God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 973 Cut! (Three more must-sees about explosions)

Everyone was stunned.

Elder Fengyang thought for a moment that he heard it wrong: "What?"

Mu Qinglan repeated it.

"I want to split the seventh peak."

Originally, she planned to strike first and then speak, but since everyone is here, it is better to speak first.

Elder Fengyang looked behind Mu Qinglan subconsciously, and stammered: "...the seventh peak... split... split..."

This kid doesn't seem to be joking...

Mu Qinglan bowed earnestly: "Please step back, everyone."

Elder Fengyang subconsciously waved his hand, and everyone backed away.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and glanced somewhere.

Yun Yi watched quietly.

He seemed to be a little too worried... But before this, he hadn't expected that her strength would improve so much in such a short period of time.

Mu Qinglan felt a little relieved, and then looked at the seventh peak.

——This time, I really want to try to split it!

She slowly closed her eyes, the golden light around her suddenly flourished!

At the same moment, within the Seventh Peak, Mu Qinglan finally opened his eyes!

In the palm of his hand, the blue-black Qingyuan Zhan had a cold light!

The enchantment of the seventh peak began to vibrate violently!

Ripples, like waves, spread towards the surroundings!

Even at a distance, everyone can still feel the powerful energy vibration above.

Elder Fengyang stared closely, but he still didn't react in his heart.

It turns out... that kid entered the Seventh Peak for this reason?

By the way, his real body of the Lord was clearly cultivated in this seventh peak!

He suddenly remembered what Elder Yaoguang said before, the Seven Star elders seemed to have known something, but looking at the expressions of Elder Yaoguang and others at this time, it was clear that they were a little surprised.

Elder Fengyang couldn't help approaching Elder Yaoguang, and asked in a low voice:

"Elder Yaoguang, this... did you know before?"

Elder Yaoguang smiled wryly.

If only she knew!

When the real body of the Lord appeared just now, she was shocked, okay!

Even though I'm used to the storm, but in the blink of an eye, watching a young boy cultivate the real body of the Lord, who can accept it?

"I knew he had something to do when he went in, but... I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Elder Yaoguang exhaled lightly, still full of shock.

Elder Yuheng and Elder Kaiyang on the side didn't speak, but they obviously meant the same thing.

Elder Fengyang nodded secretly.

It seems that they didn't expect it before...

Elder Fengyang hesitated for a moment, and said: "This seventh peak is the enchantment that Dean Xiling personally set up back then, and it is impossible for idlers to open it at all..."

Even he didn't know how to open the Seventh Peak until he gradually took over the work of Dean Chu Yu.

But now, this barrier was so easily opened by that kid?

Elder Fengyang didn't know how to describe his mood, it was very subtle anyway.

Elder Yaoguang nodded.

"This is indeed related to Dean Xiling. He did get some affairs related to Dean Xiling in the scroll building before."

I don't know if this has something to do with the Fuling Terrace... Or, is there any connection with the star array left by Dean Xiling?

Everything is unknown.

Elder Fengyang was stunned.

"So that's the case... It seems that he wants to split the seventh peak, and it should be related to Dean Xiling..."

Elder Yaoguang nodded.

At this time, the barrier of the seventh peak has been completely opened!

Inside the Seventh Peak, Mu Qinglan stood up slowly, holding Qingyuan Zhan in his hand, staring at a piece of blue gold stone in front of him with calm and firm eyes.


The man next to him crossed his arms and smiled.

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

"It's decided. Now is the best time."

The ancient real body has been condensed. Although it has experienced a battle before, the loss is not worth mentioning.

Her current original state is still the peak of the lord, but the real body of the lord has been achieved, so she can indeed try it!

"In that case... then, I wish you success."

The man's expression was still very relaxed, as if he didn't think it was such a great thing at all.

He has been waiting for thousands of years, even if he waits, it is okay.

But the boy in front of him was even better than he imagined, and it took him less time.

He is also willing to see if he can succeed.

——Actually, he already had the answer in his heart.

The ancient real body has been completed, so what is the seal of the seventh peak?

He smiled: "I thank you first, if it succeeds, it won't be in vain for me to wait for you for so long."

His voice gradually lowered, and Mu Qinglan seemed to be aware of it, but when he turned around, he saw his figure, which was gradually disappearing!

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, opened her mouth, but finally said nothing until that figure completely disappeared before her eyes.

She pursed her lips and clenched the Qing Yuan Zhan in her hand.

That being the case, there is only one road to victory!

Mu Qinglan held her breath and focused all her attention on herself, holding the knife in both hands, urging all the power in her body to rush towards Qingyuan Zhan!

At the same time, the Seventh Peak had already appeared before everyone's eyes!

And in front of the lush seventh peak, that golden figure was particularly conspicuous, easily stealing everyone's attention!

At this time, the figure slowly raised his hand.

In that golden palm, countless powers from heaven and earth are frantically gathering!

A series of cyan wind blades are cohesive with powerful forces!

