God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 994 She Still Likes To Make Troubles (Third Watch)

Mu Qinglan remembered what Qingwu said before.

——Every half a month, these people will come here.

What are they doing here?

If it is just to discuss things, there are too many suitable places to choose in Red River City, there is no need to come here.

After all, although the bell tower is desolate, there are quite a few people outside who can notice it.

And they cared so much about the teleportation array that they even wanted to block it with a barrier... Obviously they didn't want others to discover the teleportation array.

"Ling Han!"

Ouyang Mo walked over quickly, looked at the teleportation array under her feet, and asked with some concern: "Ling Han, this teleportation array may lead to an extremely important place, you should come down first."

If it is connected to the other party's territory, how can they be opponents alone?

Mu Qinglan stared at the teleportation array for a while.

"What? Is there something wrong with this teleportation array?" Ouyang Mo asked, followed by a few more glances, but she couldn't see any difference.

Mu Qinglan suddenly lifted her foot and walked up.

Just as Ouyang Mo wanted to stop her, seeing Mu Qinglan's expression, she swallowed all the words in her throat.

Qinglan has never done anything uncertain, this time... there should be her own reasons, right?

Mu Qinglan took a few more steps up.

When she reached halfway to the height, the teleportation array under her feet finally fully appeared!

Mu Qinglan's palm suddenly turned golden!

A powerful coercion descended suddenly!

Ouyang Mo couldn't help but gasped—could Qinglan plan to destroy the teleportation array?

As if to verify her conjecture, Mu Qinglan then punched hard!


On the teleportation array, countless violent energies spread towards the surroundings!


When the waves of energy hit the surrounding walls, there was a whistling sound.

That was... the sound from the jade tablet inlaid on the wall!

Ouyang Mo looked around suddenly, only to find that something was gradually peeling off on the dull jade plaques!

"This..." She murmured in a low voice, then suddenly understood something, and looked at Mu Qinglan again!

At this time, the teleportation array under Mu Qinglan's fist finally began to disintegrate!

Only then did Ouyang Mo suddenly realize that this is not just a teleportation array, but also a seal!

Moreover, I am afraid that the one that is sealed... is still this clock tower!


With this bursting sound, the teleportation array finally completely disintegrated!

Ouyang Mo suddenly felt a huge impact!

Mu Qinglan stepped back immediately, pulling Ouyang Mo behind her!

In front of the two of them, a transparent barrier like water waves immediately appeared!

It is the power of Ouyang Mo's spiritual water!

This enchantment blocks that violent impact!

After a while, the fluctuation gradually stopped.

The teleportation array has completely disappeared.

On the stairs, it has also returned to normal.

Mu Qinglan took a look and couldn't help laughing.


Ouyang Mo followed her line of sight strangely: "What?"

Mu Qinglan raised her finger and said, "With such a powerful energy fluctuation, the stairs are still unscathed."

Ouyang Mo looked intently, and it was indeed so.

"Why is that?" She couldn't help asking.

Mu Qinglan patted her on the shoulder.

"Although the bell tower looks dilapidated, the things inside are all made of excellent materials. The staircase looks ordinary, but it is actually extremely tough. If the teleportation array is here in the first place, it is damaged The staircase would have been damaged with it, but it didn't."

"You mean, this teleportation array... was specially set up here later?" Ouyang Mo finally understood, and said, "By the way, I also feel that this teleportation array is not just a simple teleportation array, it seems... or ..."

"It's a seal, right?"

The two looked at each other, and Mu Qinglan smiled and said this sentence.

Ouyang Mo breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of admiration.

"It seems that you really have seen it a long time ago."

Otherwise, she probably wouldn't have made up her mind to destroy it.

Mu Qinglan said: "It's not too early, at least I didn't notice it until those two people came in. But then, the attitude of the two of them is really weird."

The more they were like this, the more Mu Qinglan wanted to see what secrets were on the stairs!

