God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 971: Massacre (Part 1)

With a throw, Mu Qinglan threw the severed arm at the group of men in black.

The red flame that was still burning above drew a hasty stream of light above the midair, easily raising the temperature of the space around the group of people!

Seeing this sudden attack, the group of men in black were very surprised, and ran away in a panic!

However, the real body of the Lord Mu Qinglan condensed at this time, how strong is the physical strength? Just throwing it like this, the speed is extremely fast! And the power of coercion is far beyond those people's imagination!

So, even though they tried their best to avoid it, a few people were still affected by the power above!


The blazing high temperature burns, and instantly makes a tooth-piercing sound!


A few screams came, but it was the red flames that were stained on the bodies of those men in black, which were burning violently at this moment, and spreading to other places at an extraordinary speed!

Vaguely, there seemed to be a smell of scorched flesh and blood.


Seeing this, the leader of the men in black was also startled and angry, and without any hesitation, he directly swung a wave of energy and chopped towards the burning arm of one of them!


With a crisp sound, one arm of the man in black was cut off neatly!

Accompanying it was an even more stern scream!

However, the leader of the man in black didn't change his face, while moving, he shouted at the others:

"Hurry up! What are you doing in a daze! You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

He yelled this in a stern voice, and the men in black reacted immediately. Although they were extremely unwilling, there was no other way right now.

As soon as they gritted their teeth, several people cut off the parts of their bodies that were stained with this thing one after another!

Those whose arms have been cut off seem to be considered good at this time. After all, the most troublesome thing is that those who have already spread flames on other parts of their bodies are extremely painful at this time-because in such a situation, it is necessary to Cut off all the meat from the belt!

Half of a person's body was already on fire. He cut off one of his arms cruelly, and then gritted his teeth to cut off all the flesh between his chest and abdomen!

With a knife down, there are dense white bones, which can be seen faintly!

He was obviously in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and his whole body was trembling violently because of the extreme pain!

But behind him, there is still a cluster of flames!

Without hesitation, the leading man took a step forward and swung his knife, cutting off a piece of his back!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a bloody skeleton!

In such a situation, even though he was still alive, he was already almost dead, even more painful than death.

The other men in black were also injured to varying degrees, and most of their bodies were covered in blood and flesh at this time. At first glance, it was shocking.

Even the people in the college who hated them very much were stunned and shocked when they saw this scene.

Some students couldn't bear to bend down and began to vomit.

Although they usually have seen some bloody scenes more or less, and most of them have even killed people by themselves, but such cruel and terrifying scenes are still rarely seen.

Even the elders of the academy couldn't help frowning.

"These people... are really cruel!"

He was so good at dealing with himself, no wonder he had the guts to bring the Blood Heaven Cauldron to encircle and suppress their academy!

I just don't know, who is the master behind them, and what kind of person is it that can cultivate such subordinates?

Thinking about it makes me palpitate.

On the other side, Mu Qinglan didn't stop moving. After throwing that arm out, he didn't even look at it. He grabbed the man's neck and dragged him up!

At this time, the man had already lost an arm, and he was already at a disadvantage compared to Mu Qinglan. What's more, Mu Qinglan's previous attack had already reduced his strength a lot, and he couldn't deal with it now. Rout!

Although he is not a complete person, he can only be regarded as a special kind of soul full of resentment, but some instinctive consciousness still exists.

When Mu Qinglan grabbed him, he subconsciously wanted to break free, but he swung a hand over, but before he touched Mu Qinglan, she was the first to grab him, and then twisted backhand!

Mu Qinglan could feel the burning sensation in her palm, but it didn't affect her at all——

joke! Do you really think that the real body of her lord is a fake?

What's more, the original Vermilion Bird's fire, why wasn't it hotter than this? more scary?

The difference is that above the blood shadow, it is not so much a flame as an extremely violent poison.

If ordinary people are infected, they are basically close to death.

That's why those men in black reacted like that after being contaminated.

But unfortunately, this is useless to Mu Qinglan!

Her face was calm, her eyes were like knives, and after dragging him up, she kicked him in the hollow of his knee, forcing him to kneel down again, stepped on his calf with one foot, and then took his other arm, tear it off!

