God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 988 Misty Divine Sect (3rd watch)

Your Majesty... Your Majesty?

Mu Qinglan was completely stunned on the spot.

Seeing Dean Chu Yu and the three elders solemnly saluting in front of him, Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

And Elder Fengyang and Ouyang Mo beside her were obviously no better than her.

Mu Qinglan stepped forward subconsciously, trying to help a few people up: "Dean, elders, what are you doing? Get up, I can't afford such a big gift——"

Dean Chu Yu straightened up following her movements, but his expression was extremely serious.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Elder Yaoguang also got up at this moment.

Although he didn't speak, the look in his eyes was enough to explain everything.

Mu Qinglan stammered: "The courtyard, the dean... what do you mean?"

She just took that star array away, why their attitude suddenly changed?

Dean Chu Yu just laughed and let out a long sigh.

"Your Majesty, these words—"

"Dean, you should call me Ling Han." Mu Qinglan felt a little awkward hearing this address.

It would be fine if there were other people, but the few in front of her were clearly elders whom she respected very much, so she really couldn't bear to salute her with such respect.

However, Dean Chu Yu was very persistent.

"Now that your lord has taken away the soul-suppressing stone, it is naturally our lord. The titles cannot be messed up."

Dean Chu Yu's voice still trembled a little, obviously trying to suppress the turbulent mood in his heart.

"I didn't expect... In my lifetime, I could really wait until this day... I really didn't expect..."

He originally thought that his life would be the same as that of the previous deans. He even secretly blamed himself many times because of the gradual decline of the academy over the years.

Unexpectedly... the miracle that so many people failed to wait for, he actually waited for it!

Mu Qinglan hurriedly said: "Dean, please explain this to me first. How did I become...jun..."

Dean Chu Yu nodded repeatedly.

"It's a long story."

From the narrations of Dean Chu Yu and Elder Yao Guang, Mu Qinglan finally understood the cause and effect of this.

Thousands of years ago, the entire continent was in chaos, and various factions struggled fiercely. Therefore, many young practitioners who did not have family support did not have the opportunity to obtain systematic training opportunities.

Dean Xiling himself is extremely powerful, almost sweeping the mainland.

Under such circumstances, Dean Xiling intends to create a college himself to provide these people with a good environment and opportunities to practice.

Those scattered young practitioners came here admiringly.

Although many people are envious of this excellent training place chosen by Dean Xiling, but because of the illustrious reputation of Dean Xiling, no one dares to invade it.

Under such circumstances, Xiling College grew stronger day by day.

After that, other academies gradually developed.

Among them are those of the five major colleges.

Even the alliance of the five colleges was proposed by Dean Xiling.

According to the status of Xiling College at that time, it didn't have to be so. But Dean Xiling believed that in the chaotic continent at that time, if he wanted to gain a foothold, he had to join forces.

In this way, to a certain extent, more young practitioners can be preserved.

But not long after that, Dean Xiling encountered an accident.

Outsiders thought that Dean Xiling failed to make a breakthrough and fell into a madness.

But in fact, only the people of Xiling College knew that was not the case.

Because before Dean Xiling "fallen", he had already selected the next dean, and selected seven people, appointed them as Seven Star Elders, and made them guard Xiling Academy for generations.

At the same time, he left a lot of secrets and handed them over to them to keep.

Among them, including the seventh peak, also including this Zhongcui Hall!

The positions of the dean and the seven-star elders have been changed, but from generation to generation, they have never forgotten the most important mission.

And among them, there is one——whoever can enter the Hall of Bells and take away the soul-suppressing stone engraved with star arrays will become their king!

The so-called king, his status is higher than that of the dean and the elders of Seven Stars, if he gives an order, no one dares not to obey!

That's why, just now, Dean Chu Yu insisted on calling Mu Qinglan the king.

After a long silence, Mu Qinglan finally fully digested and accepted what they said, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"That is to say... Dean Xiling has actually established a power besides Xiling College? And this power... is used by the so-called 'Your Majesty'?"

"That's right. To be precise, this power is already in your hands." Dean Chu Yu said seriously.

Mu Qinglan supported her forehead.

Dean Xiling...how should I put it...

She even felt that he deliberately made things difficult for his descendants, leaving behind so many secrets, and after revealing all of them, he actually wants to take over another power he left behind thousands of years ago?

Mu Qinglan thought for a while, and then asked: "Well... since it's been so long...then this so-called power...should have fallen too? What's more, there may not be many people left..."

This is the case with Xiling College, let alone others?

Mu Qinglan was also considered to have studied the history of the mainland, and never knew of any power that once belonged to Dean Xiling.