After she walked up just now, she realized that the teleportation array seemed not that simple.

So, she simply destroyed it!

The result was consistent with her guess!

"That means someone deliberately set up this thing here..." Ouyang Mo murmured, reminding Mu Qinglan to look around, "By the way, Ling Han, look—"

Mu Qinglan looked up, and saw that something seemed to be peeling off from the jade plaques.

There is a faint light emitting from those jade tablets.

This seemed to be the color of a normal clear and moist jade tablet.

Mu Qinglan was sure, and walked slowly.

She stared at the jade tablet for a long time, then raised her hand and gently covered it.

She closed her eyes, looked inside with her soul, and she could see a star point suddenly lit up on the soul-suppressing stone!

Only one point!

However, Mu Qinglan suddenly heard a roar in his ears!

She opened her eyes suddenly!

The bright and clear light instantly catches the eyes!

Starting from the jade tablet covered by her palm, the bright light quickly spread out!

In just a few breaths, the entire bell tower was completely filled with this dazzling light!

Countless jade tokens were all awakened at this moment! Bright and bright!

The situation inside the bell tower is naturally undetectable to outsiders.

When the two entered, they had already closed the door tightly, so at this time, not even a ray of light could seep out.

On the street, it was still noisy, no different from before.

No one knew that at this moment, this clock tower had undergone shocking changes!

Only a few pairs of eyes in the dark stared at the clock tower.

As time passed, the few people who were waiting also became anxious.

It's not that there are no such things in the past, but it never takes more than a quarter of an hour. what is it today? Half an hour has passed, but the gate of the bell tower is still not opened.

"Brother Song, can they do this? It's been so long and they haven't come out yet!"

"What's the hurry! Those two people seem to have a little background, maybe they have some difficult element!"

"But even so... Those two people are only in their teens, how can they be so good? Brother Song, why don't we go in and have a look?"

"What are you looking at! It's the two of them's turn, why are you going up to join in the fun! Could it be that you want to make meritorious deeds so that you can get on top of me?"

"No no! Brother Song, you misunderstood! I'm just, just weird... You know, since... died, our situation has been getting worse every day... If there is another accident... maybe the upper..."

"Bah! Shut your crow's mouth for me! That guy with the surname Feng - he is incompetent himself, and his death will implicate us! Don't mention him in the future! Watch carefully!"


The noise gradually died down, but the man called Brother Song suddenly sensed something, frowned, and took out a white bone flute.

On the bone flute, there was a flute sound suddenly!

His expression suddenly changed!

"not good!"

That clock tower inside is a hard idea!

Just as he was about to rush out, he saw the gate of the clock tower open!

A slender figure of a young man in a black suit appeared in front of his eyes!

Brother Song shrunk subconsciously, but then, he found that the boy's eyes suddenly looked at him!

Brother Song quickly turned his gaze away.

He clearly concealed it very well, but for some reason, when the young man looked over, he felt as if he already knew his existence!

And that look... clearly has a biting killing intent!

Mu Qinglan chuckled, looked away, and looked up at the sky.

The sky was blue and cloudless.

The sun was just right at this time, but in front of Mu Qinglan's eyes, the thousands of jade cards shone together, but they still couldn't get rid of them.

She let out a soft breath.

Piaomiao Shenzong... Dean Xiling really left her a huge treasure...

However, if you want to come to this day, it will soon change...

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.

At this time, anyone who is planning to plot against her should already know the news that she is here, right?

Then... she should also serve tea and prepare to entertain guests!

Evil Monarch Mansion.

A figure sat quietly.

In the dark hall, it was extremely quiet, except for the sound of chess pieces falling, which was exceptionally clear.

A candlelight reflected his figure, holding a chess piece, without moving for a long time.

It seems to be thinking about how to take the next step, and it seems that it is still thinking about other things in a daze.

After a long time, the slender fingers finally put down the chess piece.


After a long time, there was a laugh.

"...I really like to make troubles as always..."

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