God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 981 Pain (Part 2)

Above the sky, blood was quickly rendered!

And amidst the bright and intense red, there is another streak of silver, like a galaxy falling down in an instant!

Looking at this scene, it looks like countless blood splashes on the snow-capped mountains, which is particularly frightening!

The two who fought hand in hand, naturally bear the brunt of it!

The terrifying energy shock spread!

The murderous intent in Yun Yi's eyes was surging, like a glacier that has never bloomed for thousands of years, coming overturned!

There was a sneer on the corner of Di Qianjue's mouth, but he didn't give in!

Boom boom boom!

The powerful aftermath spread around, like an invisible hand, easily destroying the trees and rocks on the mountain below!

Everything almost turned into powder when it touched the two intertwined forces!

Mu Qinglan's expression froze slightly, and he immediately grabbed Elder Fengyang and retreated!

Although she has already cultivated the ancient real body, the strength of these two is not weak. At this time, they are fighting against each other, even if it is her, she must be careful.

Elder Fengyang seemed to have just reacted, and quickly grabbed Mu Qinglan's arm, swallowed hard, and asked:

"...Ling, Ling Han... What the hell is going on here?"

Why did these two suddenly fight?

If he hadn't guessed wrongly about the words he heard just now, they actually fought because of... because of Mu Linghan?

He could vaguely guess that there should be some treasure on Mu Linghan's body that attracted Di Qianjue to this.

But the conversation and atmosphere between the two just now, what do you think is wrong...

Mu Qinglan patted Elder Fengyang's hand and comforted him:

"Don't worry, Yun Yi won't lose."

How could her man be at a disadvantage?

Elder Fengyang: "..."

That's not what he's worried about!

Elder Fengyang wanted to continue asking, but seeing the young man in front of him, he had already turned his eyes away, and looked back at the two who were fighting fiercely.

Elder Fengyang hesitated for a moment, then swallowed all the words in his throat.

That should be... probably just an illusion...

The relationship between Yun Yi and Mu Linghan has always been very good, and it's not like they don't know it.

Even if there are other factors, it is most likely because of Ling Han's younger sister—Mu Qinglan, right?

But Di Qianjue's attitude really doesn't look like he simply wants to get a treasure...

Elder Fengyang suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then slowly let go of Mu Qinglan's arm.

"Ling Han, you must be more careful..."

Although it was a little unnecessary to say this at this time, Elder Fengyang couldn't help but speak.

When he finished speaking, he was also a little dumbfounded.

This kid has already cultivated the real body of the Lord, so why should he worry about it?

But when Mu Qinglan heard the words, she still looked back, and then nodded seriously.

"Well. Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion."

The dangers she will face are unknown in the future, and today, Di Qianjue is just the beginning.

And at this time, the two finally separated!

Yun Yi took three steps back, but Di Qianjue took five steps back!

Who wins and who loses, you can tell at a glance!

However, the onlookers still did not dare to relax. As the master of the Demon Palace, Di Qianjue only had a lot of means, and he was afraid that there would be another trick!

There was already a sweet smell in Di Qianjue's throat, and the confrontation with Yun Yi just now made his internal organs churn.

At that moment, he even thought that his chest and abdomen were about to burst!

However, he finally suppressed this mouthful of blood, but he was more afraid of Yun Yi in his heart.

"...As expected of the most outstanding genius of the Yun Clan in a hundred years..."

He gave a low laugh, but he didn't seem nervous at all.

It seemed that no matter how embarrassed he was, he was able to maintain such a dignified posture.

Yun Yi stared at him, his fingers slowly slid across the blade.

"If my young master remembers correctly, the day before yesterday seemed...to be a full moon, right?"

Yun Yi said something lightly, and successfully changed Di Qianjue's expression slightly!

Mu Qinglan frowned.

