God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 996 Visiting (Part 2)

The two of Mu Qinglan swaggered back like this.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Qingwu walking around in a panic. Hearing the movement, Qingwu quickly turned his head to look. When he saw that it was Mu Qinglan, he was relieved immediately and hurried up to meet him.

"Third Young Master! You are back!"

While asking, he looked behind Mu Qinglan and the two of them.

"What are you looking at?" Mu Qinglan chuckled, "Don't worry, Uncle Wu, there are quite a few people following me behind here, even if you just watch, you won't be able to finish watching."

Qing Wu froze, looking at Mu Qinglan incomprehensibly.

"Third Young Master, this is—"

What the hell is this going to do?

Seeing that Mu Qinglan seemed to be very satisfied and happy, Qingwu really didn't understand, so he took two quick steps and locked the door.

Even though there was no one outside, he knew that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him right now!

He turned and walked towards Mu Qinglan, really puzzled.

"Third Young Master, don't tell me... you mean, you did it on purpose before?"

Mu Qinglan walked towards the room, leaned lazily on the chair, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Qingwu suddenly had the urge to help his forehead.

After inquiring about the news before, he heard a lot of rumors on the way back.

He couldn't believe it at first, but after listening to it, he realized something was wrong and came back quickly.

Because of those things, he is now exhausted and extremely nervous, but why is San Shao still so calm?

And... seems to be very happy?

"...Third Young Master, didn't you go to the bell tower before? How, how could it be - did you deliberately let those people know that you have a treasure on you? Or...you deliberately spread the news that you are here. of?"

Other than that, he really couldn't think of any reason.

Mu Qinglan snapped her fingers and said with a smile:

"Not bad! It seems that the efficiency of these people is still very good, and it spread so quickly."

"It's not just spreading!" Qing Wu sighed, "Now the whole city of Honghe is boiling! When I was on the road, I kept hearing your name!"


Mu Qinglan tapped lightly on the table with one hand, but she didn't seem to be surprised at all.

"Is it because of that volume of Heavenly Rank Law?"

Qingwu hesitated to speak.

"Uncle Wu, if you have anything to say, just say it." Mu Qinglan raised her chin and smiled lightly.

Qingwu hesitated again and again, took a few steps forward, and looked at Mu Qinglan seriously.

"Third Young Master, are you planning to... burn the boat?"

Mu Qinglan was not surprised at all, he guessed, after all, Qingwu has been in charge of things here all this time.

He knows better than Mu Qinglan himself what kind of reaction Mu Qinglan will cause if he does this.

As for the consequences...he understands very well.

Mu Qinglan didn't hide it, and nodded frankly.


"You—" Qing Wu paused, and finally opened his mouth, "Don't you feel too anxious? This Red River City, we haven't figured it out yet! Just like this rashly..."

"Uncle Wu, there is one thing you may not know."

Mu Qinglan interrupted Qingwu's words and smiled faintly.

"More than half a month ago, when I was in Xiling College, I had already cultivated the real body of the Lord."

Qing Wu's eyes suddenly widened!

Mu Qinglan continued: "At that time, someone wanted to attack me, but I killed him instead. But this also led to this matter, which has already spread. Now, on the mainland, all capable forces should already know about this matter. Something happened. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that they are sure that I can cultivate my real body because I have a huge treasure hidden in my body. So, since then, I have become those human goals."

Mu Qinglan tilted her head and thought for a while, before saying lazily: "Now, they should already know the news about me in Honghe City, and they are coming this way."

"Third Young Master!" Qing Wu suddenly shouted, a little emotionally: "Are you going to completely use yourself as a bait? It's too dangerous for you to do this!"

Although he didn't know who would come, but as far as the third young master said, they must be difficult to deal with!

So what if the third young master has cultivated the real body of the Lord?

Two fists are no match for four hands, how many of them are there in total?

If those people besieged... I'm afraid...

The smile on Mu Qinglan's face slowly subsided, and she was silent for a while before asking:

"Uncle Wu, if I hide in Tibet, won't I be in danger?"

Qing Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was speechless.

At this age, he has experienced quite a few things, so he naturally knows the reason for the crime of being pregnant.

Even if it can be avoided for a while, how can it be avoided for a lifetime?

No wonder San Shao made such a decision... It seems that he doesn't want to bear it any longer.

"Uncle Wu, before I asked you and Ju Jiu to come here to investigate secretly, because at that time, everything was still under the water. If we moved first, we would definitely become targets. But it is different now, even if it is We swallow our anger, and those people will not let us go. Instead, why not try to fight? At least, we can watch a good show."

