Suzaku also realized something, quickly swallowed that blood bead, and then quickly returned to Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​energy.

Mu Qinglan got up, walked to the door, and opened it.

Then, she caught sight of Ju Jiu who was standing in front of the door with a tense expression.

A smile appeared on Mu Qinglan's face: "Come back so soon?"

Ju Jiu was sent by Qingwu to investigate the whereabouts of those people before, and Mu Qinglan thought it would take a few days for him to come back.

But thinking about it, she has already muddied all of this, so whether Ju Jiu continues to investigate is not that important.

Presumably, it was also Qingwu who called him back.

An awkward look flashed across Ju Jiu's face, but he still said, "Third Young Master, someone has already started attacking the barrier outside, and Uncle Wu is already controlling it. He asked me to call you."

Originally, Ju Jiu always called Qing Wu Brother Wu, but Mu Qinglan considered that Qing Wu was about the same age as her father, so she should be regarded as her uncle, and Ju Jiu was still young. She has an extra generation.

So, after several efforts by her, Ju Jiu finally changed her tune.

Mu Qinglan nodded and walked outside.

"Do you know who is here?"

Ju Jiu shook her head: "They came too suddenly, Uncle Wu only had time to deal with it, and he let me come before he saw who it was."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows: "They? Why, there are a lot of people here?"

The expression on Ju Jiu's face was a little tense.

"There are four people in total, it seems to be a wave."

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Don't worry, there are only four people, there is nothing to worry about."

Seeing the relaxed smile on her face, Ju Jiu's originally nervous mood also relaxed a little.

Just as he was about to nod, he heard Mu Qinglan casually say:

"Anyway, someone will come later."

Ju Jiu: "..."

He came back in a hurry, and Qingwu simply told him about the current situation in Honghe City, and even though he was in shock, those people had already killed them.

But in his heart, he was actually a little worried.

With just a few of them, can they really be the opponents of those people?

Why is it that looking at the young man in front of him, he is really not panicked at all...

Originally, Ju Jiu thought that Mu Linghan was crazy for spreading the news, but now, he suddenly felt that maybe he really has a way!

Mu Qinglan walked to the front yard, and sure enough, he saw Qing Wu standing in the yard.

At this moment, he was supporting the three barriers outside the courtyard!

"A mere ants, actually think they can stop us?"

A mocking voice came from above the sky.

"I advise you to give up. Although this enchantment has three layers, it is nothing more than that to us. With your own strength, can you protect Namu Linghan? Ha! Ridiculous!"

Qing Wu didn't say a word, but poured energy into the barrier desperately!

Mu Qinglan looked along, and sure enough, he saw four people standing in the sky above the sky!

The man standing at the front sneered: "It's really a toast and not a fine wine!"

After finishing speaking, he punched out!

"Tianyang Fist!"

Huge fist shadows gather above the sky!

Following the man's movements, the shadow of the fist also slammed into the barrier with great force!

Boom boom boom!

Only a roaring sound was heard, and the barrier outside the courtyard began to shake violently!

Qingwu's chest trembled, but his feet were still standing there firmly, and he never took half a step back!

The power in his body also exploded suddenly!

The enchantment, which was shaking violently, began to calm down gradually!

Although the power of this punch was strong, it was dispelled a lot by the barrier, so even though Qing Wu was alone at this time, he could still handle it.

This also made the looks of those men ugly.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there are still two brushes... However, if you think this is enough, you are too naive! If you don't hand over Mu Linghan today, you will only have a dead end!"

The man who threw the punch seemed to be a little uneasy. After saying this cruel sentence, his eyes began to search the courtyard.

"Mu Linghan! Mu Linghan, come out! What kind of man is hiding behind someone? If you have the ability, come out and make a few real gestures with me!"

Mu Qinglan sneered.

This laugh also directly made the four people in the sky notice her.

"Who!?" The man shouted immediately.

Qing Wu was also surprised, looking back.

Mu Qinglan shrugged, walked out from behind the porch, looked at the people above the sky, and said with a smile.

"What? Didn't you come here for Master Ben?"

The faces of those people were stunned for a moment, and then they showed ecstasy, because their expressions changed so quickly, they looked a little hideous.

"You are Mu Linghan!?"

Mu Qinglan sneered.

"I thought who it was at first... I didn't expect it to be just a few little-known little people. It's really... very disappointing..."

