God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 999 Watching a Theater (Part 2)

Finally, there was a wave of fluctuation in those eyes, and they looked at Mu Qinglan!

"What are you talking about, why can't the old man understand?"

He spoke slowly, his voice was cold like a snake crawling through the grass.

Mu Qinglan shrugged and smiled: "You know what I'm talking about, don't you? I didn't expect that the people from your Shui family came first. But this is normal, after all, in your family, there are people watching I'm very displeased."

Shui Yanyu wished she could get skinned and cramp, and would definitely do everything possible to deal with her.

Seeing that the old man was still silent, Mu Qinglan sneered: "Why, don't you know Shui Yanyu, Miss Shui Family?"

Hearing Shui Yanyu's name, the old man's expression finally showed a subtle change.

"You have very poisonous eyes." He didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it. In fact, saying this sentence was equivalent to affirming what Mu Qinglan said.

"People who want to kill me all the time, I naturally have to be on guard, don't I?"

Mu Qinglan was all sarcastic.

The old man narrowed his eyes.

He had also heard about the grievances between Shui Yanyu and this Mu Linghan, but he never took it to heart.

That kind of petty trouble won't catch his eyes at all.

If it wasn't for that thing...he wouldn't be here at all!

"Since you already know the origin of the old man, it's better to be sensible and listen to the old man obediently, so that you may be able to avoid some suffering."

He no longer concealed his identity, and directly clarified his purpose.

Mu Qinglan sneered in her heart and said:

"I'm afraid it's not that simple..."

The old man's face turned cold: "You don't want to toast or eat fine wine!"

As he said that, the momentum on his body exploded without any concealment!

A powerful coercion instantly enveloped Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan was unmoved, and stood in the air, not only did she not show any panic on her face, but there was a bit of banter on the contrary.

"court death!"

This provocative look immediately angered the old man, and with a low shout, he turned his fists into claws and came towards Mu Qinglan!

Seeing that those sharp claws were about to scratch Mu Qinglan's face!

The old man scoffed coldly in his heart, did Mu Linghan think that he could do whatever he wanted because he had that thing? Such ignorance of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth is really courting death!

If you don’t teach him a lesson today——

Just as this idea appeared in his mind, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards him from the side!

not good!

He immediately became vigilant in his heart, realizing that that force was definitely not under him, so he immediately gritted his teeth and backed away!

Well, this time, it was also staggered directly in front of Mu Qinglan!


A majestic force of origin narrowly brushed the corner of the old man's clothes! Instantly draw a mark on it!


The old man was frightened and angry, and shouted angrily!

Not far in front of him, a fluctuating pattern suddenly appeared on the space.

Then, a figure stepped out slowly.

When he saw who was coming, the old man's expression immediately turned serious, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Zongzheng Qifeng?!"

He actually came too!

Doesn't this prove that the Zongzheng clan already knew the news?

Moreover, since people have been sent here, it proves that they will also participate in this robbery!

"The Zongzheng family has always been indifferent to world affairs and doesn't like fighting. Why are you here today?"

Hearing this, Mu Qinglan also looked over curiously.


She had heard of the family.

The Zongzheng family is at the top of the gods and one of the top ten families. Venerable Wang Yan mentioned it before, but Mu Qinglan doesn't have a deep impression of this family, because this family is indeed, as the old man said, very important to many people. Things don't really matter.

Although they are also aristocratic families, but in fact, their number is very small.

There are many other families, and the number of branches may reach tens of thousands, and the few may have thousands.

But the Zongzheng clan has been very small since the day it existed, and for so many years, at the most, it has never exceeded a thousand people.

Perhaps it was also for this reason that their family never liked to mix things up. There were always some conflicts between these families on the summit of the gods, but the Zongzheng family was the most able to stay out of the matter.

They don't have any ambitions, and they don't interfere with other families, so they are happy to be idle.

Even after the last Tonglinghai family meeting, Mu Qinglan didn't have a deep impression on the members of this family.

Therefore, not only the old man was surprised when their people came this time, even Mu Qinglan was unexpected.

This Zongzheng Qifeng also looks about fifty or sixty years old. His appearance is plain, but his temperament is relatively gentle, and he looks kind-hearted.

But judging from the move he made just now, this person is definitely not as gentle and simple as he looks on the surface!

"It seems that it is not up to outsiders to comment on the matter of my Zongzheng family?" Zongzheng Qifeng laughed, "Shui Tianqing, is it possible that only members of your Shui family can come to this place, and no one else is allowed?"

