God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1557 Shameless (Second update)

Why is he here?

Before Mu Qinglan could ask, Fengtian had already walked over quickly:

"Oh, I finally got to see you! This time has given me a good time to wait!"

As he spoke, his eyes swept around Mu Qinglan, as if he was looking for something.

Mu Qinglan suddenly realized - by the way, at the Ten Thousand Gods Festival, she had promised Fengtian that after the matter was over, she would let Zhuzhu go back with him.

But the situation was so chaotic that she forgot about it.

"Clan Chief Fengtian is fine." Mu Qinglan laughed, "Look, I forgot about this. There are too many things going on recently... Your Excellency has a lot of people, so you won't be angry, right?"

Fengtian was actually quite anxious, otherwise he wouldn't have come all the way to the Piaomiao Shenzong.

But when Mu Qinglan asked, he couldn't really admit it, so he had to wave his hand:

"How could it be? I'm not angry about this, but I'm anxious, so I came here uninvited... Please don't mind."

The ancient Phoenix clan were divine beasts with respected status and arrogant personalities. Even if they were dealing with the Shangyuan clan, Fengtian would not be so polite.

But the person standing in front of him now was Mu Qinglan, so it was naturally very different.

She has a contract with Zhuzhu, and Zhuzhu relies on her extremely much. Fengtian knows very well that even if he only cares about Zhuzhu, he must not offend Mu Qinglan easily.

Besides, who doesn’t know that the Piao Miao Shen Sect is backed by a group of powerful divine masters? Even though they are just remnant souls, their combat power is absolutely astonishing.

Who dares to provoke me casually anymore?

Therefore, although his heart was on fire, Fengtian was still very polite on his face.

But Mu Qinglan could clearly see the anxious look in his eyes.

She had a thought, which was a little strange.

She had felt before that Fengtian seemed to value Zhuzhu particularly.

That kind of attention is definitely not just because Zhuzhu became an ancient phoenix, there must be a deeper reason.

But Mu Qinglan didn't ask in detail, so he wasn't sure.

But now that Fengtian has chased him directly, this is even more certain.

"You came back just in time. I was talking about you to Clan Chief Fengtian just now."

At this moment, another person walked out of the door.

He is the dean of Xiling, with his celestial spirit and relaxed attitude.

He smiled and said:

"What are you doing standing outside? Everyone should come in first."

Mu Qinglan met with Dean Xi Ling again, and then asked Fengtian to go in again, followed closely behind.

Elder Wu Shen and others were waiting outside the door and did not go in.

In the room, there were only Mu Qinglan and Dean Xiling, as well as Fengtian and Xueyou.

As soon as Fengtian sat down, he couldn't help but look at Mu Qinglan.

"I wonder how Zhuzhu is doing lately?"

Mu Qinglan knew in her heart that this was what Fengtian wanted to ask.

She waved her wrist lightly, and a red-gold flame flew out instantly.

A little girl who looked like Yuxue was no more than four or five years old appeared in front of Mu Qinglan.

Her golden hair fell gently, and she was wearing a fiery red skirt. When she walked, the hem of the skirt swayed gently like a flame.

But the most attractive thing is those eyes full of spirituality.

When you look at it, there is a hint of coercion that makes people dare not despise it.

It's Zhuzhu.

Seeing Zhuzhu appear, Fengtian's eyes immediately lit up.


He obviously likes Zhuzhu very much, but Zhuzhu is not interested.

She only likes Mu Qinglan.

Therefore, when she heard this sound, she just glanced at Feng Tian lightly, then took a step towards Mu Qinglan, turned sideways and pulled her sleeve.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Fengtian's face.

After all, Zhuzhu was also a bloodline of the ancient Phoenix clan, but now she was much kinder to Mu Qinglan than to him, the clan leader... He still felt a little awkward.

But he had already accepted the contract, and he knew very well that Zhuzhu was willing to give everything for Mu Qinglan, so although he felt a little uncomfortable, he quickly calmed down.

"Zhuzhu, didn't you promise to go back with me before?" Fengtian's voice became much gentler, "Look, I've come in person, so how about you go back to Phoenix Valley with me?"

Hearing this, Zhuzhu lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then looked at Mu Qinglan again.

Although he didn't speak, the meaning of consultation was very obvious.

Fengtian looked helpless for a while.

Thinking that their ancient phoenix was extremely noble, and as the leader of the clan, he was even more so. How had he ever thought that one day, he would be able to look at people's faces like this?

However, you have to watch it even if you don’t want to.

Mu Qinglan gently squeezed Zhuzhu's little hand and asked seriously:

"Zhuzhu, do you want to go back?"

Zhuzhu wanted to deny it directly, but when the words came to her lips, she still swallowed them.

She grasped Mu Qinglan's hand tightly.

Mu Qinglan sighed lightly.

Zhuzhu was actually a little nervous... She must also be a little tangled in her heart, right?

After all, Zhuzhu was not born as an ancient phoenix, and she had never lived in Phoenix Valley.

She has been a sixth-grade Suzaku since she was born, and followed her directly.

