God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 979: Yun Yi VS Emperor Qianjue (Third)

Di Qianjue!

Sure enough, he still made a move!

Mu Qinglan slashed out quickly with one knife, cutting off the vine in Di Qianjue's hand in an instant!

Countless red petals are falling down!

Di Qianjue glanced down and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The strength of the little thing is indeed much stronger than before... Even if it is him, he may not be able to wipe his edge now!

And almost at the same time, behind Di Qianjue, a silver sword came through the air!

Di Qianjue's expression turned cold, and just as he was about to make a move, Old Xin who was beside him waved his sleeve to block the sword!


Old Xin's sleeve robe was cut off in an instant!

He was shocked, and immediately looked up at Yun Yi!

It is rumored that Yun Yi's strength has greatly increased after he came out of the Burning Heaven Realm, and now it seems that he is stronger than imagined!

Old Xin's strength, even in the entire Black Demon Sect, is definitely ranked first. He never thought of a trick, and Yun Yi's strength has become so strong!

At this time, Yun Yi's figure flashed, and he stood in front of Mu Qinglan.

With a slight lift of his wrist, the silver sword quickly flew back into his hand!

The two sides immediately fell into a confrontation!

The atmosphere is on the verge of breaking out!

Everything happened so fast that even everyone in the academy was shocked when they saw this.

"Isn't that... Isn't that Yun Yi? When did he come back?"

"Wait! That person, is that person Di Qianjue?!"

"...It really is him! He is so presumptuous, dare to come directly to our academy?"

"It looks like there's going to be a fierce battle..."

Everyone quickly recognized the identities of these people above the sky, and the low voice of discussion spread immediately.

Elder Fengyang looked cold and stern, and immediately moved, standing in front of Yun Yi and Mu Qinglan, staring at Di Qianjue and said in a deep voice:

"Di Qianjue! How dare you break into my Xiling Academy?!"

The festivities between Xiling College and the Demon Palace are not small, and there are definitely not a few students and elders who died at the hands of the people of the Demon Palace in the past few years.

But before the two sides restrained each other, neither of them took the initiative to tear up their faces. Unexpectedly, Di Qianjue would come to the door on his own initiative today!

This is undoubtedly a provocation to Xiling Academy!

However, Di Qianjue just cast a cold glance at Elder Fengyang, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a cold arc.

"Don't worry, this hall is not interested in you today. Today, this hall wants him!"

As he said that, his slender and too fair fingers pointed at Mu Qinglan!

After a brief silence, there was a sudden commotion in the field!

Did Di Qianjue come for Mu Linghan?

He is right! ?

When did Mu Linghan offend him? So that he was so presumptuous, directly coming to Xiling College to be an important person?

It's fine if it was before, but now, Mu Linghan's strength has become stronger by more than a star!

Mu Linghan can even take care of the middle-stage masters in the Blood Heaven Cauldron just now, let alone the current Emperor Qianjue?

Is he crazy?

In fact, Mu Qinglan thought so too.

She frowned slightly, looked Di Qianjue up and down, then suddenly smiled, took a step forward, and stood side by side with Yun Yi.

"Di Qianjue, it seems that you still haven't given up. But I couldn't beat you before, so naturally I can't do anything about you. But now, are you sure that you still want to trouble me in Xiling College?"

"How can this hall be considered trouble for you?" Di Qianjue put away the broken vine in his hand, hooked his fingertips, and pinched a bright red mandala in full bloom. He seemed to be smiling, but his whole body But it also exudes a chilly air, which makes people shudder. It seems that those narrow and long eyes are particularly unfathomable and very strange.

"This hall is helping you."

Di Qianjue smiled wantonly, his eyebrows were open, and he was very righteous.

He gently twitched his fingers, and the flower at the fingertips spun along with it, making his fingers whiter, even a little morbidly white, with thin blue blood vessels faintly visible.

"After today, wherever you go, that place will become the Asura Field. You don't know, right? Huh?"

A deep voice came slowly, with a hint of hoarseness, like a cold machete, gradually approaching.

Mu Qinglan laughed lightly.

Of course she understood what Di Qianjue meant.

This time is different from the previous Zhongyuan Secret Realm, no one else knows what happened.

The Seventh Peak was split, and the movement of the black jade slip will definitely attract the attention of many people.

I also want to know how many troubles she will face after this.

Once the news spreads, there will be countless people on the continent who want to attack her!

"so what?"

Mu Qinglan was about to speak, but suddenly heard a cold voice.

It was Yun Yi.

Holding the long sword in his hand, he suddenly took a step forward, and then suddenly raised his hand!

Silver Sword - Pointing at Emperor Qianjue!

The icy breath spread instantly!

A powerful coercion descended suddenly!

Mu Qinglan was startled, only then did she realize that Yun Yi's strength was far beyond her current level!

Even she, when she felt that coercion, would feel a heavy sense of pressure!

