God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1560 Fusion (Second update)

The eighth star formation appeared one after another.

The breakpoint location also began to be repaired.

Mu Qinglan couldn't look anymore and simply closed her eyes.

She knew very well that the star formation at this level was definitely not something she could comprehend now!

Even a few more glances might have a huge impact on her.

But even so, she could still feel those powers lingering around her.

Finally, they all poured into the eighth star formation.

Mu Qinglan had never thought that the seemingly ordinary star formation on the soul-crushing stone soul actually hid such a huge secret!

At the same time, as the star array continued to improve, the blood bead in her sea of ​​​​qi seemed to sense something and became more and more restless.

Mu Qinglan could even feel the blood in her body seemed to be boiling!

Outside the main hall, Dean Xiling stood with his hands behind his back.

Ever since Mu Qinglan entered, he has been standing here waiting.

Everyone in the Piao Miao Shen Sect knew that Mu Qinglan had entered the main hall, so the guards were extra strict.

Apart from Dean Xi Ling, only Elder Wei Yue and a few others are qualified to get close to this place.

Elder Weiyue stood not far away, his expression slightly condensed.

On the surface, everything here seems calm.

But... for some reason, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

It seems that a storm is coming.

Suddenly, there was a wave of energy behind him.

Looking back, it was Elder Chang Qi.

Elder Chang Qi's expression was always cold.

"The letters have been sent out, and those people have expressed their willingness to help the sect master."

Elder Weiyue nodded.

This is actually expected.

Although their Piao Miao Shen Sect doesn't have many people, there are quite a few strong ones.

Moreover, after the Gathering of All Gods, there should not be many sectarian forces in the Gods and Demons Heaven who want to go against Mu Qinglan.

It's only natural that they agree to help.

"Has the sect master not come out yet?"

Elder Chang Qi asked while looking inside.

Elder Weiyue shook his head:

"It's been two days and two nights and there's still no movement."

Elder Chang Qi frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that this misty temple was created by Dean Xi Ling himself, and he should be able to fully control everything.

Moreover, Mu Qinglan had already entered it once before in order to obtain the Star Map.

Why does Dean Xiling still let Mu Qinglan enter now?

He paused and said:

"I heard that Clan Chief Fengtian has been waiting very anxiously."

Elder Weiyue smiled bitterly.

"Then we have to ask him to continue waiting. After all, it's not up to us to decide when the sect master will come out."

Fengtian seemed to be very anxious, and even persuaded Zhuzhu several times, asking her to go back to Phoenix Valley with him first, and then someone would specially invite Mu Qinglan there.

But Zhuzhu was unwilling.

Therefore, Fengtian could only accept his fate and wait.

He stayed here all the time because he didn't want to be nagged by Feng Tian.

Seeing Elder Chang Qi's strange expression, Elder Wei Yue couldn't help but ask:

"What? He went to find you too? Didn't you just come back?"

Elder Chang Qi snorted coldly.

"He is a powerful divine master. Isn't it the easiest thing to stop someone? If Dean Xiling hadn't been here to take charge, he would have rushed over long ago."

Elder Weiyue laughed.

"Dean Xi Ling said that three to five days will be enough. If you calculate it, it will be fast. Just let them wait a little longer."

Elder Chang Qi refused to leave, and also waited here with him.

Fengtian was really anxious.

Otherwise, he would not have come here in person and even agreed to Mu Qinglan's requests.

But Mu Qinglan suddenly entered the so-called main hall and asked him to wait here.

How could he wait?

In desperation, Fengtian could only start with Zhuzhu.

However, Zhuzhu didn't care about this.

Even though Fengtian was talking a lot, he remained unmoved.

If Mu Qinglan hadn't asked her to wait outside first, she wouldn't have stayed here and listened to Fengtian talking about something!


Fengtian clasped his hands together, not knowing how many times he had tried to persuade him.

In fact, he was also very tired.

But... aren't they all forced! ?

Seeing that Zhuzhu still didn't intend to go back with him directly, he had no choice but to start from other aspects.

"Zhuzhu, if you really don't want to go back with me now, that's fine! I'll wait with you! But... there are some questions, can you answer me first?"

Hearing this, Zhuzhu looked at him strangely.

"what is the problem?"