Along the way, they have experienced a lot together, and Zhuzhu has directly transformed from the original Suzaku into the ancient Phoenix.

Others were envious or even jealous, but in fact only Mu Qinglan understood that Zhuzhu was still a child.

On the one hand, she has a deep dependence on Mu Qinglan. On the other hand, the nature of being an ancient phoenix in her flesh and blood cannot be ignored at all.

Although she didn't say it, Mu Qinglan knew that Zhuzhu must still have a slight yearning for Phoenix Valley and the ancient Phoenix clan.

——That is the power of blood, which is born and cannot be dispelled.

"I think you should go take a look. After all, those are your people."

Mu Qinglan touched Zhuzhu's hair.

Zhuzhu blinked her eyes and pursed her lips tightly.

She was a little curious, but... But after leaving Mu Qinglan, she felt very uneasy.

How could Mu Qinglan not understand her thoughts?

She thought for a while and glanced at Fengtian again, and sure enough she saw him eagerly waiting for Zhuzhu to nod.

"Zhuzhu, have you thought about it? You agreed before...before..."

Seeing Zhuzhu's unwillingness to nod, Fengtian's heart skipped a beat again.

Finally, Zhuzhu said:

"I don't want to go by myself."

She had never been there before, didn’t know what it was like, and didn’t know anyone. What was the benefit of going there?

Fengtian was stunned:

"Phoenix Valley has been the place where our ancient Phoenix clan has been for thousands of years. You will definitely like it if you go there. And...many people in the clan have heard about you and want to meet you. These questions You don’t have to worry.”

Zhuzhu said nothing, but held Mu Qinglan's hand tightly.

A light suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's heart.

She patted Zhuzhu's hand in relief:

"Clan Chief Fengtian, I want to make a deal with you. Are you interested?"

Fengtian asked strangely: "What deal?"

Mu Qinglan paused and smiled:

"I believe Elder Fengtian has also noticed that Zhuzhu wants to go to Phoenix Valley to have a look, but she is still young after all, and she has been following me all the time, so it may be a bit difficult for her to go alone, but If I accompany her... I wonder what Clan Chief Fengtian thinks?"

Fengtian's eyes widened: "How can this be possible?"

Phoenix Valley is the holy land of their ancient Phoenix clan. Generally, only people within the clan are allowed to come and go, and few people can enter or leave it.

Even if Yuan Ruili made this request, he might not agree!

But now, what Mu Qinglan said, why did she seem to be aggrieved when she went along with him?

Perhaps realizing that his tone was a bit harsh, he immediately took a deep breath and slowed down his tone:

"It's not that I don't want you to go, but...there are indeed rules in this Phoenix Valley. Without permission, humans are not allowed to enter-"

"You are the clan leader, can't you just agree?"

Mu Qinglan planned his words with a smile, her voice gentle but firm.

"And, to be honest, I have something important to do when I come back this time. If it weren't for Zhuzhu's sake, I really don't want to make this extra trip. If you feel embarrassed, then... it's better to wait a little longer. Once I finish solving the matters at hand, I can persuade Zhuzhu properly, maybe if I talk too much, she will be willing to go on her own?"

Fengtian was stunned after what he said.

After reacting, he almost cursed.

Bullying? This is not the case! ?

hold on?

More advice?

Who knows how long that will take! ?

What if Zhuzhu still refuses when the time comes?

He can't take her away by force!

——Those god-lords behind Mu Qinglan are not just freeloaders!

Mu Qinglan's words sounded gentle, as if everything was easy to discuss, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, it was very tough.

Zhuzhu listens to her words very much. If she really persuades her, forget it. If she says the opposite... Zhuzhu may completely give up on this idea!

After finally suppressing the anger in his heart, Fengtian grinded his teeth secretly and looked at Zhuzhu again:

"Zhuzhu, you——"

Zhuzhu said nothing and stood directly behind Mu Qinglan.

The meaning could not be more obvious.

Fengtian felt a lump in his chest. He couldn't go up or down. He was so uncomfortable that he died.

Mu Qinglan had a slight smile on her face:

"I'm really sorry, Chief Fengtian. Since you refuse to agree, then... I can't help you either-"

"Go! Everyone go!"

At this time, Fengtian knew that he had to bow his head.

Isn't it just to make an exception and let Mu Qinglan go to Phoenix Valley?

She has already made a contract with Zhuzhu, so what if she goes away! ?

Fengtian sighed deeply in his heart and waved his hand feebly.

"You go together... as my ancient Phoenix clan's reward for taking care of Zhuzhu for many years..."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows:

"Clan Chief Fengtian, I think you may have made a mistake. I accompanied Zhuzhu because it was a concession made by me, not by you."


Fengtian was startled and looked at Mu Qinglan with a blank expression.

He had already promised to let her enter the Phoenix Valley, why did she still say that she was giving in?

Mu Qinglan tapped her fingers lightly on the armrest and said slowly:

"What I mean is that I ask Fengtian Clan Chief to do something for me. As a deal, I will accompany Zhuzhu to Phoenix Valley."

Fengtian's lips trembled and he finally swallowed those words.

--Pooh! shameless!

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