Shui Tianqing frowned.

In all likelihood, Zongzheng Qifeng came here because he knew the news.

It's not that they never thought that there would be people from other families coming, but they never expected that the first to follow would be the Zongzheng family, which is always impossible to move!

"Zongzheng Qifeng, I don't care where you are going! But today, I must take this person away!"

Zongzheng Qifeng smiled deeper: "What a coincidence, the old man is also quite interested in this boy."

This is clearly coming to snatch people!

After Shui Tianqing figured it out, he quickly came to his senses and sneered.

"What? You Zongzheng family, are you going to fight against my Shui family? Zongzheng Qifeng, you have to think about it! If you offend our Shui family today and tear each other's faces, then in the future—"

"The old man is already standing here, Shui Tianqing, don't you naively think that the old man is just here to watch the fun?" Zongzheng Qifeng interrupted Shui Tianqing with a smile, and successfully made the latter's face look ugly for a while!

"Since the old man is here, you don't want to take this person away today." Zongzheng Qifeng said, and finally looked at Mu Qinglan.

"I've heard about you before, but I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, there is such a day!

The rest of the words were not said, but the people present knew each other well.

Mu Qinglan helplessly spread her hands.

"I can't afford to offend the two seniors, and I dare not offend the family behind me. I really don't know how to choose."

Shui Tianqing can't wait to curse!

dare not?

How could he still say that he didn't dare?

I'm afraid he has the guts to dare to do anything!

"Zongzheng Qifeng, are you determined to snatch someone from the old man?" Shui Tianqing simply withdrew his gaze and looked at Zongzheng Qifeng.

Zongzheng Qifeng laughed: "Shui Tianqing, this person is still here, so he's still not yours, right? How can he be regarded as robbing you?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Since you are determined to oppose my Shui family, don't blame me for being rude!"

After Shui Tianqing finished speaking quickly, he immediately made a move!

However, Zongzheng Qifeng took a step back and said, "Wait a minute."

"What? Are you sorry?" Shui Tianqing asked through gritted teeth.

Zongzheng Qifeng squinted his eyes and chuckled lightly.

"If you and I are fighting, wouldn't it be letting others take advantage of it for nothing?"


Shui Tianqing was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, his expression changed!

——Is there anyone else coming?

Zongzheng Qifeng had already looked in another direction, and said loudly:

"Since you're here, why don't you come out and meet?"

Shui Tianqing smiled darkly: "If you want to deceive the old man with such a trick, you can't help but—"

"Haha! People from the Zongzheng family are indeed more than one point stronger than those from the Shui family!"

A loud laugh sounded, and Shui Tianqing's expression froze instantly!

He immediately looked back, and a figure gradually appeared!

When that face appeared, he finally couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said——

"Ming, Yu!"

The person who came was none other than Elder Mingyu from Tianyan Mountain!

The man looked younger than the two of them, with a burly figure and a majestic face with Chinese characters.

He looked at Shui Tianqing and laughed.

"Long time no see, Shui Tianqing, you still haven't made any progress!"


The blue veins on Shui Tianqing's forehead popped up, as if he was about to rush up and fight in the next moment!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

After Shui Tianqing saw this depression, his reaction seemed to be a little too big... It seems that there has been hatred for a long time...

Sure enough, Ming Yu said sarcastically afterwards: "What? Am I wrong? Look at your current realm, it's still the same as five years ago, haha!"

Shui Tianqing was very annoyed, his eyes were full of extremely angry killing intent!

Mu Qinglan understood.

New and old hatred, this is rushed together.

"I, Tianyanshan, am also a little interested in this kid, Shui Tianqing, you should get out of the way first!" Ming Yu didn't hide his sarcasm, and laughed, "You are not my opponent anyway, let's continue fighting , is nothing more than self-defeating.”

How could Shui Tianqing bear this breath?

He has been brooding over the battle five years ago, and if we meet again today, it will be too late for revenge, how can he bear it?

"You are dreaming!"

Shui Tianqing sternly said: "This Mu Linghan is going to be settled by my Shui family today, if any of you want to snatch it, just come!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed towards Mu Qinglan quickly!

The corner of Mu Qinglan's lips twitched.

Before he could make a move, Ming Yu and Zongzheng Qifeng beside him had already made their moves together!

The three fight together directly!

Mu Qinglan turned her head, raised her eyebrows and smiled at them.

"Ju Jiu, help me move a chair, and by the way, get some melon seeds and fruits."

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