God Emperor

Chapter 1122 Land Becomes Sea

Among the human monks, many were feeling sorry, while many were smiling cheerfully.

"Hey! Zhang Ruochen..."

Wan Huayu sighed, not knowing what to say and feeling a little guilty in her heart.

Because her father was also one of the powerful people who oppressed Zhang Ruochen. Although he was ordered by the Queen to do so, he still had some responsibilities.

Zhang Ruochen was such an outstanding human talent, but because he went crazy while practicing martial arts, he was abandoned by all humans. They could only watch helplessly as he was besieged by wild beasts and eventually died.

As long as human beings have some conscience, it is actually difficult to let go and feel cruel.

Kong Hongbi shook his head slightly and showed a sarcastic smile: "I originally regarded him as an opponent, but I didn't expect that his willpower was so weak. Before I could take action, he defeated me first."

The rain poured down, making a rustling sound on the ground and splashing mist.

The prince of the Kun clan was flying below the clouds, with lightning bolts flying around his body. He smiled and said, "The so-called descendants of time and space are nothing more than that. If I hadn't wanted to find out what the ancient relics of Longding Mountain were, , I don’t even bother to fight with you.”

On the top of Longding Mountain, Xiao Hei arranged an illusion array in advance to cover the altar, so as not to let other creatures notice their true purpose in advance.

Therefore, outsiders did not know what Zhang Ruochen was digging in Longding Mountain, and they only thought that an incredible treasure had been discovered.

When the prince of the Kun clan saw that Zhang Ruochen was really going crazy with his martial arts, he became a little more contemptuous and took the lead in attacking.

Its wings spread out like two red clouds, covering the sky. Above the wings, two blue lakes condensed.

Those "waters" are not ordinary water, they are heavy water condensed by using martial arts and holy soul to mobilize the rules of water in heaven and earth.

As long as the Kun prince is willing, not to mention two lakes, even two seas can be condensed.


As the prince of the Kun clan flapped his wings, the heavy water in the two lakes fell from the sky and turned into two water pillars, rushing towards Longding Mountain.

"I'll fight you."

Sun Dadi was radiating blazing flames. He stood on the top of the mountain and swung the iron rod out, trying to break up the two water pillars.

However, the two water pillars contained very terrifying power. Just as Sun Dadi collided with them, he instantly vomited blood and flew backwards quickly. With a bang, he crashed into the mountain of Longding Mountain. I don’t know if I am alive or dead.



If any monk comes into contact with the two water pillars, they will explode instantly and turn into a cloud of blood mist.

In just an instant, three of the five ninth-level half-saints from the Murong family had fallen. Their bodies exploded into blood powder, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

The Kun prince's combat power was terrifying to the extreme, much more powerful than some of the lower realm saints Zhang Ruochen had ever seen.

Zhang Ruochen immediately took action and used Luo Shui Boxing, intending to use water to defeat water.

Zhang Ruochen made fist seals with his hands, and a huge amount of holy energy surged out of his body, condensing into a sky river with blue waves thousands of miles above his head.

"The first form of Luoshui Boxing, Tianhe division of labor."

The Milky Way formed by the fist seals surged towards the two water columns, colliding together and immediately making a roaring sound.

Thousands of feet high in the air, where the two forces collided with each other, it was like the sky was shattered, forming a huge waterfall that dropped to the ground.

"The second form of Luoshui Boxing, nine bends and nine turns."

"The third form of Luoshui Boxing, cross the path of heaven."

Zhang Ruochen has merged the memories of two lives. In the two lives in "Seven Lives and Seven Deaths", he has practiced Luoshui Boxing to an extremely high level.

Zhang Ruochen's attainments in Luo Shui Boxing can be said to be the first among those under Luo Xu.

Zhang Ruochen continued to perform the thirty-six moves of Luoshui Fist, and he was on par with the Kun prince. The burst of power fluctuations made all the creatures present feel frightened.

Half an hour later, the area where Longding Mountain was located turned into an ocean, and the water level continued to rise, turning the huge mountain into an isolated island.

Fortunately, all the creatures left in the Qinglong Ruins were at the semi-saint level and could fly. They were not submerged and flew on the water, looking at the Kun prince and Zhang Ruochen who were fighting with awe.

The prince of the Kun clan has a huge body, more than 10,000 meters long, exuding the aura of the ancient times. Thunder and lightning surged out from the fish scales, making a chirping sound, and spread towards Zhang Ruochen along the two water pillars.

Zhang Ruochen flew up from the top of Longding Mountain and launched an attack. The huge shadows of the green dragon and the green elephant appeared in his arms. He made a fist seal and collided head-on with the two water pillars.

"Prince Kun and Zhang Ruochen really haven't reached the holy realm? Why do you feel that they are more powerful than my master." A ninth-level half-saint from the human race felt horrified.

Wan Huayu stood on the water, a pair of gorgeous fire phoenix wings fully unfolded, a little worried: "Zhang Ruochen first activated the three thousand inscriptions in Shen Yuan's ancient sword, and now he consumed a lot of holy energy to fight with the Kun prince. How much holy energy is left?"

Generally speaking, only the quality and quantity of holy energy of a lower-level saint can barely support three thousand inscriptions.

Zhang Ruochen was only at the eighth level of semi-saint realm, but he was able to activate three thousand inscription patterns and burst out a thousand patterns of destructive power, which was already quite remarkable.

Many living beings are guessing that Zhang Ruochen is probably close to exhaustion.

