God Concubine Supreme

1555 Chapter 1555 is bound to win (four more)

Elder Wei Yue really didn't understand.

Not long after the Piaomiao Temple was built, Dean Xiling had an accident and disappeared immediately.

And here, there are only five elders left, guarding for generations.

Thousands of years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the positions of the five elders have already changed several times.

None of them were the first group of people who followed Dean Xiling back then, but in this position, they know what loyalty is.

Whether it is to Mu Qinglan or to Dean Xiling, they are the same.

Doing the math, the few of them have been here for almost a hundred years, not to mention how much they know about the Piaomiao Temple, but they are definitely the most familiar.

Before, although the Piaomiao Temple could not enter and exit at will, they would enter the hall whenever they encountered major events to seek advice.

Including Mu Qinglan's contract to suppress the soul before, they only knew about the changes in the hall.

It's just that now that the Xing Tu Zhi is in Mu Qinglan's hands, they rarely enter it again.

But listening to Dean Xiling's words...it's this hall, how difficult is it for others to enter?

They have guarded the Misty Temple for many years and have never heard such a statement.

But Dean Xiling must know more about Piaomiao Temple than they do.

He is the creator, so is it difficult to get in now?

Elder Wei Yue was full of doubts, but seeing that Dean Xiling didn't seem to intend to explain, he didn't say any more.

"You don't have to worry about these, just wait for that girl to come back."

Dean Xiling waved his hand.


Elder Wei Yue responded respectfully, then turned and left.

Dean Xiling looked at the door of the main hall with deep eyes.

After a long time, he sighed lightly.

Where is the fourth piece of Immemorial Divine Tome?

After Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi returned to Xiejun's Mansion, they immediately heard the news of Ouyang Mo's disappearance.

In addition to being shocked, Mu Qinglan was more puzzled.

Because after much deliberation, the other party seemed to have no reason to take Ouyang Mo away.

If it was really done by the God Lord of the God Demon Heaven, then after all the calculations, there are actually only a few possibilities.

But no matter which one it is, even if it is revenge, it should be against their family instead of choosing Ouyang Mo who has not yet officially married.

Mu Qinglan couldn't figure it out, so she had to put this matter on hold for the time being.

Afterwards, she briefly told Mu Feng what happened in Tonglinghai before.

Hearing that Tongling Hai was almost wiped out, both of them were shocked.

During this period of time, the affairs of the Shui family and Tianyan Mountain made the top of the gods panic.

Unexpectedly, the third catastrophe came so quickly.

Hearing that Mu Qinglan said that the opponent had been suppressed, Mu Feng and the two were relieved, but at the same time, their expressions were a little complicated.

Mu Qinglan glanced over the faces of his father and mother, feeling that they seemed to be hesitating, and finally decided to ask directly.

She raised her hand to lay down the enchantment, and after making sure that people outside could not hear it, she asked solemnly:

"Father, mother, there is something I don't understand, and I ask you two to help me answer it."

Hearing her words, how could the two of them fail to guess what she was going to ask?

Mu Feng frowned slightly, and gradually clenched the hand in his sleeve.

Yuan Yixuan glanced at him, also showing concern.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Yun Yi stood up and said:

"I'm going to watch people."

Mu Feng shook his head:

"Yun Yi, you don't have to shy away. We all know what Qing'er wants to ask. You were actually there when she rescued me. Besides, the two of you have already experienced life and death together. You should also Know."

Yun Yi sat down again, quietly waiting for Mu Feng to speak.

"Qing'er, you want to ask... about the blood, right?"

Mu Qinglan didn't expect that Mu Feng would take the initiative to mention this.

Because she was vaguely aware of the attitude of her father and mother before, and they seemed to avoid it deliberately.

On the way back, she kept thinking about how to get them to talk.

Unexpectedly, they actually spoke first this time.

"Tell me first, that time before, you were actually swallowed by that person, right?"

When Mu Feng asked this, his heart throbbed a little.

Although Mu Qinglan concealed it well before, he still didn't believe it in his heart.

Later, after He Yuanyi announced it, he could probably guess it.

That person coveted Qing'er's blood so much, how could he let her go so easily?

Facing Mu Feng's gaze, Mu Qinglan nodded slightly, but immediately added:

"But father and mother don't have to worry. I escaped just after he made a move. So it doesn't have any influence."

"Of course you still don't realize it now, what impact it will have on you."

Mu Feng felt distressed and shook his head.

"Only later..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped, as if something was stuck in his throat.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and she leaned forward slightly, staring at him closely.

"What about the future? What exactly is he going to do with all this blood?"

Mu Feng closed his eyes.

"I'm not quite sure what he is going to do. I just know one thing - he wants to extract some kind of power from this blood."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback, her lips pursed slightly.

In fact, she had guessed this before.

It's just... What special existence exists in the blood of her and her father?

She and her elder brother were born as compatriots. It stands to reason that if she has one, then her elder brother should also have one.

But the other party obviously has no interest in his brother.

"Actually, at the beginning, they arrested a lot of people and detained them all in that place. Everyone was chained and part of their blood was drawn every day. But later... I was taken there and locked up alone. .”

When Mu Feng recalled those days, his heart was still trembling.

Extreme pain, experienced over and over again, and full of despair.

Mu Qinglan suddenly understood something - these people probably arrested countless people and tested them one by one! And choose the most "favorite" among them!

The reason why Dad was treated like that must be because the unknown mysterious power is the strongest in the blood!

Mu Qinglan immediately asked:

"So, is there anyone else treated like daddy?"

Mu Feng paused.


Mu Qinglan's heart trembled violently.

Mu Feng raised his eyes, looked at Mu Qinglan, shook his head and sighed.

"So...he is bound to win you!"

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