God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 995 Sleepy Sky Lock (Part 1)

Red River City was as lively as ever, but no one knew that at this moment of the day, the appearance of a person completely changed everything here!

Ouyang Mo walked up to Mu Qinglan, looked around calmly, and exchanged glances with Mu Qinglan.

—Those people seem to have left.

Mu Qinglan raised an eyebrow with a smile.

What if I don't leave?

The two domain masters died in her hands inexplicably like this, it's strange that those people didn't panic.

Although this is Red River City, there are strong people from all over the world gathered here, but the strong domain masters can still be ranked high here.

They lost two domain masters, and they will definitely not let it go.

It's just that the few people who are in charge of tracking are not enough to worry about.

They obviously also knew how strong they were, and made careful choices.

"Compared to other people, my own life is of course the most important."

Mu Qinglan raised her fingers together and stroked lightly on her neck.

She couldn't be more satisfied with those people being able to do this.

Without any effort, the news has been completely disseminated!

Ouyang Mo looked certain, and nodded reassuringly.

It's not that she doesn't know what Mu Qinglan is doing. Although she is somewhat worried, she trusts her more.

She believed that since Mu Qinglan did this, she must have full confidence.

Even though there are many dangers, she will still insist on being with her.

Mu Qinglan stretched her waist and smiled lazily.

"Let's go, it's rare to have time to rest, how about going shopping?"

Ouyang Mo opened her eyes slightly: "Where...where?"

Mu Qinglan raised her chin.

"Nature is the most lively place!"

Not far from the bell tower is the busiest place in Honghe City, and of course, it is also the largest trading market in Honghe City.

Mu Qinglan pulled Ouyang Mo and walked over directly.

As soon as the two came out, many eyes were on them, some were curious, some were suspicious.

Mu Qinglan pretended not to see it, and took Ouyang Mo for a leisurely stroll.

There are many stalls on both sides of the road.

Mu Qinglan glanced at it casually, but was a little surprised.

Because there are actually quite a few good things in these seemingly crude stalls.

The one that can make her say "good" is naturally a real treasure.

"Huh? Sleepy sky lock?"

Mu Qinglan didn't take a few steps when she saw a roll of red thumb-thick rope randomly placed there.

This thing is an earth-level high-level element, and it is rumored to have a strong binding ability, even if it is a strong domain master, it may not be able to break free.

If such a treasure is placed in another place, it will definitely fetch a high price in the auction house.

But now, this thing was placed on the ground casually like this. Looking carefully, there seemed to be some dark and dry marks on it, which seemed to be blood.

Although the things were good, Mu Qinglan didn't need them, so she took a look and planned to leave.

However, at this moment, within the sea of ​​qi, Suzaku suddenly let out a cry!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback: "...Why, Zhuzhu, are you interested in this?"

Suzaku resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and told herself that the most important thing now was that thing, and she must not argue with Mu Qinglan!

It nodded respectfully.

--I need it.

Mu Qinglan laughed: "The sleepy sky lock is useful for practitioners, what do you want this for?"

Regardless of whether it is a primordial beast, it is still a seventh-rank primordial beast. Where is this needed?

Suzaku was very persistent - that thing is very important to me.

Aware of its firm attitude, Mu Qinglan also became serious.

Suzaku was born in a noble family, so if it can fall in love with it, it must be a real treasure.

The key is…

Mu Qinglan took another look, and suddenly a light flashed in his heart: "Do you want the blood from that sleepy lock?"

A look of surprise flashed in Suzaku's eyes, but then he still nodded.

Although it didn't say why, Mu Qinglan had already seen its intentions.

It was rare for Suzaku to take the initiative to ask for something like this, so Mu Qinglan naturally had no reason not to give it.

She walked over step by step, and finally stood in front of the sleepy lock.

"What? Interested in this?"

The owner of the stall was a bearded man in his forties, who raised his head and glanced at Mu Qinglan.

"It's not cheap. Are you sure you want it?"

Mu Qinglan asked with interest: "Tell me."

The man looked at her again, seemingly impatient.


The man picked up the sleepy lock: "See it? The blood on it belongs to a top domain master! If you really want it, it's easy, just exchange it with something of equivalent value!"

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly: "But... what are you willing to change?"

The man gave her a serious look.

It's not like he didn't notice these two young people before. After seeing them enter the bell tower, he thought they were the children of the aristocratic family who came out to practice.

He couldn't get used to such people the most, they were just flamboyant, but all of them were too arrogant! When the situation really happened, I didn't even have the ability to deal with it at all!

However, such a person usually does have a lot of treasures on him.

He said: "Heaven-level formulas come in exchange!"

