God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1558 Induction (third update)

He has never seen such a shameless person!

What does it mean to be cheap but still sell well? This is it!

So many people had no chance to enter the Phoenix Valley. Now, for Zhuzhu's sake, he made an exception. Why did he beg her?

Where in the world can such truth exist?

Fengtian was choked by Mu Qinglan's words and didn't speak for a while.

Mu Qinglan didn't care what he was thinking.

Because in her opinion, this was indeed a concession she had made.

——What time is it now?

Momo disappeared, and her brother went to investigate, but there is still no news, and she herself has been closely watched by the Blood Soul Cult.

She could feel a sword hanging above her neck all the time, and she didn't know when it would fall.

In such a crisis-ridden emergency, she was willing to put her time on this, which was indeed a huge concession.

Seeing the shocked and speechless look on Fengtian's face, Mu Qinglan finally kindly explained a few words:

"Chief Fengtian, you don't know something. My brother and sister-in-law are in trouble now. Someone secretly kidnapped my sister-in-law, and now there is no news. I came back this time to find someone. So, my condition is, please Phoenix Valley, do me this little favor. If you can find my sister-in-law, Qinglan will be very grateful."

Mu Qinglan was already thinking about this issue when she came.

The Heaven of Gods and Demons is a vast territory with many sects. If you want to find someone here, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although the Piao Miao Shen Sect has now occupied a place in the Gods and Demons Heaven, there are too few people.

How can we find these more than twenty people?

So she had planned to ask Jishang Shrine for help after she came.

But if Phoenix Valley could also take action...wouldn't it be better?

On the surface, those are the only sects with strong divine masters, but other possibilities cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, if you have more strength, you will have more hope.

If she hadn't taken a fancy to the manpower in Phoenix Valley, she wouldn't have wasted time here with Fengtian.

After listening to Mu Qinglan's explanation, Fengtian finally understood.

The anger in his heart dissipated a lot, but he was still a little tangled in his heart.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he was at a loss, but what Mu Qinglan said seemed to make sense...

Mu Qinglan stood up.

"It seems that Clan Chief Fengtian is in a very difficult situation. In this case——"


Seeing that Mu Qinglan was about to leave with Zhuzhu, Fengtian quickly stopped him.

He struggled for a while, almost breaking his back molars, and finally nodded vigorously:

"I promise you that!"

"Qinglan, have you seriously decided to go to Phoenix Valley?"

After Fengtian agreed to Mu Qinglan's conditions, Mu Qinglan went into another room alone with Dean Xiling on the pretext that he wanted to deal with the affairs of the Piaomiao Shenzong.

Dean Xiling asked this sentence as soon as he stood still.

Mu Qinglan shook her head helplessly, walked to the desk, started writing a letter.

"You also know very well that I have no other choice, right?"

Dean Xiling took a look and said:

"Are you asking for help from the Supreme Palace?"

Mu Qinglan nodded and said:

"Not entirely. In addition to Jishang Jingu, there are a few people who should also be able to help."

Dean Xiling withdrew his gaze.

He was also a little surprised when he heard Mu Qinglan's words just now.

Therefore, he could actually understand Mu Qinglan's behavior.

"Of course it's okay for you to go. It might be useful to ask others for help. But do you really have no clues at all?"

Mu Qinglan kept moving and nodded:

"I only know that it was the powerful God Lord from the Gods and Demons Heaven who did it."

But this range is too big.

No matter what, she has to do her best.

"Before you go, I think you should enter the main hall first."

Dean Xiling said slowly.

At this time, Mu Qinglan had already written the first letter.

She folded the letter carefully, put it into a jade box, and sealed it carefully.

Hearing this, she put down the things in her hands, looked into Dean Xiling's eyes, and asked:

"You have said this before. It seems that I must go as soon as possible for this trip."

She thought for a while: "Will this trip take a long time?"

Dean Xiling smiled meaningfully.

"It shouldn't take long. Three to five days may be enough. In addition...I will also help you."

Mu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief.

She could still wait for a few days.

"I'm okay. I'm just afraid that Chief Fengtian will be very anxious and it will be difficult to wait."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly as she thought of Fengtian's previous reactions.

There must be another reason why Fengtian is so anxious to let Zhuzhu go back.

Otherwise, he, the dignified leader of the ancient Phoenix clan, would never come here to find someone in person, let alone agree to her previous conditions.

Dean Xiling touched his chin, looking indifferent:

"Then just let him wait. Anyway, if Zhuzhu doesn't follow, it will be a waste of time for him to go back."

Mu Qinglan's heart moved and she glanced at Dean Xiling.

He seemed...to know a lot.

Dean Xiling laughed:

"Girl Qinglan, you don't have to look at me like this. You will always know something when you should know it."

Mu Qinglan stopped asking any more questions.

After that, she wrote a few more letters, packed them up separately, and gave them to Elder Chang Qi and others for delivery.

After Yun Yi returned to the Yun Clan, he rushed directly to the Burning Sky Domain.

On the black stone mountain by the sea, a deep crack suddenly appeared in the middle of the broken tombstone!

It was as if it was shattered by some force!

The wind is howling, and the tombstone seems to be completely collapsed at any time!

Yun Yi frowned, and then took a step forward to enter the tombstone!

However, his foot suddenly missed the point!

The tombstone didn't move at all!

Only then did he realize that the tombstone was no longer accessible!


Yun Yi transmitted a soul, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, making no sound.

He tried again, but still no response.

This tombstone seems to be no different from an ordinary tombstone!

And he can no longer enter the space inside!

The cold wind swept over, and a murderous aura gradually dispersed, filling the entire Burning Sky Territory!

Suddenly, Yun Yi's body trembled slightly.

He looked down at his left chest.

A heart-pounding pain is spreading crazily!

The scene in front of him was quickly smeared with blood!


He inserted the God King Sword into the ground and forced himself to support his body.

However, the severe pain caused him to gradually bend over, and finally stumbled, half falling to the ground.

A touch of silver quietly flashed at the end of his hair!

Misty Temple.

Mu Qinglan raised her head and looked at the golden characters on the plaque.

The majesty is profound and the dignity is calm.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that this misty temple seemed different from the one she saw when she first came...

From the outside, nothing has changed, but there was clearly no such terrifying pressure before.

Dean Xiling stood behind her.

"Go ahead and remember to open the star map."

When Mu Qinglan heard this, he nodded slightly, and then walked forward.

When she walked up the steps, the door opened automatically!

Mu Qinglan looked inside.

It seemed that something was waiting for her!

At the same time, within the Qi Sea, the Ancient Divine Code suddenly moved!

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