God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 978 See You Someday (Part 2)

In fact, even Mu Qinglan himself didn't expect that this time, he could really directly break through the domain master.

The Pre-Yuan Dan is divided into nine levels, and only after reaching the full level can one try to break through the domain master.

Although her pre-Yuan pill level was not low before, in her original expectation, it would still take a long time to break through again.

However, the appearance of the second black jade slip changed everything.

The surging power quickly filled her whole body!

On the Pre-Yuan Pill, nine golden lines appeared smoothly and freely!

After that, breaking through the Domain Master became a matter of course.

And with her breakthrough this time, the entire Seventh Peak finally exploded completely!

The mountain collapsed rumblingly, and countless rubble rolled down one after another!

Mu Qinglan tapped her toes and rushed out!

She finally stopped when she reached mid-air.

Standing there, there were still countless vortexes of power constantly circling around her, and she was dressed in black.

Everyone couldn't see her face clearly, but they could clearly feel her aura!

At this moment, everyone was so shocked that they lost their words, they could only look up at the thin and vigorous figure of the young man, full of shock.

Other than that, for a while, he had no other thoughts.

"No, his momentum seems to be increasing!"

Elder Gu Qi opened his eyes wide, and suddenly called out in a low voice.

Elder Fengyang's heart was shocked, and then he came back to his senses, looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw that the aura on the boy's body was still getting stronger!

Could it be——is he planning to break through? !

In fact, no one knew that Mu Qinglan was desperately suppressing the power around her at this time.

After the fusion of the black jade slips, the result is obvious. After breaking through the domain master, there is no tendency to stop!

Mu Qinglan can still feel the endless power around her rushing towards her!

If it were someone else who could break through consecutively like this, I don't know how happy I would be.

But Mu Qinglan was not like that.

——She has broken through too many times in succession.

Previously, the power of the master of the Xuanling domain went out of control for a while, causing her to directly break through the third level, which had a great impact on her.

If it weren't for the gifts from her brother and Yun Yi later, who helped her warm up and nourish her body, I'm afraid she is still trapped in the shackles of the early lord!

One time is enough for that kind of thing.

What's more, she had experienced the Nine Heavens Tribulations in Narrow Wind Bay before, breaking through two levels in a row. It is not a good thing in the long run to break through again before her own realm is stabilized.

Although this is different from the previous situation where the power of the domain master was out of control, Mu Qinglan would rather break through after consolidating his power.

So now, she is consciously suppressing it.

Even so, however, those forces continued to increase.

Sensing the turbulent energy in his body, Mu Qinglan gritted his teeth, and once again severely suppressed all the energy in his body!

Layers of power are like waves, constantly surging inside and outside her body, but they are always suppressed by her!

This is more difficult than absorbing strength to break through.

But Mu Qinglan's movements were extremely firm, suppressing the power in his body again and again!

Every time, she could feel the power flowing in her body, which seemed to become more solid.

This also gave Mu Qinglan a little more comfort.

Some sharp-eyed people naturally quickly discovered what Mu Qinglan was doing, and they were all shocked.

On the other hand, Elder Yaoguang and the others showed a look of relief.

"so far so good…"

This kid hasn't been dazed yet, and still maintains his last sanity.

If it breaks through again...


What seems wrong?

He... he has only broken through to the domain master now, so how did he cultivate the real body of the master before? !

At this time, everyone gradually came to their senses, and some people discovered this doubt.

However, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they couldn't get an answer.

Even Elder Yaoguang and the others couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

"This kid... really is an existence against the sky..."

The real body of the Lord has been cultivated without breaking through to the Lord. When the news spreads, how many people's eyes will be shocked!

Looking at the entire continent, I'm afraid there are not many people who can do it!

"No wonder he was chosen by Dean Xiling..."

With such talent and strength, if you don't choose him, who else can you choose?

Gradually, the turbulent power in Mu Qinglan's body finally calmed down.

Although she absorbed a lot of power later, she did not continue to break through after all, and her realm was finally stabilized at the domain master.

The fluctuations around gradually subsided, and Mu Qinglan let out a breath slowly, her eyes bright as stars!

Standing in the air, she slowly withdrew the aura around her body, clenched her fists, felt the solid and abundant strength in her body, and only felt that there was something stirring in her chest and abdomen!

This is the power of the domain master!

Even though she hasn't made a move yet, she can still feel the unusual strength!

She lowered her head and glanced, the Seventh Peak had completely collapsed and turned into a huge ruin.

