God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1556: Debt Collection (Part 1)

It's not that Mu Qinglan doesn't know that she is in extreme danger.

When she went to rescue her father, she had already guessed it.

So now that she heard this, she was actually not very surprised.

But she couldn't help but confirm it again:

"Even Dad, you really don't know, he... what are they doing for?"

Mu Feng shook his head.

This is actually the most disturbing.

The enemy is in the dark, and they don't even know what the other party is trying to do.

In addition, there are frequent accidents on the top of the gods now, and Ouyang Mo also disappeared inexplicably, which makes them even more uneasy.

It always feels like a storm is coming.

"But why didn't they attack brother?"

Mu Qinglan frowned and asked.

"My brother and I are siblings!"

If it is a certain kind of power obtained from father, it should not only be her.

But the other party obviously has no interest in his brother.

From the beginning to the end, their goal was daddy and her.

Even, now the other party doesn't care much about Daddy, and started targeting her specifically.

Mu Feng and Yuan Yixuan looked at each other and shook their heads.

They are also very puzzled by this.

There was no answer to this question for a while, and Mu Qinglan simply didn't waste any more time.

She asked about the previous things again, and after confirming some information before and after Ouyang Mo's disappearance, she planned to go to Shenmotian as well.

When Yuan Yixuan heard Mu Qinglan said that he would go back again, his expression was a little complicated:

"Qing'er, are you going again so soon?"

She knew that Mu Qinglan had a heavy burden on her body. After all, everyone in Piao Miao Shenzong was still waiting for her.

Mu Qinglan will definitely return to Shenmotian.

But... She was always too worried.

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"Father and mother, don't worry. I'm going here, on the one hand, because Dean Xiling and the others are still waiting for me, and on the other hand... since it has been confirmed that Momo was taken away by the strong master of the gods and demons, my brother also went Look over there, and if I go back too, maybe I can help a little bit."

Facing the worried eyes of both of them, Mu Qinglan's lips curved slightly, and he said with a smile:

"Now our family is no longer bullied by others."

Not only has her own strength been greatly improved, but she is also followed by the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong, and even supported by several divine masters.

Now that she is going back to the Heaven of Gods and Demons, it is not her who should be worried, but those who have provoked them.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yixuan's expression relaxed.

That's right, she almost forgot how wonderful her two sons and daughters are.

Although Mu Feng didn't see what happened before with his own eyes, he still knew a general idea. In addition, it was Mu Qinglan who rescued him before, so he was full of confidence in her.

"In that case...be careful with everything!"

Mu Qinglan's expression froze, and she nodded slightly:

"Don't worry, father and mother. During the time I'm away, I will ask God Lord Shentu to guard here."

In classical Chinese, both Mu Feng and Yuan Yixuan were shocked, subconsciously refusing:

"How can this work?"

But Mu Qinglan had already had a thought, and waved a golden light.

A translucent figure quickly appeared in the room!

It was God Lord Shentu who came out from the first battlefield with Mu Qinglan before!

At this time, God Lord Shentu's entire body had lost that layer of blood, turning into a normal color.

During this period of time, he has been staying in Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​energy, cultivating his health and rest, and his physical condition has almost recovered.

Among several god masters, his situation is actually the best.

Because of that millennium, although he was also trapped in the dark domain, he was not locked in the giant net together. Therefore, compared with the other god masters, the strength is better preserved.

It is also the safest way to ask God Lord Shentu to stay.

As soon as God Lord Shentu came out, he stretched himself directly:

"Oh—it's been a long time since I had such a good rest!"

Seeing God Lord Shentu, Mu Feng and the two immediately stood up and saluted respectfully and politely:

"Junior Mu Feng (Yuan Yixuan) has met God Lord Shentu."

God Lord Shentu heard the sound, looked at the two of them, and blinked:

"Hey! Why are you being polite! It's rare for Qinglan girl to ask my old man for help!"

In the past, no one could ask a divine master like him to protect anyone.

Look down on.

After all, he is an existence standing at the pinnacle of the mainland, so he would never do such a thing.