Fengtian felt a little at ease, as long as Zhuzhu was willing to speak, there was still hope for him.

He hesitated for a while, then asked carefully:

"When you were born, you were a sixth-grade Suzaku, and later you broke through and became an ancient phoenix, right?"

Zhuzhu said:

"Didn't you already know this?"

"That's right. What I want to ask is... how did you break through and become an ancient phoenix?"

As soon as Fengtian said these words, Zhuzhu's expression changed slightly and he immediately explained:

"I don't mean anything else, just... In fact, you should also know that it is very difficult for Suzaku to break through to the ancient phoenix. Even those who have reached the peak of Suzaku's strength may not be able to survive. However, not only did you succeed, , still at such a young age..."

"What exactly do you want to ask?" Zhuzhu interrupted him and asked.

Fengtian sighed:

"You are very smart, so I won't beat around the bush. I just want to ask you - when you broke through the ancient phoenix, did you get something? For example... the blood essence of the ancient phoenix?"

When he said the last few words, Fengtian's voice was particularly low and his expression became tense.

Zhuzhu was stunned for a moment, then returned to normal.

In fact, she knew that Fengtian would guess this sooner or later.

It's normal for others not to see it, but Fengtian is the patriarch of the ancient Phoenix clan, so he should know these things best.

"I thought you would ask at the beginning, but I didn't expect you would wait until today."

Zhuzhu had no intention of hiding it, so she just admitted it frankly.

Fengtian clenched his fists unconsciously and stared at her with burning eyes:


Zhuzhu jumped onto the stool and shook her legs carelessly:

"What do you think?"

"Then...where did you get the essence and blood of the ancient phoenix?" Fengtian quickly stepped forward to ask, "The ancient phoenix clan has always regarded these as extremely important. Whether it is the body or the soul, it will never be easy. Living outside. What's more, the blood essence contains the purest and most powerful power of the ancient phoenix, which is even more precious! So, the blood essence you got - "

"I can't explain this in a sentence or two."

Zhuzhu had expected that he would ask this question, so she simply shook her head.

Fengtian was stunned.

"What? Isn't it convenient to say it?"

"That's not true."

Zhuzhu rubbed her head in embarrassment.

She is also an ancient phoenix herself, so she naturally knows the rules of the clan.

Even though the person she loves and relies on the most is Mu Qinglan, her innate closeness to her clan members has already made her view of Fengtian much better.

She didn't mind telling him the story.


How to say this?

Could it be that the essence and blood of this ancient phoenix was obtained by her in the illusion?

After thinking for a while, Zhuzhu raised her hand and pointed in the direction of the main hall of the Misty Temple outside the door:

"That's where I got it."

"The Misty Temple?"

Fengtian followed her hand and frowned immediately.

"How can this be?"

"How is it impossible? That's where it came from!"

However, she didn't expect it at the time.

At that time, Mu Qinglan entered the Piaomiao Temple to get the Star Map.

But unexpectedly, he was pulled into a strange illusion.

She still clearly remembers what happened inside and the people she met!

"Are you sure? The essence and blood of the ancient phoenix was obtained from the Misty Temple?"

Fengtian thought about it and felt that there was no need for Zhuzhu to lie, so he asked again.

Zhuzhu hummed:

"believe it or not."

She was already so frank and made it clear, so why did he still ask like this?

The question that had been lingering in Fengtian for a long time was finally answered, but he didn't expect that it would lead to more questions.

"But... the Piaomiao Temple, wasn't it built by Dean Xi Ling himself a thousand years ago? How could the ancient phoenix blood essence be in there..."

Zhuzhu didn't understand what he meant, so she didn't speak. She simply looked over there again, silently waiting for Mu Qinglan to come out.

But Fengtian fell into a tangle.


The ancient phoenix essence and blood that Zhuzhu obtained was definitely left behind by that person...

But, if you count the time, when that person died, the Piaomiao Temple didn't even exist yet!

How could this blood essence fall into the Misty Temple?

Could it be that... Dean Xi Ling accidentally got it and put it in it?

In the main hall, in front of Mu Qinglan, the eighth star formation was finally repaired!

Then, the eighth star formation began to merge with the previous seven!

As soon as the light from the two star arrays came into contact, Mu Qinglan's body shook violently! His breath suddenly became much weaker!

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