God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1553 Call Me (Part 2)


Mu Feng and the two got up immediately, walked quickly and opened the door.

Standing at the door was Elder Ding Ning from Xiejun's Mansion and one of Huo Zunting's confidantes.

"What's going on? Why did Mo'er suddenly disappear?"

Didn't people stay in this evil monarch's mansion all the time? After doing the math, she should be with Ling Han right now.

Elder Ding Ning was also sweating profusely, and hurriedly said:

"This, this...Master Mu Feng, I can't explain a few sentences, you and your wife should go and see for yourself!"

Mu Feng and Yuan Yixuan looked at each other and nodded immediately:

"Please ask the elder to lead the way."

Elder Ding Ning also knew that they must be very anxious at this time, so he quickly turned around and took them away.

Several people hurried towards the courtyard where Ouyang Mo was resting.

Because Ouyang Mo was always taking care of Mu Feng when she was recuperating here, so she also has her own special residence here.

After Mu Linghan came back, he lived in the same courtyard as her, but in different rooms.

"Where is Ling Han? Where is he now?"

Mu Feng asked as he walked.

Elder Ding Ning had a bitter face:

"Second Young Master is in the yard right now! You two should go and have a look! I really can't persuade you!"

Both Mu Feng's hearts sank.

Listen to this, the situation is not very good.

A group of people hurried and rushed to the courtyard where Ouyang Mo lived.

When they arrived, Huo Zunting had already arrived here first, standing at the door of a certain room.

He looked dignified and seemed to already know what happened.

The door of the room was open, and he looked inside, but did not step in.

Aware of this movement, he turned his head and saw the figures of Mu Feng and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Mu, Aunt Xuan."

"Where's Mo'er?" Yuan Yixuan asked anxiously, "She was fine before, why did she suddenly disappear?"

This is the Evil Monarch's Mansion!

There have been constant turmoil in the Peak of the Gods recently, so the Evil Lord's Mansion did not dare to slack off, and has already stepped up its guard. If there is any disturbance, it is absolutely impossible to escape their guards.

But now, why did Ouyang Mo disappear without a sound?

"Don't worry, you two. I just came here after I found out about it."

While comforting the two, Huo Zunting explained the matter briefly.

It turned out that this morning, Ouyang Mo told the people below that she planned to retreat and try to break through, and asked them not to disturb.

Of course the people below do the same.

But at noon, the guards outside the door suddenly noticed an unusual fluctuation in the room.

At first they thought it was because Ouyang Mo was trying to break through, which caused the movement, but gradually they realized something was wrong.

Ouyang Mo is now trying to break through to the peak of the domain master, but the fluctuations are far beyond this.

And until the fluctuation gradually subsided, Ouyang Mo didn't come out of it.

The people below were very worried, so they boldly stepped forward and knocked on the door.

No response.

They felt that something was wrong, so they called for Mu Linghan.

After Mu Linghan forced the door open, there was no one there!

After searching around, I couldn't find Ouyang Mo!

But from the beginning to the end, the servants were guarding here, and they never saw her come out!

In this way, it is inexplicable disappearance! ?

"Now Ling Han is looking for clues inside. If he can find any clues, he may be able to find him as soon as possible. I have also sent people to seal off the entire Xiejun Mansion. If there is any abnormality, I will never let it go easily. Both of you Don't worry too much just yet."

Huo Zunting was also in a mess at this time.

He has lost his own territory, and no one has discovered it in time. It is really embarrassing to say this!

But now they are more worried about Ouyang Mo's safety.

If something really happened to her. He, the head of the Xiejun Mansion, really has no face to face Mu Linghan's family.

The reason why he stood outside and didn't go in was because he was worried about affecting Mu Linghan's search for clues, and on the other hand...he was too aware of how dangerous Mu Linghan was now!

After hearing the words, Mu Feng and the others immediately walked inside.

Huo Zunting had no choice but to keep up.

When they entered, they saw Mu Linghan standing in the room with his hands behind his back, his whole body exuding a cold and dangerous aura.

He was so handsome, always with a sassy smile on his face, but now his face was expressionless and condensed.

"Ling Han, did you find any clues?"

Yuan Yixuan asked worriedly.

Mu Linghan slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on several people.

In the depths of those eyes, there is a dark tide surging, which is frightening!

