God Emperor

Chapter 1121 Zhang Ruochen lost his mind

Zhang Ruochen stirred up endless storms in Longding Mountain, causing the entire Qinglong Ruins world to explode. More than half of the unparalleled powerhouses on the "Half Saint List" have arrived.

A hundred years later, this group of creatures, when fully grown, will become the controllers of the Kunlun Realm and determine the pattern of the entire world.

Therefore, today's battle is not just a confrontation between the younger generation, it is actually of great significance and far-reaching decision.

Beigong Lan and Chi Wansui stood on the edge of a thousand-foot cliff, one wearing white military uniforms and the other wearing golden holy armor, frightening away the wild beasts and undead in this area.

Bei Gonglan has a transcendent temperament and has the style of a peerless female swordsman. She said: "I have long expected that before fighting for the world soul, there will be an earth-shattering collision between humans and beasts. I originally thought that the leader would be the standing master. and the Sky-Devouring Demonic Dragon, but I didn’t expect it to be Zhang Ruochen.”

Chi Wansui's eyebrows were thick, his nose was like a gallbladder, and his eyes showed a solemn look. He said: "Today, Zhang Ruochen is a little abnormal. He has a murderous aura on his body. Could it be that he is really possessed by the practice of Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm?"

Bei Gonglan's dark eyebrows frowned slightly, giving rise to a trace of worry.

She didn't have much interaction with Zhang Ruochen, and they didn't exchange more than three sentences with each other. However, Zhang Ruochen left a deep impression on her.

Whether it was at Jieziyan or Yingsha City, Zhang Ruochen always stepped forward at the most critical moment of the human race and fought with all his strength. He not only defended the dignity of the human race, but also saved many elites of the human race.

However, this person is very withdrawn. No matter what great deeds he has done, he will immediately retreat. He does not care about what others think of him, nor does he accept the gratitude of others.

When meeting such people, it is difficult not to leave a deep impression on them.

In general, Bei Gonglan still has a good impression of Zhang Ruochen, saying: "Fairy Suzaku, Prince Kun, and King Bi'an have all appeared. In addition, there are at least some ancient relics standing in the rain. More than ten. Regardless of whether Zhang Ruochen is possessed or not, we can't just sit back and watch, right?"

Chi Wansui's eyes narrowed and he said: "Xue Wuye and Master Lidi have rushed to Longding Mountain, probably to confirm Zhang Ruochen's condition. If Zhang Ruochen is not possessed, it will not be too late for us to decide whether to take action."

Chi Wansui and Zhang Ruochen did have some grievances, but in the face of the threat from the beasts, he could temporarily put aside those grievances and speak out unanimously.

"What if Zhang Ruochen really went crazy?" Bei Gonglan asked.

Chi Wansui stared in the direction of Longding Mountain and remained silent.

If Zhang Ruochen really goes crazy, he will undoubtedly be the second Death Zen ancestor. Let him grow up, which will be a huge disaster for the human race. That kind of harm is even greater than that of the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Dragon.

If he can be killed now, he must be killed.

Although it is cruel, it must be done. At least in the future, fewer people will die.

Unless someone has a deep friendship with him and is willing to pay any price until death, perhaps they will continue to support him unswervingly and stand on the same front with him.

How many such people are there?

Even close relatives may not be able to do it.

Xue Wuye and Master Lidi have arrived at the foot of Longding Mountain and are climbing up.

Facing the two most powerful humans under the Holy Realm, those sixth-level savage beasts did not dare to block their way, and retreated like the tide, leaving two paths open.

Fairy Suzaku, the Kun royal family, and King Biyan seemed to know the purpose of Xue Wuye and Master Lidi, so they were not in a hurry to take action.

"What are Xue Wuye and Master Lidi doing climbing? Could it be that they were really instigated by Feng Yinchan and wanted to compete with Zhang Ruochen?" Mu Lingxi was quite nervous and worried.

Now, Zhang Ruochen is already surrounded by enemies. If Xue Wuye and Master Lidi attack him again, it will be even worse.

Qi Feiyu stood next to Mu Lingxi, her eyes watery, and said: "Junior Sister Mu, you are confused if you care. Do you think that Xue Wuye and Master Lidi are so easy to be exploited? They should be Go check Zhang Ruochen’s status so you can make next steps.”

"What's your next plan?" Mu Lingxi's heart was indeed in chaos and she had lost her former intelligence and wit.

Qi Feiyu remained silent with complicated eyes.

Another demon sect saint, Lan Caisang, showed a smile and said: "If Zhang Ruochen has not gone crazy and still maintains his sense, then Xue Wuye and Master Lidi should help him, even if it is No matter how many strong men come from the barbarian tribes, they can't be scared away."

Mu Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief. With Xue Wuye and Master Lidi taking action, other strong human beings would definitely join in. Regardless of the outcome of the final battle, the crisis encountered by Zhang Ruochen could be temporarily resolved.

Lan Caisang changed the subject and added: "If Zhang Ruochen really goes crazy, his temperament changes drastically, and he turns into a murderous demon. Then, Xue Wuye and Master Lidi... probably won't personally suppress him, but But he will leave Longding Mountain.”

Qi Feiyu added, "This is something you can't do anything about. You should look away. Since ancient times, I don't know how many outstanding people have practiced uncontrollably and crazily. As a result, their reason cannot control the power of expansion, and they eventually embark on an unstoppable path. The way back.”

