God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1564 Try (Second update)

Mu Qinglan was not surprised that she would say this.

In fact, the entire ancient Phoenix clan probably had this idea.

"You just said this in front of the Fengtian clan leader, why didn't you say it?"

Mu Qinglan didn't seem angry at all, but instead asked with a smile.

Fran frowned:

"The clan leader has other important matters, so naturally he cannot be disturbed by these things. I believe you also know that the ancient Phoenix clan will never make a contract with the human race."

"We also know that this request is a bit excessive, but... we still hope that Sect Master Mu can be more considerate."

Nan Song was beside him and advised him warmly.

Mu Qinglan looked at them taking it for granted and laughed angrily.

"Clan Chief Fengtian also said this to me at the beginning, but look at it now, does he still mention it?"

Several people were speechless.

"I pretend that I haven't heard what I said just now, and I don't want to hear it again in the future. I have watched Zhuzhu grow up since childhood, and will never be separated from me at any time. No other Shinobu is qualified to say this to me. .”

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, he continued without waiting for their answers:

"Clan Chief Fengtian said that he has sent your people out, and Zhuzhu followed him to the so-called patio. After that, I will just wait here for the time being. I wonder, where is my resting place?"

Mu Qinglan's words were gentle, but his attitude was very tough.

Several people felt very unhappy, but somehow, when they met those black jade-like eyes, their hearts suddenly trembled.

Another tall, thin man who had been silent stood up:

"Please come with me."

The news of Mu Qinglan and Zhuzhu's arrival quickly spread throughout the Phoenix Valley.

Obviously, they are all very interested in this.

After Mu Qinglan rested on one of the mountain peaks, he realized that in just an hour, more than a dozen mysterious auras were approaching.

Those are obviously the ancient phoenixes here.

Mu Qinglan remained unmoved.

The place where she originally rested was a cave halfway up the mountain.

The Phoenix Valley is filled with ancient phoenixes, and almost no humans have ever set foot here, so their residences are almost always lairs.

Others, let alone pavilions and pavilions, are not even simple cabins.

Mu Qinglan didn't stay in the cave for too long, and went straight up to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is an extremely flat rocky land.

After she set up a barrier around her and made sure she wouldn't be disturbed, she planned to start doing her own business.

——She first built a huge star array.

Now that she is the king of the star formation, the power of the star formation she has constructed cannot be underestimated.

However, after seeing the shocking giant formation on the soul-suppressing stone soul, Mu Qinglan already felt that her star formation was nothing at all.

Mu Qinglan knew that there were many eyes around her, but she didn't care.

They wouldn't really do anything to her anyway.

"That's Mu Qinglan? She looks pretty good... Are there people with such an appearance among the human race?"

"I heard earlier that she is extremely beautiful, but I didn't quite believe it...she looks like she is on par with our tribe."

"Hey, what's important about looks? Don't forget, what's really great about her is her strength! I heard that she is only eighteen years old this year! But she is already the King Master of the Star Formation! With this talent, even among the Yuan Clan, People may not be able to compare, right?”

"Have you not heard about what happened at the Ten Thousand Gods Festival? She and her brother are both of divine blood! With such strength, it is not surprising..."

"Strange, what is she doing building a star formation on this? Is she going to practice?"

"Maybe! After all, the energy of the world in our Phoenix Valley is much stronger than that of the outside world! However, with so little time, can she still achieve a breakthrough through cultivation?"

"Wait, she doesn't seem to be practicing! What did she take out?"

Mu Qinglan waved her palm lightly, and a small round hollow jade stone appeared in front of her.

Soon, the thing expanded rapidly and then landed in the middle of the flat ground!

The whole body is shiny and translucent, and there are exquisite hollow carvings on it. Under the sunlight, it becomes more and more brilliant and eye-catching.

It’s the Restoration Platform!

"Oh - it's finally out! It suffocates me to death!"

Fu Lingtai complained in a sweet voice.

Mu Qinglan smiled and patted it gently:

"Didn't I let you stay with Dean Xiling for a while before? Why are you still bored?"

"That's how long it took!"

Fu Lingtai hummed softly:

"From meeting Daddy Xi Ling to leaving the first battlefield, it only took so little time! Daddy Xi Ling and I have not seen each other for a long time, how can that little time be enough?"

Mu Qinglan laughed.

At that time, she split the giant net in the dark area and released Dean Xi Ling and others, and then directly returned the Soul Restoration Platform.

It originally belonged to Dean Xiling.

However, after the Gathering of All Gods, Dean Xi Ling stayed at the Piaomiao Temple, but gave her the Restoration Platform.

There was only one reason - she wanted to use the Soul Restoration Platform to help those divine masters rebuild their divine bodies.

Mu Qinglan had seen with her own eyes how powerful the Soul Restoration Platform was when it came to restoring the body and soul.

Xue You relied on this to live a new life.

So when Dean Xi Ling did this, Mu Qinglan did not refuse.

Because only she, who possesses the Ancient Divine Code, can do this with the help of the Soul Restoration Platform.

