God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 982 Momo (3rd watch)

fifth peak.

On the second floor of the bamboo building, Mu Qinglan took off his clothes and warned:

"Didn't your strength increase? How did you get stabbed by this arrow? Let me see you injured next time with my own eyes. I—"

Yun Yi blinked, and the eyelids drooped slightly, all the sharpness and coldness faded from the noble eyebrows at this moment, and there was a trace of indescribable tenderness and pampering.

He didn't say a word, but this one look succeeded in softening Mu Qinglan's heart.

She gritted her teeth, and thought to herself that he is really attractive, if only he had always been cold and cold, it would be fine, but he just put on this...

Mu Qinglan snorted softly, and the movements of her hands were much softer.

The bloody appearance before did startle her, but fortunately Yun Yi's body is in excellent condition, although the arrow pierced his shoulder, luckily it didn't hurt the bones.

Besides, what she was most worried about was that it was poisonous.

But fortunately, this is not a big deal for Yun Yi.

Seeming to see Mu Qinglan's worry, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the poison on the arrow has no effect on me."

Only then did Mu Qinglan feel relieved, and continued to treat the wound seriously.

Warm breath fell on Yun Yi's shoulders.

His shirt was taken off, revealing a body that was as shiny and tough as marble. At a glance, there were perfect lines and textures.

Except for the bandaged part on the shoulder, other places are really impeccable.

He is usually dressed in white, and he can only see that he is in excellent shape, but after taking off his clothes, he can see his body hidden under the clothes, full of tough muscles that contain endless strength.

As Mu Qinglan's breath fell, Yun Yi unconsciously tensed up.

The distance between the two was extremely close, and her hand had been wrapped around his shoulder repeatedly just now, and her delicate fingertips slid across the skin. Even though there was no ambiguity at this time, it seemed to carry a scorching temperature, wherever it fell, where It was a fire.

Yun Yi leaned against the bed, with one long leg bent, and lowered his head slightly, he could see the little black head busy beside his shoulder.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath secretly.

The room was extremely quiet for a moment.

Mu Qinglan's movements gradually slowed down.

Although the two of them didn't say anything, but... a certain person's body seems to be too tense...

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, and lightly tapped Yun Yi's shoulder with her index finger.

"Hey, relax, you are so hard, it is easy to bandage badly."

Yun Yi was silent for a moment.

"It's a little difficult."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

"You're too close to me."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

She raised her eyes, and she was falling into those deep phoenix eyes.

At this moment, only her face was reflected in his eyes, which was extremely clear.

Other than that, nothing else.

No, maybe there are.

It was his unabashed sincerity and desire.

He was so frank and upright that he put all his thoughts in front of her and let her review them.

Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be poked lightly by something, and her voice softened.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Yun Yi suddenly sat up straight and leaned forward.

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't move.

He was getting closer and finally his breath was audible.

However, just as he was about to touch it, he suddenly stopped, his voice a little low.

"come over."

His voice seemed to be filled with magic power, and Mu Qinglan's ears felt inexplicably hot when he heard this.

come over?

What are you doing here?

He is still...

Mu Qinglan snorted softly, but seeing that he was injured, she leaned forward slightly and kissed his lips.

Cool and soft.

She tapped lightly and was about to evacuate.

However, Yun Yi's other hand has already grasped her Zhenshou, and came here wantonly!

If she doesn't move, he can still bear it, but people are already brought to his mouth, so how can there be any reason not to eat?

Mu Qinglan was startled, and was about to evacuate immediately, but was held by Yun Yi, unable to move.

She also felt sorry for his injury, and she didn't dare to act aggressively, so she could only let him attack the city and occupy the territory, arrogant and unrestrained!


Mu Qinglan wanted to say that the wound hadn't been bandaged yet, but between the intertwining of lips and teeth, this simple sentence became fragmented and swallowed most of it, leaving only a few vague syllables in the end.

Yun Yi naturally understood what she meant.

But...compared with her, this injury is really nothing.

Mu Qinglan's body was a little weak, and she gradually stopped pushing him away. One hand rested on his tough chest, and the other hand carefully protected his wound.

The heat in her palm soon spread to Yun Yi.

In fact, he was already hot.

Now that the fire is on fire, how can he care about his own injury?

He wrapped his arms around Mu Qinglan's waist, and directly hugged her into his arms!