And in the surrounding area, one can vaguely see waves of blue power fluctuating—that is the power erupting in the blue gold stone.

Thinking of blue gold stone, Mu Qinglan finally looked up.

The ice-blue Excalibur floated above the sky, still extremely bright and dazzling.

But at this time, the sword energy it swayed down was still shrouded outside the seventh peak, blocking all its fluctuations.

As if aware of Mu Qinglan's appearance, the Ice Blue Excalibur moved suddenly, and then flew towards her!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't feel the tendency of the attack, so she didn't move. She just watched the ice-blue sword flying towards her eyes.

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help holding their breath.

That ice-blue sword is Dean Xiling's magic weapon. Could it... really have something to do with Mu Linghan?

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, then clasped her fists together and saluted seriously.

"I have seen the seniors."

Everyone was stunned.

In their eyes, no matter how powerful the Ice Blue Excalibur is, it is nothing more than a sword, so why do they need such a great gift?

But in Mu Qinglan's view, the man in front of him was clearly still the man, so he was naturally very respectful.

Then, Mu Qinglan heard a laugh, which reached his ears.

"You kid, you really did it..."

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, only to realize that the voice was only heard by herself.

She smiled, and also spread rumors with the power of the primordial spirit.

"Since we have an appointment with Senior, Ling Han will naturally do his best."

She wasn't sure if she could do it before, but luckily everything went well.

"Don't be humble. If you were someone else, you might not be as good as you."

Ice Blue Excalibur spoke highly of Mu Qinglan, and made no secret of her praise and admiration.

Of course, from his joyful voice, Mu Qinglan could also guess that it was probably happy because it finally didn't have to guard the black jade slip and was free again.

"I have waited for so many years, and now I can be relieved! Thank you very much!"

Mu Qinglan shook her head lightly, and said seriously: "I should thank senior."

He gave her such a treasure directly, and gave her great trust from the very beginning, which was even more precious and grateful to Mu Qinglan.

The Ice Blue Excalibur didn't take it seriously.

"This thing chose you from the very beginning, how can I control it? This is your destiny, and no one else can take it away even if they want to."

Mu Qinglan paused for a moment, then asked: "Senior, the seventh peak has been split open, and Ling Han has taken the things away. After that..."

"Hahaha!" Binglan Excalibur laughed suddenly, "Could it be that you want to ask how to clean up this mess?"

Mu Qinglan coughed.

It's not a mess, but she saw the appearance of the Seventh Peak just now, and it really needs to be sorted out.

What's more, this one in front of me doesn't know what plans he has yet?

In fact, Mu Qinglan still has a question that he didn't ask - the seventh peak has been opened, so where should this ice blue sword... go?

Dean Xiling has already fallen, and it was born again, but it already has wisdom, and it seems that it is not appropriate to do anything.

However, the Ice Blue Excalibur seemed to have guessed her thoughts, sighed, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I've been on this seventh peak for thousands of years, and I've already left countless sword qi in it, and idlers can't get close to it easily. Of course, if you want to enter the experience, it's also very good. As for me... I have my own place to go!"

Hearing these last words, Mu Qinglan was suddenly taken aback.

The Ice Blue Excalibur suddenly let out a sword cry!

Then, Mu Qinglan saw two pieces of blue gold stones the size of longan, which quickly condensed in front of his eyes!

One piece flew towards her, and the other piece flew towards Elder Fengyang.

Mu Qinglan quickly grabbed the thing in his hand, and on the other side, Elder Fengyang was surprised at first, and then quickly and respectfully caught it.

"In the future, the Seventh Peak can still be used as a training place for Xiling College! This blue gold stone will be left to you to take care of!"

A clear voice suddenly resounded!

Everyone was startled, only then did they realize that it was the voice of the Ice Blue Excalibur!

"From then on, the rise and fall of the academy depends on you all!"

After leaving these words, the Ice Blue Excalibur flew directly into the distance!

Among the crowd, there was a sudden commotion.

——That is the ice blue sword left by Dean Xiling! Did you just leave?

But...they don't seem to have any reason to stop them.

Everyone looked at the blue light that was gradually disappearing, and they were all stunned.

Mu Qinglan looked down at the blue gold stone in his hand, and the voice with a smile suddenly came clearly——

"Boy! See you someday!"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes in astonishment, but she could no longer see the shadow of the ice blue sword.

see you someday...

What does this mean?

She was chewing these words in her heart when she suddenly felt a cold wind blowing from behind!

Her eyes sharpened, she immediately turned around, and slashed out!

My hands are frozen like pig's trotters. Three is later, eat first

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