God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 972: Chop! (two more)

"Third Uncle!"

Beside, an exclamation suddenly came.

The man raised his palms, indicating that the man need not worry.

"No, no problem... cough cough!"

There was a trace of worry in the man's voice.

"Third Uncle, why did you suddenly—"

The man hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "The Blood Heaven Cauldron... is broken."


The person who had been standing in the dark finally couldn't hold back, and took a step forward suddenly: "How is this possible? The Blood Heaven Cauldron is Third Uncle, you personally—"

Even if it is a strong Lord, the Blood Heaven Cauldron can fight. In Xiling Academy, there is clearly no one who can fight against it. How could the Blood Heaven Cauldron suddenly break?

But looking at Uncle San like this, it's clearly true.

The third uncle is extremely powerful, and only the Blood Heaven Cauldron can make him so...

However, how do you think about this matter, how shocking it is!

The man known as the third uncle slowly sat up straight, wiped off the blood on the corner of his lips, and cast a dim light, reflecting his slightly pale face. Then, he pondered for a moment, and slowly opened his mouth:

"Someone should help... But I can only feel the situation of Xuetianding, but I can't know what happened, so I don't know what's wrong for the time being. We won’t know until those people come back.”

"...That Mu Linghan... luck is always so good!"

The third uncle has been used, but he still can't take him down!

Third Uncle looked at the figure standing in the dark and sighed softly.

"When I heard what you said before, I already felt that there was something wrong with that Mu Linghan. If that kid really didn't have any background, how could he do those things? You——but really investigated clearly Everything about him?"

The man was silent for a moment, but still couldn't help gritting his teeth:

"Of course...no."

It is precisely because some things have not been investigated clearly, that's why he has to be cruel to him!

But I never expected that it would turn out to be like this in the end.

"Third Uncle, what should we do next?"

The third uncle shook his head: "Since the Blood Heaven Cauldron has been broken, the fate of those people must not be much better. Now I just hope that they can be smarter and find a way to escape. But... if this is the case, it is very likely that they will die." Let Mu Linghan realize that it was you who moved."

"So what can he do if he knows!" The voice was full of resentment and unwillingness.

It's nothing more than a humble ant!

The third uncle frowned, and said sternly: "Don't underestimate him. Do you think that the Blood Heaven Cauldron was broken so easily? There must be a backer behind him, and this backer can It is definitely not Wang Yan who is still in Tonglinghai. So you have to find out. You are in a bad situation now, if he finds you and spreads it...I don't need to say how serious the consequences will be."

The man did not speak for a long time.

The third uncle looked soft, and said: "Although I really want to know what happened to the Xuetianding, but for you, those people should not come back, what do you think?"

Speaking of the last few words, his tone has completely cooled down.

The man nodded.

The third uncle closed his eyes, and then said warmly, "You've been here for too long, you'd better go back quickly."

"Third Uncle..."


"...Yes. Please take care. I'll see you some other day."

Uncle San shook his head and smiled.

"I'm an imprisoned person. It's better for you not to have too much contact with me. Go back quickly. During this time, your mind has not been on cultivation, and it's time to calm down."

"Thank you third uncle."

He would wave his hand, watching the figure gradually leave, and slowly closed his eyes.

It's not a good thing to go on like this...

Xiling College.

Mu Qinglan held the Blood Heaven Cauldron in his hand, looked at the bloody light on it that was gradually dimming, and raised his eyebrows.

It's just a blink of an eye, and this thing is useless?

The corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

This blow, presumably...should be enough for the opponent, right?

When she looked up, all those men in black had been swallowed up, and she could only see countless bloody flames crowded together.

The shrill screams had gradually diminished, and finally disappeared completely at a certain moment!

Mu Qinglan narrowed his eyes.

Whether those people died in the poisonous flames or at the hands of their own masters was impossible to find out, but she didn't care.

They were so fanfare before, because they expected to catch her back with a certain function, but they didn't expect that the final ending would be like this, and the fool would completely expose himself.

After all, it is easy to dodge an open gun, but it is difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.

Mu Qinglan didn't intend to leave one or two people to ask questions. Such people are basically similar to dead men. Even if she really caught her, she might not be able to ask anything.

But this Blood Heaven Cauldron might be able to find out something.

As soon as Mu Qinglan retracted his wrist, he simply put the Xuetian Ding into the mustard ring.

And at this moment, those red flames suddenly began to condense!