The two of them were close to each other, with several thin layers of clothes, it was as if they had nothing.

However, just because you can still feel the friction of the cloth on your body, it is more ambiguous and charming.

Yun Yi's hand rubbed against her waist, as if sparks were about to be born.

It wasn't until Mu Qinglan softened into a ball that he lightly kissed her on the forehead and let her go.

Mu Qinglan was confused, and smelled a faint smell of blood again, and suddenly woke up, straightened up quickly, and saw that the wound on his shoulder had another trace of cracking.

She glared at Yun Yi, but she didn't know that this glance was also full of water. Not only did it not intimidate the slightest, but it made the breath that had just calmed down become hot again.

He smiled helplessly, leaned back slightly, and covered his eyes with one hand.

"I really can't watch it anymore."

There was a hint of hoarseness in the voice, and great restraint.

Even if he doesn't kiss or get close, just looking at it like that seems to be enough to ignite everything in his heart.

Those, before meeting her, never thought about things.

It seemed that only when she was there would something in his body be easily awakened.

He must be crazy.

Yun Yi thought.

He knew how dangerous it was, but he was willing to do so.

Even if you travel thousands of miles, looking at her like this gives you a sense of satisfaction that cannot be compared with anything else.

Mu Qinglan looked at him and smiled.

Then, she leaned forward, carefully bandaged his shoulders, then turned her head, pressed a little on his lips, and when he was about to move, she quickly retreated, and finally bit her lightly.

Only then did Yun Yi let go of his hand, and slowly opened his eyes to look at her, his eyes were extremely dark, and said word by word:

"I think you don't want to leave today."

Mu Qinglan got up immediately, took a few steps back, and folded her arms.

"I think you are the one who is going to leave today. Young Master Yun, the Yun Clan is busy with affairs, so you just came out like this, aren't you afraid that someone will find you?"

Yun Yi frowned incredulously.

This is not what he is most worried about. What he is most worried about is that someone will take this opportunity to attack her.

Although it was kept secret enough when she came here, since someone has already used the Blood Heaven Cauldron to deal with her, it proves that someone has already set her sights on her.

"Do you know who is going to deal with you?"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Yun Yi's expression became cold again.

Obviously, he was very concerned about this matter.

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Probably guessed. But there's no proof yet."

Yun Yi nodded knowingly.

"Evidence? I'll help you find it."

Mu Qinglan's eyes widened slightly: "You help me? But this...it doesn't seem so easy, right? Since the other party dares to do this, they will definitely not leave any terrible evidence. What's more, your identity...if you look for it , I'm afraid it might be troublesome."

Yun Yi said lightly: "Isn't it the easiest thing to want evidence? Since you dare to do it, you must be prepared to bear the consequences."

As he spoke, he got up suddenly.

"It's not too late, I'll go in person."

Mu Qinglan stepped forward to help him put on his clothes, hesitating a little.

"This, or myself—"

"It's already bullying you, how can I just sit back and ignore it?"

Yun Yi interrupted her, held her face and kissed her lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll give you an answer soon."

Mu Qinglan's lips moved slightly, but seeing Yun Yi's expression, she still nodded.

If he was so worried, he would definitely not ignore this matter.

That being the case, it might be a good thing to be able to counterattack faster.

Mu Qinglan said: "Then I'll go down first. You should go back soon, too?"

Yun Yi took a deep look at her before nodding.

The time of leaving this time is not short, if she does not go back for a long time, it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention to her.

Now is not the best time.

He raised his hand, and a crack in space appeared in front of him!

Mu Qinglan didn't look away until he saw his figure disappear.

Then, taking a deep breath, he turned and walked downstairs.

When he got downstairs, Mu Qinglan realized that the person was not there. After looking around, he saw that the person had gone out.

At this time, Ouyang Mo, who was wearing a blue skirt, was standing on the corridor in the middle of the lake, standing by the water, calm and gentle.

Although she was looking at the lake water, she seemed to be thinking about something, lost in thought alone.

"Momo." Mu Qinglan called softly.

Ouyang Mo was startled, and then she came back to her senses and turned her head to look.

She smiled lightly, her brows were gentle.

Even after going through so much, she still has the bookish spirit of the past, which makes people feel peaceful at first glance.

However, Mu Qinglan's heart beat fast.

"Momo, come here, I have something to tell you."

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