God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 980 Confrontation! (one more)

The battle between Yun Yi and Di Qianjue seemed to happen out of nowhere, but only the person concerned knew it best, it had been accumulated for a long time.

They have always been against each other, and they have fought against each other a few times, but this time, the reason for the fight is because of one person.

Yun Yi's eyebrows were condensed, and Di Qianjue was also full of anger.

The moment Yun Yi shot, Old Xin immediately took a step forward: "Your Highness, Yun Yi's strength has increased a lot. In this round, it's better to let the old man—"

"Step aside!"

With a cold reprimand, Di Qianjue pointed his toes and walked straight towards Yun Yi!

"Your Highness!"

Old Xin yelled in a hurry, seeing Di Qianjue rushing out quickly, he couldn't help frowning.

Not to mention that Yun Yi's current strength is faintly superior to His Highness, but only His Highness himself, counting the days, seems to be weak recently, how can he really rush up like this?

Your Highness has never been such an impulsive and reckless person!

But Mr. Xin also understood Di Qianjue's temper, since he had already made up his mind, he would naturally not change it.

"Old Xin, Your Highness—are we really not going to help?"

Seeing this situation, the other attendants who had not dared to speak out finally couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Old Xin frowned, staring at the two fighting together, and said in a deep voice, "This is what His Highness means."

There was a hint of coercion in the voice, making those few people nod quickly: "Yes, yes!"

What Mr. Xin meant was clear that he had to stand still first, but according to Mr. Xin's strength, they seemed to have nothing to worry about.

Anyway, they dare not disobey His Highness's order, so let's just wait and see.

Old Xin actually had other thoughts in his mind.

Mu Linghan...he is very interested in this person now...

He heard rumors before that Yun Yi had a very good relationship with that young man named Mu Linghan, but he didn't care much about it.

He followed Di Qianjue and had dealt with Yun Yi all along, so he knew what kind of ruthless character he was.

It seems that such a person cannot use "good relationship" to describe his relationship with other people.

Even if he is an opponent, Mr. Xin has to admit that Yun Yi is born with the aura of a king.

Standing with him, it seems that everyone is slightly inferior, and ordinary people can't surpass Yun Yi's cold and noble arrogance.

So when he heard the rumors, he only felt strange, but he didn't care.

Until now...he finally understood that the rumor was not a lie.

Yun Yi is really... extraordinary to this Mu Linghan...

Those few words just now, anyone who hears them will inevitably think more.

What's more, His Highness has already made it very clear just now.

Even if Mr. Xin wanted to pretend not to know, it would be difficult.

But he still couldn't believe it, he just felt that a character like Yun Yi, how could--

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't help looking at Mu Linghan curiously.

After all, the series of events just now were enough to shock the world.

That thing is in his body... This matter must spread soon, if you don't start snatching it now, it will be even more difficult in the future!

Therefore, when Di Qianjue went to fight Yun Yi, he did not completely stop him.

If you can find the opportunity...

Mu Qinglan could naturally feel that the other party was looking at her, and it was obvious that she had bad intentions.

The naked look of wanting to snatch it in his eyes has already revealed his mind clearly!

Mu Qinglan met the other's eyes and smiled generously.

Now that I've moved my mind...

Then strangle their thoughts to death in the cradle today!


A clear sound came!

But it was the flying flower in Di Qianjue's hand that hit the silver sword!

It was clearly the seemingly soft petals, but at the moment of impact, they became extremely tough!

But Yun Yi's silver sword is obviously better, under the continuous impact, it is still moving forward! Stab straight at Di Qianjue!


Di Qianjue stretched out his hand suddenly, clasped his hands tightly, and stuck the front part of the silver sword!

The sword seemed to have a mighty force, and it came quickly through the air, so how could it be blocked so easily?

Although its speed has slowed down a lot, it is still crushing towards Di Qianjue with a strong pressure!

Di Qianjue snorted coldly, and there seemed to be whirlpools spinning wildly in his eyes!

The energy in the body poured crazily towards the hands!

In the end, the silver sword finally stopped, but it barely stopped in front of Di Qianjue's face, only half a finger away from the tip of his nose!

Vaguely, one could see fine ripples around the tip of the sword, moving towards the surroundings!

That was the enchantment that Di Qianjue had set up earlier!

If it weren't for this enchantment to stop him, there might already be bloodstains on his face right now!

Di Qianjue turned his hands violently! Then it turned out that the figure suddenly fell backwards, and then the footsteps slipped, and the figure went forward!

And his hand also slid to the bottom of the silver sword, and with a backhand grip, he firmly grasped the hilt!

