God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1563 Patio (first update)

Phoenix Valley is located in the southeast of the Gods and Demons Heaven. It is remote and has little contact with the human race, so it appears even more mysterious.

After Mu Qinglan and Zhuzhu arrived with Fengtian, they felt a wave of heat as soon as they stepped out of the space.

Mu Qinglan looked around and found that they were now on a red wasteland.

The ground was hot, as if flames were about to break out at any moment.

Even the clouds on the horizon were dyed orange-red, like fire.

Sweat quickly broke out on Mu Qinglan's forehead, but it quickly disappeared.

It's like a huge furnace here, as if even the air is burning.

If Mu Qinglan hadn't already made a contract with Zhuzhu, it would be difficult to endure such high temperatures.

Zhuzhu stood in front of her and also looked at the scenery in front of her, with curiosity that could not be concealed on her face.

Mu Qinglan keenly noticed that Zhuzhu's mood seemed to have improved a lot after she came here.

It seems that she really likes this kind of environment.

"This is Phoenix Valley."

Fengtian looked back at the two of them and explained.


Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

It is flat and vast in all directions. It is clearly a wilderness plain. How did it become the Phoenix Valley?

Could it be that...Phoenix Valley is not a "valley"?

Seemingly sensing Mu Qinglan's doubts, Fengtian laughed.

"What you don't know is that there is actually another reason why this place is called Phoenix Valley."

As he spoke, he turned around and looked towards the middle of the plain, and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared!


A clear cry instantly spread across the distance between heaven and earth!

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

Then, she saw that the space in the distance suddenly fluctuated!

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that there was a huge barrier there!

The barrier itself is transparent, but when it fluctuates, it shines with a faint red-gold light.

The color is clearly the same as the Phoenix True Fire.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mu Qinglan looked at it for a while and felt that the barrier was undulating, like the wings of a huge ancient phoenix waving.

Before she could think clearly, the barrier had been completely opened!

Fengtian took the lead in volleying and heading that way!

Mu Qinglan and Zhuzhu followed closely behind.

When they got closer, Mu Qinglan realized that there was indeed a different world behind this barrier!

Within the barrier are rolling mountains, lush forests, and surging rivers!

It is filled with extremely abundant energy of heaven and earth. Just standing here makes people feel relaxed and happy!

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is a paradise!

Mu Qinglan looked back and found that outside the barrier, there was still a desolate place with billowing heat.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

No wonder the ancient Phoenix clan was unwilling to interact with the human race.

It’s so easy to get greedy in a place like this.


At this moment, another phoenix cry suddenly came from the distance!

This voice was extremely clear, but it was weaker than Fengtian's voice before.

Soon, a group of huge figures appeared in mid-air!

Mu Qinglan looked closely and saw that they were indeed several ancient phoenixes!

Ancient phoenixes that are extremely rare outside appear several together here.

They flew together, their bodies were huge, but they were also magnificent and noble.

When he flapped his wings, it was as if a red-gold stream of light was painted on the sky, carrying an indescribable natural nobility.

It is indeed the most noble beast of blood...

Mu Qinglan sighed secretly.

Then, those figures quickly transformed into human forms, landed in front of Fengtian, and all saluted respectfully:

"Congratulations on the return of the clan leader!"

Feng Tian raised his hand:

"Everyone, get up."

Only then did a few people get up.

After seeing the appearance of these people clearly, Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Even those with a higher vision than her have to admit that these ancient phoenixes have transformed into. The human figures are indeed very beautiful.

There were four people in total, two men and two women, all of whom looked to be in their twenties.

The man is handsome and handsome, the woman is delicate and beautiful.

Moreover, they all carry a faint aura of nobility and elegance.

That is the pride flowing in the blood.

It is said that once the ancient phoenix transforms into a human form, its appearance will always be excellent. Now that we have seen it, it is indeed the case.

Not to mention Zhuzhu, even Fengtian looks so old now, but he can still see the charm of the past.

As if they were aware of Mu Qinglan's gaze, they immediately looked over after they stood up.

When they saw Mu Qinglan's appearance, everyone was startled, and a flash of surprise flashed through their eyes.

In ancient times, the Phoenix clan had always had a huge advantage in appearance and beauty. Even the human race could rarely compare with their beauty.

But... I didn't expect that Mu Qinglan seemed to be even better.

Her black hair was simply tied up, and her black outfit outlined her slender figure. There were no unnecessary pendants on her body.

This kind of outfit is really too simple.

However, her appearance was too outstanding.

Her skin is like gelatin, which beats the frost against the snow. Her dark eyebrows are curved, and her eyes are like dark jade, which are clear and translucent when they are still, and ripple when they move.

Especially when she stood there, with her shoulders straight and her brows and eyes looking relaxed and at ease, she had an outstanding temperament.

But they quickly hid such emotions.

Different from the respect they showed towards Fengtian, when they looked at Mu Qinglan, their eyes were filled with unabashed pride and arrogance.