Her actions were extremely simple, even rude, but the more she did this, the more frightened she looked.

She raised her head, "playing" with the remaining arm in her hand, her expression was a little carefree.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to remain indifferent when seeing this scene!



How on earth is this done?

Even the leader of the man in black who had been ruthless couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw this scene!

This one among the Blood Heaven Cauldron is a mid-term powerhouse of the Lord!

Even though his original physical body has been damaged, the body condensed by relying on the power inside is definitely not weak!

At the very least, it is still the strength of the Lord!

But now what?

Mu Linghan actually just kicked and pulled like that, just...really tearing people apart?

Looking at that movement, it was like tearing something apart...

Anyone who sees this scene will feel guilty.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly, and she smiled wantonly:

"It seems that the accuracy just now was not very good, how about...do it again?"


Is he going to throw this arm over again?

The men in black shivered in unison. The eyes of those who were injured were even more frightened, and two of them couldn't help but take a step back.

Who can not be afraid?

After having tasted the painful feeling, even if they really planned to sacrifice, they still couldn't bear the fear welling up in their hearts!

This is more painful than killing them directly!

The leader of the men in black forced himself to calm down. He never expected that the Blood Heaven Cauldron would be so useless, and was even captured by Mu Linghan to attack them!

"What the hell are you trying to do!?" He clenched his fists and shouted through gritted teeth.

"What do I want? Isn't it obvious?"

Mu Qinglan shook the things in his hands, and after they trembled in shock, their smiles became even brighter.

"Anyway, you would rather die than betray your master, so... I can only have some fun for myself like this, can't I?"

The man in black's eyelids twitched violently!

Fun? !

This sentence is the most complete humiliation to them!

Originally, they came to arrest someone, but instead of catching him, they became the other party's fun?

Mu Qinglan was still smiling, but a layer of chill gradually covered her eyes, making those who watched shudder.

Even the man in black, who was about to curse out loud, couldn't help trembling in his heart, and swallowed the words in his throat.

"Your master wants to deal with me, so you just come to me, but it's a pity that you have no brains, even dare to touch people from my academy..."

Mu Qinglan doesn't care who wants to target her. After all, she has made a lot of enemies, and when she offends someone, she has already figured out how to deal with it.

However, in the final analysis, this is a grievance between them. If other people, especially those she cares about, are involved, then this account must be settled carefully!

Among other things, the elders in Xiling College have always taken good care of her, which can be said to be kind, not to mention there are Ouyang Mo and others in it, and if they provoke them, her bottom line has already been touched!

If Mu Qinglan could hold back this breath, it wouldn't be her!

Her gaze turned slightly, and she landed on everyone in the academy, her expression slightly warm.

In fact, when she was inside the seventh peak, she had already noticed the movement outside, but she could not come out until the real body was condensed.

She knew exactly how these people in the academy helped her.

Even if there were some festivals and misunderstandings before, she never really took it to heart. She didn't expect that they would help so much regardless of the past.

Whether they are for her or for the academy, it is a kindness to her.

She gave a low laugh:

"The debts you owe today can only be repaid with the lives of dozens of you, which is not enough. Therefore, you can rest assured that your master will see me soon. But now... Or pay some interest first!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she threw out the severed arm in her hand again!

At the same time, when those people hurriedly responded, she placed her palm on the sky above the man's sky cap, and then slapped it hard!


With a loud noise, that blood shadow exploded completely like this!

All of a sudden, countless bloody flames splattered in all directions!

Half of the sky was rendered a shocking red!

But then, Mu Qinglan waved his hand lightly, and a huge golden net flew out, covering them all with ease.

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, those blood-red sparks were like a tide, heading towards the group of men in black!

In the blink of an eye, they were all drowned!

The shrill screams spread instantly!

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows were cold, she raised her chin slightly, and with a twist of her wrist, the Blood Heavenly Cauldron flew towards her uncontrollably!


She slapped the Blood Heaven Cauldron hard with her palm!

A crack suddenly appeared!

The red blood light entrenched on it finally gradually dimmed!

At the same moment, somewhere thousands of miles away.


A figure sitting cross-legged finally couldn't hold on, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!

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