God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 985 Star Array of Breakpoint (3rd watch)

Star Array Master is a more powerful existence than Star Array King Master!

Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment.

Among the people she knew, Lord Wang Yan was the strongest, but even he was just the Master of the Star Formation.

Although Mu Qinglan knew that there were stronger masters above the master of the star array, he had never heard of the name of the master of the star array.

Because according to her current level, that step is too far away.

Lord Wang Yan has said more than once that he firmly believes that Mu Qinglan's future achievements will not be inferior to him.

But even so, he never mentioned the word Star Array Grandmaster.

Because that is too far away for everyone!

It took Mu Qinglan a while to recover.

"Dean Xiling...it turned out to be..."

She took a deep breath, still feeling unbelievable.

Dean Chu Yu gave a wry smile.

"Are you surprised? Dean Xiling is such a top-notch existence, but among us juniors, so far, no one has surpassed... Even, in the millennium, there have only been two star array masters in the academy." .And, that was all a long time ago."

In the past hundred years, among the students and elders of Xiling College, there has never been such a shockingly talented person.

"We are ashamed of Dean Xiling...Ling Han, do you know that in the past few hundred years, you are the only one who came in besides the previous deans."

Mu Qinglan looked serious.

Dean Chu Yu's words were very solemn, and she seemed to have guessed something.

"The star array in the long scroll building actually existed from the very beginning, but you are the only one who has truly entered that star array after so many years. Ling Han, you should know what I'm talking about."

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and nodded.

At that time, she did enter the illusion in the star array, and even in it, she directly became Dean Xiling himself, and experienced many things that Dean Xiling had experienced back then.

Dean Chu Yu let out a long sigh.

"That's it. That's why I brought you here."

He suddenly raised his hand, pointed to the engraved star array in the middle, and said:

"Ling Han, take this star array away!"

Mu Qinglan gasped: "...you, what did you say?"

Dean Chu Yu laughed out loud.

He had seen many aspects of this boy, but he had never seen him so nervous and shocked.

"You heard me right! You should understand what I mean, this star array, you just take it away!"

Seeing that Mu Qinglan was silent because of shock, Dean Chu Yu continued to explain:

"You should have guessed it. Dean Xiling left this thing back then. He had other intentions. In fact, Dean Xiling deliberately sealed the star formation here so that it would be easy for people to take it away. Before you, there were two people in the academy who wanted to try, but they both failed."

"...is...the two masters of the star array?" Mu Qinglan asked with some difficulty.

Dean Chu Yu nodded: "That's right, it's those two seniors. However, after they tried, they didn't succeed, so this star array has been sealed here for a thousand years."

Mu Qinglan was a little dumbfounded.

"Dean, the two senior masters of the star array couldn't succeed, do you think I can do it?"

She is only a fifth-level star formation master now!

Just think about how powerful the star array that needs to be rubbed down with soul stones can be imagined!

With her current strength, how could she do this?

Dean Chu Yu showed a meaningful smile.

"Ling Han, if I wasn't sure that you could do it, why would I come here specifically to find you?"

He glanced around Mu Qinglan, and said:

"Seventh Peak, you have split, haven't you?"

Mu Qinglan was shocked, and met Dean Chu Yu's eyes.

"That is the deepest secret left by Dean Xiling, but it was finally revealed by you, which is enough to explain a lot."

He lifted his chin slightly, motioning for Mu Qinglan to come forward.

"Come on, try it and you'll know."

Mu Qinglan walked forward as she said, but still couldn't help asking: "Dean, this is left by Dean Xiling after all, it seems a bit inappropriate for me to do this..."

"What's inappropriate about this? You have done too much, which is enough to prove that you are the person who fits best with Dean Xiling. There is definitely nothing wrong with you doing this."

"Yes, yes! I haven't seen this star array for a long time! You hurry up and put it away!"

At this moment, within Mu Qinglan's air, there was a childish cry suddenly.

It was the Fuling Platform that spoke?

Mu Qinglan was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Fulingtai had been with Dean Xiling for a long time, so it seemed normal to know this.

But... what is it in such a hurry for?

"Isn't there the same star array in the long scroll building? Don't tell me you haven't seen it before?" Mu Qinglan asked in her heart.

