God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 987 Meet Your Majesty (Part 2)

The star array in front of Mu Qinglan finally lit up!

After experiencing the backlash from the last breakpoint, Mu Qinglan could hardly stand up, but she managed to hold on.

The dazzling star formation in front of her eyes finally slowly floated into the air!

On it, Mu Qinglan felt a very familiar force!

——That is the breath of Dean Xiling!

The star array began to shrink in front of her eyes, and Mu Qinglan saw that there was still a black barrier around the star array, which was constantly approaching!

It seems that this star formation is going to be completely locked inside!

Mu Qinglan took a closer look, only to realize that it was the soul stone!

It's just that as the star array continued to shrink, the soul-relief stones around it also began to change!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on this scene, and he saw the star array very clearly, and finally turned into a palm-sized star array!

Originally, the star formation was extremely complicated, but now that it has shrunk down, it looks like an extremely bright spot of light. Only when you look carefully can you see the star points scattered on it.

Probably because of the ten breakpoints, there is no complete flow of light on the star array, and it seems to be frozen.

But in fact, it was indeed sealed by the soul stone at this time.


A crisp sound suddenly came!

Afterwards, Mu Qinglan saw the palm-sized star array, and finally completely rubbed it on the Soul Requiem Stone again!

All of a sudden, the light shines!

Mu Qinglan's eyes stinged, and she subconsciously raised her hand to cover it up a little.

Fortunately, soon, the light gradually dimmed.

It seemed that something was flying towards him.

Mu Qinglan put his hand down, only then did he see a soul-suppressing stone flying towards him!

She raised her hand, and that small piece of Soul Requiem Stone fell into her palm!

The weight of this thing far exceeded Mu Qinglan's expectations. After it fell into her hands, she was unprepared for a moment, and her arm suddenly sank!

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and quickly grasped the thing tightly.

But even so, she could still feel a heavy pressure. When this thing came over, Mu Qinglan even felt her whole body became heavy.

She took a deep breath and looked carefully at the things in her hands.

This soul-relief stone looks like the size of a palm, and its whole body is bronze in color, and on it, there are intricate carvings—that is the star array!

But at this moment, the soul-suppressing stone was lying in her palm, and there was no movement around it. At first glance, it was no different from an ordinary bronze block.

If you ignore the great heaviness it creates, there is nothing special about it at all.

Who would have thought that the star array left by a star array master was sealed on it?

Mu Qinglan weighed it, but after such a short while, her arm was already numb.

She was secretly surprised.

You must know that she has cultivated the real body of the Lord now, and her physical strength is extremely strong, but now, she can't even hold such a small soul stone for a long time.

Mu Qinglan's eyes turned black again, her figure staggered, and she almost fell to the ground.

It was her primordial spirit power, which seemed to be severely suppressed by this thing!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and instead held it with both hands.

But that heavy feeling still hasn't disappeared.

"This thing... is too heavy!?"

Mu Qinglan had a headache.

Before this, she never imagined that this thing would be so heavy!

In the sea of ​​​​qi, there was a chuckle suddenly.

Mu Qinglan pouted.

"Xueyou, even if you are watching a joke, can you stop laughing so loudly?"

Xueyou laughed out loud.

"Silly girl! The soul-suppressing stone itself is extremely heavy, and it can almost deter the power of the world. Otherwise, why do you think it is called the soul-suppressing stone? Oh, yes, I almost forgot to tell you that this thing is very important to Yuan The suppression of the power of the gods is the most powerful. You have almost exhausted the power of the primordial spirit now, so you don't feel much. When you recover later, it will really be the beginning of sharpening!"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

She really doesn't know!

The soul stone is extremely precious, she has never seen it before, and she doesn't know much about nature, how could she know this?

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth fiercely:

"…you do this delibrately!?"

Xueyou clearly had the opportunity to remind her before, but in the end she didn't say a word, and only now is it an afterthought!

He clearly wanted to see her jokes!

Xueyou's laughter grew louder.

After only a short while, Mu Qinglan already felt a soreness in her arms.

I don't know about this thing, it's put in the mustard ring...

"Hey, girl, let me tell you that this thing cannot be put in the mustard ring. For you, you can only put it in the sea of ​​qi. But you can rest assured that even if you put it in the sea of ​​qi , the effect of this suppression will not be diminished." Xueyou's gloating voice almost floated into the sky.

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes.

If Xueyou could stand in front of her now, she would definitely catch him and beat him up!

"Why can't the soul stone be placed in the mustard ring?" She gritted her teeth and asked.