He turned around, and the corner of the black clothes embroidered with big mandala flowers followed in the air, drawing a perfect arc, like thousands of black and red flower monsters in full bloom!


With a backhand throw, the silver sword went towards Yun Yi in the opposite direction!

"After all these years, it's still an old trick!"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, did not speak, but suddenly raised his hand!

Countless silver threads broke through the air in an instant!

At first glance, it seemed that a giant silver net had appeared above the sky!

Di Qianjue snorted coldly, countless vines spread across his wrist in an instant!

And on the vines, some flowers are blooming in the wind, while some are shaking flower buds, trembling.

The two sides will soon be entangled together!

Swish Swish Swish!

The silver thread passed through instantly, and when it flew up, it brought up countless broken red petals!

However, some of the red juice in it was stained on the silver thread and began to corrode!

Yun Yi made a decisive decision, immediately threw out the silver thread in his hand, and then held the sword in one hand, and quickly walked towards Di Qianjue!

The corner of Di Qianjue's mouth curled up slightly, his eyes flickered with cold killing intent, and he waved his sleeve immediately, a blood-red steel mace appeared in his hand!

The steel mace looks like an iron whip from a distance, but its own strength is even stronger!

Yun Yi's sword has been pierced out!

Without hesitation, Di Qianjue immediately threw out the steel mace from top to bottom!


Two figures, one black and one white, were fighting hand to hand in an instant!

The two elements collided, causing powerful energy fluctuations!

Mu Qinglan stared closely, and could even see black space cracks faintly appearing in the confrontation between the two!

The two fell into a stalemate, although their bodies did not move, but each other's yuan power was continuously flowing into the yuan weapon to fight against each other!

The two looked at each other, and they both had a strong killing intent!

"Yun Yi, you must be thinking too well. Do you want one person to monopolize the two?"

Di Qianjue sneered in a low voice.

Yun Yi didn't speak, but his wrist suddenly shook!

A tyrannical force is going along the blade in an instant! It hit Di Qianjue hard!

Di Qianjue's chest trembled, and a burst of sweet smell rose from his throat!

The current Yun Yi is indeed stronger than him...

Di Qianjue didn't have the temperament to suffer, so he turned his hands immediately, and raised the silver sword high with the steel mace in his hand!

Immediately, he kicked straight at Yun Yi!

On the contrary, Yun Yi kicked it out! At the same time, the silver sword in his hand swiped forward!

Di Qianjue was startled, and quickly leaned back, but there was still a stabbing pain in his chest!

Suffering from the pain in his leg, Di Qianjue took advantage of his strength to step back a distance, hastily looked down, but found that the front of his chest had been cut open, and at the same time, there was a faint bloody smell, gradually spreading!

Because the color of the clothes is very dark, even the blood is not visible.

But this is already a humiliation to Di Qianjue!

"Your Highness!"

Old Xin yelled, but Di Qianjue raised his hand to signal him not to step forward.

This time, he must finish the fight!

In fact, according to Di Qianjue's temperament, he would never suffer a loss, and Lao Xin was behind him. If he made a move, even though Yun Yi was much stronger, he was definitely not an opponent.

However, at this moment, he felt inexplicably as if his heart was on fire.

If you can't play this match happily, you won't be able to spit out this breath!

Di Qianjue closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was already blood in his eyes!

And the aura on his body also began to increase rapidly!

He seemed to be a little different from before, but it was hard to tell what was different.

Yun Yi let go of his hand, and the silver sword quietly floated in front of his eyes.

Streams of light flashed across it, the brilliance was brilliant!

On the steel mace in Di Qianjue's hand, bloody flowers suddenly burst out, splashing all around!

Those blood sprays splattered, and then quickly condensed. At first glance, it seemed to be a bloody whirlpool!

And in the middle of that vortex, is the airflow formed by the extremely sharp aura above the steel mace!

Yun Yi is dressed in white clothes, in the dark sky, like floating ice and snow, or like a flower of the high mountain, uncatchable.

He raised his hand, and the silver sword in front of him suddenly flew out!


Above the sky, the condensed dark clouds were suddenly pierced by that bright light!

As if there is an invisible hand, quickly swipe across! Split the sky in two!

However, if you look carefully, you can see that there seem to be countless stars shining in it!

"Star River Falls!"

Following Yun Yi's clear shout, countless star points gathered in the sky, falling from the sky like the Milky Way in an instant!

The bloody vortex in front of Di Qianjue finally flew out!

"Blood mace!"

Two bright and contrasting colors collide with each other!

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