The Tower of Fuling seemed to jump twice: "That's different! The star array is built in the entire scroll building, which is difficult to approach, and I have been trapped on the second floor for so many years, where can I see it? "

Mu Qinglan thinks about it too, but why is he so interested in this star array for the Rejuvenation Platform?

"You really want this star formation?" Mu Qinglan asked with a smile.

"Of course! I used to like playing in it!" Fulingtai shouted excitedly, and then said awkwardly, "Ahem! I didn't tell you that for myself! This The star array is very useful! You can’t take the one from the Changjuan Tower with you, but this one was obviously left behind by Xi Ling’s father on purpose!”

Mu Qinglan deliberately said: "What if I can't take it away?"

"How could it be? You already have me! This star formation is naturally a piece of cake! Besides, Daddy Xiling gave you that piece of black jade slip, and I gave you everything else, so what's the point?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but secretly sighed, the Rehabilitation Platform had probably been with the Xiling Academy for a long time, and had seen many good things, such a star formation set up by a star formation master was actually "nothing" in its mouth.

Tsk, I can't help myself!

Mu Qinglan nodded to Dean Chu Yu resignedly.

"In that case, I'll give it a try."

Dean Chu Yu laughed, then turned and left.

Soon, Mu Qinglan was the only one left in the room.

She looked at the star array carved on the Soul Requiem Stone in front of her.

This is completely different from all the star arrays she has seen before.

Although he had already experienced the eighty-one star formations in Tongling Sea before, he looked at it at a glance. Mu Qinglan actually faintly felt that the star array in front of her was not weaker than those star arrays.


Mu Qinglan returned the strange feeling in her heart, and looked at the star array seriously.

The surrounding light is very sufficient, so she can clearly see every line carved on it.

Either the length is different, or the thickness is uneven, combined together, it is extremely complicated.

She stared at one of them, and could see that the power of that part of the star array seemed to be walking along a certain track, but when she looked further along, she found that the trend of those powers changed suddenly.

Without any warning, the above line suddenly turned!

Some even broke directly!

Mu Qinglan frowned slowly.

how so…

Each star array is constructed with complete power.

How much power should be allocated to each place, and which rules should be followed, everything has a formula.

Even the star array left by the most complicated star array she has ever seen, she has never seen such a situation.

It's like, a person can reach his destination by walking along the established road on the plain, but this star formation seems to be walking, and suddenly encountered a cliff!

Everything ended suddenly at that moment!

Where did those forces... go from the broken place?

Mu Qinglan frowned, and couldn't help but look at other places, and found that the other parts had the same situation!

After she finished reading the engraved star array in front of her, she realized that there were ten breakpoints on it!

A conjecture suddenly appeared in Mu Qinglan's mind: This star array...couldn't be incomplete?

However, in her mind, the star array in the long scroll building immediately appeared.

That seemed to be exactly the same as this one, but she was quickly pulled into it at the time, and didn't notice the breakpoint above the star array.

But right now...

"Ling'er, is this star array originally like this?" Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

Fu Lingtai's milk said: "Of course! I will never admit my mistake!"

Mu Qinglan fell into deep thought again, resting her chin on one hand, her eyes fixed on the star array.

Perhaps because it was carved on the Soul Requiem Stone, Mu Qinglan could only faintly feel the coercion coming from it, but he couldn't feel more.

The power above the star array seems to be suppressed extremely...

Mu Qinglan stretched out his hand, and his fingertips followed the lines.

Before she knew it, the same pattern appeared in her mind!

Soon, Mu Qinglan reached that breaking point!

A burst of severe pain suddenly came!

Mu Qinglan's eyes darkened for a while, and she stopped quickly!

However, at this moment, she suddenly saw a ray of light on the soul-suppressing stone in front of her!

The light was fleeting, but Mu Qinglan could see it clearly!

That's clearly... the place she tried just now!

Is it possible to summon the star array in this way?

Mu Qinglan was shocked, enduring the pain, and started again!

Mu Qinglan was in this strange space, but she didn't know that the news that she had hidden rare treasures spread quickly!

Not only the Zhongyuan domain, but almost all the top forces on the entire continent have received this news!

The name Mu Linghan finally began to spread throughout the entire continent!

All of a sudden, many forces moved their minds, and under the seemingly calm surface, there was already a dark tide surging!

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