But it's different now.

He was still counting on Mu Qinglan to help him completely recover his physical body as soon as possible!

You know, without Mu Qinglan's help, it would be as difficult for him to reshape the divine body relying on his own strength!

The relationship between Mu Qinglan and her parents is very deep. If you can protect them well, it may be more useful than directly courting Mu Qinglan!

Therefore, God Master Shentu cheerfully agreed to this errand.

Mu Qinglan cupped her fists and bowed to salute:

"God Lord Shentu, please forgive me."

If she hadn't been really worried about this side, she wouldn't have made such a bad move.

God Lord Shentu waved his hand indifferently:

"Hi! What's the matter! It just so happens that my old man hasn't been to Yuantian Continent before, just take advantage of this time to take a good look! With me here, you can rest assured, when you come back, I guarantee that everything will be fine of!"

Mu Feng and the two looked at each other.

It seems that the relationship between Shentu and Qing'er seems to be quite good...

But after all, the identity of the other party is here, and they really feel a little uneasy.

"God Lord Shentu, your status is honorable, we really—"

"Hey—don't refuse!" Divine Lord Shentu immediately raised his palms and smiled, "The old man still expects you to say something nice to the old man in front of Qinglan's girl! This is a small favor, and you shouldn't miss it." help?"

The two of Mu Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

Of course they could see that God Lord Shentu said this on purpose for Mu Qinglan's sake.

But when it came to this, they really couldn't refuse anymore, otherwise it would be really inappropriate.

"In this case, God Lord Shentu will be in trouble during this period of time."

God Lord Shentu then nodded with a smile.

After finalizing this matter, Mu Qinglan felt relieved, and immediately decided to go directly to Shenmotian.

But when she and Yun Yi arrived at the teleportation formation, they suddenly noticed something wrong with Yun Yi's expression.

"Yun Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that his expression seemed to be a little pale, Mu Qinglan also felt a little worried.

Yun Yi frowned slightly, and covered his heart with one hand.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately took a step forward to support him.

"What's wrong? Could it be the blood line—"

Yun Yi shook his head:

"I'm fine. It's just...there seems to be something wrong with the ancestors."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.


"You mean... the ancestor of Yun Jing?"

Yun Yi nodded.

Mu Qinglan was a little strange: "But isn't his old man in the tombstone? How do you know what's going on with him?"

Yun Yi pursed her thin lips slightly:

"You forgot, at the beginning I relied on the holy body of my ancestors to break through to the Lord. So, after that, I can more or less perceive the situation on the side of the ancestors."

Mu Qinglan understood.

Thinking about it, Yun Jing's ancestors did pay a lot for Yun Yi at that time.

Speaking of which, to a certain extent, the two of them can be regarded as connected.

It's not surprising that Yun Yi can sense something.

"What's going on? Could it be that something happened in the tombstone?"

Yun Yi didn't answer Mu Qinglan's question directly, but instead closed his eyes and raised his brows slightly.

After a while, he finally opened his mouth:

"Among the tombstones... the sky has changed."

"The sky has changed?"

Before Mu Qinglan could react for a while, she asked subconsciously, but soon, the scene in the tombstone flashed through her mind.


In it, polar night and polar day alternate with each other!

Yun Yi said "the sky has changed", could it be that... the situation there suddenly changed?

"The ancestors are in danger."

Yun Yi's expression froze, and a dark tide surged in his eyes.

Mu Qinglan made a decisive decision:

"Then you should go back and have a look right now, if something really happened..."

Yun Yi clenched her hand tightly and pursed her lips.

"but you--"

"I have a few gods to help, and nothing will happen. But on your side, if it's delayed, it's not good." Mu Qinglan shook her head, "If it weren't for brother and Momo who were also in a hurry, I'd be with you We went back together."

In the current situation, the two of them can only act independently, after all, neither side can be delayed.

Yun Yi thought for a moment, then suddenly held her face and kissed her deeply.

"I will go to you immediately after I settle the matter with the ancestors."

