God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1561 Supreme Star Formation (Third update)

Mu Qinglan was secretly shocked—this eighth star array fusion was completed, and it had indeed reached the level of a star array master!

She had seen Yuan Ruili take action before, so she knew very well how powerful the star formation at that level was!

Before this, she had never thought that the star formation on the soul-suppressing stone soul, after repairing the breakpoints, would be so powerful when fused together!

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes tightly, not daring to take another look.

She vaguely felt the surge of power around her, and it seemed that the ninth star formation had appeared.

As if the wind was blowing by her side, countless starlights headed towards the breaking point of the ninth star array one after another.

This time it took significantly longer.

Because the breakpoint repair of this star formation requires more power than the previous star formations combined!

Time passed bit by bit.

Mu Qinglan didn't know how much time passed, until at a certain moment, the airflow around her finally stopped.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she guessed that the ninth star array had also been repaired!

Then, she finally couldn't hold it any longer, quietly opened her eyes and took a look.

The extremely dazzling star array floats in the dark night! Shine!

Thousands of streams of light intersect with each other, extremely complicated!

For a moment, Mu Qinglan felt deep awe in her heart!

It was an indescribable pressure that seemed to come from distant time and space!

Because it is too powerful, people cannot even think of resisting!

The next moment, Mu Qinglan felt a sharp sting in her eyes!

In my mind, it felt like someone was hitting me hard with a sharp hammer!

She trembled and almost fell to her knees!

She immediately closed her eyes and lowered her head, but her heart was still beating crazily.

This is...this is...

Mu Qinglan felt something was surging crazily in her heart.

What is above the Star Array Grandmaster! ?

She seemed to have heard someone mention it before, but now that she thought about it, she felt a little unfamiliar.

Because it is really too powerful!

The Star Array Grandmaster who has reached his peak state can compete with the God Lord!


Now that the ninth one has been integrated, the level of this star formation has clearly reached a higher level!

Mu Qinglan had no doubt that this star formation could easily kill a powerful divine master!

Just standing here seemed to have exhausted all her strength!

Just when Mu Qinglan thought she might not be able to bear it anymore, the ancient divine tome in the sea of ​​qi suddenly trembled slightly.

The golden light spread to all directions instantly! It filled Mu Qinglan’s limbs and bones!

This force relieved Mu Qinglan's condition and barely managed to survive.

But the turmoil in Mu Qinglan's heart did not calm down.

The strongest person above the Star Array Grandmaster...

An existence that can directly kill the God Lord...

What level is the star array on this Soul-Suppressing Stone Soul? ?

You know, there is the last tenth star formation on it, which has not yet been integrated!

Once...the ten star formations gather...

Mu Qinglan's heart trembled!

That kind of scene is almost unimaginable!

Perhaps - it has the power to destroy heaven and earth!

While she gritted her teeth and endured the sting caused by the surge of power around her, she kept thinking in her heart.

Who is Dean Xiling?

This soul-soothing stone soul, he said, was the token of the master of the Piao Miao Shen Sect, but the power contained in it was beyond imagination!

Dean Xi Ling is very strong, but his peak strength should be the Divine Lord.

Mu Qinglan never believed that the star array on the Soul-Suppressing Stone Soul was rubbed by him himself!

There is also a star map...

It is clearly a supreme treasure that contains the power of countless stars. How can it be just a simple scroll?

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that her previous imagination about the Misty Divine Sect was still too limited!


A buzz of fame came!

Mu Qinglan woke up suddenly - the tenth star array was moving!

At the same time, within her sea of ​​qi, the drop of blood on the ancient divine book suddenly rushed out!

Sensing the movement, Mu Qinglan finally opened her eyes and looked over!

Fortunately, a golden barrier has surrounded her.

Although the power on the star formation is terrifying, it is much better than before.

Mu Qinglan's eyes stung extremely, and she began to shed tears continuously.

But she still endured the pain and tried to look forward!

I saw that blood bead flying extremely lightly to the middle of the tenth star array!

It was like a stone suddenly thrown into the calm lake, causing waves in an instant!

The wind howls!

Countless stars around him began to rush towards the breaking point of the tenth star array crazily!

Mu Qinglan was shocked to find that the seemingly countless stars around him began to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye!

They - all entered the tenth star formation!

Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something.

——The superposition of nine star arrays can already directly kill the God Lord. If a tenth star array is added...

The previously condensed star array seemed to be attracted at this time, and began to move towards the tenth star array!

I don’t know how long it took, but all the surrounding stars were swallowed up by the tenth star formation!

The area around Mu Qinglan had completely turned into darkness!

Only the two star arrays in front of me are extremely dazzling!

Gradually, the two star arrays finally overlapped!


The ten star formations have all been repaired and reintegrated into one huge star formation!

Afterwards, the star formation quickly shrank and rejoined the Soul-Suppressing Stone Soul!

The entire soul-suppressing stone soul is brilliant, except for the middle position, which is a little bright red!

Then, it suddenly flew towards Mu Qinglan!

Asked if I had any snacks?

Of course!

Then serve it!

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