Elder Yaoguang chuckled.

"That's not necessarily true. You haven't issued a call yet, so how do you know there is no one? Aren't we all yours now?"

Mu Qinglan smiled wryly.

She had always regarded them as elders whom she respected very much, but she was still not used to the change in their attitude when they suddenly had this status.

"That's right. At the time, Dean Xiling suddenly lost contact, but in fact, arrangements were made before that. All the relevant personnel were scattered in various places in the mountains of the mainland. Although they have not been summoned for thousands of years, don't try." How do you know?" Elder Yuheng asked, but he was quite optimistic.

Mu Qinglan didn't think so in her heart.

The development of any force requires a strong leader to organize and lead. Dean Xiling scattered people so casually back then, but now it is almost impossible to gather people together.

Those people are no longer the followers they were back then, and she is not the dean of Xiling back then.

So, to her, this is actually a big and scattered stall.

I don't know how much effort it takes to clean it up.

She is grateful to Dean Xiling, but she is indeed not optimistic about this matter.

What's more, she still has an extremely heavy task on her back, how can she have the energy to take care of it?

As if seeing Mu Qinglan's hesitation, Dean Chu Yu comforted him gently:

"Don't worry, this is not asking you to regroup these people immediately, let alone recreating the glory of Dean Xiling in a short period of time. There is nothing to worry about this matter. You can follow your own mind to do it.”

Mu Qinglan sighed lightly.

"Dean, you don't have to persuade me. Although I don't know many of these things, I do understand one thing. Since Dean Xiling left these things back then, he must have his own considerations. If I really Doesn't matter if he doesn't care about it, wouldn't it be a waste of his hard work?"

Dean Chu Yu and the others looked at each other, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

They never thought that such a young boy would stand in this position before, but now, there is indeed no better choice than him.

Mu Qinglan rested her chin in one hand, thought for a while, and finally asked, "It's just that I still have a question: what exactly did Dean Xiling want to do when he created this power?"

Even after a thousand years, he still never gave up!

Even if she really took over these things and became the so-called "Sovereign King", what does it mean? What is the meaning?

Dean Chu Yu hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Your Majesty may not know that the name Dean Xiling gave this force was..."

"Piaomiao Shenzong."

Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes wide.


Piao Miao Shenzong.

Mu Qinglan knew the name.

It's not an exaggeration to use it like a thunderbolt.

Because Piaomiao Shenzong was once one of the top forces on the mainland!

It is rumored that the Piaomiao Shenzong is extremely mysterious, and has very few negotiations with other forces, but as long as it fights against people, it has never been defeated!

In addition, Piao Miao Shenzong also holds the most secrets in the world!

Many people want to find out something, they will find a way to contact the people of Piao Miao Shenzong, even if the reward is amazing, they still enjoy it and are willing.

Because no matter how hidden the news is, they can find it out!

If they want to investigate, anyone will be investigated to the bottom of the sky.

This is also one of the reasons why many forces are extremely afraid of Piao Miao Shenzong.

Someone once wanted to attack their people, but in the end they were killed! Not even a whole body was left behind!

However, Piao Miao Shenzong appeared quickly, but disappeared also quickly.

No one knows how they disappeared afterwards.

Some people speculate that Piaomiao Shenzong was slaughtered, but there is no evidence.

When Mu Qinglan saw this passage, she felt sorry for it.

After all, it would take a lot of painstaking effort and effort to establish such a force with advanced information and power to penetrate the mainland.

It's gone, which is a pity.

But she never imagined that one day, she would become the ruler of Piao Miao Shenzong!

Mu Qinglan sat quietly in the chair, but what did she think, how did she feel that it was absurd.

She couldn't help laughing, rubbing the center of her brow.

what are these things...

Misty Divine Sect...

The former master of Piaomiao Shenzong turned out to be Dean Xiling...

Who would have thought?

"Back then, Dean Xiling did have great ambitions, but he hadn't had time to realize them, just... but he left so many foreshadowings back then, and he was extremely cautious. Although Piao Miao Shenzong has disappeared for a long time, whether it will be revived or not depends on the king. above meaning."

Dean Chu Yu's voice was very calm and sincere.

Mu Qinglan knew that what he said was the truth.

None of them would force her to do anything.


Mu Qinglan pondered for a long time, and the air in the entire hall seemed to freeze.

Finally, she stood up.

"Dean, Elder, I have some personal matters, and I need to go to the Western Territory immediately. As for Misty Divine Sect..."

There was a trace of regret in the eyes of several people.

Mu Qinglan turned around, the corners of her mouth raised.

"As for Piaomiao Shenzong, I will naturally do my best to revitalize it!"

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