Naturally, the few people she said couldn't understand the deep meaning, but they also understood that Mu Qinglan clearly looked down on them, and they were all angry for a while.

"What did you say!?"

"Who do you say is a small person!? I think you are looking for death!"

"Hurry up! If you want to live, take out all the treasures on your body, and maybe even consider giving you a whole body! Otherwise—"

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, understanding a little bit in her heart.

These few people should be people in Honghe City, and they may not know the secret of the black jade slip in her body.

She thought those people would be faster...

However, now it seems that they are more cautious than she imagined...

Mu Qinglan glanced around quietly and smiled.

"Before doing things, you have to report your names first, right?"

These words made those men very angry, but thinking that it would not take too long to get a lot of treasures, they endured it!

The man standing in front laughed:

"Boy, you don't know anything about Honghe City, so you came here hastily. Isn't it too courageous?! We brothers don't change our names, and we don't change our surnames—'Red River Four Demons'!"

Mu Qinglan shook her head honestly:

"Oh, I haven't heard of it."

The scene froze instantly.

The arrogant expressions of those men froze immediately.

Ju Jiu, who was following behind Mu Qinglan, couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

This laughter made those people even more angry!

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him! There must be a lot of treasures on him, let's grab them!"

"That's right! Let him know how powerful we are!"

The man standing in front frowned:

"Finished formation!"

Following this stern shout, the four men spread out instantly, each occupying four directions in the south, east, north, and west!

Then, above their heads, a formation actually appeared!

"Dragon Yin!"

"Tiger Roar!"


"Wolf run!"

Following these shouts, the momentum of the four of them exploded in unison!

Then, on top of the formation, a figure of a primordial beast appeared!

It is dragon, tiger, ape and wolf!

The appearance of the four primordial beasts was very realistic, and they all looked up to the sky and howled!

For a time, the sound spread far away!

Afterwards, from the four formations, a powerful force was separated from each of them and gathered in the middle!

A colorful beam of energy came through the sky! Go straight to Mu Qinglan!


That ray of origin force is about to hit the barrier!

Mu Qinglan suddenly chuckled.

"This enchantment was made with great difficulty. If it is destroyed by you like this, I will be very unhappy..."

Before she finished speaking, her figure had disappeared in place!

A gap suddenly appeared above the barrier!

Mu Qinglan's figure is like a black flowing cloud, flashing past quickly!

Then, without dodging or evading, she rushed directly towards that ray of origin force!

"Ling Han!"

"Third Young Master!"

Mu Qinglan's actions made Ouyang Mo and the others in the courtyard tense.

However, Mu Qinglan had already made up his mind, and after flying into the air, he burst into a shout!

"Death Voice Kill!"

A sharp whistling sound rushed out along with that shout!

This sound was so penetrating that it hit the eardrums of those four people almost instantly!

"Not good! Quickly close—"

The man in the front realized something immediately and wanted to dodge immediately, but it was too late!


Following this subtle voice, there was a sharp pain in the man's ears!

He covered his ears in horror, but he felt sticky with his hands!

However, there is no sound in the ears anymore, only the brain and body are still bearing the violent energy impact!

Mu Qinglan's blow directly pierced his eardrum!


To be precise, it belongs to the four of them!

Because of the few people behind, the situation is no better than him!

And almost at the same time, that colorful elemental force was actually smashed by this sound wave!


With this explosion, the Yuanli scattered away!

Mu Qinglan tried to integrate Foyinlian and Death Yinsha together a long time ago, perhaps because of the improvement of her own realm, this point has also been greatly improved.

So this sound is much more powerful than the previous one!

What's more, this blow was her first public battle in Honghe City, so she naturally wanted to win beautifully!

Mu Qinglan stood in the air just like that, with her back straight, and the aftermath of energy around her kept rolling up her clothes, making a rattling noise.

And those few people just wanted to rush up again, but their faces were blood red, and then they spit out blood one after another!

It was obvious that the internal organs were also bleeding from the shock!

Aware of their own situation, the faces of those people showed horror! Has not yet taken a step, has fallen down! Keep vomiting blood!

Between heaven and earth, that sound wave gradually dissipated and gradually returned to silence.

However, seeing this scene, no one can remain calm!

After the young man rushed out, he just yelled, and directly shocked the four people until their eardrums were shattered, and their internal organs were shattered!

How strong is he...! ?

Afterwards, the clear and clear voice of the young man spread far away!

"I, Mu Linghan, have been waiting for you here for a long time! Please!"

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