God is Coming

Chapter 797

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Xu Bingyan didn't move for a long time, and the officer asked cautiously: "Xu Shuai, how...how to deal with this?"

Xu Bingyan put down the report and said, "How can such a military achievement be dealt with? The Special Operations Department sent the report to me. On the surface, it was respectful, but in fact it was to express dissatisfaction. If there is any mistake in the future, then everyone will be stigmatized." It's all mine, and I can't escape the charge of suppressing the backward and acting recklessly."

He paused, then sighed softly, and said: "Unexpectedly, Weiming met Bilinde's fleet and had a fight for no reason, but let that little guy take advantage of it. It's a pity that Weiming is a great talent, Just go."

The officer listened quietly by the side, not daring to answer.

Xu Bingyan weighed the light screen and said: "This is equivalent to the military exploits of 8 heavy cruisers. Whether it is picked up or stolen, it is always his ability to get it. Since he dares to report it, then give it to him." .”

The officer was taken aback, and said: "Isn't this even more powerful? Marshal, this is not acceptable!"

Xu Bingyan said: "No? How can it be considered okay? Let the Special Operations Department push this matter back? They are waiting for us to do so."

The officer said: "Even if you have a reputation for reckless behavior, you can't let this matter go! If you force it, they will have to think twice about doing similar things in the future. After all, it can be said that those who don't know are not guilty the first time. If you do this the second time, it will be blatantly difficult for you. No matter what you do at that time, my lord, you will fight back, and no one can say anything. So as long as you press back this time, I hope the Special Operations Department will never dare to What a trick."

Xu Bingyan smiled and said: "Do you think I'm afraid of bearing this bad name? As long as we keep winning, even if we act recklessly, who can do anything to me?"

The officer was startled, and said, "Why is that?"

Xu Bingyan's smile turned cold, and he said: "Although the Special Operations Department has strength, it is actually a mess. If it is suppressed hard, they will unite as one, but if they only attack those who dare to spoil my affairs secretly, other People will at least stand by and watch, and most of them will switch to my sect. This time I will let this step aside for the time being, if there are any more people who don't know how to advance or retreat, they will be cleaned up together!"

The officer thought for a while and said, "They don't think that we are afraid of them, so they will give in?"

Xu Bingyan said lightly: "Forgive them for not being so ignorant."

The officer was about to leave, but Xu Bingyan called him, thought for a while, and said, "Tell his family about the unknown death, and don't hide anything."

"However, General Liu's body has not survived..."

"Let's just say that, we have to face it."

Seeing that Xu Bingyan's eyes fell on the star map again, the officer quietly left the command room.

As soon as Chu Jungui returned to Planet 4, he received two messages. One was that the second-order agent had approved and his authority had been updated, and a list of items that could be exchanged or purchased was attached to the message. The content was as many as Tens of thousands of items. Mr. Chu scanned it consciously, and it took a few minutes to finish it.

Sure enough, the list includes a large main brain. Although it is not particularly advanced, it is at least a model within the last 50 years, and there is no generation difference with mainstream products. The computing power of such a large mastermind is equivalent to 5,000 Cambrian units, and one unit can meet all the needs of a heavy cruiser.

The exchange price of each large mastermind is 100 million. Chu Jungui now has a lot of money and a lot of technology to research, so he waved his hand and ordered 100 units first.

Then he took a fancy to the manufacturing technology blueprint of the space torpedo. Such a blueprint is the technology of the dynasty 50 years ago, and there is a generation gap between the most advanced space torpedoes at present, but the performance is also quite good, not as good as the federal standard space torpedoes. how much difference.

Space torpedoes are strategic materials, which are consumables for war. Chu Jungui wants this blueprint for his own use, and secondly, if he produces any surplus, he can sell it to the Dynasty. The Dynasty is now completely open to purchase. In addition, this blueprint also contains the recipe for Pillar Dynamite.

Crystal pillar explosives use a large amount of energy to condense raw materials into unstable crystals containing energy. When triggered, violent energy will be released. Because a small amount of matter is annihilated during the process, the power is extremely terrifying. Compared with the biomass explosives currently used by Chu Jungui several times higher. This is also the material purchased by the Dynasty, which is just suitable for light-year production.

With a mastermind and a blueprint, Chu Jungui immediately felt that the second-tier agents were worthwhile, and he was still not satisfied, so he immediately set his sights on the starship engine. The engines open to second-tier agents are only finished products, limited to light cruisers, and the technical level is also limited to 50 years. These engines are suitable for Chu Jungui's needs and can be installed on the Titan as propulsion engines.

There are 200 million light patrol engines, and Chu Jungui waved his big hand again...

While watching it happily, suddenly a red alert popped up on the account, and Chu Jungui took a look and found that he had spent 40 billion before he knew it! There is only so much cash in stock in light years, and I thought it would take forever to spend, but I didn't expect that the effort of moving my fingers would bottom out!

Chu Jungui was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help feeling that things like shopping carts are much more terrifying than the enemy's heavy patrols.

Feelings are emotions, things that should be bought still have to be bought. When these tens of billions are spent, Light Years will completely walk out of the planet, step into deep space, and advance from the first planetary tyrant to the galaxy tycoon. In this N7703 galaxy, it has been flying sideways since then.

The second news was the routinely sent federal capital market quotes. Chu Jungui casually glanced at the companies he was concerned about, and unexpectedly found that the stock price of Boston Credit was still hovering around 29.

There was also a notice sent along with the market, informing Chu Jungui that there were only 12 hours left before replenishing the margin. If there was no replenishment by then, Chu Jungui would be forcibly liquidated.

Originally, it didn't matter whether the stock price of Boston Credit was high or low, Chu Jungui didn't care, anyway, he could get 3 yuan sooner or later. But now that this notice was added, Chu Jungui immediately felt deeply offended.

After thinking about it, he chose the easiest way to deal with it first, and sent a message to Henry, requesting that the time limit for closing positions be postponed. As long as there is no forced liquidation, Chu Jungui doesn't care what the current share price of Boston Credit is. The news of Murphy Shipping still needs to be fermented, and the news of the sinking of the Billind fleet has not yet been made public. The real insider must be moving quietly, and it will take some time for the market to react.

After a while, Henry replied: No.

Chu Jungui's eyes showed a chill, it seems that Jane is still ruthless, and she insists on forcing him to make a move! It just so happens that Chu Jungui still has many means.

At the same moment, Kun was standing a little casually, listening to the teachings of a somewhat dignified middle-aged man in front of him. After the man explained a lot of truths, Fang said: "This 3 billion is the last support from your family. If you want more, you have to exchange your achievements! Let me ask one more question, where are you going to use this money?" ?”

Kun smiled slightly, and said, "I've used it to go short, 30 yuan, the price is really good."

The middle-aged man's face turned ugly for a moment, and he said bitterly that he was not doing his job properly, and cut off the communication.

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