Everyone's heart skipped a beat—could something really have happened! ?

"She was taken away."

Mu Linghan said word by word.

"Who took it away?"

Mu Feng frowned.

This place is heavily guarded, how could someone take Ouyang Mo away so silently?

From beginning to end, there was no sound at all!

Mu Linghan shook his head.

"I don't know."

He has searched all over the room, but found nothing.

"But what is certain is that the opponent's strength is extremely strong, and it should have directly torn the space back and forth."

Only in this way can we explain why people disappeared when the door was not opened.

"how come?"

Huo Zunting was shocked and said:

"There are many barriers set up inside and outside the Xiejun's mansion. If someone tears the space, they will be discovered immediately—"

"That proves that the strength of the opponent is already strong enough to cover up these."

Mu Linghan opened his mouth lightly, but Huo Zunting was immediately speechless.

After a while, he asked with difficulty:

"You mean... the opponent's strength... is beyond the existence of the Holy Lord?"

It is absolutely impossible for the many checkpoints in the Xiejun Mansion to go back and forth freely, even for the powerful Holy Lord.

Those who want to do this must be stronger people!

Then only... God Lord!

But let alone the western border where the Xiejun's mansion is located, even those aristocratic families at the top of the gods do not have a divine master!

"God Lord? Even if you are really a strong God Lord, why would you want to attack Mo'er?"

Yuan Yixuan was not that surprised, after all, he had just returned from the Heaven of Gods and Demons, and the God Lord was far less shocking to them than Huo Zunting.

But she is more curious and doubtful.

Ouyang Mo has been staying peacefully in the Xiejun's mansion, and she didn't even follow her in the previous trip to the gods and demons. How could there be a divine master who came to take her away?

Mu Linghan's expression was serious.

In fact, this is what puzzled him the most.

It would be understandable if it was Qing'er, or him, or the parents.

But... it happened to be Mo'er! ?

"Could it be that someone came to seek revenge?" Huo Zunting immediately shook his head in denial when he asked this question, "No, then you should stay and explain the matter clearly..."

If there were other purposes, they would definitely not have taken people away so silently, without even leaving a trace.

Because it is very likely that a strong God Lord will be involved, everyone is even more worried.

"Didn't Mo'er leave any clues?" Yuan Yixuan looked around and asked.

Mu Linghan's expression moved slightly.

"She left a message, didn't she?"

How could Yuan Yixuan fail to see what his son was thinking? Immediately guessed 70% to 80%.

Mu Linghan took a deep breath, and then nodded.

"She left a jade token and said...don't chase after it."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and a jade tablet lay quietly in his palm.

Everyone was shocked at first, and then fell silent.

don't chase...

Why would she say that? !

The matter in Tonglinghai came to an end for the time being, and Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi immediately embarked on the journey back.

There are some things that she still hopes to confirm with her father and the others as soon as possible.

I didn't feel it before, but now, the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her father and mother seem to know something, but they have been very secretive and have not mentioned it.

Maybe... There are other situations in it, not necessarily.

The two rushed back all the way, extremely fast.

But at a certain moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some movement in the sea of ​​​​qi.

She stopped.

Seeing this, Yun Yi also stood still.

Mu Qinglan's soul looked inside, only then did he realize that the fluctuation was coming from Xiaoyue.

It quietly floated next to the ancient divine tome, with its eyes closed, a faint golden light shrouded its body.

In fact, it has been like this for a long time, but Mu Qinglan still doesn't know what's going on.

Zhuzhu told her not to worry before, and there were too many things during this time, so she didn't take care of it.

Unexpectedly, now it is moving again.

Just as she was thinking, Xiaoyue suddenly opened her eyes.

In the golden eyes, a tyrannical coercion suddenly burst out!

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

The power in the entire sea of ​​qi suddenly surged!

But the next moment, that coercion dissipated instantly!

Xiaoyue blinked, and returned to her usual appearance.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and felt that it seemed to want to come out, so she released it.

When Xiaoyue ran out, she ran directly to Mu Qinglan's shoulder socket, and rubbed against Mu Qinglan's shoulder with great reliance.

"Master, were you calling me just now?"

Xiaoyue whimpered and sent a message to Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Just now...someone called you?"

Go get some water, it's 6:00 p.m.

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