God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 868 Plan (Part Two)

No one can say that the winner of this match is not Mu Linghan.

This match was extremely tragic, perhaps Mu Linghan's final blow was indeed bloody and cruel, but when Hua Feng made the attack before, he never showed any affection for him.

Therefore, there is no suspense or objection in winning or losing this game.

The boy's simple words were powerful and irrefutable!

Jing Hongfei's lips twitched a few times, but the words in his throat still did not come out.

The referee next to him finally came to his senses and let out a long shout——

"This time, Xiling Academy, Mu Linghan—won!"

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up, and then she retracted her feet, turned and walked towards Xiling College.

Chong Shuangshuang's nervous heart was still beating violently, and with a single step, he was about to rush over.

But there is one person who is faster than her.

——It was the calm and introverted woman from before.

Also, Brother Ling Han's fiancée.

Seeing Ouyang Mo's figure stepping forward quickly, Chong Shuangshuang retracted the foot that had just been stepped forward. Although he tried his best to control it, his eyes still couldn't hide the disappointment.

Si Changyi glanced at the opposite side, then at Chong Shuangshuang, and sighed helplessly.

On the other side, Ouyang Mo quickly walked up to Mu Qinglan:

"Ling Han, are you alright?"

Mu Qinglan stretched out her hand, Ouyang Mo thought she was seriously injured, so she hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

Mu Qinglan grabbed her hand, his originally icy expression suddenly rippled like spring water.

She squeezed Ouyang Mo's hand on purpose, leaned most of her body on Ouyang Mo's body, and exhaled lightly.

"It's something, of course it's something. I haven't seen our little Momo for so long, it's really hard for me!"

Ouyang Mo was angry and funny, but the stone that had been hanging in her heart finally fell down.

Being able to tease like this shows that there is nothing to worry about Qinglan's situation.

She moved her arms a little to make Mu Qinglan lean on her in a more comfortable posture, and then said in a low voice with a hint of reprimand and distress:

"What did I tell you before, why did you forget it now? What are you doing so desperately? Then Huafeng... Forget it, it's all over, as long as you're fine. Next time, you must never take such a risk again."

Others can only see that Qinglan's scenery is boundless. After several fights, she finally trampled Huafeng under her feet and won the match beautifully, but only she knew the hard work and heartache.

In the middle period of the lord, complete animalization...

With Huafeng with such strength, Qinglan can win! What has she experienced during this time?

While talking, Ouyang Mo looked sideways at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan's stature has always been half a head taller than her, so from her perspective, she can still see most of her face clearly.

She stretched out a hand, carefully and distressedly wiped off the few drops of blood on Mu Qinglan's face.

Mu Qinglan suddenly turned his head and blinked at her.

"Sure enough, Momo treats me best."

Ouyang Mo nodded her forehead.

"There is no more chance."

Mu Qinglan just smiled softly.

The intimate gesture between the two immediately attracted everyone's attention.

For a while, the eyes of many people became weird.

This Mu Linghan... One second ago, he was clearly a vicious, cruel and merciless killer, but why did he turn into such a loose and unrestrained appearance the next second?

But Mu Qinglan didn't care about those gazes.

After walking in front of Dean Chu Yu and the others, Mu Qinglan moved away from Ouyang Mo a little bit, but still held Ouyang Mo's hand.

She smiled and said: "Principal, elder, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Dean Chu Yu looked at her deeply, and actually had a lot to say in his heart.

After returning to the academy, Elder Fengyang and others roughly told him what happened during the year.

Even though he had made some psychological preparations before, Dean Chu Yu was still full of shock.

He didn't know that so many things had happened in the year he left.

And that young man from back then has grown to such a state rapidly now.

This time, he still did not disappoint them, and it can even be said that he gave them a big surprise.

Among the people brought here, there are not many who can confront Huafeng head-on.

If it was Xie Zhifan, he might be sure to win, but if it was Qin Chuan, it might not be so easy.

Others, needless to say.

Under such a precarious situation, this victory is extremely important to them!

In the end, Dean Chu Yu just patted Mu Qinglan on the shoulder.


Elder Gucci smiled. road:

"Ling Han, you should rest well from now on! Leave the rest to us!"

Mu Qinglan nodded, then walked to the back with Ouyang Mo and sat down.

