God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 983 Brother (Part 1)

Ouyang Mo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Mu Qinglan's appearance.

Although nothing could be seen on her face, there was an inexplicable sense of tension.

The smile on the corner of Ouyang Mo's mouth froze slightly, and then she walked towards Mu Qinglan, a little worried in her heart: Could something have happened?

"What's wrong?"

Ouyang Mo walked up to Mu Qinglan and asked a little nervously.

Mu Qinglan took her hand, turned around and entered the bamboo building.

Ouyang Mo became more and more sure that something was really going on, she couldn't help pursing her lips, and followed Mu Qinglan obediently.

After entering the bamboo building, Mu Qinglan first set up a barrier, making sure that no one would hear what she said, then turned around and looked at Ouyang Mo seriously again.

Seeing her move like this, Ouyang Mo couldn't help becoming more nervous.

Mu Qinglan still held her hand tightly.

Even Mu Qinglan didn't notice how hard her hands were.

Ouyang Mo felt that her palms were sweating, and then realized that Mu Qinglan was more serious and nervous than she imagined.

What's wrong with her?

Ouyang Mo is the person who is most familiar with Mu Qinglan. In her impression, no matter what happens, she doesn't seem to care. She is rarely seen like this.

"Ling Han, are you alright?"

Ouyang Mo couldn't help but speak.

Mu Qinglan stared at her tightly, did not answer her words, the corners of her mouth curled up, but there seemed to be a flash of water in her eyes.

Her voice, which was always clear and clear, was trembling at this moment, and she said word by word:


"You can save this sentence for later and ask him yourself."

Inside the room, there was a dead silence.

Time seemed to stop flowing at this moment, and everything around it also solidified together.

In Ouyang Mo's ears, a huge roar suddenly appeared!

She was a little dazed, and asked blankly:

"...what... what?"

Did she hear something just now?

Or is it just a hallucination caused by delusional thoughts too many times?

What did Qing Lan's words mean?

An absurd guess surged in her mind almost instantly, and that thought actually made her legs go weak for a while.

"Qing...you...you said..."

Her voice seemed to be taken away, her lips trembled, but she could only spit out these few simple syllables, and couldn't even form a complete sentence.

Even though she had hoped for it countless times, she never thought that there would be this day, this moment!

Mu Qinglan felt distressed, she held her hand tightly with one hand, and gently patted her head with the other hand, the corners of her lips were raised high, and the light in the corners of her eyes became brighter and brighter:

"Brother...he won't let you down."

Ouyang Mo's tears flowed down in a flick.

Like a flood that has broken its embankment, it pours down and cannot be stopped.

She couldn't say a word, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Mu Qinglan, as if she wanted to confirm that the scene in front of her was not a hallucination or a dream.

Clear tears kept rolling down from her instantly reddened eye sockets.

Ouyang Mo's lips moved slightly, but she couldn't say anything, she just subconsciously grasped Mu Qinglan's hand, as if all the strength had been taken away from her body, she slowly fell to her knees on the ground.

She couldn't stand anymore, and her whole body, at this moment, seemed to be crushed by something heavy, and the pain was incomparable.

Headache, eye pain, limb pain.

The internal organs are more like being tightly held together by something, and then violently stirred!

However, she was in such pain that she couldn't speak a word.

Only turbulent tears are constantly washing away.

Her thin body gradually curled up, like a poor injured animal.

Only the trembling shoulders let people know that she was still awake at the moment.

With a sore nose, Mu Qinglan knelt down and sat down, hugged her carefully, and patted her on the back lightly.

"It's okay...it's okay...cry out..."

She understood this feeling. When she first saw the hairpin, she was also like this. She couldn't say a word, but tears poured out uncontrollably.

This was a good thing, but for some reason, what emerged in my heart at that moment was a great sorrow.

Only by crying, it seems that all the longing and pain of those days and nights can be washed away.

She patted Ouyang Mo's back repeatedly, until she felt that her shoulders were wet, and finally heard an extremely suppressed cry.

After a long while like this, her crying gradually subsided, leaving only her body twitching from crying.

Mu Qinglan's heart also became sour, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Momo, cry a lot today, and after that, go to see him beautifully! Then don't give him a good face! Let him know that he will be punished for leaving you behind!"

Ouyang Mo couldn't help smiling through tears, and raised her face to look at her.

Her face was completely weeping, the tip of her nose was red, and her eyes were red, but people couldn't help but feel pity for her.

Mu Qinglan scratched her nose lightly.