No matter what kind of situation happened before, Di Qianjue had never shown such an expression, but now Yun Yi just said a word, which made his mood change like this. It can be seen that for Di Qianjue, it absolutely represents on something very important.

But... What about the full moon? What exactly does that mean, to make Di Qianjue so...


Mu Qinglan was sure that she was not mistaken. At that moment just now, she did see a panic in Di Qianjue's eyes!

Moreover, it was clearly like the nervous panic after some secret was known.

Although he quickly adjusted his expression, the change in his eyes at that moment still could not escape Mu Qinglan's eyes.

Di Qianjue's expression also gradually cooled down, he raised the steel mace in his hand, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Yun Yi, there are some things, it's better not to make wild guesses."

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly.

He was just guessing before, but he didn't expect to blow up Di Qianjue directly...

It seems that that matter is almost inseparable.

Di Qianjue was so courageous that he dared to confront him in this situation.

With a flick of Yun Yi's wrist, the silver sword in his hand flew out instantly!

In the blink of an eye, countless identical silver swords appeared!

At first glance, it looks like a rain of swords! Easily cover Di Qianjue!

Sharp sword energy emanated from it! In the midair, there was a faint screaming sound!

Mu Qinglan was slightly startled.

She had seen this sword array before, but the power at that time was absolutely incomparable to what it is now.

But at this time, she actually vaguely felt a coercion that was almost comparable to the Ice Blue Excalibur!

There is no doubt that Yun Yi's sword has an extraordinary origin, but at this moment, Mu Qinglan couldn't help but gasp in his heart.

Yun Yi's sword is probably stronger than she imagined before...

"Thousands of swords return to one!"

Yun Yi shouted sharply, and the countless silver swords in the sky all moved towards Emperor Qianjue!

Seen from a distance, Di Qianjue's figure was swallowed by the sword rain in the blink of an eye!

Just as Mr. Xin was about to make a move, he suddenly saw Di Qianjue wave his sleeve robe and draw a mace in front of him!

A red enchantment immediately appeared around him!

The red barrier quickly formed a ball, blocking the countless silver swords out! Protect Di Qianjue desperately!

Keng Keng Keng!

There was a chaotic and piercing crashing sound!

On the red enchantment, ripples rippled like a lake on a rainy day!

Di Qianjue suddenly turned his palm over and put the steel mace in the palm of his other hand.

Immediately, he slashed hard!

There is a sharp blade on the steel mace, and this stroke will make the palm of Di Qianjue burst into blood!

However, that streak of blood quickly spread out, becoming red blood beads one by one, floating around him.

He thrust his arm forward!

The steel mace pierced one of the blood beads swiftly and precisely!


It was as if something had suddenly shattered!

Mu Qinglan frowned subconsciously.

She could hear that voice clearly even through the barrier!

For some reason, looking at the blood beads that suddenly exploded, she felt a little uneasy.

Then, Di Qianjue finally raised his eyes again, and the blood in his eyes became more and more strange!

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Mu Qinglan suddenly felt that the redness in the corner of his eyes suddenly changed!

It's like a mandala that was half in bloom, suddenly blooms!

Di Qianjue tilted his head slightly, and a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It just so happened that I just came up with something recently, and it would be great to try it out with you!"

At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt that countless forces around him began to surge!

She was startled, and then realized that those forces were all heading towards Yun Yi!

As if... as if they were summoned by something, they gathered together!

Even though the power between heaven and earth is invisible, Mu Qinglan still seems to be able to see the power flowing!

Finally, in front of Yun Yi, a red dot suddenly appeared!

That is--

A blood bead!

It seems to be exactly the same as the one that Di Qianjue pierced just now!

Could it be that he dispersed his strength and then condensed it again?

At this moment, the steel mace in Di Qianjue's hand stabbed forward again!

This time, it hit the void!

Many thoughts flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, but the next moment, the blood bead followed Di Qianjue's movements, and that blood bead finally burst!


