God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 867 Killing God (Part 1)

Half of Hua Feng's face was completely swollen, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his breath was much weaker, and he looked very embarrassed.

Of course, he no longer looks like a person anymore.

Hearing Mu Qinglan's words, Huafeng's eyes lit up with anger, and then he punched the ground hard, trying to stand up.

But this time the power of the star array is extremely strong, and the flow of light on those star arrays is so weird that he can hardly move!

In desperation, he could only lay a silver-gray barrier around his body!

The silver wind dragon's tail slammed heavily on it, leaving a crack in it in an instant!

At this time, Huafeng has no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!

Mu Qinglan didn't speak anymore, but the power to control the star array shrank rapidly!

Countless streaks of streamer crazily entangled beyond the silver-gray barrier!

Now, Huafeng's power was severely suppressed again!

He roared and slapped crazily inside, and the people around him could even feel the ground shaking violently!

The cracks on the enchantment spread rapidly, and it could be seen at a glance that it could not last for too long!

Everyone watched this scene nervously. Before this, no one would have thought that Hua Feng, who was obviously of a higher level and stronger, would be trapped by Mu Linghan! Can't move!

This game is here, basically there is no suspense!

The eyes of countless people couldn't help but fall on the boy in black standing there.

He is tall and thin, especially his shoulders and back seem a little thin, but at this moment, no one will ignore him or underestimate him!

In time, that young man's strength will definitely surpass most of the people present!

At this time, the people in the worst mood were the people of Qingfeng Academy.

When they came before, they had already made up their minds to win the position of one of the five great academies. Who would have thought that they would lose here in the first match!

"Dean, what shall we do?"

An elder couldn't help but stepped forward worriedly, walked behind Jing Hongfei, and asked in a low voice.

They have been preparing for this day for too long!

If you stop here, then—

"What are you panicking about!"

Jing Hongfei interrupted the elder's words impatiently, and his aura became cold and low.

"The game is not over yet!"

Seeing that Jing Hongfei reacted so fiercely, the elder didn't dare to say anything more, he hurriedly responded a few times, then retreated back, and exchanged glances with the others, all of whom were somewhat bitter.

The competition is not over yet, but the result couldn't be more obvious!

Not to mention that Mu Linghan himself was able to display a fifth-level star array, and he was also assisted by an eighth-rank Yuan beast, but just Hua Feng himself-beast transformation has a time limit!

When time passes, Huafeng's strength will be greatly weakened, and it will be easier for Mu Linghan to deal with him!

How can he come back this time?

Of course Jing Hongfei knew this, but he was unwilling!

There is still a little hope in his heart - because he knows that Huafeng is not reconciled!

If he can fight back...

Chi la!

At this moment, the situation on the court suddenly changed!

A toothache tearing sound came suddenly, and after that, everyone was horrified to see that Hua Feng suddenly jumped forward crazily! Completely jumped out of the siege of Mu Linghan's power!

But at the same time, a layer of flesh on his body was also severely torn off!

Blood splatter, bloody flesh!

This scene was so horrifying that at the same moment, many people screamed!

"He's crazy!"

At this time, Huafeng has completely become a blood man!

There was no good skin left on his body, and the sticky, fishy and sweet smell instantly permeated the air!

Everyone saw only a bloody figure, rushing towards Mu Linghan frantically!


The two collided again! Fall to the ground!

In fact, even Mu Qinglan was taken aback when he saw this scene!

Because she never thought that Huafeng would do such a thing!

He simply gave up his whole body, removed all the power that bound him, in exchange for freedom, and rushed towards Mu Qinglan!

He has completely disregarded his own life and death!

Even ordinary Yuan beasts seldom have such madness when fighting!

His movements were extremely fast and shocking, which surprised Mu Qinglan, and it was this moment of pause that gave Huafeng the opportunity to counterattack!

Mu Qinglan only felt a strong bloody smell rushing towards his face, and then something came crushing towards him heavily!

She retreated almost subconsciously, but was still caught by the opponent, and then fell heavily to the ground again!

At this time, Hua Feng's body and face can be described as shocking, almost like a ghost!

His movements were also very fast. After controlling Mu Qinglan's hands and feet, he bit directly towards her neck!

In those eyes, there is already complete madness and bloodthirsty!

The sharp fangs were about to pierce Mu Qinglan's skin in an instant!

Right now!

A stern look flashed across Mu Qinglan's eyes!

Immediately, she forcefully dragged Hua Feng's hand with her restrained hand, blocking her in front of her!


Huafeng bit down hard!

But this time, it bit Huafeng's own arm!

