God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 866 Hitting You! (three more)

Now, all the families who were watching couldn't sit still.

A teenage five-level star formation master, this is not bad! ?

Almost everyone's eyes were on Mu Qinglan at this moment!

But soon, many people discovered the abnormality.

"No! Mu Linghan is indeed a fourth-level star formation master! The power of his main star has definitely not reached the fifth level!"

"How is it possible? Then how could he display a fifth-level star array?"

"Could it be a constellation?"

This side rub is also the most likely one that everyone thinks.

But they also soon discovered that Mu Qinglan hadn't used his stars for a long time.

The streams of star power pouring out of her hands like clouds rolling down from the mountain peaks are indeed pouring out from her body!

At the same time, all the star formation masters present could clearly feel the coercion of the tyrannical primordial spirit emanating from Mu Qinglan's body!

Although the power of the primordial spirit is invisible and intangible, the star formation masters are extremely sensitive to the power of the primordial spirit. Mu Qinglan hadn't moved before, so they didn't feel anything. But now that her abundant primordial power is gushing out crazily, it's hard for them to pretend they don't know!

"No! His primordial spirit power has reached the fifth-level star formation master!"

Finally, someone shouted in shock, leaving countless people dumbfounded.

This, what does this mean? !

Si Changyi stroked his beard, and explained with some exclamation:

"His current primordial power is as strong as that of a fifth-level star array master, but because the power of the main star in his body is still at the level of a fourth-level star array master, he is still a fourth-level star array master. But—he But already has the power of a fifth-level Star Array Master!"

Everyone is silent.

This explanation is very clear, but because it is too clear, it is unbelievable!

How old is Mu Linghan this year? It's just a teenager! His primordial power has actually reached the level of a fifth-level Star Array Master? How can this be!

"I have worked hard for decades before I broke through to the fifth-level star formation master. I didn't expect Mu Linghan to reach such a level at this age. I am ashamed..." Wu Zhonglei, the dean of Tianlu College, reluctantly Can't help but let out a long sigh, full of sighs.

In fact, there were not a small number of Star Array Masters present.

After all, it is one of the top colleges on the mainland, and being able to come here is already a proof of strength. Therefore, there are quite a lot of star formation masters who are very rare for others.

But no one has such a heaven-defying result!

"This must be... what a strong talent it must be!" Yao Shan, the dean of Beisheng College, finally came to his senses at this time.

The power of the primordial spirit is different from the power of the primordial spirit, and cannot rely on inheriting the power of others to improve one's own level. Therefore, to have such a rich power of the primordial spirit at this age, there is nothing other than the word "talent". explain!

Yao Shan was full of bitterness, almost regretting his bowels!

In the finals a year ago, he had already seen that Mu Linghan's talent was extremely extraordinary, but at that time he had already fallen out with Mu Linghan. Although he was also envious that Xiling Academy could snatch him away, he regretted it in his heart After a while, he let go.

After all, in this world, for them, the most indispensable thing is genius.

The loss of one Mu Linghan is not a big loss to the entire Beisheng Academy.

The big deal is to find other geniuses in the future!

What's more, if you are a genius now, it is not certain whether you can become a strong person in the future!

But until now, Yaoshan didn't know how wrong he was at that time!

Is Mu Linghan an ordinary genius? Can this be compared to other so-called geniuses? !

He is only fifteen years old now, and he already has the power of the primordial spirit equivalent to a fifth-level star formation master!

The future is truly limitless!

What does he count as the lord now? The talent of the star array master is the real killer!

Not only Yaoshan, but also the dean and elders present felt a little uncomfortable.

This kind of talent, even if you look at the mainland, is rare!

If it is well cultivated, it will be a matter of time before it breaks through to the Star Formation King Master in the future!

And such an excellent seedling turned out to be from Xiling Academy!

This time, they really made a profit!

In contrast, the people of Xiling College are all very calm - they have already been hit during the mid-year assessment before, so can they not be calm now!

Helian Liefeng said happily: "Hehe, wherever this kid goes, he will be hit by others. Now someone finally shares weal and woe with us!"

Ouyang Mo couldn't laugh or cry, but her pride could not be concealed between her brows and eyes.

Qinglan, whether she is in the Shengyuan Empire or here, she is equally outstanding!

There is a kind of person who will become the most shining existence no matter where he is. There is no doubt that Qinglan is such a person!