Mu Qinglan's voice was always clear and bright, but at this time, instead of the usual banter and ridicule, it was a little more serious and rigorous.

Qing Wu also knew this truth in his heart.

He sighed.

"So, you went out today... No, it should be said that from the moment you decided to come to Honghe City, that was the plan you made?"

Mu Qinglan nodded.

Qing Wu was silent for a long time, and finally knelt down on one knee.

Mu Qinglan went to help immediately, but he pushed him away without refusal.

He looked at Mu Qinglan with determination in his eyes!

"Third Young Master. No matter what decision you make, I will definitely follow it to the death!"

Even if he only has one life, he will fight it for the third young master!

Mu Qinglan's chest was throbbing, and she laughed loudly.

"Uncle Wu, don't worry, since I dare to do this, I have the confidence to protect you! Dad hasn't been rescued yet, didn't you say that we will have a drink with Dad when we meet again?"

Qing Wu's eyes were red, he couldn't say anything, he could only nod vigorously.

The storm is coming, and there are many dangers ahead!

But no matter what, he will follow the boy in front of him and fight to the end!

Outside the courtyard, two more barriers were added.

Qingwu didn't go out again, and tried his best to strengthen his guard.

In contrast, Mu Qinglan was much more relaxed. After talking to Qing Wu, she separated from Ouyang Mo and began to adjust their states.

In the room, Mu Qinglan sat cross-legged and took out the sleepy lock.

She stared at the dark black bloodstain on the Yuntian lock, and asked, "Zhuzhu, what do you want this thing for? This blood... I think it does seem to be the bloodstain of a mid-term domain master, nothing special ah."

Suzaku didn't answer, but flew out directly.

Only then did Mu Qinglan realize that it was a little different from the previous one.

Originally, Suzaku's body was bright red, but now, several golden feathers suddenly appeared on its head.

This makes it look more dignified.

Suzaku flew before the sleepy sky lock, and its wings spread out with a "shua" sound!

Then, a mass of crimson fiery flames flew out of its mouth, and began to burn the Heavenly Lock!

Perhaps because Suzaku had already broken through, the power of the Suzaku fire was much stronger than before.

The temperature of the whole room rises instantly!

Fortunately, Mu Qinglan had already set up the enchantment before, so people outside would not notice anything.

That group of crimson flames crazily burned the Heavenly Lock.

After a while, Mu Qinglan saw that the rope began to curl up and deform!

Mu Qinglan was secretly startled.

No matter what you say about this thing, it is also a high-level artifact. Now under the burning of the Suzaku fire, it can't even last for a stick of incense. It's really...

This is not because it is too weak, but because Suzaku's fire is too strong!

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but secretly stunned: Could this be the benefit of the power of blood?

It woke up after sleeping for so long, and broke through directly, awakening a part of the power of the blood, obviously much stronger than before.

No wonder other primordial beasts are in awe of it, such a distinct hierarchy is not unreasonable.

Thinking about how much effort it took Silver Wind to finally break through, in contrast, Suzaku really had the upper hand.

But at this time, as the sleepy sky lock gradually burned, the pool of blood that had dried up was finally extracted little by little!

A small drop of blood appeared in that ball of flames!

Originally, this color was not easy to see clearly, but because the overall appearance of the blood beads was black, Mu Qinglan could still see it more clearly.

That one is only the size of a fingernail, but gradually a faint coercion seeps out!

Mu Qinglan was shocked.


The sleepy lock was finally burnt, and the remaining part fell directly to the ground, and in the midair, there was only the mass of crimson flames wrapped in black and red blood beads.

Gradually, a layer of black mist was forced out.

A cold feeling hit my heart instantly!

Mu Qinglan frowned suddenly!

This black mist...it looks so much like——

Her heart was beating like a drum!

However, at this time, the color of the blood bead gradually became much more normal.

Mu Qinglan's eyes were fixed on that thing, and his fists were clenched!

As the flame burned, finally, the color of that blood bead completely turned into gold and red overlapping!

The two colors are entangled with each other, and they blend together perfectly!

That appearance is extremely beautiful, and the slow flow seems to be full of indescribable beauty!

Suzaku suddenly let out an extremely angry cry!

Mu Qinglan was startled, only then realized that Suzaku's eyes were full of resentment!

Is this...

Mu Qinglan's heart sank: "Is this... the blood essence of the Suzaku clan?"

Tuk Tuk!

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door in a hurry!

"Third Young Master! Third Young Master! Someone broke into the door!"

Mu Qinglan sneered and stood up suddenly!

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