"Are you sure you want to be here?"

Lord Jiu Lei asked with some uncertainty.

It can be seen from the reactions of those people just now that they are really not very friendly to Mu Qinglan.

However, if Mu Qinglan wants to help rebuild the divine body, he needs to be highly concentrated and must not be disturbed.

"Master, don't worry. Although they don't like me, the ancient Phoenix clan is extremely proud and will not make a sneak attack. What's more... they must be able to break through this barrier first."

The Nine Thunder God Lord laughed:

"That's right! You just released the Qianye Red Lotus Lake water in the star formation just for this?"

Mu Qinglan smiled and nodded:

"That's right. Moreover, there is abundant energy in the world here, which can greatly improve efficiency."

After thinking about it, she sighed:

"It's a pity that Master, you haven't completely condensed your soul now, and you can't even reshape your divine body."

In fact, she still wanted to help the Nine Thunder God Lord first.

However, it is not the right time for the Nine Thunder God Lord yet.

The Nine Thunder God Lord didn't care.

"What's the point! The old man is overjoyed to be able to leave there in his lifetime! He has another precious disciple, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? It's the same thing if you help them first!"

Anyway, with the Ancient Divine Code here, there is no need to worry about these people betraying Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Divine Lord Shentu stayed in the Evil Lord Mansion, and the only people who could choose were Divine Lord Tiankui and Divine Lord Yugan.

Now, it is necessary to choose one of these two to try to rebuild the divine body first.

She asked the two of them for their opinions in her mind.

Although this is something that many God Lords long for, after all, it is Mu Qinglan's first time trying it, so there are still some risks, and there are pros and cons.

Fortunately, Lord Tiankui and Lord Yugan have a very good relationship, and they quickly agreed that Lord Tiankui would start first.

Then, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes in the darkness, a translucent figure suddenly appeared.

God Lord Tiankui is originally the God Lord. Even if there is only one remnant soul left now, he still cannot be underestimated.

Just by standing there, there was already heavy pressure spreading to all directions!

This is not something he did intentionally, but for such a top powerhouse, these are all normal.

Fortunately for Mu Qinglan, he had basically gotten used to the faint pressure during this period, so he directly invited God Lord Tiankui to board the Soul Restoration Platform.

But everyone onlookers were all shocked.

“That’s—that’s the powerful God Lord!?”

"God Lord! That is definitely the soul of God Lord! The previous rumors are indeed true!"

"Ah! That's right! It means that Mu Qinglan summoned more than twenty powerful divine masters during the Gathering of All Gods... But how could this powerful divine master follow Mu Qinglan?"

Everyone could see that Lord Tiankui suddenly appeared, and he must have come with Mu Qinglan before.

But... the pressure from the Divine Lord was so great, how could she, a powerful Holy Lord, bear it?

In any case, the appearance of Lord Tiankui made many people who were originally disdainful of Mu Qinglan become wary.

Only then did they gradually realize that this Mu Qinglan... was indeed stronger than they had imagined!

"But what is she going to do by summoning the Lord God like this?"

When everyone was filled with doubts, they saw the star formation at Mu Qinglan's feet suddenly spinning!

Then, the energy of the surrounding world began to surge in that direction!

Lord Tiankui sits cross-legged on the Restoration Platform.

He is still very different from Xueyou's situation back then.

Because at that time, Xueyou's realm was at the peak of the Lord. After using the holy bones to reshape his body, he was able to break through the Holy Lord in one fell swoop.

Moreover, it was within the crossing sky at that time, and the limitations were very large.

Most of the things can only be done by Mu Qinglan himself.

But God Lord Tiankui is different now.

His soul is still in the realm of the God Lord, and what is his destiny has not been damaged!

This allows him to continuously absorb the energy of heaven and earth!

Relatively speaking, Mu Qinglan was a little more relaxed.

However, after all, she is a powerful divine master. She does not dare to make any mistakes and is highly concentrated.

Lord Tiankui looked at Mu Qinglan with an extremely serious expression:

"Girl Qinglan, if you do this, I will leave my life and death in your hands!"

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips and nodded firmly.

"Please rest assured, God Lord Tiankui, Qinglan will do his best and live up to his great trust."

Lord Tiankui took a deep breath and then slowly closed his eyes.

Soon, a palm-sized sunflower appeared in front of him!

However, this sunflower has only five petals in total, each one showing a different color. The most important thing is that the petals are as crystal clear as gems and look very gorgeous.

And there is extremely abundant energy on it!

"Wuyang Tiankui!"

Mu Qinglan was secretly shocked.

It turns out that the name of Lord Tiankui comes from this...

This Wuyang Tiankui is not really a sunflower, but an extremely rare precious stone from heaven and earth!

Unexpectedly, his destiny would be this...

The Five Sun Sunflower slowly rotated.

At the same time, dark clouds gathered quickly in the sky! The wind howls!

In an instant, the world became dark!

Mu Qinglan held her breath and summoned the Ancient Divine Code at the same time!

The third watch is a little later, maybe 1 o'clock

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