A cold light flashed across Yun Yi's phoenix eyes, where the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly! It was like falling into an ice cave!

It seemed that the next moment, he was about to unleash a killer move!

Di Qianjue's eyes changed slightly.

Before, Yun Yi and the others were evenly matched in strength, but this time, after Yun Yi came out of the Burning Heaven Realm, his own strength has indeed increased a lot. If he doesn't use that...it will definitely be a tough battle!

According to Di Qianjue's temper, he can't bear to see someone who is more arrogant and presumptuous than himself, especially when someone stands in front of him and points a sword at him like this!

So at this moment, his hatred for Yun Yi has reached its peak!

He sneered, and slowly brushed his fingers across the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile:

"So what? Yun Yi, it's really easy for you to say that. Don't you know the consequences best?"

There was sarcasm in his eyes, all of which concealed his sneer.

"Or do you think that you can protect him all the time? Oh, it's ridiculous—"

"That's right."

Before Di Qianjue could finish speaking, Yun Yi had already interrupted his words, his face was covered with a layer of frost, and he said word by word:

"As long as she is alive, I will protect her for a day. Wherever she goes, I will protect her. Is this difficult to do?"

Yun Yi's voice was cold and calm, but the ending of this sentence was slightly raised, but it was rarely tinged with sarcasm.

Di Qianjue still doesn't know Qing'er's identity, but those eyes have revealed too much!

Either Qing'er didn't notice it, or she did, and she didn't care at all.

But he cares.

As a man, he knows the nature of a man best, and he can best know the thoughts in his heart.

It seemed that Di Qianjue didn't even realize what he wanted to do.

However, this has already bored Yun Yi.

Di Qianjue's entanglement several times before had already touched his bottom line, and today, all these can be resolved!

Di Qianjue narrowed his eyes.

He was a little surprised by Yun Yi's sudden declaration of war, but what annoyed him even more was Yun Yi's words, and the look on his face when he said those words!

As long as the little thing is alive, he will protect it for a day. Wherever the little thing goes, where will he protect it?

This sentence was extremely simple, but in Di Qianjue's ears, the unknown fire in his heart was inexplicably ignited!

"Yun Yi, are you really crazy!?"

He scoffed coldly.

As the young master of the Yun clan, he said this, is he really willing to go all out?

If someone listens to it, they must take it out of context!

"Who are you, and who do you think he is as you? Huh?"

Hearing Di Qianjue's suppressed anger questioning, Yun Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled.

His smile is like thousands of ice and snow melting, and thousands of brilliance are blooming!

It's just that this smile, in Di Qianjue's eyes, is very dazzling and mocking!

He clearly saw the disdain and sneer in Yun Yi's smile.

It seemed to be standing in a superior position, condescending.

"Who is she to me, of course it has nothing to do with you. You also——have no right to ask."

Di Qian didn't know why, after hearing these words, he unexpectedly turned his eyes and glanced at Mu Qinglan next to him.

He could see clearly that that young man, with clear and penetrating eyes, like the eyes of the most shining star in the world, was looking at Yun Yi at this moment.

He stood behind Yun Yi, his figure was almost completely covered by Yun Yi, but only those eyes, so clear, fell on Yun Yi's body.

Di Qianjue had always been ruthless, but at this moment, he suddenly understood the rare...




Those eyes were extremely beautiful, the most touching eyes he had ever seen in his life, so much so that he thought for a long time that even such a handsome and unparalleled face could not be worthy of such eyes.

But at this time, the water in that water was full of light and lustrous, and it was actually more impressive than the one in memory...

He could hear the sound of his own heart beating, and he could also hear the sound of blood boiling in his blood vessels!

Di Qianjue slightly lowered his eyelids, and when he looked up again, the demonic red in the corners of his eyes seemed to become colder and more beautiful.

He suddenly laughed.

"Interesting... Really interesting... Yun Yi, I heard that you have already given your life plate to another woman, and because of that woman, you have rejected Luo Xiyan's marriage contract. Why are you going against this hall because of another man today?"

Others don't know it, but he knows it. Yun Yi's relationship with this young man is definitely not just an ordinary friendship.

He could clearly see the possessive look in Yun Yi's eyes!

Di Qianjue tilted his head and smiled at Mu Qinglan.

"Little thing, the man in front of you already has his own heart, and he might get married in the future. Why don't you go with the hall, how about it?"

Mu Qinglan glanced at him, and suddenly a trace of doubt arose in her heart—for some reason, she seemed to see a trace of suppressed anger in Di Qianjue's eyes.

Moreover, that trace of anger seems to be aimed at Yun Yi...

She frowned slightly.

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes dangerously, and spoke coldly.

"Even if it's the Shura field, I will definitely protect her to the end. How can it be someone else's turn to criticize her?!"

Before he finished speaking, the long sword in his hand screamed and flew away through the air!

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