That look in his eyes was somewhat condescending.

Fengtian chuckled:

"This is Mu Qinglan, the leader of the Piaomiao Divine Sect. You have already known about her coming."

"So you are Mu Qinglan."

A woman standing in front suddenly spoke.

She has a round face and a pair of almond-shaped eyes, which makes her look very cute.

However, this opening was not very cute.

Mu Qinglan could not fail to hear the underlying hostility in his words.

And the people next to him were obviously the same.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.

It seems that Phoenix Valley really doesn't welcome her.

After all, she was invited by Fengtian himself. They dared to act like this in front of Fengtian, which showed that they had been dissatisfied with her for a long time, so much so that they were not even willing to do superficial things.

However, the ancient phoenix had a proud character and was a person who was honest and willing to take advantage of others. It was normal to be like this.

"This is Zhuzhu."

Fengtian said, waved to Zhuzhu, and said with a smile:

"Zhuzhu, come quickly."

Zhuzhu was standing next to Mu Qinglan, and Fengtian's move was to let her get acquainted with the people in the clan as soon as possible.

But Zhuzhu didn't move.

She saw clearly just now that these people were not very phantom to Mu Qinglan.

Then why does she get together with these people?

Fengtian was a little embarrassed.

Those people were originally very interested in Zhuzhu.

Because in the entire Phoenix Valley, there is still no one who can directly transform into one at an early age. Humanoid.

Even a few of them, considered the best among the younger generation, only successfully transformed into human forms after they reached adulthood.

Therefore, the entire Phoenix Valley is full of curiosity about Zhuzhu.

But I didn't expect that this Zhuzhu would be so rude to the clan leader.

Don't you even listen to the clan leader?

A man took a step forward, bent down and smiled at Zhuzhu:

"You are Zhuzhu, you are so cute! We have heard of your name before, and finally we met today! Just call me brother Nansong!"

Zhuzhu just looked at him quietly and said:

"I have no brothers or sisters, nor father or mother. I have followed my master since I was born."

The smile on Nan Song's face cracked instantly.

The first half of the sentence was already embarrassing enough, but the second half made them feel even more uncomfortable!


How could she treat a human race as her master so easily and naturally?

Does she have the self-esteem and pride of being an ancient phoenix?

When Fengtian saw this, he also knew that the two of them would not be able to chat for a while, so he said:

"Zhuzhu has just arrived, and he is not familiar with many things yet. Don't be too anxious. Besides, the visitor is a guest, so you should be polite to Sect Master Mu."

Nansong took a step back, and everyone nodded in agreement.

If the clan leader hadn't made an exception himself, they would never have let Mu Qinglan enter the Phoenix Valley.

But now it seems that the clan leader values ​​Mu Qinglan and Zhuzhu unexpectedly.

Several people looked at each other and saw disapproval in each other's eyes.

But they didn't say anything more in the end.

Fengtian asked:

"How's the situation over there on the patio?"

Nan Song's expression straightened and his brows furrowed slightly:

"Reporting back to the clan leader, several elders are suppressing the situation in the courtyard. It's still safe for the time being."

Fengtian was relieved.

"That's good...that's good..."

Then, he looked at Zhuzhu:

"Zhuzhu, please come with me to the patio to take a look."

With this sentence, everyone present was shocked.

"Clan leader! How can this be done?"

The almond-eyed woman from before immediately spoke to stop him.

"The patio is so important, how can just anyone be able to go there?"

"Fran! Is this what you should say?"

Fengtian looked solemn and his voice became much colder.

Fran trembled and bit her lip.

Nansong immediately pulled her.

Fran lowered her head and swallowed the rest of her words.

Mu Qinglan asked:

"Clan Chief Fengtian, I would like to ask, where is this patio...?"

Fengtian hesitated:


Seeing the embarrassment on his face, Mu Qinglan had roughly guessed that that might be the reason why Fengtian was so anxious to bring Zhuzhu back.

She smiled and said:

"Since Chief Fengtian finds it inconvenient to say it, I won't ask. As long as Zhuzhu is fine, I don't care about anything else."

Zhuzhu looked up at her.

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly:

"It seems that Clan Chief Fengtian is very anxious, so you might as well go and take a look."

Zhuzhu nodded.

Fengtian felt helpless and grateful.

Only Mu Qinglan can persuade Zhuzhu to act like this.

After this...

"Nan Song, please entertain Master Mu well."

Fengtian said and looked at Mu Qinglan again:

"Don't worry, we have sent some people out to find the whereabouts of your two brothers. If there is any news, we will tell you immediately."

Mu Qinglan nodded:

"Thank you."

After explaining, Fengtian hurriedly took Zhuzhu away and flew towards the southeast.

The two figures quickly disappeared.

After a while, Mu Qinglan retracted her gaze and looked at the few people.

Fran looked at her steadily and said bluntly:

"When this happens, you'd better terminate the contract with Zhuzhu!"

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