Feng held her hand instead, and something seemed to be churning in his chest.

His Adam's apple rolled, and he managed to utter a few words:

"Actually, I have vaguely heard that person mentioned that he did this for the sake of our blood—"


Before he finished speaking, there was a hasty knock on the door outside.

Startled, the two looked over together.

"Lord Mu Feng, Mrs. Mu, it's bad! Miss Ouyang is missing!"

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