With a loud roar, countless sharp arrows with the length of the forearm appeared in the blood bead, and then stabbed towards Yun Yi!

At this time, Yun Yi was extremely close to the blood bead!

Those sharp arrows appeared suddenly, there was no way to avoid them!

The sharp arrow in the front pierced Yun Yi's shoulder almost immediately!

His shoulder trembled violently!

"Yun Yi!"

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly emptied!

However, those sharp arrows that followed could no longer get close!

If you look carefully, you can see that there are countless silver threads passing through the sharp arrow, and it is tightly bound!

Di Qianjue's eyes flickered coldly.

Mu Qinglan could only see Yun Yi's back.

Seeing him raise his hand, he pulled out the sharp arrow above his shoulder!

Seeing that there seemed to be dots of blood color smudged on his body.

Seeing him pull his arm suddenly and violently, those sharp arrows were smashed to pieces!

Di Qianjue's chest trembled, and he was about to pierce the second drop of blood, but there was a sword first, piercing through the barrier and leaving!

Di Qianjue was startled and wanted to dodge immediately, but the blow just now had greatly weakened the strength in his body, and under tension, he could only push out a palm!


This sword directly pierced his palm!

"Your Highness!"

Now, Old Xin and the others became nervous again.

Your Highness is now at a critical time, this blow is probably——

"Old Xin! Hurry up!"

Everyone in the magic palace quickly persuaded.

Old Xin hesitated.

His Highness's intention was very clear, if he acted rashly... according to His Highness's temperament, he might not know what he would do.

The two fought against each other, and after several moves, each was injured.

However, in comparison, anyone could see that Di Qianjue's injury was more serious.

Di Qianjue fixed his eyes on Yun Yi, wiped away the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and was about to continue, but his expression suddenly changed.

At the same moment, Elder Xin was also taken aback, and quickly took out a jade tablet.

On the top, a line of handwriting slowly appeared!

After reading it, he was shocked and shouted, "Your Highness!"

This is the suzerain's summoning order!

There must be movement at the headquarters!

His Highness also has this on him, so he must have known that something happened over there, and it should not be too late, and he had to go to the headquarters immediately!

Di Qianjue gritted his teeth, feeling a rare trace of resentment in his heart.

Seeing that Di Qianjue hadn't moved yet, Mr. Xin was really anxious, a light flew out of his palm, and quickly split the space!

A crack in space quickly appeared in midair!

"Your Highness!"

This time, there was a bit of urgency and urging in his voice.

Di Qianjue was unwilling, but still broke through the barrier, turned around and quickly walked towards that crack in space!

The surrounding sword formations were still attacking, but they were all stopped by Old Xin.

Yun Yi narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, but she had guessed something in her heart and did not catch up.

Old Xin is extremely powerful, if he wants to take Di Qianjue away, even he can't stop him.

Then, in the shocked sight of everyone, the figures of Di Qianjue and his party quickly disappeared!

Only in the end, before Di Qianjue left, he still looked back at Mu Qinglan and smiled provocatively at Yun Yi.

"Yun Yi, you'd better watch him all the time, otherwise..."

One day, he will let only him be in those eyes!

Yun Yi's eyes were cold, with a faint hint of sarcasm.

Di Qianjue and his party came suddenly and left even more hastily.

Before everyone could react, the figure had disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, it became empty and quiet in the blink of an eye.

Mu Qinglan hurried forward.

"Yun Yi!"

At a glance, he saw that Yun Yi's shoulder had already been smudged with a bright red sticky bloodstain.

Her heart seemed to be stabbed severely.

The icy look on Yun Yi's face suddenly melted away like ice and snow.

"How are you?" Mu Qinglan was nervous for a moment, but she grabbed his hand directly.

Yun Yi blinked slightly, and the long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under the eyelids.

His cold voice was suddenly soft, with a hint of grievance, and it came into my ears clearly.


It's okay to be coquettish for no reason...

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