God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 998 Competition (Part 1)

Mu Qinglan's voice, sonorous, powerful, clear and clear, just spread far above the sky!

This place was originally just a secluded courtyard, and there were very few people around, but at this moment, Mu Qinglan knew that there were already countless pairs of eyes staring at this place secretly!

Although the four men could no longer hear Mu Qinglan's voice, the bursts of energy fluctuations still made them tremble with fear.

Frightened, the man at the front looked at Mu Qinglan again, as if watching a ghost!

This boy... this boy!

He is just a domain master! But his strength is clearly far beyond expectations!

He opened his mouth, but he couldn't utter a word, only the blood that kept gushing out dripped on his chest, making him look particularly miserable.

Mu Qinglan crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at those men with a smile.

This smile seemed bright and clear, but in the eyes of those men, it was extremely terrifying!

One of them struggled to get up, and was about to turn around and run away!

He has already seen that this young man is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

His strength is far stronger than what he looks like!

Before, he sent out a volume of heaven-level formulas so easily, but now it must be on purpose!

The four of them teamed up were no match for him, they were defeated just after the first move! If it continues to delay, their lives will definitely be lost!

Seeing the man get up and run away, Mu Qinglan raised his voice.

"Huh? Let's go now? Don't you want the Heavenly Order?"

The man could no longer hear Mu Qinglan's voice, so he turned his head hastily and saw the smile on Mu Qinglan's face, he felt chills in his heart, and hurriedly fled away at a faster speed!

And the remaining three men finally came to their senses at this time, and quickly got up, planning to leave!

Heaven-level formula?

Who cares about that thing at this time!

The most important thing is your own life!

Although the eardrums of these men were ruptured and their bodies were seriously injured, they still had the strength to escape.

In a place like Red River City, although they were pretty good experts, it wasn't like they had never met stronger ones.

Therefore, they know better than anyone else that if they provoke an opponent stronger than themselves, nothing else matters! As long as you save your life first, you can talk about everything else!

So, seeing that they were no match for that young man, they immediately made a choice!

However, it is easy to come, but it is not so easy to leave.

Mu Qinglan smiled deeply, and then raised her wrist, and several sea gold sand vines flew out in an instant!

She wants to make an example of others, so naturally she has to do it beautifully!

If you want to blame, you can only blame these people for being too unlucky, or too impatient, to choose to be the first bird!

chi chi!

The sound of piercing the sky came, and Haijinshateng quickly caught up with those people!

Haijinshateng's speed is already fast, and these people have been injured, and they can't even use half of their strength at this time. It is extremely easy to deal with them.

The black vines, almost in the blink of an eye, had tightly wrapped around the bodies of those people!


"Let me go! Let me go!"

"This is—this is the sea gold sand vine!"

Those men quickly panicked and wanted to break free, but found that the sea gold sand vine was tightened even more!

The sharp thorns touched their skins, directly making them calm again, their faces pale and their bodies trembling.

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, Haijinshateng took the men back.

Under such circumstances, they have no power to resist.

Even if they refused to accept it, they would never dare to make fun of their own lives.

What's more, it's more like fear than dissatisfaction.

——The boy in black in front of him, with a clear smile on his face, looks like a demon from hell!

"Everyone, why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Mu Qinglan said slowly with a bright smile on her lips, "Isn't this just the beginning?"

Naturally, those men couldn't hear Mu Qinglan's voice, but looking at the smile and mouth shape on her face, they could probably guess something.

A look of deep fear appeared in the eyes of several people.

The beginning... He even said that this is just the beginning!


Just as a man opened his mouth to beg for mercy, he saw Mu Qinglan raised his finger and put it on his lips.

He subconsciously closed his mouth, his throat was dry, and his heart was not beating violently.

In fact, not only him, but the situation of several others is not much better.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"It seems that you are still not willing to go on the road now. Could it be that you think this scene is not good enough?"

What she said was not aimed at those men.

The surrounding area was empty, as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Mu Qinglan didn't care much, and nodded with raised eyebrows.

"Okay! If that's the case, in order to thank you all for coming so far, let me serve you an appetizer first!"

After Mu Qinglan's words fell, he suddenly opened his palm, grasped the sea gold sand vine tightly, and then raised it upwards!

The black vines quickly lifted the bodies of those people and flew towards the sky!

The men seemed to have realized something, with terrified expressions on their faces, and began to shake their heads desperately.

