God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 984: Dean Xiling (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan was going to the western border, so he naturally had important things to do.

After a brief explanation with Ouyang Mo, she suddenly realized: "So the golden dragon is going too?"

Immediately, she frowned slightly: "But... what kind of force behind Zhongyuan College is manipulating it, and it will involve the Western Territory?"

Mu Qinglan said: "This matter has not been investigated yet, and we can't draw a conclusion for the time being, but this trip is a must."

Not just for the academy, but also for my father and brother.

"I got some news about my father in the western border before, so this time, with the golden dragon by my side, it will be much safer."

Ouyang Mo was overjoyed: "Really? Then you mean that Uncle Mu Feng also—"

Mu Qinglan nodded solemnly: "But the situation over there is more complicated, so we need to be more careful."

"Very good!"

Ouyang Mo couldn't help but grabbed Mu Qinglan's hand, her eyebrows and eyes stretched.

If they can find Uncle Mu Feng again... Qing Lan and Ling Han don't know how happy they will be!

She suddenly thought of something, and asked with some concern: "Then... wouldn't that be more dangerous?"

"I'm going because it's dangerous. There's not much time, and I have to do it as soon as possible." Mu Qinglan said.

Ouyang Mo nodded slightly, then gritted her teeth and said:

"Then I'll go with you!"

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised, but Ouyang Mo's eyes were persistent.

"Don't worry, although my current strength is not as good as yours, I'm almost breaking through the lord! Moreover, if I exert the power of spiritual water, I can also protect you."

During this period of time, she followed Elder Yaoguang, and the key breakthrough was this point.

In fact, it does have great results.

Mu Qinglan rested her chin in one hand, remembering that she had indeed seen Ouyang Mo cast the power of spiritual water before, and the enchantment she set up was indeed extremely powerful.

From this point of view, not only will she not back down, but she will become a great help.

not to mention…

Mu Qinglan knew what she was thinking.

She should also want to work hard to meet her brother, right?

Seeing Ouyang Mo's nervous expression, Mu Qinglan smiled suddenly.


"Let's go together!"

After Mu Qinglan took care of everything here, she came out with Ouyang Mo.

Seeing the figures of the two of them, Elder Gan Ning was overjoyed. It seemed that they had been waiting.

"You guys are finally out!"

Mu Qinglan said strangely: "Elder Gan Ning, this is—"

"Principal Chu Yu and the others have already received the news that they have rushed back after knowing so many things happened in the academy."

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised: "Dean Chu Yu is back? Then Zhongyuan College..."

"Don't worry, the three elders of Tianji are still there. It seems that Dean Chuyu came back this time specially for you. Now he has been waiting in Zhongcui Hall, so go and have a look."

Mu Qinglan and Ouyang Mo looked at each other and nodded immediately.

After the two came out of the fifth peak, they quickly headed all the way to Zhongcui Hall.

The guards outside the door seemed to have already received instructions, and when they saw the two of them coming, they hurriedly invited them in.

Ouyang Mo originally felt that it was not suitable for her to go in, but she was still pulled in by Mu Qinglan.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Mu Qinglan saw Dean Chu Yu and others who seemed to be discussing something.

Elder Yaoguang and others are also here.

Seeing her coming, several people stopped immediately and turned to look at her.

"Ling Han, have you come out? Come here!"

Elder Yaoguang smiled and waved, while blinking at Ouyang Mo dotingly.

"Mo'er is here too?"

Ouyang Mo smiled.

Only then did Elder Yao Guang see her red eyes, as if she had just cried, and couldn't help but be taken aback: "Mo'er, why...are you crying?"

Ouyang Mo waved her hands again and again: "Master, don't worry, I'm fine. It's just because... I was talking about something with Ling Han before, and I was excited for a while, so I couldn't help crying for a while. It's okay."

Elder Yaoguang glanced at Mu Qinglan, then he was relieved, and then walked towards Ouyang Mo.

"Mo'er, if this kid bullies you, you must tell Master, you know? Master will support you!"

Ouyang Mo couldn't help laughing.

"Master, don't worry, I'm really fine. Besides, everyone in the world bullies me, and Ling Han won't bully me."

"You are the one who loves him the most!"

Elder Yaoguang stretched out his finger and lightly tapped her forehead, but there was a smile between his brows and eyes.

Naturally, she could trust the character of the young man in front of her, so that was just a joke.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said: "Elder Yaoguang, Momo, I feel sorry for her before it's too late, why would you bully her?"

Elder Yaoguang snorted softly, and deliberately said: "That's not necessarily true. Now that you have the strength, you are not afraid of us at all!"

Even though she said that, her face was full of joy, and she was obviously happy and proud of it.

Mu Qinglan raised her hand to beg for mercy: "Elder Yaoguang, please stop teasing me. You don't know how much I weigh?"

Several other people also laughed.

On the other hand, Dean Chu Yu stared at Mu Qinglan for a long time and let out a long sigh.