The sharp breath came from all directions like a blade!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

Soon, those blue wind blades in his hand quickly condensed into the shape of a knife.

It was a blue-black long knife. The blade was solid and the blade was extremely thin. You could vaguely see a thin layer of ice condensed on the tip of the knife!

A biting cold air gradually spread from above!

The surrounding space seems to be frozen!

"It's so cold..."

Among the crowd, someone suddenly said in a low voice.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. In fact, they all felt the same way.

That chill was invisible, but it spread incomparably fast, making it inevitable for people to avoid it.

This piercing aura was in stark contrast to that golden figure, as if two forces were silently confronting each other!

"Look! Those leaves seem to be frozen!"

Some witnesses standing in front suddenly exclaimed.

When everyone heard the sound, they all opened their eyes wide and tried hard to see. Sure enough, on the seventh peak, there are countless green leaves, which are actually condensed with ice!

The leaves that were originally swaying with the wind were all solidified at this time, frozen in place.

Under the sunlight, the thin layer of ice, wrapped in emerald green leaves, is like emerald.

However, this is just the beginning.

As time slowly passed, after the leaves were frozen, the chill also began to go down.

On the branches and trunks, white frost began to condense!

Looking from a distance, it was like entering winter, with thousands of snowfalls!

The already quiet crowd became even more silent now.

Everyone forgot to speak and stared blankly at this scene.

Compared with other peaks, the seventh peak is particularly steep. Because it is hidden in the barrier all the year round, the trees on this peak grow more luxuriantly than other peaks.

But at this time, the top was covered by endless ice and snow...

"This is the power of extreme cold."

Elder Yaoguang murmured.

She clearly remembered that the boy did have the power of extreme cold, but she never thought that he could display so much power!

She couldn't help pulling Ouyang Mo next to her:

"Mo'er, take a closer look at how he uses his power of extreme cold. Maybe it will inspire you as well."

Ouyang Mo nodded obediently.

Her power is the power of spiritual water, which is similar to the power of extreme cold in essence, but perhaps because of the limitation of her own strength, she is still unable to display too much.

She looked at it very seriously, but her heart gradually overflowed with joy.

Qinglan, she...is already so strong...

She also has to work harder.

Gradually, the ice and snow on the seventh peak had spread to the halfway up the mountain.

And the blue-black long knife in the golden figure's hand also became more and more solid!

No one knows how powerful this knife is!

The golden light around him became more and more intense! That radiant light is almost impossible to look at directly!

Some people couldn't help but began to raise their hands to cover up.

However, above the sky, Di Qianjue, who was watching this scene, slowly tightened his palms, his eyes fixed on the golden back.

This is clearly...

He has actually started to use the power of the black jade slip to cultivate!

Old Xin who was standing beside him couldn't help frowning and muttering in a low voice.

"This...how is it possible..."

His voice was full of disbelief, as if he was guessing something, but he was not sure.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally frowned and looked at Di Qianjue;

"Your Highness, is this Mu Linghan—"

Di Qianjue slowly turned his head and glanced at him.

At that glance, it was extremely cold.

Old Xin flinched all over, immediately withdrew the words in his throat, and lowered his eyes.

"There are some things that this hall doesn't want others to know, understand?"

Di Qianjue said word by word.

He didn't have any expression on his face, but Lao Xin's heart was full of turmoil!


I see!

I see!

No wonder His Highness cares so much about this man!

He was horrified and ecstatic for a while, but he didn't expect that His Highness had already——

However, why has His Highness not done anything?

He was a little hesitant and wanted to speak, but he remembered the look in Di Qianjue's eyes before, but finally remained silent.

On the other side, Yun Yi seemed to sense something, and cast a cold glance at Di Qianjue in the blink of an eye.

Di Qian never showed any weakness, and looked up.

The two looked at each other, and they were both full of murderous intent!

And at this time, within the Seventh Peak, Mu Qinglan finally raised his sword! Then slam it down!

"The real body of the ancient times - cut!"

The real body outside the seventh peak also made the same movement!

A blue-black blade of light instantly tore through the sky and slashed towards the seventh peak!

Tong Shao Chasing His Wife: Marriage and Asking Author: Lan Tengzi

Tong Zhengxiao is the well-known prince of Duze, Tong Zhengxiao has many fans, Tong Zhengxiao is so narcissistic that men and women can't get close.


Tong Zhengxiao: I am Qi Yan's loyal dog.

Qi Yan: My family doesn't have a dog.

Tong Zhengxiao: Have you ever seen a dog like me who is so handsome with his own diamond job that he can instantly kill creatures of the same sex within a few kilometers of him?

Regarding the explosive update - there are some things to be busy this month, so the explosive update will be placed in January. This month's monthly ticket reached 3,000, and it exploded to 100,000 in January. Five thousand votes, two hundred thousand votes. Starting at 10 am on December 26, monthly tickets will be doubled. Everyone remember not to waste it. I have never had much desire for monthly tickets, but this time, I want to prove myself. I hope everyone will work hard together in February. Thanks in advance everyone!

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