"no no--"

Just as the panicked voice calling for help came out, it stopped abruptly!


With this crackling sound, a man's body was instantly entwined by sea gold sand vines, and then suddenly exploded!

Countless blood splattered!

The fine pieces of meat flew away, and some of them even splashed on the faces and heads of the men next to them.

The flesh and blood that was still warm was sticky on his face.

Above the sky, all sounds suddenly disappeared, leaving only a dead silence!

The remaining three men couldn't even make a sound of begging for mercy at this time, they just trembled violently and looked at Mu Qinglan in despair and horror.

Their bodies shrank back crazily, but they were still struggling in place.

One of them, after moving twice, rolled his eyes and passed out.

His face was already stained with red blood, mixed with the blood overflowing from the corner of his own mouth, looking very embarrassed.

If it wasn't for Haijinshateng, he might have fallen down at this time.

Of course, if he was awake, he would definitely choose to fall directly, rather than face such a demon again!

The situation of the other two men was not much better.

There are definitely not a few people they have killed with their own hands. After all, being able to survive in a place like Red River City, and doing well, at least proves that they have some abilities.

But today, the strength and capital they are proud of is worthless in front of that young man!

At this time, they realized how naive and ridiculous their previous thoughts were!

What son of a brother!

What a fool!

He clearly did it on purpose!

It's just... What is he doing this for?

Holding on to the two men who hadn't fainted yet, their faces were full of despair.

Mu Qinglan could see the deep resentment and puzzlement in their eyes, but she didn't intend to say anything more.

On her face, there seems to be a smile on the corner of her mouth, but between her brows and eyes, there is a coldness. Anyone who sees it will feel cold all over her body!


The second blood flower burst open suddenly!


The third!

In the blink of an eye, among those four people, only the last one remained!

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Mu Qinglan's face.

When the man saw it, he felt even more afraid, trembling and closing his eyes.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.

The last sound immediately exploded above the sky!

There seemed to be a tinge of blood on the blue sky.

In the air, there seemed to be a strong smell of blood everywhere.

Mu Qinglan stood up in the air, and after finishing the last person, he flicked his wrist and took the sea gold sand vine back.

If it weren't for the blood and the broken bones that fell on the ground not far away, no one would know what happened here before.

How long before and after? The four strong domain masters died just like that, not even a single corpse was left behind!

Such a scene is not without blood!

Iron-blooded wrists are nothing more than that!

Mu Qinglan smiled slowly.

"I don't know now, everyone, but are you satisfied?"

Between the sky and the earth, it was empty, as if there was no one there.

In the courtyard, the three of Qingwu became more and more nervous.

After Mu Qinglan killed those four people so neatly, their worries not only didn't lessen, but even worsened!

——Looking at this, it is clear that there are stronger ones coming!

Not long after Mu Qinglan finished speaking, there was finally a rhythmic clapping sound from a certain direction.




It seemed to be clapping, but for some reason, there was a sense of coercion and awe in this voice!

A thick and old voice came from the void.

"It is rumored that Mu Sanshao is a heroic boy, and he is already a strong domain master at a young age. Now it seems that this rumor is still a bit underestimated..."

That voice was clearly smiling and praising, but a cold light flashed in Mu Qinglan's eyes!

She looked in the direction of the voice and narrowed her eyes slightly.

A hunched figure slowly appeared!

The vigilance in Mu Qinglan's heart was raised to the highest level in an instant!

The old man stood still, then raised his eyes and looked at Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan's muscles tensed up immediately at this moment! The whole person instantly entered a fighting state!

This old man... is extremely dangerous!

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times!"

The old man suddenly laughed, and the wrinkles on his face also trembled.

Although he was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes.

Those are a pair of muddy eyes with no waves in the dry well, as if no matter what they see, there will be no waves!

Mu Qinglan stared at him, narrowing her eyes.

"This scene, I don't know, but is it good enough?"

The old man laughed, and as soon as his gray sleeves moved, he wanted to do it!

Mu Qinglan snorted coldly, stepped back quickly, and said loudly:

"Why, if you want to deal with this young master, you have to register first, right?"

The old man didn't care much, and there was an absolute aloofness in his words.

"Even if you know, what can you do? Let's follow the old man obediently—"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and said word by word:

"What? People in the Shui family like to be like mice, so sneaky?"

The old man's hand froze suddenly!

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