Xueyou said, "If it's just an ordinary soul-suppressing stone, it can be placed naturally. But... you have already sealed the star array on it, and this soul-suppressing stone itself seems to be the top existence among the soul-suppressing stones— —Soul-suppressing stone. The suppressing power of the soul-suppressing stone itself is more than a hundred times that of ordinary soul-suppressing stones! It seems that you only have this one in your hand, but in fact, this entire space does not have this thing in your hand The suppression force is strong."

Mu Qinglan was silent for a moment.

"You mean... I've emptied this place?"

"That's right! Otherwise, do you think that the star array carved by the star array master himself would be so easy to suppress? If you don't use this soul-suppressing stone, I'm afraid the power above the star array has already bombarded this place for a long time." It's clean!"

"…I see…"

Mu Qinglan sighed helplessly and ridiculously.

When she saw the star formation floating up just now, she thought she had finally succeeded.

Now I realize that it was just the beginning.

The really tough days are yet to come!

"Girl, this is a good thing. You must know that although the soul-suppressing stone in your body can suppress your strength to a certain extent, it can also temper your primordial force and primordial spirit from another aspect." Moreover, as long as it exists, such tempering will always exist. This alone is enough to envy the world. Isn't it?"

Mu Qinglan let out a breath, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

That said, it seems to be a good thing.

But...it is extremely difficult for her to hold it now, let alone...

"The star array sealed here can be released after you comprehend it. Of course, before that, you can also regard it as a star array, and you can use it when you are in danger. If you look at it this way , You still have one more hole card."

Xueyou's words successfully made Mu Qinglan shut up.

She resignedly looked at the soul-suppressing stone in her hand.

For a while... I'm afraid that the current she has just been stimulated, and the whole body has collapsed, right?

What's more, asking her to comprehend... Doesn't that mean reaching the level of a star array master?

Mu Qinglan felt that the future was bleak, so she didn't think about it at all, and threw the things into the sea of ​​​​qi.

As soon as he entered, Mu Qinglan felt his whole body sink! His feet were so soft that he almost knelt on the ground!

Every inch of muscle, bone, and flesh seemed to be heavily pressed by something!

She took a deep breath and kept mobilizing the little energy left in her body, which relieved some pressure.

Then, she paused for a moment before planning to leave.

As soon as she lifted her foot, she felt something was wrong, frowned, and looked down.

Seeing this, the corners of Mu Qinglan's eyes twitched.

——The place where she was standing was already sunken!

Maybe because her mind was elsewhere just now, she didn't notice that a pit as thick as a knuckle had appeared under her feet.


Mu Qinglan raised his breath suddenly, and the energy in his body began to circulate at a faster speed!

She took a deep breath and walked forward.

The first step fell, and the ground was easily dented.

In the second step, the degree of depression seems to be better than before.

In the third step, the thickness is only half of the previous one.

When he reached the tenth step, Mu Qinglan's foot fell down, and then lifted up again, without leaving any traces!

Looking down at the flat ground, Mu Qinglan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, at this time, the heaviness in her body did not disappear, it was only because she deliberately accelerated the circulation of Yuanli to make the strength on her legs stronger and resisted the pressure, so there was no trace of it anymore.

This consumes a lot of energy, but the power in her body is suppressed. If she wants to do this, she must spend several times more power than before!

After these ten steps, fine beads of sweat even appeared on her forehead.

When she walked to the door, her expression had returned to normal.

However, no one knows what kind of strength she uses to maintain her seemingly calm surface!

Mu Qinglan held her breath, adjusted her breathing and expression, and put her hand on the door.

Then—slowly push away!

Dean Chu Yu and the others had been waiting in front for a long time, and the moment they heard the movement, they had already put all their attention there.

Until Mu Qinglan's figure slowly appeared in front of their eyes, the atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to freeze suddenly!

Although Dean Chu Yu tried his best to restrain himself, the slightly trembling old wrinkles still revealed his mood at this time.

And the others, although they didn't quite know what this meant, they also became nervous.

Mu Qinglan stepped forward step by step, under such a scorching gaze, there was also a trace of inexplicable embarrassment.


Just as Mu Qinglan opened his mouth, Dean Chu Yu suddenly took a step forward and saluted.

"Chu Yu, the 161st Dean of Xiling College, has met Your Majesty!"

Mu Qinglan was startled.

However, afterward, Elder Yao Guang and the three elders also saluted in unison.

"The 161st Qixingzi of Xiling College—I have seen you!"

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