God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1554 Misty Temple (third shift)

"Huh? Then why did I hear someone calling me just now?"

Xiaoyue rubbed against Mu Qinglan's shoulder strangely.

"Did you hear me wrong?"

He does not mean that.

Xiaoyue was originally staying in the sea of ​​qi, how could she suddenly hear someone calling her?

Moreover, the moment it opened its eyes just now, the fluctuation caused by it really made Mu Qinglan wonder what happened.

"Think about it again, who called you?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Xiaoyue stretched her waist, tilted her head and thought about it seriously.

"I don't know... I can't remember."

Inside its golden pupils, there was some hesitation.

It's only been a short while, and it seems that it can't remember clearly.

It was as if what had just happened was a dream.

Mu Qinglan saw that Xiaoyue really couldn't remember it, and didn't seem to have much interest, so she didn't continue to ask, and patted it on the head lightly.

However, I still have doubts in my heart.

"How is your health?"

Mu Qinglan asked in a low voice.

Some time ago, Xiaoyue's body suddenly became much weaker for some reason, and she spent most of her time in the sea of ​​qi, resting quietly.

But looking at it now, it seems to have recovered a little.

Xiaoyue arched her body and groaned, proving that she was completely healed.

Mu Qinglan felt that there seemed to be something different about Xiaoyue, but after a closer look, she couldn't see anything, so she gave up.

After coaxing for a while, Xiaoyue returned to the sea of ​​Qi.

Mu Qinglan thought about it, and felt that if she had time, she should go to Piao Miao Temple again as soon as possible.

"Ling Han, have you already made your decision?"

With his hands behind his back, Mu Feng looked seriously at Mu Linghan in front of him, and asked in a deep voice.

Mu Linghan nodded slightly.

"Mo'er's trip is dangerous, I have to go find her. Otherwise, I will feel uneasy."

Holding the jade tablet, he spoke calmly, but everyone could see that he had indeed made up his mind.

Mu Feng was silent for a moment.

"If you have already made up your mind, your parents will never stop you. Just go."

Although Ouyang Mo said not to chase, how could they really not worry at all?

Especially Mu Linghan.

Mu Feng could understand his feelings at this time, so he didn't intend to stop him from the beginning.

Yuan Yixuan also nodded and said:

"You and her are in the same mind. If you look for it yourself, you may be able to find it quickly. It's just... can you confirm where she was taken now?"

Mu Linghan gradually grasped the jade tablet tightly, and said three words indifferently:

"God and Demon Heaven."

Yuan Yixuan and Mu Feng looked at each other.

In fact, after knowing that the person who came was a strong God Lord, they had thought of this possibility in their hearts, so they were not surprised when Mu Linghan said so.

"Possibly who?"

Mu Feng asked.

Although there are quite a few strong divine masters in Shenmotian, they can definitely be counted.

Mu Linghan shook his head.

"Then how do you find it?" Mu Feng frowned.

Mu Linghan stood up, with dark tides in his eyes.

"Then find them one by one."

This is the only way, so no matter how difficult it is, he will try it!

Yuan Yixuan was actually very conflicted in his heart.

They had just left the Heaven of Gods and Demons, and if possible, she really didn't want to go back to that place.

Even Ling Han is the same.

But when this kind of thing happened suddenly, she also knew that it had to be done.

"I'll go with you."

After thinking for a while, Yuan Yixuan said.

Mu Linghan shook his head and refused.

"I'll just do it."

Who knows what will happen next?

It was better for him to go on an adventure by himself than with all of them.

Besides, it might be more convenient for one person.

Just when Yuan Yixuan was about to say more, Mu Linghan's expression suddenly moved slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Mu Feng asked immediately.

Mu Linghan frowned slightly.

"Qing'er used the Divine Spirit Orb."

Mu Feng and the two showed doubts.

In fact, they still don't know much about the divine orb that Mu Linghan gave Mu Qinglan back then.

Huo Zunting's expression was shocked:

"You mean the divine orb you gave her? Did she encounter any trouble?"

Mu Linghan shook his head:

"It seems to be used to suppress something... Maybe it's a trouble, but it should have been resolved."

"Didn't she go to the Yun family and the Chong family? How could..."

"Maybe there are some tricks in it. However, parents don't have to worry, she is fine now and should be back soon. Mo'er can't delay, so I will leave first."

Several people felt a little surprised, this is too fast...

But thinking about Ouyang Mo's situation, he felt that Mu Linghan's behavior was understandable.

After Mu Feng and the two repeatedly told him to be careful, Mu Linghan went directly to the teleportation array and left.

He had already been to the Heaven of Gods and Demons before, so he naturally had experience now.

Mu Feng and Yuan Yixuan looked at each other, and they both saw the faint worry in each other's eyes.

Piao Miao Shenzong.

Dean Xiling stood in front of the gate of Piaomiao Temple, raised his head slightly, and looked carefully.

"Zong... Dean Xiling, you have been here for several days, why haven't you gone in?"

Elder Wei Yue stepped forward and asked respectfully.

Ever since he came back, he noticed that Dean Xiling stood here and looked at the Piaomiao Temple from time to time, but he never went in.

Many elders couldn't stand it anymore, so they asked Elder Wei Yue to persuade him.

Dean Xiling turned around and said with a smile:

"I'm not the suzerain now, but Qinglan is. Naturally, I can't enter or leave this hall at will."

Elder Wei Yue was a little puzzled:

"But... both of you are suzerains. What's more, this misty hall was built by you yourself. Why can't you enter? She will definitely not care about these things."

Mu Qinglan respects Dean Xiling very much, why would he care about such a matter?

But Dean Xiling smiled meaningfully, shook his head and refused.

He raised his chin and looked at the Misty Temple again.

"You don't understand... Only she can enter this hall now."

Even if he wants to go in now, it still takes some effort.

Moreover, the current Mu Qinglan has already collected three ancient divine tomes, right?

Calvin, this chapter has been disassembled, and the rest will continue to be written, and I will update it later

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