"It's really unexpected... In such a short period of time, you have already broken through and become the domain master..."

Mu Qinglan stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's just luck."

Dean Chu Yu laughed.

"If it's just luck, then there is probably no one in this world whose luck can compare to yours!"

Not to mention these academies, even if you look at the entire continent, those who can break through the lord at this age are definitely rare!

Now Mu Linghan is only fifteen years old...

"Sure enough, you are a formidable young man... I guessed that you are very talented at the beginning, but I didn't expect that you could..."

He thought of what Elder Yaoguang and the others had said to him just now, and he still felt extremely unbelievable.

Breaking through as a domain master at such an age is already shocking, not to mention... he has already cultivated the real body of the master!

Mu Qinglan smiled, and didn't talk about it for too long, and asked:

"By the way, Dean, do you need to find me when you come back?"

Dean Chu Yu looked solemn: "That's right. You come with me."

With that said, Dean Chu Yu walked towards the depths of the Zhongcui Hall.

Mu Qinglan was very surprised, but seeing the other elders, they were not surprised at all, as if they had already guessed something.

She didn't want to ask any more questions, so she turned her head and gave Ouyang Mo a reassuring look, and then walked over.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan realized that there was actually a compartment in the Zhongcui Hall.

As soon as he approached, Mu Qinglan felt an unusual aura.

For some reason, she felt a little familiar.

Dean Chu Yu walked in front, with his palms on the bronze door, Mu Qinglan only saw a burst of light emerge, and then the door slowly opened!

That wave of fluctuations is stronger than before!


Mu Qinglan followed and walked in, looked inside, and was stunned for a while.

Dean Chu Yu glanced back at her, and smiled clearly.

"Do you think this place is familiar?"

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

She has already noticed that that aura is actually the aura of Dean Xiling!

In other words, it is exactly the same as the breath I felt in the star formation in the Changjuan Building!

To some extent, it is even somewhat similar to the Ice Blue Excalibur.

"This place was personally arranged by Dean Xiling back then."

Dean Chu Yu sighed and said.

Mu Qinglan nodded clearly.

Sure enough.

This place seems to be a very simple room for resting. The space is small and relatively closed, only a few bright pearls are shining on the surrounding walls.

And in the middle of the room, there seems to be something carved...

Mu Qinglan looked intently, then slightly opened her eyes wide, and subconsciously raised them to look at Dean Chu Yu.

"Dean, this is..."

"You really do recognize it."

Dean Chu Yu laughed, his eyes were benevolent, and he seemed to be relieved.

Mu Qinglan nodded.

That is clearly a carved star array!

And the most important thing is that the star formation is exactly the same as the one left by Dean Xiling in the long scroll building!

"Elder Yaoguang and the others didn't tell me at first, but after I came back this time, I found out that you had already entered the star array in Changjuan Building before."

Dean Chu Yu walked to the side of the star formation, his eyes were full of longing and sigh.

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought you here early. However, it shouldn't be too late now."

Mu Qinglan was confused.

But then, Dean Chu Yu turned around, looked at Mu Qinglan, and said very seriously.

"Ling Han. Presumably you should have already guessed that this is the star array left by Dean Xiling back then. The difference is that the one in the long scroll building was built on the basis of the entire long scroll building. And this one, But it was carved by Dean Xiling himself."

Mu Qinglan was startled: Carved it with my own hands?

Isn't the star array just built with the power of the main star and the power of the star array? Why do you have to engrave it specifically?

As if seeing her doubts, Dean Chu Yu suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

"To be precise, this room is actually a scroll of star array maps!"

What? !

Mu Qinglan thought she had heard wrong.

"It's not easy to build this star array, but it takes more effort to engrave it. Ling Han, can you recognize what this entire space is built with?"

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a moment, and said, "It seems to be...the soul stone..."

"That's right. Every inch here is made of the most refined soul stone!"

Mu Qinglan had only heard of the name of the soul-suppressing stone, but had never seen it with her own eyes. It is rumored that this thing is extremely precious because of its great sealing power.

It can seal the power at least, and seal the soul at worst!

Such things are extremely rare, and being able to build a room with so many soul-relief stones is a great skill in itself!

"Then why did Dean Xiling do this?" Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

Use the soul stone to carve a star array?

This is... a bit shocking.

Dean Chu Yu stared into her eyes, the expression on his face had all subsided, and he said solemnly word by word:

"Because...the power in this star array is too strong, it can't be rubbed on other things at all! Therefore, I can only seal it with the soul stone!"

Mu Qinglan's eyes widened suddenly!

A star array that cannot be rubbed? !

So... what does that mean?

Dean Chu Yu laughed, and his pride could not be concealed between his brows and eyes.

"Ling Han. Although people in the world know that Dean Xiling is a top powerhouse, they don't know that he has already crossed that layer of shackles before he was alive!"

"People in the world have rumored that he is the Master of the Star Formation, but it is not true!"

"He's... the Grandmaster of the Star Formation!"

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