Mu Qinglan hugged his waist and let go after a while.

Although reluctant, they all know what to do when.


There is a fate plate connected, even if the two of them are not together, they can sense each other.

After the two discussed it, Mu Qinglan stepped onto the teleportation array.

After knowing that her figure had completely disappeared, Yun Yi tore apart the space and turned to leave.

This space tunnel was left behind by Xingtuzhi back then, and his strength has increased a lot, so it only took Mu Qinglan a few days to reach Piaomiao Shenzong again.

To her surprise, after she came out, she immediately saw the elder Wushen who was standing next to her.

He folded his arms and was leaning against the wall. His nose was red, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

After Mu Qinglan appeared, the elder Wushen immediately woke up.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that it was Mu Qinglan, and immediately clapped his hands:

"Oh! Sovereign! You are back! We have been waiting so hard for you!"

Mu Qinglan asked suspiciously:

"What's wrong?"

Looking at Elder Wushen like this, it seems that something happened...

"Hey - I can't explain this matter in a sentence or two, you should go and see for yourself! Dean Xiling and the others are waiting for you now!"

Seeing Elder Wushen's expression anxious, he didn't seem to be in a panic. Mu Qinglan thought that nothing serious had happened, so he immediately followed Elder Wushen to Piaomiao Temple.

What Mu Qinglan didn't know was that it wasn't just Dean Xiling and others who were waiting for her.

Going all the way, the two soon came to the front of the Piaomiao Temple.

In fact, today's Piaomiao Shenzong is much more lively than when Mu Qinglan first came here.

This stretch of rolling mountains is actually the territory of Piao Miao Shenzong.

On top of these mountain peaks, there are also many palaces.

It's just that in the past, there were only five elders Weiyue guarding the main hall, and the rest of the place was desolate.

Today is very different.

A lot of twenty-eight star elders have come, and after the previous Ten Thousand Gods event, their strength has almost been greatly improved.

Therefore, although the current Piaomiao Shenzong is not very popular, it is much more popular than before.

The news of Mu Qinglan's return had obviously spread within the sect, and many elders came out to greet her.

Seeing Mu Qinglan, they were obviously very excited.

Mu Qinglan has a high status in their hearts, and only with her around, Piao Miao Shenzong seems to be meaningful to them.

Although Dean Xiling was also there, the elders respected and looked up to him more.

But for Mu Qinglan, they had more trust and loyalty.

After all, they experienced life and death together, and they are able to have today, Mu Qinglan takes the greatest credit.

For Mu Qinglan, it was naturally different.

Mu Qinglan greeted all the elders one by one before finally arriving in front of the main hall.

The gate of the main hall was closed, but the side halls on both sides were all open.

There was a voice of speaking coming from inside.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised, because the voice...it didn't sound like the Elder of the Twenty-Eight Stars...

"You're back."

Mu Qinglan was walking forward when she saw Xueyou walking out from inside.

He crossed his arms, with a lazy smile on his lips, looking relaxed and unrestrained.

Especially those blue peach blossom eyes like the ocean, with a slight smile, they provoke a charming arc, pure and ecstatic.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Mu Qinglan always feels that since she settled her grievances with the Nether Palace at the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting, Xueyou seems to have undergone a subtle change.

It was as if the river water in early spring had broken the ice, and the dusty dead wood had sprouted, and the whole person exuded a sense of freedom from the inside out.

Although he always smiled before, but he often couldn't reach his eyes, always with a bit of alienation and indifference.

Now, although the change is subtle, Mu Qinglan is happy from the bottom of her heart.

"If you don't come back, someone will catch you."

Seeing his expression, Mu Qinglan's originally tense heart suddenly relaxed.

"Oh? Don't you all miss me that much?"

Xueyou sneered and raised her chin:

"Everyone is not so leisurely. If you forget to pay the debt you owe, you will be chased by someone."

debt collection?

Mu Qinglan looked into the room in surprise, and saw a figure walking out quickly.

"Hey! You're back! But the old man found it hard!"

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes wide in surprise:

Fengtian! ?

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