"No, you should let him see you like this, and he will definitely feel sorry for him when the time comes!"

Mu Qinglan wiped away the tears from her face and pinched her face.

"However, it's all up to you, okay? Huh?"

Ouyang Mo's nose twitched, and she said in a hoarse voice:

"Don't he love you? Don't just look at me, I'm afraid you feel more uncomfortable than me. "

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Actually, I planned to tell you about this before I went to Tonglinghai, but at that time Elder Yaoguang said that you were in retreat, so I didn't say anything. You also know. So, this matter has been delayed until now, Momo, you won't blame me, will you?"

Ouyang Mo sighed lightly: "Blame you? How come?"

It was too late for her to be grateful, so why blame her?

Mu Qinglan said apologetically, "If I could let you know earlier...you would have suffered less."

Although Ouyang Mo didn't say anything, Mu Qinglan knew that she had the same hardships as herself every day.

It’s okay if you don’t think about it, the most fear is that you can’t forget it, and it will suddenly come to your mind when you don’t notice it.

That is unstoppable, and can only be allowed to be tortured continuously.

Ouyang Mo shook her head.

She couldn't let go of Mu Linghan, he was the person she fell in love with from the first time she saw her.

But for Mu Qinglan, that is also her own brother, who grew up with her since she was a child, and has always loved her existence!

These two feelings cannot be compared at all.

It can only be said that they have all endured endless pain and torture because of that person.

Especially, for Mu Qinglan, losing her brother first and then her parents, no one can guess how much she endured.

This is also what Ouyang Mo admires her most.

If something like this happened to her, she might really be crushed, but Mu Qinglan didn't.

She still straightened her spine and walked forward step by step!

To this day, no one has ever known about the thousands of pains and setbacks, and no one has helped her share them.

This is also where Ouyang Mo feels guilty. She always feels that she has not done enough and cannot help Mu Qinglan at all.

Therefore, she has been working hard to cultivate, hoping to stand by her side, even if it helps, it would be good.

As for that man...

Originally thought that he was dead, and hearing such news was already the best gift, how could he expect anything else?

Ouyang Mo wiped the tears off her face and asked nervously.

"Then...then he now..."

Even though they are already a fiancée, Ouyang Mo still couldn't help being nervous when he was mentioned.

Especially after going through so much, it is natural to be more cautious when hearing about him at this time.

Mu Qinglan stood up, helped her up too, pondered for a moment, and said:

"I haven't seen him yet, but Jiji received something from him that day."


Ouyang Mo suddenly exclaimed, and said apologetically: "By the way, you were too late a while ago...I actually forgot this..."

Mu Qinglan knew that she was in retreat at that time, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I didn't pay much attention to it at first. Besides, you didn't have time to practice at that time, so how could you think of this? However, it was also at this time that I learned about my brother. "

She paused and said seriously:

"Momo, one thing I can be sure of now is that my brother should be in the western border. But for some reason, he has not been able to come to see me and you. I think it must be forced."

"Western Frontier..." Ouyang Mo murmured, and then she was startled, "Isn't that the place you went to find Dean Chu Yu last time?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"In the Western Territory, there are two major powers side by side, one is the Evil Lord's Mansion, and the other is the Holy Heaven Sect. And my brother seems to be Huo Zunting, the master of the Evil Monarch's Mansion, but last time I said that I was going to the Western Territory. Huo Zunting has something to do with it I proposed to see him earlier, even if I don't see my brother, I just inquire about the news first, but Huo Zunting didn't agree with anything, and sent someone to say, just let me wait."

"What? If that's the case... when will he come back?" Ouyang Mo survived the previous period of great joy and sorrow, and now her mind is much clearer, "Could it be...he can't come back by himself?"

Mu Qinglan pondered.

"I don't know either. But according to my brother's personality, since he is still alive, he should have his own reasons for not coming back for so long. If it wasn't for me and Ji, I'm afraid he will hide for a longer time..."

Speaking of this, Mu Qinglan was also puzzled.

But thinking back to the time when his brother fell into the abyss in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, but he was still alive, he must have experienced some things, or paid a huge price, which made him unable to meet them now.

"Then... are we really going to wait like this?" Ouyang Mo couldn't hide her disappointment.

She could wait, she had already planned to wait for a lifetime.

However, when she suddenly heard the news that he was still alive, how could she have no expectations at all?

So even the mood became urgent.

However, Mu Qinglan suddenly curled her lips into a smile with a sly look in her eyes.

"Whether Huo Zunting sees me or not, I'm going to the western border!"

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