God is Coming

Chapter 796: Military Merit

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Chitong read a military report no less than seven or eight times over and over again. The woman quietly appeared and asked, "Is there anything difficult to decide?"

"Just look at it and you'll know." Chitong also sent a copy of the military exploit report to the woman.

The woman watched carefully, and the report was detailed and solid. Each base had sufficient evidence of the extent of the damage, and many of the evidence were direct images. As for the starship part, most of them even listed the unique codes of the masterminds of the starships, and the few that did not give the codes had images to prove their damage.

After reading it, the woman closed her eyes, and said after a while: "I have confirmed with the Federation that these starships will indeed be included in the loss list in the near future. These military achievements are real."

"Of course it's true, that's why I'm in trouble."

With a wave of Chitong's hand, images of 3 bases and many starships appeared in front of him, hovering in front of them. After looking at it for a while, Fang Fang sighed and said: "Before I built a mobile base, the hardest and most glorious battle was nothing more than that, and I fought with the enemy for more than two months. That day I have always been proud of Zhan, but I never thought that a young man can show so many military achievements casually."

The woman smiled and said: "You have already retired to the second line, and most of the fleet in your hand has been sold, so don't compete with young people for a while."

Chi Tong looked around, with a complicated expression, and said, "Yes, it is enough for me to provide them with good support and services. When I decided to sell most of the fleet to build a mobile base, many people praised me for being far-sighted and dedicated to the agency business. Another cornerstone. In fact, they don’t know. I’m tired and scared. After fighting for so many years, watching my friends die one after another, I can’t help but wonder, when will I It was my turn. Finally one day, I couldn’t hold on anymore, so I made up my mind. I was actually running away.”

The woman said: "No matter what you think, the role of mobile bases on agents is huge and irreplaceable. The entire dynasty has only 12 mobile bases so far. When your mobile base was built, it was a big event , How many people came to congratulate, have you forgotten? Each mobile base can provide support for more than a dozen surrounding star fields. It can be said that with one more mobile base, dozens or even hundreds of agents can be added Over the years, there have been at least 30 agents who have gone out from you, isn't he one of them?"

Chitong smiled wryly, and said, "Do you mean to say that I should also be responsible for these military achievements?"


"But I didn't actually give him much help."

"Then give it now, before it's too late!" The woman looked at Chitong with clear eyes.

Chitong suddenly didn't dare to look at the woman's eyes, looked away, and said in a deep thought: "I know you will say that, but..."

"But what?" the woman asked.

Chi Tong had no choice but to smile wryly and said: "It's not that you don't know, Chu Jungui got into that person's eyes for some reason, so now the higher-ups are very cautious, and all his military achievements are frozen. Like this military achievement..."

"If such a military achievement is reported, can they still turn a blind eye?"

Chitong smiled wryly, "So it's best not to report such a military achievement."

"What happens if I report it?"

"Do I still need to explain this? Well, let me explain. Reporting it is equivalent to kicking the ball to the higher-ups. Although the higher-ups will deal with it, they must hold grudges in their hearts."

The woman said indifferently: "Why should this person and that person hide their heads and show their tails? What else do I need to hide? Let's be honest, is it true that as long as there is Xu Bingyan, the dynasty will be able to rule the world? If so, why not all of you Retire."

"You can't say that..."

"I think that's what it means! Xu Bingyan is everywhere, he can promote whoever he wants, and suppress whoever he wants to suppress! Are those people above the dynasty's generals, or Xu Bingyan's dogs?"

Chi Tong sighed: "Xu Shuai is soaring into the sky, and his rising momentum is the same for a while. Since the second battle of the longitudinal line started, he has won four battles and four victories, and he has defeated the superior enemy army. If he wins this battle again, It is almost certain that Xu Shuai will sit on the highest position in the army. Under such circumstances, who can ignore his request?"

"Then what are you going to do?" The woman stared at Chi Tong.

Chi Tong finally looked at the woman, with a smile slowly showing on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Me? I'm just a second-line agent who is used to doing things according to the rules. The rules in the army are that meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished. Of course I will send this report."

The woman was startled, she didn't know what to say for a while, and said after a while: "It doesn't matter, if Xu Bingyan wants to take revenge, I will stand with you!"

"Our agent is semi-independent. No matter how powerful Xu Bingyan is, he can't control me. Don't worry!"

The military merit report was turned into a data stream, passed through multiple wormholes, spanned hundreds of light years, and finally arrived at the headquarters of the Special Operations Division. The person who received the report was a young lieutenant colonel. After seeing the report, he was startled. He read it carefully several times, hurried out of the office, went straight upstairs, entered the office of a major general, and silently Send the report up.

The major general took a look, his face changed suddenly, and he said angrily: "This red pupil! It's just nonsense!"

The lieutenant colonel echoed: "Yes, Lord Chitong was very far-sighted, why can't he even see this situation clearly? Isn't this adding to our confusion!"

The major general thought for a while and said, "Who else has read this report?"

"No one, I will report as soon as I get it."

"Very well. Is it possible that we have not received a report?" the major general asked.

The lieutenant colonel said helplessly: "I'm afraid it won't work. The declaration of military merit is an important level of document, and the receiving and sending are automatically recorded by the mastermind. If you want to delete these records, I'm afraid your authority is not enough. Even if you delete our records here, You can’t delete the records on the backup mastermind either.”

The major general sighed, and said, "What a headache. Don't tell anyone about this matter. I'll report it to the higher-ups first, and let's see how the higher-ups make a decision!"

The lieutenant colonel hesitated for a moment, then Fang said: "General, I think there is one thing that needs to be guarded against. If Lord Chitong announces this matter, we will not reward us for our merits, and the pressure of public opinion will be great at that time."

The major general looked ugly, and said slowly: "Even if he wanted to do that, he wouldn't do it so fast. It wouldn't be a problem if it took a few days."

When the lieutenant colonel left the office, the major general hurried out and walked to the upper floor.

Far ahead, Xu Bingyan was standing in front of the star map, looking at the battlefield star map with tens of thousands of markings. At this time, the door slid open quietly, and a staff officer walked in lightly, saying, "My lord, there is news from the Special Operations Division."

Xu Bingyan finally withdrew her gaze, took the light screen, and read it carefully, without any expression on her face.

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