Everyone was stunned.

A series of reversals happened too fast, they haven't seen clearly what happened, the two of them have already done tricks many times! And each wandered between life and death a few times!

Some people are still immersed in Huafeng's cruel method of "willing to cut the whole body", and some people have already noticed something is wrong-Mu Linghan actually forcibly dragged Huafeng's wrist!

In the game of pure physical strength between the two of them, could it be that Mu Linghan had the upper hand?

But at this time, Huafeng bit off a large piece of flesh and blood on his arm abruptly, without a single pause in his movements. With a force on his arm, he wanted to move Mu Qinglan's hand away!

Mu Qinglan knew that at this time Huafeng had completely turned into a beast, lost all sanity, could not feel even pain, and ordinary attacks could no longer deal with him.


Hua Feng's blood was splashed on Mu Qinglan's face.

Her heart skipped a beat, it was a force that broke Hua Feng's wrist!


This crisp sound, listening to it at this moment, makes people's teeth sour!

Hua Feng couldn't feel any pain at this time, but the broken wrist also caused a short-term incoherence in the power on his body.

This moment is enough!

Mu Qinglan immediately punched Huafeng in the face, and the moment Huafeng fell on his back, he kicked hard with both legs!

Huafeng's body finally flew upside down!

But Mu Qinglan didn't give up. When he made a wrong footstep, his figure quickly followed, grabbed Huafeng's ankle, and fell heavily to the ground!


The whole ground trembled violently!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

"Then, is that Mu Linghan?!"

"My God... how strong is his physical strength?"

"Such a hand-to-hand combat, logically speaking, there is absolutely no reason for him to be able to defeat Hua Feng who is completely beastly. How could..."

There is a huge gap in the physical strength of humans and primordial beasts. What's more, Huafeng at this time has integrated the power of the eighth-rank sky demon wolf, which can be described as extremely powerful.

Originally, I thought it would be good for Mu Linghan not to be torn apart, but I didn't expect...

And while everyone was still in shock, Mu Qinglan grabbed his ankle again, lifted it up heavily, and smashed it down again!

Huafeng wanted to break free from Mu Qinglan's shackles, but his ankles seemed to be tightly clamped by steel, and he couldn't escape!

After a few times, Huafeng's head had already been smashed open by Mu Qinglan!


Seeing this scene, Jing Hongfei finally couldn't hold back and shouted loudly!

Mu Qinglan's lips curled into a sneer.


It's not even close!

She then threw Huafeng to the ground, and just when everyone thought she was about to end, she rushed forward again and stepped heavily on Huafeng's chest!

Hua Feng was already in a semi-comatose state at this time. Even though he couldn't feel any pain, the strong external impact had a very serious impact on his body.

And the few times just now, Mu Qinglan smashed his head hard again. At this time, his brain was about to come out, and Hua Feng was almost half dead.

Therefore, even though he wanted to stop Mu Qinglan's kick, he didn't have any strength left!

The crisp sound of bones breaking came, and a large piece of Huafeng's chest immediately collapsed.

No doubt he must have had several broken ribs.

The internal organs may also have been damaged, but his body is already bloody and bloody, there is no good place, even if the five internal organs are really broken, it will not be obvious.

This kick also shocked Huafeng's body, his eyes popped, and he stared at Mu Qinglan.

But soon, he tilted his head and passed out completely.

There was a dead silence.

No one thought that this match would end in such a tragic ending!

The process of the two people fighting in the middle can also be described as ups and downs, with constant thrills!

Mu Qinglan slowly raised her head, looked at the referee at the side, and raised her chin.

"Haven't announced the winner yet?"

Only then did the referee come to his senses, looking at Mu Qinglan with a hint of fear, he stammered.

"This, this, this scene..."


Jing Hongfei suddenly shouted in a deep voice!

He was about to speak, but Mu Qinglan suddenly turned around and glanced at him.

Those cold and dark eyes actually made Jing Hongfei's heart sink, and the words that came to his lips suddenly froze.

It was as if there was a cold aura that quickly enveloped him!

All eyes were on that person.

That young man was dressed in black, his eyes were deep, his face was splashed with a few drops of blood, and against the white jade-like skin, it was brighter and richer in color.

At this time, the sun was just right, bright and bright, but the boy's whole body seemed to be filled with an invisible coldness.

In fact, his body was already covered with messy blood, and there was blood dripping from the corner of his clothes.

As if, the killing god who walked out of hell!

"This time, I, Mu Linghan, will win! Whoever refuses to accept it, I'll be there anytime!"

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