Helian Liefeng held the black sword and looked at Mu Qinglan with burning eyes.

"Your strength has increased again?"

Mu Qinglan didn't even look at him: "I want to discuss another day."

Helian Liefeng nodded: "It's just right, I have figured out something from the battle between the two of you today, and when you recover, let's have a formal contest!"

Mu Qinglan waved his hand, and the vitality in his body had already started to work, quickly repairing the injuries in his body.

Finally, I caught up.

Xiling College is happy, but Qingfeng College is in mourning.

Huafeng lost this game, and they were already doomed to miss the position of the five colleges.

Jing Hongfei's face was gloomy, and he ordered the people below to quickly lift down the unconscious Hua Feng, his chest seemed to be on fire!

Huafeng can be said to be their biggest hole card this time. They were supposed to win, but who knew they met Mu Linghan!

All the previous plans were all in vain!

He forced himself not to look at Xiling College, lest he couldn't help but rush over there!

The elders and students behind them looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

The atmosphere of the entire academy was low and cold.

The other matches on the field were still going on, but Jing Hongfei had no intention of watching them.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Feng Yi.

The two looked at each other, Feng Yi sneered, and immediately turned his eyes away with undisguised dissatisfaction and arrogance.

This means that it is clear that they do not intend to continue to cooperate with them.

Jing Hongfei was even more angry, but there was no other way.

All of this is due to that Mu Linghan!

He slowly clenched the armrest of the chair and closed his eyes.

If there is an opportunity, we must get rid of him—otherwise, it will definitely be a serious problem in the future!

The competition continued, although there were many wonderful ones, but compared to the previous one between Mu Qinglan and Huafeng, they were all slightly inferior and not so brilliant.

But for each family in the competition, of course, one family is happy and the other is sad.

Finally, when all the injuries in Mu Qinglan's body were warmed up, all the competitions were finally over!

Although every family will participate in the second round of the Elders Tournament, it has become that the ten winners will compete together, and the ten losers will compete separately.

Those who lost before, even if they won the elders competition, they are no longer eligible to compete for the top few.

The second round of draws will start soon.

This time, Xiling Academy's opponent is Fengyun Academy!

"Fengyun Academy? I don't think I've heard of it before..."

Mu Qinglan opened his eyes and glanced curiously.

Ouyang Mo explained with a helpless smile:

"You usually focus on cultivation and don't care about these at all. It's normal not to know."

Mu Qinglan blinked: "Why, Momo, do you still have research on these colleges?"

Ouyang Mo shook her head: "That's not true. However, this Fengyun Academy has indeed been a little lively recently."

She raised her eyes and said in a low voice:

"It is rumored that people from Fengyun Academy found a tomb of a powerful Lord two months ago..."

Mu Qinglan's eyes lit up: "Oh?"

"There are rumors from the outside world that the elders and students who went to Fengyun Academy that time were all inherited by the powerful master. However, Fengyun Academy itself has never said this, so outsiders don't know if the news is true or not. .”

Mu Qinglan squinted his eyes; "There is nothing wrong with it."

"Yes. So this time, I'm afraid they will be a little difficult to deal with."

Difficult to deal with, that is also trouble for the elders.

Mu Qinglan still has great confidence in the elders of her own academy.

This time, the contestants were Elder Gu Qi, Elder Shan Nai, and Elder Wu Chuan.

If you win two out of three rounds... you should be quite sure.

Ouyang Mo suddenly remembered something and lowered her voice.

"By the way, Wang...why didn't that guy come back with you?"

Elder Yaoguang said before that Master Wang Yan has been following Qinglan, why did Master Wang Yan not show up when she came back?

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Of course his old man has more important things to do."

If she said now that Lord Wang Yan is actually outside Mingqi Mountain, what expression would Momo have?

Ouyang Mo nodded seriously without doubting him.

That's right, after all, it's that kind of strong man, so it's natural to stay or stay at will.

Mu Qinglan's eyes turned to Zhongyuan College, and the corners of his lips curled slightly.

This time, she didn't just come to win this game!

The debt owed by Zhongyuan College before, this time, she intends to let them pay it back a hundredfold together!

"Second round of seniors' competition—start now!"

Gucci elders face the first match!

Thank you for your comments. I didn’t eat yesterday, and I still have some prestige today, but it’s much better now.

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