Seeing the expressions of those people, Ouyang Mo breathed out lightly, only feeling that the whole person was much more relaxed and carefree, but at the same time, she felt pity in her heart.

——In order to get to this point, Qinglan had to endure hardships, which should be beyond their imagination, right?

Moreover, Young Master Yun is not here... There is not even a person who can seriously give her some comfort and support.

Ouyang Mo secretly gritted her teeth.

Before coming here, she always felt that she had made a lot of progress recently, and that she might have the opportunity to help Qinglan, but after seeing people, she realized that when she was improving, Qinglan was also galloping forward and growing stronger.

If she really wants to help her, she must become stronger than she is now!

Mu Qinglan on the court naturally didn't know that he just cast a five-level star formation, which made so many people around him have so many thoughts.

In her eyes, there is only Huafeng in front of her now!

This time, she was determined to win!

In this star array, a part of the skills she just learned from Lord Wang Yan was actually integrated. When she saw Lord Wang Yan easily seal the Nine Souls with a star array before, she was very itchy in her heart, and she always wanted to learn and try it herself.

And after this period of research, I finally realized something!

Although it is not as comfortable as Lord Wang Yan's, but it already has a bit of taste!

Under Mu Qinglan's control, the star array gradually became smaller, and finally only the two of them were wrapped in it!

Hua Feng also smelled a hint of danger, and his mood became irritable. He frowned and looked at the streamer in front of him, and punched angrily, trying to break everything up.

However, the star power used to construct the star array was originally composed of strands, and his punch would be useless at all.

Those star powers dodged incomparably flexibly, and gathered together, and finally surrounded Huafeng tightly!

Huafeng was stuck in place again!

But that's not the most shocking thing!

While this star array locked Huafeng's movements, it also greatly suppressed the power in his body!

At the beginning, the aura of Jiuhungui could be easily covered by the star array, which already showed the powerful covering power of the star array!

At this time, Mu Qinglan used it on Huafeng!

In the end, Huafeng was still stuck in place! No matter how violent his movements were, he couldn't take another step!

At this moment, the way he looked at Mu Qinglan, he wished he could tear her into pieces!

But Mu Qinglan never cared about this look.

The silver wind was above Huafeng, and the dragon's tail flicked fiercely!


The huge dragon tail slapped Hua Feng's body fiercely!

Even though he raised his arm to stop him, he was already at a disadvantage, and this moment made him half-kneel on the ground!

Mu Qinglan's vast power of primordial spirit has been poured out! Take control of the entire arena!

She looked down at Huafeng from a high position, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and her eyes were cold.

"Are you convinced?"

How could Huafeng be convinced? !

At this time, his sanity has almost completely disappeared, replaced by the crazy and fierce fighting spirit belonging to the head of state!

There was a low and violent roar in his throat!

Mu Qinglan was unmoved.

She moved her neck, and at this moment she could feel that the scratches on her neck had begun to coagulate, and there was some stiffness and tingling.

In fact, this injury is nothing to her, after all, her body's recovery ability is extremely strong.

But Mu Qinglan couldn't let Huafeng go so easily.

If she hadn't moved so fast at that time, if she had hesitated even a little bit at that time, then now, she is the one kneeling on the ground!

Mu Qinglan has always believed that people will not offend me, I will not offend others, if someone offends me, I will cut the grass and root out! In such an occasion, she naturally wouldn't really kill her, but she must get back some interest!

After Mu Qinglan finished speaking, she glanced at Yinfeng.


Another force from Yinfeng hit Huafeng's head heavily!

This time, half of his cheek was already swollen, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding!

The whole body also shook for a while, looking very embarrassed.

"Are you convinced?" Mu Qinglan asked loudly again.

Hua Feng stared at her, and let out a scream from his throat, just about to stand up from the ground and rush towards her!

How could Mu Qinglan give him a second chance?

The moment Hua Feng just got up, she put Qing Yuan away, and then she took a step forward, raised her right hand, and slapped him hard from the air!


This sound was indeed louder than the two previous attacks by Yinfeng!

And Huafeng fell to his knees again! Spit out a mouthful of blood!

Mu Qinglan raised his chin slightly, looked at him coldly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth, in the eyes of everyone, seemed to come from hell! Evil and scary!

"Not convinced? I will hit you until today!"

collapsed to...

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