Ouyang Mo couldn't help but said immediately: "This thing of yours is just an earth-level artifact, and someone has already used it, maybe there is something wrong, how can you use it to exchange for a volume of heaven-level formulas? "

Isn't this a clear money grab?

The man sneered.

"Come and change if you want it, if you don't want it, just leave! Why are there so many nonsense?!"

"You—" Ouyang Mo wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mu Qinglan.


Mu Qinglan's sudden sound successfully silenced both of them in shock.

Ouyang Mo subconsciously looked at Mu Qinglan, and even the man narrowed his eyes, and took another look at Mu Qinglan.

Then, he laughed.

"Boy, you can figure it out, what I'm talking about is the heavenly formula!"

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "I know. Isn't it just a book of heaven-level formulas? What's so difficult?"

The smile on the man's face slowly disappeared.

After a while, he asked, "Really?"

Mu Qinglan nodded happily: "Naturally."

The man was a little hesitant.

He originally thought that the other party was just asking casually, and he was too lazy to pay attention to such a son, so he just said that casually. Who knew that the other party actually agreed! ?

At this time, many people around have already looked over, with different expressions.

You know, people who do business here don't say they are very familiar with each other, but at least they all know each other.

Everyone is living on such a small amount of capital, and no one is much better than the other.

In the end, such a big boss suddenly came, and he was willing to exchange a copy of the heaven-level formula for a sleepy sky lock!

Put it on who, who is not jealous?

Mu Qinglan didn't seem to be aware of it, and continued to ask: "Is it okay? I agreed to all the conditions, so don't say you won't sell it!"

"Sell! Sell!"

The man subconsciously yelled twice, and then he realized the sights around him that were about to cut him, and he couldn't help but secretly regret it.

Damn it, I forgot that there are such a group of dogs here!

If he wins this heaven-level formula, everyone here will know that he has this thing on him!

But if he really wanted to let him give up, he would not be willing to give up... That is a heavenly formula!

Mu Qinglan crossed her arms and looked at him with a lazy smile on her lips.

She knew that this man would definitely agree.

Xiling College, as the top college on the mainland, still loves the treasures of heaven-level magic formulas, let alone these people who are just dawdling around?

Basically, the heaven-level method has a price but no market. One can imagine how tempting this man would be with such a sentence from her.

It was impossible for him not to agree.

Of course, this also seduces others.

Mu Qinglan asked again: "Should I change it?"

The muscles on the man's face twitched, obviously struggling.

Ouyang Mo had guessed what Mu Qinglan was thinking, pulled her on purpose, and said in a low voice: "Ling Han, since he refuses to change, let's just change places."

Mu Qinglan shrugged helplessly: "That's true. In Honghe City, there should be others who have this thing..."

With that said, the two lifted their feet and were about to leave.

"I will change!"

The man hurriedly yelled, and stood up suddenly, as if he was afraid that Mu Qinglan would regret it: "Change!"

Mu Qinglan looked back at him: "It's decided? If you really don't want to give up this thing, I won't force others to do it."

The man didn't speak, but directly took the sleepy sky lock in his hand, and handed it over.

In Red River City, transactions have always been simple and rude.

There aren't so many tricks, as long as you can get the price the other party wants, you can get what you want!

The corner of Mu Qinglan's eyes twitched, and a smile flashed across her face.

Then, she really took out a white jade box from the mustard ring.

The man snatched the white jade box away almost immediately, and when his hand touched the thing, a look of shock flashed in his eyes immediately!

It turned out to be true!

The fluctuations here are indeed heaven-ranked formulas!

There was a moment of silence on the street.

Mu Qinglan took Yun Tiansuo over and nodded in satisfaction.

"Money and goods are cleared. Just leave it!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't look at the man again, put Yun Tiansuo into the mustard bracelet, turned around and took Ouyang Mo away.

Ouyang Mo glanced back and said in a low voice: "Ling Han, shall we leave now?"

She still felt that the volume of Heavenly Rank Laws was a bit of a loss...

Mu Qinglan smiled lightly.

"Anyway, that thing has been of no use to me. Why don't you change it to something you like."

She knocked out a lot of spells from those academy elders before, although some of them were given away, but some were from her.

Although some of them are heaven-level formulas, they are not suitable for her or Ouyang Mo's cultivation, so they have been kept there.

Now, isn't it just right to use it as an introduction?

"Then let's...don't continue shopping?" Ouyang Mo looked back and let out a soft breath, "This place is about to become chaotic."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"Since he dares to accept it, it proves that he has already thought about it. As for whether the trouble can be dealt with... it is his business. This matter is big enough, so I don't want to waste my book of heaven-level formulas." ..."

A thousand chapters! Thank you everyone!

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