Mu Qinglan felt something, and immediately looked up, but immediately felt a breath, gradually gathering!

It's not dead yet?

Just when this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, the rapidly condensed flame suddenly fled towards the distance!

Mu Qinglan snorted softly, and was about to move, but suddenly saw a silver light appearing quickly!

The dots of light scattered in an instant, forming a huge net! Envelope that group of flames!


The flame hit the huge silver net fiercely, and there was a loud noise immediately!

Then, the flame seemed to have encountered something terrible, and retreated quickly!

However, it is too late now!

The silver giant net quickly tightened, and finally bound the ball tightly!

Mu Qinglan turned his head to look, and it really was Elder Yuheng and others who made the move.

At this time, the group had already quickly moved towards Elder Yuheng and the others!

Even though there was a distance, Mu Qinglan could still feel that powerful coercion!

She was shocked, and looked at it with bright eyes - this is... the power of the Big Dipper array?

Even for her now, it seems extremely difficult to break free...

It is indeed the Star Array created by Dean Xiling himself...

Elder Yuheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the thing that had shrunk to the size of a fist.

At this time, from a distance, it looks like a delicately carved hollow silver ball.

Elder Yuheng shook his head: "It's really naive to want to take advantage of this opportunity to escape."

Mu Qinglan immediately understood that it must be the remaining soul in the previous blood shadow.

Even though Mu Qinglan had destroyed it, he hadn't completely killed it, so he tried to escape.

But he obviously didn't expect that there was a Big Dipper array waiting for him.

"Ling Han, what do you want to do with this thing?" Elder Yuheng said, looking at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "Let the elders decide."

Elder Yuheng shook his head: "This is about you after all, it's better for you to think about it yourself."

It was probably because Mu Qinglan had already cultivated the real body of the Lord, so Elder Yuheng's attitude when talking to her was also a little different from before.

It's not that it was bad before, from a certain point of view, they used to look at Mu Qinglan, the elders looked at the younger, but now they have treated her as an equal.

Mu Qinglan nodded seriously, and then said:

"Then... I will trouble Elder Yuheng to solve it completely."

Elder Yuheng was a little surprised: "...you don't plan to use him to check—"

"Ling Han has already thought about it, not to mention that he is just a poor person who was sacrificed, so this can be regarded as a relief for him." Mu Qinglan said.

"That's fine."

Elder Yuheng felt relieved when he heard the words, and then he stopped hesitating, holding his breath and concentrating, the silver ball in his hand became smaller and smaller, and finally dissipated completely!

And the strand of remnant soul trapped inside finally completely disappeared!

At this point, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The stars under the elders gradually faded, including many students, they finally stopped following Elder Fengyang's gesture.

The entire academy seemed to have regained its calm.

However, everyone's hearts were obviously not as calm as they appeared on the surface.

At this time, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on that golden figure.

Mu Qinglan blinked, then realized that she was still her real body in the eyes of everyone, and coughed in embarrassment.

"Today... I really trouble everyone. If there is a chance in the future, Mu Linghan will definitely repay the kindness today!"

Mu Qinglan cupped her fists and saluted everyone seriously.

Her sudden behavior made everyone inexplicably flustered.

This is... the real body of the Lord...

Although this person was talking to them so casually and seriously at this moment, but... the scene just now is still vivid in his mind!

Who can really regard this person in front of him as the former Mu Linghan?

Even the elders of Fengyang didn't know how to speak for a while.

It was Xie Zhifan who laughed first, and cupped his hands: "Junior Brother Mu doesn't have to worry about these things. Since they have bullied the academy, we will naturally fight back. I haven't congratulated Junior Brother Mu yet. body!"

One word awakened the dreamer, and the others also stared intently and pricked up their ears, wanting to hear how Mu Qinglan would respond.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said: "Thank you brother, no matter what, Ling Han will always remember the love today."

Listening to her tone, it was indeed very sincere, but it gradually made everyone feel more relaxed.

However, those gazes were naturally full of curiosity and excitement.

Normally, Mu Qinglan wouldn't care about these gazes, but this time, she was a little inexplicably embarrassed.

Because she still has one thing to do...

She looked at Elder Fengyang, coughed a few times in embarrassment, and said cautiously:

"That...cough...Elder Fengyang, can you tell everyone to disperse and stay away from here..."

Elder Fengyang was taken aback: "What?"

Mu Qinglan blinked and pointed behind her.

"Well... I might... want to split the Seventh Peak..."

Three more later.

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