At the other end, Xiao Hei took out the alchemy furnace and placed it in the center of the altar. Then, he sent a message to everyone, "The emperor is now going to use a hidden method to hide the mystery and start the sacrificial ceremony. Everyone must speed up and prepare more. Sacrifice. Without taking the Holy Pill, it would be difficult for us to resolve the crisis today."


Immediately, the top of Longding Mountain emitted seven-colored light, and in the center of the light, the shadow of a green dragon appeared.

In an instant, a strong fragrance emitted, filling the space between heaven and earth.

All of this was naturally manifested by Xiao Hei using the illusion array to confuse the creatures present and cover up the facts, making them think that an ancient relic was really born.

Although Xiao Hei is indeed very unreliable in many cases, after all, he is an old antique who has lived from the Middle Ages to the present. The methods he has used are more brilliant than some of the great masters of formations, and he is enough to hide the truth.

Sure enough, the vision manifested in Longding Mountain caused a huge shock.

"The ancient treasure buried in Longding Mountain is about to be revealed."

"What kind of incredible treasure did Zhang Ruochen dig up that caused such a huge phenomenon?"

While fighting with Zhang Ruochen, the prince of the Kun clan shouted loudly: "The beasts in the waters obeyed the order and immediately attacked Longding Mountain. No matter what, they must seize the ancient treasure."

The water beasts were dispatched on a large scale, including dozens of beast kings, as well as some ancient relics on the "Half Saint List".

A giant turtle, with a body of a thousand feet long, was swimming in the water, carrying an emerald green mountain on its back, and crashed into Longding Mountain.

Juao itself is an ancient relic, ranking 20th on the "Half Saint List".

Its ancestors left many legends in the ancient times. They were no weaker than Hun Kun and Suzaku, and were definitely overlord-level existences.

There are eight figures standing on the back of the giant turtle. They are all ancient relics, but they have changed into human forms. The men are handsome and the women are beautiful. They are all strong beasts on the "Half Saint List" .

It was impossible for Huang Yanchen, Princess Bai Li and others to block such a large-scale attack. Zhang Ruochen had to withdraw from the battle in advance and return to Longding Mountain.

"Where to go?"

The prince of the Kun clan pursued forward, his golden pupils glowing with fire. Immediately afterwards, two thick beams of light shot out of the pupils.

Zhang Ruochen grabbed Shen Yuan's ancient sword, activated the three thousand inscriptions in the sword body as quickly as possible, and slashed at the Kun prince.


The sword energy hit the Kun prince's left wing, leaving a sword mark a hundred meters long, and only missed the wing by a hair.

The blood in the Kun prince's body flowed downward like a waterfall, dyeing the water below red.

You know, the prince of the Kun clan has been traversing the sea since he was born, and no living being can rival him.

Today, Zhang Ruochen broke its invincible record and injured it.

Moreover, there were so many creatures present, all of whom were elites from various races. For the prince of the Kun clan, it was quite embarrassing.


On the body of Shen Yuan's ancient sword, three thousand inscriptions appeared again, turning into a black giant sword, hanging in the air, slashing towards the giant turtle.

On the back of the giant turtle.

Halfway up Lingshan Mountain, an ancient relic transformed into a young man, holding a feather fan, smiled faintly: "Isn't it just a sword, can it sweep the world? Unless it is the Void Sword of the Thousand Bone Empress, Chi Yao The Queen’s Blood-Drying Sword is pretty much the same.”

Of course, the eight ancient relics in human form did not underestimate Zhang Ruochen. They each shot out a pillar of holy energy and joined together to inject it into an ancestral weapon.

That ancestral weapon was by no means an ordinary war weapon. It was a dark purple war hammer with the mark of an ancient beast branded on the surface of the battle flag.

The warhammer quickly rose into the air, with three thousand inscriptions emerging, exuding a powerful barbaric ancient power that could compete with the thousands of destructive power emitted by Shen Yuan's ancient sword.


Finally, the war hammer and Shen Yuan's ancient sword collided together, and the energy formed caused waves of water tens of meters high.

The force of the counter-shock caused the blood in Zhang Ruochen's body to surge, and he flew backwards, collapsing a cliff and burying him under the falling boulder.

Of course, with this blow, Zhang Ruochen also succeeded in knocking the giant turtle backwards, more than ten miles away.

The eight ancient relics also all took a few steps back.

The sword energy emitted by Shen Yuan's ancient sword left some small tears on their clothes.


Zhang Ruochen walked out of the rubble. Apart from looking slightly embarrassed, he was not injured. He used his powerful body to withstand the attacks of eight ancient relics.

Zhang Ruochen raised his head and looked around, looking at the eighteen ancestral artifacts suspended in mid-air.

The eighteen ancestral weapons are controlled by the eighteen beast kings, who are responsible for immobilizing the space and preventing him from using space-breaking methods.

It can be said that no matter Zhang Ruochen's contest with the Kun prince or his confrontation with the eight ancient relics, it was not a fair fight.

Because he was suppressed by the eighteen ancestral weapons and could not give it a try.

"I must first kill the eighteen beast kings and break the space blockade before I can take the initiative." Zhang Ruochen thought to himself.

The voice of the Holy Flower came into Zhang Ruochen's mind, "I have passed the flowering period and produced fruits, and now I urgently need nutrients to promote the maturity of the fruits. Leave those eighteen beast kings to me, and take care of them by the way." Absorb all the energy to help me reach a higher state.”

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