The so-called "obsession" does not mean entering the devil's way, but losing one's reason. He is no longer a normal human being, no longer thinks about problems in a normal way, or he only knows how to kill, or he only knows how to destroy everything around him. Or do something extreme.

"Impossible. Zhang Ruochen has always been a very rational person with a very strong mental power. How could he go crazy?" Mu Lingxi shook his head vigorously, not believing what they said.

Lan Caisang smiled slightly: "Zhang Ruochen didn't behave like a rational person today."

Qi Feiyu shook her head gently and said: "Actually, Zhang Ruochen is indeed very different from before. The anger in his body is too strong, which is not like his character."

Ouyang Huan sat in a wheelchair and said: "He is oppressed too hard by the Queen, the Ministry of War, the Undead Blood Clan, the Black Market Yipintang, the Ancient Ghost Raising Clan, the Ancient Corpse Exorcism Clan, etc. He must go all out to improve his cultivation. ”

"His cultivation is indeed improving rapidly, leaving monks of his generation far behind. However, such a speed of improvement will definitely lead to some hidden dangers."

"Some time ago, when his cultivation level was far from what it is now, he dared to fight against nineteen beast kings and challenge the Qingtian tribe alone. This shows that his character is already expanding."

"Even if Zhang Ruochen goes crazy, I don't think it's anything strange."

Ouyang Huan's analysis was not unreasonable. Even though Mu Lingxi believed in Zhang Ruochen's character, he was still a little shaken and became even more worried.

Xue Wuye held an oil-paper umbrella and walked on the mountain road littered with corpses. He looked elegant and spotless. He didn't stop until he reached the mountainside.

The standing monk was tall and mighty, carrying a huge knife box on his back. He climbed the mountain from another direction and reached the mountainside.

"Amitabha! Donor Zhang, we are separated from each other in Xuanwu Ruins, and we meet again!"

The standing monk clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face, but with a strong air. He didn't look like a monk, but more like a butcher.

The corners of Xue Wuye's mouth turned up and he said, "Brother Zhang, I didn't enjoy the last time I drank. Do we want to drink again?"

Zhang Ruochen naturally knew the purpose of Monk Lidi and Xue Wuye coming, but the sacrifices required for the sacrificial ceremony were far from enough.

Now, if we join forces with Monk Lidi and Xue Wuye to force the beasts to retreat, wouldn't they fail in their efforts?

Secondly, even if the beast tribe is not afraid of losing both sides and insists on killing Zhang Ruochen, it will only lead to a large-scale battle between the human race and the beast tribe.

By then, there will definitely be countless casualties.

If in the end, those human monks knew that Zhang Ruochen's purpose was to refine the holy elixir and seek personal gain, wouldn't they hate Zhang Ruochen instead?

In any case, at this stage, Zhang Ruochen cannot reveal his true purpose.

Not only to refine the holy elixir, but also to attract more enemies and use this opportunity to get rid of them.

Just now, Xiao Hei had sent a message to Zhang Ruochen that the altar had been repaired and completed, and as long as enough sacrifices were accumulated, the sacrifices could begin.

Zhang Ruochen's eyes darkened, and there were bloodshot eyes. With an arrogant attitude, he glanced at the two people opposite him and said, "Do you also want to challenge me?"

The Lidi monk and Xue Wuye looked at each other, and at the same time saw a hint of worry in the other's eyes, and shook their heads gently.

Monk Lidi was a little unwilling. After all, he also had some friendship with Zhang Ruochen, and continued: "Donor Zhang, if you can trust this poor monk, go to the Brahma Way with this poor monk..."

"Bald Donkey, you talk too much nonsense!"

Zhang Ruochen grabbed Shen Yuan's ancient sword and directly used Sword Five, turning it into a stream of sword energy and flying towards the standing monk.

The Buddha-slaughter knife on Monk Lidi's back made a sound and flew up automatically, along with the knife case, lying in front of him.


Shen Yuan's ancient sword shattered the knife box and collided with the blade of the Massacre Buddha Knife.

The standing monk stepped back dozens of feet, his feet lifted off the ground, and flew into the air before gradually dissolving the kendo power.

Huang Yanchen knew Zhang Ruochen's purpose, so he stood up and advised: "You two should leave quickly, otherwise, he will kill you together."

Monk Lidi and Xue Wuye felt very sorry, but they were helpless.

At that time, all the Buddhist and Taoist monks who wanted to persuade the dead Zen ancestor to "turn around and make peace" were all killed, and no one survived. Now, who dares to persuade Zhang Ruochen?

Xue Wuye looked at Huang Yanchen and said, "Aren't you leaving?"

"I am his wife. Wherever he is, I will be." Huang Yanchen replied.

Monk Lidi and Xue Wuye finally left and walked down Longding Mountain.

In the rain curtain, Feng Yinchan showed a cheerful smile, "Zhang Ruochen! Zhang Ruochen! I never thought that you have really gone crazy. Is there any place for you in this world?"

Mu Lingxi felt despair in her heart, feeling stinging pain, and hated Queen Chi Yao to the extreme. If it weren't for her oppression, how could she defeat someone with such strong willpower as Zhang Ruochen?

A Le's five fingers clenched the hilt of the sword, and his eyes stared straight ahead. His pupils became a little hollow, and it took a long time for him to recover again.

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